

  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
平台Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
设计师Patrick Plourde[1]
(game director)
Stephane Baudet[2]
(multi-player director)
Patrice Désilets[3]
(creative director)
编剧Jeffrey Yohalem[2]
引擎Anvil, Havok
发行日PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
  • 北美:2010年11月16日
  • 澳洲:2010年11月18日
  • 欧洲:2010年11月19日
Microsoft Windows
  • 北美:2011年3月22日[4]
  • 欧洲:2011年3月17日

刺客教條:兄弟會(英语:Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood,中国大陆译作“刺客信条:兄弟会”,香港和台湾译作“刺客教條:兄弟會”)育碧公司蒙特利尔工作室开发的一款第三人称歷史奇幻類遊戲。它支持Microsoft WindowsPlayStation 3Xbox 360三個平臺。本作是育碧公司2009年遊戲《刺客教條II》的續集。另於2016年11月17日在PlayStation 4Xbox One發售與《刺客教條II》和《刺客教條:啟示錄》三部曲合併的《刺客教條:埃齊歐合輯》。2017年5月23日提供简体中文支持。[5][6]





緊接前作《刺客教條II》 ,現代刺客戴斯蒙·邁爾斯(Desmond Miles)與同伴露西·斯蒂爾曼(Lucy Stillman)、肖恩‧海斯汀(Shuan Hastings)及麗貝卡‧克琳(Rebecca Crane)在逃離跨國製藥公司Abstergo(現代聖殿騎士團)的追擊後到達義大利城市蒙特里焦尼。以已荒廢的奧迪托雷莊園地下室作為新的藏身之所,戴斯蒙再次使用基因記憶追溯機器「Animus 2.0」,再度進入其刺客祖先伊吉歐·奧迪托雷(Ezio Auditore de Firenze)的記憶。

1499年12月文藝復興時期,40歲的伊吉歐於放棄刺殺教宗亞歷山大六世羅德里哥·波吉亞(Rodrigo Borgia)後回到蒙特里焦尼。1500年1月,教宗之子切薩雷·波吉亞(Cesare Borgia)一天晚上領兵對城市發動攻擊[a]。切薩雷於城破之時奪回伊吉歐伯父馬力歐·奧迪托雷(Mario Auditore)保管之古代遺物「伊甸碎片」、將之槍殺及命士兵槍傷伊吉歐[b]。伊吉歐負傷帶領傭兵及家人逃走後獨自前往義大利首都羅馬[c][7],並發現波吉亞家族已幾乎控制了整個城市,市區百業蕭條,市民被剝削而生活困苦[8]。以市內台伯河上的小島台伯島為基地,伊吉歐聯結市內妓女、盜賊及傭兵勢力[9],以及招攬反抗的市民加入其刺客兄弟會[d]以解放在教宗勢力控制下的羅馬[10]。於各方協助下,伊吉歐得知切薩雷的財政由其兄長胡安·波吉亞(Juan Borgia)負責,而切薩雷則欲借助法國瓦盧瓦公爵路易十二的軍事力量以及發明家達文西之戰爭機器以征服義大利。


戴斯蒙四人於猜出密室密碼[l]後前往正進行工程的羅馬競技場並進入天壇聖母堂[m]。在啟動教堂內機關後四人成功進入位於教堂地底之朱諾神殿(碎片所在地),但在戴斯蒙觸及碎片一刻,「第一文明」(First Civilization)成員朱諾(Juno)控制了其身體並暗示露西與塞壬計劃(Project Siren,也叫女妖計劃)有關,她真正效忠的乃聖殿騎士團[n],隨即驅使戴斯蒙[o]向露西腹部刺了一刀[p][12]

戴斯蒙等人事跡將在後繼刺客教條系列作品《刺客教條:啟示錄》 繼有叙述。




《刺客教條系列》使用了FlashHavokBinkFaceFX、Audiokinetic Wwise、Autodesk HumanIK 等技术。

《兄弟会》由Ubi Montreal 为首,Annecy、Singapore、Bucharest 和Québec City 协同的5个Ubi工作室共同开发。多人模式主要由制作过混沌理论的Ubisoft Annecy 完成。



