


高加索人種(英語:Caucasian race, Caucasoid),[1]或稱歐羅巴人種(英語:Europid, Europoid),是歷史上被認為是一個過時的生物分類階元[2]人種劃分,主要分佈在歐洲北非非洲之角西亞中亞南亞北美北亞南美大洋洲[3]這個術語在體質人類學中用於來自這些地域的很多人群,與人類膚色沒有必然性關聯。[4]高加索人種的種族主要有雅利安人種閃米特人種含米特人種,還包括烏拉爾語系民族等。


布盧門巴赫的五大類人種。從左至右依次為:1.Tungusae(蒙古人種),2. Caribaei(美洲人種),3. Feminae Georgianae(高加索人種),4. O-taheitae(馬來人種),5. Aethiopissae(非洲人種)。

高加索人種的概念最早由德國學者克里斯托夫·邁納斯英語Christoph Meiners在1785年著《The Outline of History of Mankind》中提出,他將人類分為「高加索人種」和「蒙古人種」,他認為南高加索地區(格魯吉亞亞美尼亞)的人可作為歐洲人群的原型。



洛斯羅普·斯托達德在《有色人種與世界最優白人對立的上升趨勢英語The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy》(1920年)中繪製的全球人種圖,其中紅色區域標示白色人種







人類學家卡爾頓·庫恩英語Carleton S. Coon於1953年對高加索人種的分類[10]




Y染色體單倍型類群在歐洲的分佈。 Y染色體單倍型類群I的分佈。


Y染色體單倍型類群R1b的分佈。 Y染色體單倍型類群R1a1的分佈。


Y染色體單倍型類群J的分佈。 Y染色體單倍型類群L的分佈。

高加索,有密集出現的Y染色體單倍型類群G。在巴爾幹半島,有密集出現的Y染色體單倍型類群E1b1b1(有稱E3b)。位於巴爾幹地區的科索沃(超過45%)、阿爾巴尼亞黑山(均為 27%)、保加利亞(23%)為歐洲分佈最密集出現E1b1b1的地方,E1b1b1主要出現在北非東非黎凡特環地中海地區。[20]芬蘭人立陶宛人中,有密集出現的Y染色體單倍型類群H

