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/* Fix style of widgets icon */
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/* Mediawiki:Mobile.css */
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   [[MediaWiki:Group-autoconfirmed.css]]. */
/* Copied from Common.css - allow for hiding text in compact form e.g. clean up templates */
/* portal pages are badly formatted. Until this changes these should be hidden. (see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T86495) */
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/* For linked citation numbers and document IDs, where
   the number need not be shown on a screen or a handheld,
   but should be included in the printed version
TODO: Move to Citation template when templates have stylesheets
See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/Allow_styling_in_templates
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/* Styling for citations (CSS3). Breaks long urls, etc., rather than overflowing box
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   @source mediawiki.org/wiki/Snippets/Horizontal_lists
   @revision 4.2 (2013-11-20)
   @author: [[User:Edokter]]
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Hatnotes and disambiguation notices
Please review the default hatnote styles provided by MobileFrontend before adding here.
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/* Geographical coordinates defaults. See [[Template:Coord/link]]
   for how these are used. The classes "geo", "longitude", and
   "latitude" are used by the [[Geo microformat]]. */
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/* Prevent line breaks in silly places:
   1) Where desired
   2) Links when we don't want them to
   3) Bold "links" to the page itself
   4) Ref tags with group names <ref group="Note"> --> "[Note 1]"
Please document here what pages use this
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/* But allow wrapping where desired: */
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/* 隱藏「編輯已選擇修訂的標籤」按鈕,參閱[[Special:日志/tag]]幾乎全是破壞,一堆使用者不懂該功能亂按,並造成**無法復原**的後果 */
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DO NOT style infobox's here. That should be taken care of in the associated templates via template styles. Styles here will lead to flash of unstyled content on mobile.
/* removed inline from module as we work toward Tstyles support
 * Use three classes to match specificity of MobileFrontend/Minerva selectors */
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/* One of the not TemplateStyles things */
/* https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T180396#5317728 */

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