


結果 蘇聯勝利
領土變更 蘇軍收復2,000公里寬的戰線[1]
 德意志國  蘇聯
納粹德國 埃里希·馮·曼施坦因
納粹德國 君特·馮·克魯格
納粹德國 赫爾曼·霍特
納粹德國 沃爾納·肯夫
納粹德國 瓦爾特·莫德爾
納粹德國 奧托·戴斯洛赫英語Otto Deßloch
納粹德國 羅伯特·馮·格萊姆
納粹德國 海因茨·古德林
納粹德國 阿爾弗雷德·約德爾
蘇聯 格奧爾基·朱可夫
蘇聯 康斯坦丁·羅科索夫斯基
蘇聯 尼古拉·瓦圖京
蘇聯 伊萬·科涅夫
蘇聯 帕維爾·羅特米斯特羅夫
蘇聯 謝爾蓋·魯登科英語Sergei Rudenko (general)
蘇聯 基里爾·莫斯卡連科
蘇聯 馬基恩·波波夫
蘇聯 亞歷山大·諾維科夫
  • 780,900人[2]
  • 2,928輛戰車[2]
  • 9,966門火砲與迫擊砲[3]
  • 940,900人[2]
  • 3,253輛戰車[2]
  • 9,467門火砲與迫擊砲[4]
  • 2,110架飛機[5]
  • 1,910,361人(實際作戰人員1,426,352人)[6]
  • 5,128輛戰車[6]
  • 25,013門火砲與迫擊砲[3]
  • 衛城作戰:[b][10]
  • 庫斯克戰役:[d]
      • 據德軍醫療檔案:165,314 (54,182 during Operation Citadel and 111,132 during the Soviet counter-offensives) [19][e] – 203,000[20]
      • German strength data: ~380,000–430,000人戰鬥傷亡[21]
      • 蘇聯方面宣稱:超過500,000人[22]
      • 760[f]–1,200輛[24]戰車與突擊炮被毀
      • 681 aircraft (for 5–31 July)[25][g]
  • 衛城作戰:[b]
  • 庫斯克戰役:[d]
      • 254,470–450,000 killed or missing[31]
        608,833[32][h] (74% wounded and 26% sick[33])–1,200,000[31] wounded or sick
      • Total: 863,303–1,677,000 (including 710,000 combat casualties)[34][35]
      • 6,064[36][i][14]–7,000[37] tanks and assault guns destroyed or damaged ((of which, 60–65% were completely destroyed[38])
      • 4,209 combat aircraft[39]
      • 5,244 guns[29]



德軍希望圍殲庫斯克突出部的蘇軍來削弱後者1943年夏季的進攻潛力[53]。希特拉認為此戰的勝利將重新鞏固德國的實力、提高其於軸心國集團中的威信,這些盟友正考慮退出戰爭[54]。另外還希望能俘虜大量蘇軍作為德國軍工業的奴隸勞動力[55]。蘇聯政府事先得知了德軍的意圖,這部分是由英國情報部門對高級德國陸軍電報的分析英語Cryptanalysis of the Lorenz cipher提供的。蘇軍提前幾個月就知道攻擊將落在庫斯克突出部根部,因此建立了縱深防禦工事以削弱德軍的裝甲矛頭[56]。德軍推遲了進攻,試圖增強兵力並等待新武器[57][58][59],給了蘇軍時間構築一系列深層防禦帶[60],並建立了大量的後備部隊以進行反攻[61],一名德軍軍官將庫斯克描述為「另一場凡爾登[62]




  1. ^ Taylor & Kulish(1974年),第171頁
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Glantz & House(2004年),第338頁
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Glantz & House(1995年),第165頁
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Frieser(2007年),第100頁
  5. ^ Bergström(2007年),第123–125頁
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Glantz & House(2004年),第337頁
  7. ^ Bergström(2007年),第127–128頁,數據取自俄國方面檔案,來源包括俄國航空信託局、俄羅斯中央軍事檔案館俄羅斯國家軍事檔案館俄語Российский государственный военный архив中央空軍博物館等。
  8. ^ Bergström(2007年),第21、127-128頁
  9. ^ Zetterling & Frankson 2000,第20頁.
