


化石时期:漸新世晚期 → 中新世中期
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 哺乳纲 Mammalia
目: 偶蹄目 Artiodactyla
下目: 鲸下目 Cetacea
科: 肯氏海豚科 Kentriodontidae
亚科: 肯氏海豚亚科 Kentriodontinae
属: 肯氏海豚屬 Kentriodon
Kellogg, 1927[1]
斑尼肯氏海豚 Kentriodon pernix
Kellogg, 1927[1]
  • Grypolithax Kellogg, 1931

肯氏海豚學名Kentriodon)是一類已滅絕的小型和中型齒鯨,生存於漸新世晚期至中新世中期,為肯氏海豚科下最早命名且最為多樣化的一,包含 3 個已命名及 5 個未描述的物種。它們的頭顱骨大而對稱,被認為是一些現生海豚的祖先;推測以小型魚類等為食,並已擁有回聲定位功能。



  • 斑尼肯氏海豚 Kentriodon pernix Kellogg, 1927[1]
  • Kentriodon fuchsii (Brandt, 1873)[2]
  • 穗別肯氏海豚 Kentriodon hobetsu Ichishima, 1995[3]
  • 暗紋肯氏海豚 Kentriodon obscurus (Kellogg, 1931)[4]
  • Kentriodon schneideri Whitmore and Kaltenbach, 2008[5]
  • Kentriodon diusinus Salinas-Márquez, Barnes, Flores-Trujillo, Aranda-Manteca, 2014[6]
  • Kentriodon hoepfneri Kazár & Hampe, 2014[7]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 R. Kellogg. Kentriodon pernix, a Miocene porpoise from Maryland. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 1927, 69 (19): 1–14. 
  2. ^ J. F. Brandt. 1873. Untersuchungen über die fossilen und subfossilen cetaceen Europa's. Mémoires de L'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint-Petersbourg, Series 7 20(1):1-372
  3. ^ H. Ichishima. 1995. A new fossil kentriodontid dolphin (Cetacea; Kentriodontidae) from the Middle Miocene Takinoue Formation, Hokkaido, Japan. The Island Arc 3:473-485
  4. ^ R. Kellogg. 1931. Pelagic mammals of the Temblor Formation of the Kern River region, California. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 19(12):217-397
  5. ^ F. C. Whitmore and J. A. Kaltenbach. 2008. Neogene Cetacea of the Lee Creek Phosphate Mine, North Carolina. Virginia Museum of Natural History Special Publication 14:181-269
  6. ^ F. M. Salinas-Marquez, L. G. Barnes, J. G. Flores-Trujillo and F. J. Aranda-Manteca. 2014. Una especie de delfín fósil (Cetacea; Delphinoidea; Kentriodontoidae) del Mioceno Medio de Baja California. Boletin de la Sociedad Geologica Mexicana 66(1):145-164
  7. ^ Emese Kazár and Oliver Hampe (2014). "A new species of Kentriodon (Mammalia, Odontoceti, Delphinoidea) from the middle/late Miocene of Groß Pampau (Schleswig-Holstein, North Germany)". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34 (5): 1216–1230. doi:10.1080/02724634.2014.857347.
