



設計者Elizabeth Hargrave
插圖家Ana Maria Martinez Jaramillo, Natalia Rojas, Beth Sobel
發行商Stonemaier Games
遊戲時間40-70 minutes

展翅翱翔 (Wingspan)是一款面向1到5名玩家的棋盤遊戲由伊莉莎白·哈格雷夫設計,並由Stonemaier遊戲在於2019年出版。 展翅翱翔是一款卡片驅動、中等重量、引擎構建的桌遊,玩家在其中競相吸引鳥類到他們的野生動物保護區。 [1] 展翅翱翔因其藝術性、 對鳥類棲息地的準確描繪和遊戲玩法而廣受讚譽,贏得了 2019 年德國年度遊戲獎Kennerspiel des Jahres)年度鑑賞家獎。[2]


在展翅翱翔中,玩家將由 170 張獨立插圖卡片表示的鳥類[3]分配到森林、草原和濕地棲息地。 [4]在四輪比賽中,玩家將鳥類放在三個不同的棲息地中,每個棲息地由每個玩家的棋盤上的行表示,每行可容納五張鳥類卡。 [5]

玩家每輪可以進行有限數量的四種動作:抽取新的鳥類卡、打出鳥類卡、收集食物和產下鳥蛋。 [6]每個動作的所需花費取決於該棲息地中已經有多少張鳥類卡。已在棲息地中的鳥類卡所附加的額外獎勵動作將可以被激活。


除了將鳥類卡放入棲息地之外,玩家還可以根據在每一輪和整個遊戲中的預計目標、積累的鳥蛋以及存儲在鳥類卡上的食物和卡片(表示玩家的所收集的鳥類和獲得的食物)來得分。 [5]

從第七版開始(STM910 版本),展翅翱翔遊戲盒包括了入門指南和添加的十張鳥類卡,旨在幫助新玩家。 [7] [8]


歐洲擴展包(Wingspan European Expansion)是第一個擴展包,於 2019 年發布。 歐洲擴展包增加了 81 張獨特鳥類卡、10 張輪末目標卡和 5 張獎勵卡。 [9]該擴展還包括新的機制和鳥類力量,例如受益於額外食物的鳥類卡和在回合結束時觸發的能力。 [10] [11]

大洋洲擴展包(Wingspan Oceania Expansion)是第二個擴展包,於 2020 年 1 月宣布,將於 2020 年晚些時候發布。鴯鶓大洋洲擴展包中第一隻被確認的鳥類。 [12]大洋洲擴展包包括 95 張鳥類卡、8 張輪末目標卡、5 張玩家墊和一種新食物類型:花蜜。 [13]


Slate 稱,展翅翱翔已在 Steam、Nintendo Switch、Xbox 和 iOS 上售出 125,000 份遊戲。 [14]

2019 年 1 月 4 日,該遊戲的第一個數字版本在 Tabletopia 上發布。 [15] 2019 年 2 月 27 日晚些時候,該遊戲也在 Steam 上發布。 [16]

2019 年 12 月 13 日,Wingspan European Expansion 在 Tabletopia 上發布。 [17]該擴展 包預計於 2020 年 1 月 8 日不久後可以在 Steam 可以購買。 [18]


這個遊戲的靈感來自於哈格瑞夫在馬里蘭州居住地附近的阿特米西亞湖(Lake Artemesia),在那裡她會為觀察到的鳥類製作數據圖表, [19]數據集的大小達到近 600 行 x 100 列。 [20]遊戲中的鳥類所擁有的特殊能力與哈格瑞夫所記錄的真實鳥類的獨特特徵非常相似。 [21] [1]


  • 2019 德國明鏡遊戲獎[22]
  • 2019 年國際遊戲玩家獎 - 總體策略:多人遊戲提名[23]
  • 2019 Kennerspiel des Jahres 冠軍(年度鑑賞家遊戲) [24]
  • 2019 Nederlandse Spellenprijs 最佳專家遊戲提名[25]
  • 2019 年棋盤遊戲任務獎年度最佳遊戲。 [26]
  • 2019 年度鑽石攀登者獎遊戲。 [27]
  • 2019 年度骰子塔[28]
  • 2019 年度金極客獎桌遊、藝術品展示、卡牌遊戲、家庭遊戲、創新、單人遊戲、策略遊戲和最佳擴展(歐洲擴展) [29]
  • 2020 年美國桌面獎:策略遊戲類獲獎者[30] [31]