  10. ^ U.S. Army Concepts Analysis Agency, Kursk Operation Simulation and Validation Exercise – Phase III (KOSAVE II), pp. 5–14 through 5–15.
  11. ^ Frieser et al 2007,第153, 200頁.
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Beevor 2012,第485頁.
  13. ^ Glantz & House 2004,第276頁.
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Frieser et al 2007,第200頁.
  15. ^ Askey, Nigel. Operation Barbarossa: the Complete Organisational and Statistical Analysis, and Military Simulation, Volume I. Lulu.com. June 2013 [6 August 2019]. ISBN 978-1-304-03818-0. (原始內容存檔於23 August 2023). 
  16. ^ Searle 2017,第80頁.
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 Frieser et al 2007,第154頁.
  18. ^ Clark 2012,第408頁.
  19. ^ Frieser et al 2007,第197, 200頁.
  20. ^ Zetterling & Frankson 2000,第117, 116, and endnote 18頁: For all participating armies in the Kursk area, there were 203,000 casualties for July and August.
  21. ^ Цена Курской битвы – часть II. Красная армия победила, потому что воевала лучше. Владимир Литвиненко. Опубликовано в выпуске № 33 (746) за 28 августа 2018 года. Quote: "According to Stephen Newton, as of 5th July, the average number of infantry divisions in the 4th Tank Army and OG "Kempf" was 17,369, while the tank and motorized divisions were 18,410. On 30th August 1943, the average number of infantry divisions in the 4th Tank Army and OG "Kempf" was 8,269 men, and the tank and motorized divisions – 10,745 men. Then the average loss of personnel in the Battle of Kursk (excluding replenishment) is the same for infantry divisions were 9,100 men (52%), for tank and motorized divisions were 7,665 men (41%). At the same time, the losses of Army Group Center in the Battle of Kursk can be estimated by extrapolating the above estimate of the losses of the 4th Panzer Army and OG Kempf to the losses of Army Group Center. It should be considered that the losses of the Wehrmacht in the Battle of Kursk were 380,000 to 430,000 men"
  22. ^ Glantz & House 2004,第279頁.
  23. ^ Frieser et al 2007,第201頁.
  24. ^ Töppel 2017,第203頁.
  25. ^ Bergström 2008,第120頁.
  26. ^ Krivosheev 2001,第Kursk頁.
  27. ^ Krivosheev 2001,第Weapons and military equipment. Production and loss頁.
  28. ^ Frieser et al 2007,第150頁.
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 Krivosheev 2001.
  30. ^ Koltunov & Solovyev 1970,第366頁.
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 Glantz & House 2004,第427–428頁.
  32. ^ Krivosheev 1997,第132–134頁.
  33. ^ N. Ivanov, A. Georgievsky and O. Lobastov. "Soviet health care and military medicine in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945". p. 205
  34. ^ Töppel 2017,第203, 229頁.
  35. ^ Frieser, Karl-Heinz. Germany and the Second World War: The Eastern Front 1943–1944: The War in the East and on the Neighbouring Fronts VIII 1st. Oxford University Press. 2017: 199. ISBN 978-0-19-872346-2 (英語). 
  36. ^ Krivosheev 1997,第262頁.
  37. ^ Töppel 2017,第203–204頁.
  38. ^ Hill, Alexander. The Red Army and the Second World War. Cambridge University Press. 2016 [20 May 2022]. ISBN 978-1-107-02079-5. (原始內容存檔於23 August 2023). 
  39. ^ Frieser, Karl-Heinz. Germany and the Second World War: The Eastern Front 1943–1944: The War in the East and on the Neighbouring Fronts VIII 1st. Oxford University Press. 2017: 201–202. ISBN 978-0-19-872346-2 (英語). 
  40. ^ Clark 2012,第xv, 228頁: "The Battle of Kursk was the greatest land battle the world has ever seen on a fighting front that epitomized 『total war』 . . . It was time for the largest set-piece battle in the history of war to begin."
