

斯里巴利語သိရိ或සිරි或សិរិ Siri),又译作師利梵文𑖫𑖿𑖨𑖱 Śrī藏体ཤྲཱི天城体श्री)、室利尸利、「西」、「师里」、「斯瑞」等,是源自于梵文的前缀词语,常在东亚、东南亚、南亚的佛教、印度教、耆那教地区以及俄罗斯佛教地区使用。

斯里的本意是“光明”、「荣耀」、「光荣」、“美觀”,引申义有“莊嚴”、“吉祥”,古文佛典裡多音译作師利室利或意译作吉祥莊嚴威德,如文殊師利菩薩(Mañjuśri),又譯曼殊室利菩薩,意譯“妙吉祥”;大吉祥天女Mahāśrī)也譯為“摩訶室利”。而用在人名前时,应译作“先生”、“女士”,或“吉”、“聖”,亦可不译(有时这个词在一些人名面前会被重复多次,以示尊敬)[1];如斯瑞·奧羅賓多(Śrī Arabinda)。在地名前时,常意译作“聖”、“吉”,或不译,有时也有译作“斯里”、“师里”等。这个词在神灵名称前时翻译为“聖”。斯里的词根原指一神灵。[2][3]


语言文字 写法 注释
阿萨姆语 শ্রী
孟加拉语 শ্রী
天城文 श्री
印尼语 Sri 常用于人名前
爪哇语 ꦱꦿꦶ(Sri) 常用于人名前
卡纳达语 ಶ್ರೀ
马来语 سري(Seri)
马拉雅拉姆语 ശ്രീ
缅甸语 သီရိ(Thiri)
奥里雅语 ଶ୍ରୀ
旁遮普语 ਸ਼੍ਰੀ
僧伽罗语 ශ්‍රී
泰米尔语 ஸ்ரீ(Shre,Shree)
泰卢固语 శ్రీ
泰语 ศิริ(Siri)、ศรี(Sri、Si) 常用作爵名或地名前



  1. ^ Howard Measures. Styles of address: a manual of usage in writing and in speech. Macmillan. 1962: 136, 140 [19 January 2011]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-01). 
  2. ^ Turner, Sir Ralph Lilley; Dorothy Rivers Turner. A comparative dictionary of the Indo-Aryan languages.. London: Oxford University Press,. January 2006: 736 [1962] [22 April 2010]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-15). śrīˊ 12708 śrīˊ feminine ' light, beauty ' R̥gveda, ' welfare, riches ' Avestan (Iranian) Pali Prakrit sirī – feminine, Prakrit – feminine ' prosperity '; Marāṭhī – s honorific affix to names of relationship (e.g. āj̈ā – s, ājī – s) Jules Bloch La Formation de la Langue Marathe Paris 1920, page 412. – Sinhalese siri ' health, happiness ' (Wilhelm Geiger An Etymological Glossary of the Sinhalese Language Colombo 1941, page 180) a loanword from Pali <-> See addendum śrḗyas – , śrḗṣṭha – . See Addenda: śrīˊ – occurring for the first time in Addenda : śrīparṇī – . 
  3. ^ Apte, Vaman Shivaram. Revised and enlarged edition of Prin. V. S. Apte's The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary. Prasad Prakashan. 1957–59: 1575. 1 Wealth, riches, affluence, prosperity, plenty; ... -2 Royalty, majesty, royal wealth;... -3 Dignity, high position, state;... -4 Beauty, grace, splendour, lustre;... -5 Colour, aspect; ... -6 The goddess of wealth, Lak-ṣmī, the wife of Viṣṇu;... -7 Any virtue or excellence. -8 Decoration. -9 Intellect, understanding. -1 Super- human power. -11 The three objects of human existence taken collectively (धर्म, अर्थ and काम). -12 The Sarala tree. -13 The Bilva tree. -14 Cloves. -15 A lotus. -16 The twelfth digit of the moon. -17 N. of Sarasvatī, (the goddess of speech). -18 Speech. -19 Fame, glory. -2 The three Vedas (वेदत्रयी);... -m. N. of one of the six Rāgas or musical modes. -a. Splendid, radiant, adorning. (The word श्री is often used as an honorific prefix to the names of deities and eminent persons; श्रीकृष्णः, श्रीरामः, श्रिवाल्मीकिः, श्रीजयदेवः; also celebrated works, generally of a sacred character; श्रीभागवत, श्रीरामायण)&c.; it is also used as an auspicious sign at the commencement of letters, manuscripts &c