士兵 (古罗马)



拉丁语中的名词“milites”最终与英文的“soldier”一词同义,在西欧,这个词与骑士联系了起来,因为在中世纪早期,骑士组成了专业的军事队伍。但这一名词其实也指步兵(Milites Pedites)。其他用法还包括“圣殿骑士(Milites Templi)”[3]



  1. ^ Berger, Adolf. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law 43. American Philosophical Society. 1968: 582. ISBN 978-0-87169-432-4 (英语). 
  2. ^ James, Charles. A New and Enlarged Military Dictionary, in French and English, in which are Explained the Principal Terms, with Appropriate Illustrations of All the Sciences that Are, More Or Less, Necessary for an Officer and Engineer... 1. T. Egerton. 1810 (英语). 
  3. ^ Kostick, Conor. MILITES: KNIGHTS OR SIMPLY MOUNTED WARRIORS?. The Social Structure of the First Crusade. Brill. 2008: 159–186 [2019-11-05]. doi:10.1163/j.ctt1w8h1gw.10. (原始内容存档于2019-04-24).