


瑪利亞·金布塔斯立陶宛語Marija Gimbutienė,1921年1月23日 - 1994年2月2日)為美國籍的立陶宛考古學家,以研究古歐洲新石器時代青銅時代文化的學術成就而聞名於世,而她的墳塚假說亦被廣泛接納。此假說指出原始印歐語族的起源源於東歐大草原。瑪利亞·金布塔斯認為,在立陶宛以及橫跨歐亞大陸的新石器時期的遺址提供了考古證據,證明古代印歐社會既不是母系社會也不是父系社會,但後來她又在某些學術圈子提出意見,認定這些古代社會皆為母系氏族。[1]


玛利亚·金布塔斯出生于立陶宛首都维尔纽斯,本名玛利亚·碧露蒂·阿尔塞凯特(立陶宛语:Marija Birutė Alseikaitė),父母都是当地的知识分子。她的母亲获得柏林大学的眼科博士学位,也是立陶宛第一位女医生。父亲则是塔尔图大学的医学学位。1918年立陶宛独立后,两人合力创办维尔纽斯的第一所医院。除了本身的医学学科以外,阿尔塞凯特的父母还是立陶宛传统民间艺术的支持者和鉴赏家,经常邀请维尔纽斯当地的音乐家作家到家里做客。这些人对提升阿尔塞凯特的文化素养提供了很大的帮助。


1945年,金布塔斯在蒂宾根大学获得博士后奖学金。20世纪50年代,金布塔斯一家离开了联邦德国,前往美国。金布塔斯主要的成就就是在美国取得。1993年,金布塔斯獲頒立陶宛考納斯維陶塔斯馬格努斯大學榮譽博士學位。1994年2月2日金布塔斯在洛杉磯去世,終年73歲。她被埋葬在考納斯彼得拉休奈公墓英语Petrašiūnai Cemetery






  • Gimbutas, Marija (1946). Die Bestattung in Litauen in der vorgeschichtlichen Zeit. Tübingen: H. Laupp.
  • Gimbutas, Marija (1956). The Prehistory of Eastern Europe. Part I: Mesolithic, Neolithic and Copper Age Cultures in Russia and the Baltic Area. American School of Prehistoric Research, Harvard University Bulletin No. 20. Cambridge, MA: Peabody Museum.
  • Gimbutas, Marija (1958). Ancient symbolism in Lithuanian folk art. Philadelphia: American Folklore Society, Memoirs of the American Folklore Society 49.
  • Gimbutas, Marija (1963). The Balts. London : Thames and Hudson, Ancient peoples and places 33.
  • Gimbutas, Marija (1965). Bronze Age cultures in Central and Eastern Europe. The Hague/London: Mouton.
  • Gimbutas, Marija (1971). The Slavs. London : Thames and Hudson, Ancient peoples and places 74.
  • Gimbutas, Marija (1974). The Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe, 7000 to 3500 BC: Myths, Legends and Cult Images. London: Thames and Hudson.
  • Gimbutienė, Marija (1985). Baltai priešistoriniais laikais : etnogenezė, materialinė kultūra ir mitologija. Vilnius: Mokslas.
  • Gimbutas, Marija (1989). The Language of the Goddess: Unearthing the Hidden Symbols of Western Civilization. San Francisco: Harper & Row.
  • Gimbutas, Marija (1991). The Civilization of the Goddess: The World of Old Europe. San Francisco: Harper.
  • Gimbutas, Marija (1992). Die Ethnogenese der europäischen Indogermanen. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck, Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft, Vorträge und kleinere Schriften 54.
  • Gimbutas, Marija (1994). Das Ende Alteuropas. Der Einfall von Steppennomaden aus Südrussland und die Indogermanisierung Mitteleuropas. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft.
  • Gimbutas, Marija, edited and supplemented by Miriam Robbins Dexter (1999) The Living Goddesses. Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press.


  • Gimbutas, Marija (ed.) (1974). Obre, Neolithic Sites in Bosnia. Sarajevo: A. Archaeologic.
  • Gimbutas, Marija (ed.) (1976). Neolithic Macedonia as reflected by excavation at Anza, southeast Yugoslavia. Los Angeles: Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Monumenta archaeologica 1.
  • Renfrew, Colin, Marija Gimbutas and Ernestine S. Elster (1986). Excavations at Sitagroi, a prehistoric village in northeast Greece. Vol. 1. Los Angeles : Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Monumenta archaeologica 13.
  • Gimbutas, Marija, Shan Winn and Daniel Shimabuku (1989). Achilleion: a Neolithic settlement in Thessaly, Greece, 6400-5600 B.C. Los Angeles: Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles. Monumenta archaeologica 14.