  41. ^ Töppel 2017,第233–234頁: "At Kursk, however, no less than 3.5 million soldiers, 12,000 tanks and self-propelled guns and 57,000 guns and mortars were ready for battle. Thus, defined by the number of men and material involved, the Battle of Kursk was without doubt not only the biggest tank clash of the Second World War, but indeed at the same time the largest battle of the Second World War."
  42. ^ Frieser, Karl-Heinz. Germany and the Second World War: The Eastern Front 1943–1944: The War in the East and on the Neighbouring Fronts VIII 1st. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2017: 83, 200. ISBN 978-0-19-872346-2 (英語). The battle of Kursk is considered the biggest land battle of the Second World War, indeed the biggest in all of military history. During the fighting the two sides deployed more than 4 million troops, 69,000 cannon and launchers, 13,000 tanks and self-propelled guns, and almost 12,000 aircraft. Even the battle of Stalingrad seems small-scale in comparison . . . As the Red Army had massed a large part of its forces in the Kursk salient, the outcome was the greatest land battle of the Second World War, indeed the greatest in all the history of war. 
  43. ^ Edele, Mark. The Battle of Kursk: 75 years on. Pursuit. 2018-07-13 [2023-08-20] (英語). 
  44. ^ 44.0 44.1 McGovern, Sean C. The Battle of Kursk: A Comparative Analysis to Stalingrad, Study on Memory, and Russian Environmental Preservation. East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (學位論文). 2021: III [20 August 2023]. (原始內容存檔於23 August 2023). 
  45. ^ Cross, Robin. The Battle of Kursk: Operation Citadel 1943. Penguin Publishing. 2002: vii. ISBN 9780141391090. 
  46. ^ Showalter 2013,第269頁.
  47. ^ Никитенко, Евгений. Геополитическая победа в Курской битве. russiancouncil.ru. 2013-07-05 [2024-04-08] (俄語). 
  48. ^ Memories of Soviet generals and marshals of the Battle of Kursk. Presidential Library. 2019-08-23 [2024-04-06] (英語). 
  49. ^ Hanson, Victor Davis. The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won Reprint. New York: Basic Books. 2020: 3. ISBN 978-1541674103 (英語). 
  50. ^ Cross, Robin. The Battle of Kursk: Operation Citadel 1943. Penguin Publishing. 2002: 182. ISBN 9780141391090. 
  51. ^ Roberts, Andrew. WWII’s Greatest Battle: How Kursk Changed the War. The Daily Beast. 2013-08-31 [2024-04-06] (英語). 
  52. ^ Glantz & House 2004,第84, 174, 186, 220–221頁.
  53. ^ Glantz & Orenstein 1999,第1頁.
  54. ^ Healy 2010,第42頁.
  55. ^ Healy 2010,第90頁.
  56. ^ Healy 2010,第65頁.
  57. ^ Newton 2002,第12頁.
  58. ^ Dunn 1997,第94頁.
  59. ^ Kasdorf 2000,第16頁.
  60. ^ Glantz & House 2004,第64–67頁.
  61. ^ Glantz 1989,第149–159頁.
  62. ^ Roberts, Andrew. The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War. HarperCollins. 2012: 415. ISBN 978-0-06-122860-5 (英語). 
  63. ^ Dunn 1997,第191頁.
  64. ^ Atkinson 2007,第172頁.
  65. ^ Glantz & House 1995,第167頁.
  66. ^ Glantz 2013,第184頁.
  67. ^ Glantz 1986,第66頁.
  68. ^ 68.0 68.1 Kasdorf 2000,第7頁.
  69. ^ Clark 2012,第167頁.
  70. ^ Clark 2012,第176頁.
  71. ^ Glantz & House 2004,第11頁.
  72. ^ Hartmann, Christian. Operation Barbarossa:Nazi Germany's War in the East, 1941-1945 First. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2013: page 1 part 8. ISBN 978-0-19-966078-0. 

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