展翅翱翔獲得了普遍好評和廣泛讚譽。 [32]棋盤遊戲評論家 Matt Thrower 稱展翅翱翔是2019 年「最熱門的遊戲」, [33]洛杉磯時報的 Said Al-Azzawi 稱其為「棋盤遊戲行業年度最受好評的遊戲之一」。 [34]

新科學人》展翅翱翔列為「最適合科技愛好者玩的 9 款棋盤遊戲」之一: [35]

對於大自然、生態學和生物學的愛好者來說,伊莉莎白-哈格雷夫的《展翅翱翔》是一款精美的、非對抗性的遊戲,旨在慶祝鳥類的多樣性。玩家通過吸引獨特的物種到他們的保護區來獲得分數。它包含了數百張圖文並茂的鳥類卡,這些鳥類的特殊能力在它們棲息的一系列環境中發揮著協同作用。 [35]


很少有遊戲比展翅翱翔更吸引人。它優雅、易學,並讓人樂在其中;它值得成為熱門。 [36]


遊戲在發行的前兩個月內的三版印刷在全球售出了 44,000 份。 [4]由於沒有提供更多的存貨,發行商因此公開道歉。 [37]截至 2019 年底,該遊戲已在全球售出約 200,000 份。 [38]到 2021年3月和9月,展翅翱翔的銷量已達到 600,000份和130萬份。 [39][40]

截至 2021 年 3 月,該遊戲在 BoardGameGeek 資料庫中排名的約 18,000 款遊戲中排名第 20 位。 [41]  