  • 1960: "Culture Change in Europe at the Start of the Second Millennium B.C. A Contribution to the Indo-European Problem", Selected Papers of the Fifth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Philadelphia, September 1-9, 1956, ed. A.F.C. Wallace. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press, 1960, pp. 540-552.
  • 1961: "Notes on the chronology and expansion of the Pit-grave culture", L’Europe à la fin de l’Age de la pierre, eds., J. Bohm & S. J. De Laet. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 1961, pp. 193-200.
  • 1963: "The Indo-Europeans, archaeological problems", American Anthropologist 65 (1963): 815-836.
  • 1970: "Proto-Indo-European Culture: The Kurgan Culture during the Fifth, Fourth, and Third Millennia B.C.", Indo-European and Indo-Europeans. Papers Presented at the Third Indo-European Conference at the University of Pennsylvania, ed. George Cardona, Henry M. Hoenigswald & Alfred Senn. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1970, pp. 155-197.
  • 1973: "Old Europe c. 7000–3500 BC: The Earliest European Civilization Before the Infiltration of the Indo-European Peoples", Journal of Indo-European Studies (JIES) 1 (1973): 1–21.
  • 1977: "The First Wave of Eurasian Steppe Pastoralists into Copper Age Europe", JIES 5 (1977): 277-338.
  • "Gold Treasure at Varna", Archaeology 30, 1 (1977): 44-51.
  • 1979: "The Three Waves of Kurgan People into Old Europe, 4500-2500 BC", Archives suisses d’anthropologie genérale. 43-2 (1979): 113-137.
  • 1980: "The Kurgan wave #2 (c.3400-3200 BC) into Europe and the following transformation of culture", JIES 8 (1980): 273-315.
  • "The Temples of Old Europe", Archaeology 33-6 (1980): 41-50.
  • 1982: "Old Europe in the Fifth Millennium B.C.: The European Situation on the Arrival of Indo-Europeans", The Indo-Europeans in the Fourth and Third Millennia BC, ed. Edgar C. Polomé. Ann Arbor: Karoma Publishers, 1982, pp. 1-60.
  • "Women and Culture in Goddess-oriented Old Europe", The Politics of Women’s Spirituality, ed. Charlene Spretnak. New York: Doubleday, 1982, pp. 22-31.
  • "Vulvas, Breasts, and Buttocks of the Goddess Creatress: Commentary on the Origins of Art", The Shape of the Past: Studies in Honor of Franklin D. Murphy, eds. Giorgio Buccellati & Charles Speroni. Los Angeles: UCLA Institute of Archaeology, 1982.
  • 1985: "Primary and Secondary Homeland of the Indo-Europeans: Comments on Gamkrelidze-Ivanov Articles", JIES 13:1-2 (1985): 185-202.
  • 1986: "Kurgan Culture and the Horse", critique of the article "The ‘Kurgan Culture’, Indo-European origins and the domestication of the horse: a reconsideration" by David W. Anthony (same issue, pp. 291-313), Current Anthropology 27-4 (1986): 305-307.
  • 1987: "The Pre-Christian Religion of Lithuania", La Cristianizzazione della Lituania. Rome, 1987.
  • 1988: "A Review of Archaeology and Language by Colin Renfrew", Current Anthropology 29-3 (Jul 1988): 453-456.
  • "Accounting For a Great Change", critique of Archaeology and Language by C. Renfrew, London Times Literary Supplement (Jun 24-30), 1988, p. 714.
  • 1990: "The Social Structure of the Old Europe. Part II", JIES 18 (1990): 225-284.
  • 1992: "The Chronologies of Eastern Europe: Neolithic through Early Bronze Age", Chronologies in Old World Archaeology, vol. 1, ed. R.W. Ehrich. Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press, 1992, pp. 395-406.


  • Dexter, Miriam Robbins and Karlene Jones-Bley (eds) (1997). The Kurgan culture and the Indo-Europeanization of Europe: Selected articles from 1952 to 1993 by M. Gimbutas. Journal of Indo-European Studies monograph 18. Washington DC: Institute for the Study of Man.


  • Skomal, Susan Nacev & Edgar C. Polomé (eds) (1987). Proto-Indo-European: The Archaeology of a Linguistic Problem. Studies in Honor of Marija Gimbutas. Washington, D.C.: Institute for the Study of Man.
  • Marler, Joan, ed. (1997). From the Realm of the Ancestors: An Anthology in Honor of Marija Gimbutas. Manchester, CT: Knowledge, Ideas & Trends, Inc.
  • Dexter, Miriam Robbins and Edgar C. Polomé, eds. (1997). Varia on the Indo-European Past: Papers in Memory of Gimbutas, Marija. Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph #19. Washington, DC: The Institute for the Study of Man.



  1. ^ C. Spretnak (2011). "Anatomy of a Backlash: Concerning the Work of Marija Gimbutas"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The Journal of Archaeomythology, vol. 7.
  2. ^ History And Archaeology Through Laboratory Examinations, Tome Egumenoski & Aleksandar Donski, 2012 pp.8.[與來源不符]