  1. ^ Mario: It's the Borgia. Ezio: How did we not see this? Mario: They must have massed to the East during the night.
  2. ^ Cesare: I know you're there, Ezio. The Pope told me about you and your little group of Assassins... and this. Give me the gun his friend fashioned for us. We've had too much bloodshed. I think a cleansing is in order. So, consider this an invitation from my family... to yours.
  3. ^ Claudia: You are not coming with us? Where are you riding? Ezio: To Roma.
  4. ^ Ezio: Look. The Borgia rob everything from the people to maintain power. Machiavelli: What do you intend to do? Ezio: We will recruit him to our cause.
  5. ^ Lucrenzia: Cesare! He intends to poison you!
  6. ^ Cesare: Father. Do you not see? I control all of this. If I want to live, I live. If I want to take, I take. If I want you to die, you die!
  7. ^ Ezio: Requiescat in pace. Lucrenzia: I know... I know where that bastard is going. San Pietro... The pavilion in the courtyard.
  8. ^ Fabio Orsini: By order of Pope Julius II, I arrest you, Cesare Borgia, for the crimes of murder, betrayal and incest.
  9. ^ Ezio: Cesare! The walls surround you. There is nowhere to run. Cesare: Come then, Ezio!
  10. ^ Cesare: You cannot kill me. No man can murder me! Ezio: Then I leave you in the hands of Fate.
  11. ^ Desmond: We've got it. The Colosseum.
  12. ^ Shauan: The 72 names of God. You see? They're all contained within three verses. Exodus 19 through 21. And, get this, you'll like this, if you arrange the four Hebrew letters in God's name within an equilateral triangle, thier numerical values add up to the same number: 72... But, I haven't got to the kicker yet. Construction on the Colosseum began in the year 72. Rebecca: I think we have our password.
  13. ^ Desmond: What is this place? Shuan: Santa Maria Aracoeli... Now supposedly, this church was built on top of the ancient Temple of Juno.
  14. ^ Desmond: What's happening? I can't move. Juno: Your DNA communes with the Apple. You have activated it. Desmond: Let me go. Juno: On the 72nd day before the moment of awakening. You, birthed from our loins and the loins of our enemies. The end and the beginning, who we abhor and honor. The final journey commences. There is one who would accompany you through the gate. She lies not within sight. The cross darkens the horizon.
  15. ^ Desmond: What are you doing?! Juno: The Path must be opened. You cannot escape your part in this. The scales shall be balanced. Desmond: Stop. Please. Juno: You know very little. We must guide you. Cease your struggle. Desmond: No!
  16. ^ Juno: It is done. The way lies all before you. Only she remains to be found. Awaken the sixth. Go. ALONE!


  1. ^ 存档副本. [2010-09-04]. (原始内容存档于2014-04-11). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Mush xx. Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Q&A. xboxliveaddicts.co.uk/. 15 June 2010 [11 July 2010]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-25). 
  3. ^ 存档副本. [2010-09-04]. (原始内容存档于2010-08-15). 
  4. ^ Assassins Creed Brotherhood PC details revealed. [2011-03-12]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-20). 
  5. ^ 《刺客信条:兄弟会》简体中文更新5月23日推出. 育碧中国. 2017-05-22 [2017-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-24) (中文(中国大陆)). 
  6. ^ 《刺客信条:兄弟会》简体中文更新5月23日推出 诚意十足. 游民星空. 2017-05-22 [2017-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-08) (中文(中国大陆)). 
  7. ^ Sequence 1: Peace At Last
  8. ^ Sequence 2: A Wilderness of Tigers
  9. ^ Sequence 3: The Fighter, The Lover and The Thief
  10. ^ Sequence 4: Den of Thieves
  11. ^ Sequence 8: The Borgia
  12. ^ Sequence 9: The Fall