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 How St. Louis-based Stonemaier is changing the (board) game. STLPR. [2021-11-24] (英語). 
  2. ^ McLaughlin, Shaymus. Need your outdoors fix indoors? Try these board games. Minneapolis Star Tribune. November 14, 2019 [November 20, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於January 30, 2021). 
  3. ^ 4.0 4.1 Roberts, Siobhan. She Invented a Board Game With Scientific Integrity. It's Taking Off.. The New York Times. March 11, 2019 [October 17, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於April 23, 2021). 
  4. ^ 5.0 5.1 Wingspan Is about as Perfect as Board Games Get. Paste. March 27, 2019 [October 17, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於April 29, 2021). 
  5. ^ Zimmerman, Aaron. Wingspan review: A gorgeous birding board game takes flight. Ars Technica. March 16, 2019 [October 21, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於April 21, 2021). 
  6. ^ Swift-Start Promo Pack. Boardgames.com. 2020 [August 20, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於August 20, 2021). This pack is included in the current version of Wingspan (STM910, see note on the back of the box) but not the original version available from January-August 2019 (STM900). 
  7. ^ Boardgames.com "From the 7th printing on, the base game box includes Wingspan: Swift-Start Promo Pack.". [August 20, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於August 20, 2021). 
  8. ^ Stegmaier, Jamey. Wingspan European Expansion. stonemaiergames.com. Stonemaier LLC. 2019 [21 July 2021]. (原始內容存檔於February 27, 2021). 
  9. ^ Winmai, Arran. Stonemaier Games komt met eerste Wingspan-uitbreiding. NWTV. October 2, 2019 [October 25, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於October 26, 2019). 
  10. ^ Elderkin, Beth. Wingspan Expands, Magic: The Gathering Enters the Hall of Fame, and More in Tabletop News. Gizmondo. November 12, 2019 [November 14, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於November 30, 2020). 
  11. ^ Design, Dave Hewer. Wingspan Oceania Expansion. Stonemaier Games. January 16, 2020 [August 17, 2020]. (原始內容存檔於August 22, 2020). 
  12. ^ Wingspan: Oceania Expansion. BoardGameGeek. [January 7, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於December 28, 2020). 
  13. ^ Kois, Dan. How a Board Game About Birds Became a Surprise Blockbuster. Slate. August 15, 2021 [August 20, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於August 19, 2021). In 2020, as the pandemic drove Americans both into their homes to stare at their families and out into the woods to stare at birds, Wingspan blew up, outselling every other game its publisher makes combined. That company, Stonemaier Games, has now sold 1.3 million copies of the game and its expansions, plus another 125,000 digital editions on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and iOS. 
  14. ^ All About Birds. Tabletopia. [April 27, 2020]. (原始內容存檔於September 24, 2020). 
  15. ^ Tabletopia - Wingspan on Steam. store.steampowered.com. [April 27, 2020]. (原始內容存檔於July 11, 2019). 
  16. ^ New Continent. Tabletopia. [April 27, 2020]. (原始內容存檔於September 30, 2020). 
  17. ^ Tabletopia - Wingspan: European Expansion on Steam. store.steampowered.com. [April 27, 2020]. (原始內容存檔於May 14, 2020). 
  18. ^ Teague Beckwith, Ryan. New Board Game Inspired by Lake Artemesia. Hyattsville Wire. April 2, 2019 [October 17, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於April 8, 2020). 
  19. ^ Solly, Meilan. This New Scientifically Accurate Board Game Is for the Birders. Smithsonian. March 12, 2019 [October 22, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於March 25, 2021). 
  20. ^ West, Stuart. A bird-based game takes wing. Nature. May 14, 2019 [October 22, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於May 17, 2019). 
  21. ^ Deutscher Spielepreis 2019 - Sieger. www.reich-der-spiele.de. [December 10, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於October 9, 2019). 
  22. ^ 2019 Nominees - International Gamers Awards. www.internationalgamersawards.net. [December 10, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於December 10, 2019). 
  23. ^ Flügelschlag. Spiel des Jahres. [December 10, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於December 10, 2019) (美國英語). 
  24. ^ Expertprijs 2019: nominaties. www.spellenprijs.nl. [December 10, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於December 10, 2019). 
  25. ^ Mastrangeli, Tony. 2019 Board Game Award Winners. boardgamequest.com. 17 April 2020 [1 September 2021]. (原始內容存檔於September 1, 2021). 
  26. ^ Matthews, Andy. 2019 – Diamond Climber Board Game Award Winners. meeplemountain.com. 17 January 2020 [1 September 2021]. (原始內容存檔於April 14, 2021). 
  27. ^ The Dice Tower Awards 2019. The Dice Tower. [1 September 2021]. (原始內容存檔於August 12, 2021). 
  28. ^ Alden, Scott. 14th Annual Golden Geek Awards Winners for 2019. BGG. 4 May 2020 [1 September 2021]. (原始內容存檔於March 8, 2021). 
  29. ^ Hall, Charlie. America has its own board game awards now, here are the winners. Polygon. March 25, 2020 [August 21, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於August 22, 2021). The American Tabletop Awards are the United States board game industry’s answer to the Spiel des Jahres, Germany’s world-renowned tabletop awards program...a delightfully diverse committee backed by a robust code of conduct, with transparency and clear provisions against conflicts of interest. 
  30. ^ The American Tabletop Awards: Strategy Games. AmericanTableTopAwards.com. [August 21, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於August 22, 2021). Winner – Wingspan: Build up a feathery engine by getting a variety of birds to visit your wildlife preserves in this beautifully illustrated and strategic title. 
  31. ^ Law, Keith. The Best Board Games of 2019. Vulture. December 17, 2019 [December 26, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於September 30, 2020). 
  32. ^ Thrower, Matt. Best Board Games of 2019. IGN. October 11, 2019 [October 23, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於November 14, 2020). 
  33. ^ Al-Azzawi, Saif. Fun board games to give this season. Los Angeles Times. November 8, 2019 [November 11, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於January 17, 2021). 
  34. ^ 35.0 35.1 Motti, Dino. 9 of the best board games to play for fans of science and tech. New Scientist. 4 December 2020 [26 July 2021]. (原始內容存檔於January 30, 2021). 
  35. ^ Jolin, Dan. The board games turning science into playtime. The Guardian. 20 April 2019 [31 July 2021]. (原始內容存檔於April 27, 2021). 
  36. ^ Whipple, Tom. Birdwatching game Wingspan flies off the shelves. The Times. March 11, 2019 [October 17, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於October 17, 2019). 
  37. ^ Farzan, Shalah. Bird-Themed Game Hatched In St. Louis Soars In Popularity. St. Louis Public Radio. November 6, 2019 [May 3, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於May 3, 2021). 
  38. ^ Schrappen, Colleen. Wooden dice and gold-foiled playing cards. St. Louis is hotbed for fantastical, elaborate 'designer' games. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. March 4, 2021 [March 5, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於March 21, 2021). 
  39. ^ Beckwith, Alison. A Board Game Inspired by Birding Around Route 1 Sold 1.3 Million Copies. The Hyattsville Wire. 1 September 2021 [2 September 2021]. (原始內容存檔於September 1, 2021). 
  40. ^ FitzClemen, Robin. Unboxing board game culture at FunAgain's Gamer Garage Sale. Daily Emerald. October 14, 2019 [March 5, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於March 30, 2020).