Y染色體單倍型類群G的分佈。 Y染色體單倍型類群E1b1b1a2的分佈。 Y染色體單倍型類群H的分佈。



  1. ^ For a contrast with the "Mongolic" or Mongoloid race, see footnote #4 of page 58–59 in Beckwith, Christopher. (2009). Empires of the Silk Road: A History of Central Eurasia from the Bronze Age to the Present. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-13589-2.
  2. ^ Sankar, Pamela. MEDLINE definitions of race and ethnicity and their application to genetic research. Nature Genetics. June 2003, 34 (2): 119 [2020-09-01]. ISSN 1546-1718. PMID 12776106. S2CID 8927634. doi:10.1038/ng0603-119. (原始內容存檔於2021-03-10) (英語). 
  3. ^ Coon, Carleton Stevens. The Races of Europe. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1939: 400–401. This third racial zone stretches from Spain across the Straits of Gibraltar to Morocco, and thence along the southern Mediterranean shores into Arabia, East Africa, Mesopotamia, and the Persian highlands; and across Afghanistan into India[...] The Mediterranean racial zone stretches unbroken from Spain across the Straits of Gibraltar to Morocco, and thence eastward to India[...] A branch of it extends far southward on both sides of the Red Sea into southern Arabia, the Ethiopian highlands, and the Horn of Africa. 
  4. ^ Grolier Incorporated, Encyclopedia Americana, Volume 6, (Grolier Incorporated, 2001), p.85
  5. ^ Reinhard, K.J., & Hastings, D. (Annual 2003) Learning from the ancestors: the value of skeletal study.(study of ancestors of Omaha Tribe of Nebraska). In American Journal of Physical Anthropology, p177(1).
  6. ^ O'Neil, Dennis. "Biological Anthropology Terms." 2006. May 13, 2007. Palomar College.存档副本. [2007-05-14]. (原始內容存檔於2007-06-12). 
  7. ^ Definition of Caucasian in English. [2014-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-18). 
  8. ^ Europe | History, Countries, Map, & Facts | Britannica. www.britannica.com. [2022-07-19]. (原始內容存檔於2019-03-30) (英語). 
  9. ^ NOVA Online | Mystery of the First Americans | A proponent's perspective. www.pbs.org. [2022-07-19]. (原始內容存檔於2021-11-04). 
  10. ^ Beals, Ralph L.; Hoijer, Harry. An Introduction to Anthropology. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1953. 
  11. ^ Listed according to: Nida, Eugene Albert. Customs and Cultures: Anthropology for Christian Missions需要免費註冊. New York: Harper and Brothers. 1954: 283. 
  12. ^ Pakstis, Andrew J.; Gurkan, Cemal; Dogan, Mustafa; Balkaya, Hasan Emin; Dogan, Serkan; Neophytou, Pavlos I.; Cherni, Lotfi; Boussetta, Sami; Khodjet-El-Khil, Houssein; Ben Ammar ElGaaied, Amel; Salvo, Nina Mjølsnes. Genetic relationships of European, Mediterranean, and SW Asian populations using a panel of 55 AISNPs. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2019-12, 27 (12) [2022-07-19]. ISSN 1018-4813. PMC 6871633可免費查閱. PMID 31285530. doi:10.1038/s41431-019-0466-6. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-26) (英語). 
  13. ^ Rootsi, Siiri; Kivisild, Toomas; Benuzzi, Giorgia; Help, Hela; Bermisheva, Marina; Kutuev, Ildus; Barać, Lovorka; Peričić, Marijana; Balanovsky, Oleg; Pshenichnov, Andrey; Dion, Daniel. Phylogeography of Y-Chromosome Haplogroup I Reveals Distinct Domains of Prehistoric Gene Flow in Europe. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 2004-07, 75 (1) [2022-07-19]. PMC 1181996可免費查閱. PMID 15162323. doi:10.1086/422196. (原始內容存檔於2022-06-29) (英語). 
  14. ^ Genographic Project of National Geographic[失效連結]
  15. ^ "New Phylogenetic Relationships for Y-chromosome Haplogroup I: Reappraising its Phylogeography and Prehistory," Rethinking the Human Evolution, Mellars P, Boyle K, Bar-Yosef O, Stringer C, Eds. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge, UK, 2007, pp. 33–42 by Underhill PA, Myres NM, Rootsi S, Chow CT, Lin AA, Otillar RP, King R, Zhivotovsky LA, Balanovsky O, Pshenichnov A, Ritchie KH, Cavalli-Sforza LL, Kivisild T, Villems R, Woodward SR
  16. ^ Balaresque, Patricia; Bowden, Georgina R.; Adams, Susan M.; Leung, Ho-Yee; King, Turi E.; Rosser, Zoë H.; Goodwin, Jane; Moisan, Jean-Paul; Richard, Christelle; Millward, Ann; Demaine, Andrew G. A Predominantly Neolithic Origin for European Paternal Lineages. PLOS Biology. 2010-01-19, 8 (1) [2022-07-30]. ISSN 1545-7885. PMC 2799514可免費查閱. PMID 20087410. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000285. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-19) (英語). 
  17. ^ Most British men are descended from ancient farmers. the Guardian. 2010-01-19 [2022-07-19]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-19) (英語). 
  18. ^ Farmers spawned most European men. 2010-01-20 [2022-07-19]. (原始內容存檔於2011-05-12) (英國英語). 
  19. ^ Derbyshire, David. Most Britons are descended from male farmers who left Iraq and Syria 10,000 years ago (and seduced the local hunter-gatherer women). Mail Online. [2022-07-19]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-19). 
  20. ^ Origins and history of Haplogroup E1b1b (Y-DNA). www.academia.edu.