

坐标28°40′55″N 77°16′26″E / 28.682°N 77.274°E / 28.682; 77.274
德里政府英语Government of Delhi與穆斯林瓦合甫穆斯塔法巴德艾德加英语Eidgah設立的救濟營,約有1500個床位,並有醫師志願到場協助(下)[2]
日期2020年2月23日 – 2020年2月29日(6天)
28°40′55″N 77°16′26″E / 28.682°N 77.274°E / 28.682; 77.274
  • 36名穆斯林[10]
  • 15名印度教徒[10]
  • 2名信仰不明[10]

2020年德里騷亂是2020年2月23日至29日印度德里東北部印度教暴民襲擊穆斯林的動亂[12][13][14][15],共造成53人喪生,其中約三分之二(36人)為被槍殺、砍殺或燒死的穆斯林[16][17][18],陣亡者還包括一名警察與一名情報人員。此次動亂爆發的導火線為德里東北部賈夫夫拉巴德自2019年12月開始、以穆斯林女性為主的沙欣巴格抗爭英语Shaheen Bagh protest,旨在反對剛通過的2019年公民身份法(修正案),阻塞了當地的主要道路[19][20],2月23日印度教民族主義政黨印度人民黨領袖卡皮尔·米什拉英语Kapil Mishra呼籲德里警方英语Delhi Police清空道路,否則將採取反制行動[21][22],威脅發出後衝突隨即爆發[23] ,暴動者頭戴安全帽,攜帶手槍、刀劍、棍棒與石頭等武器,持象徵印度教的藏紅花旗英语Bhagwa Dhwaj進入穆斯林社區,呼喊「羅摩勝利英语Jai Shri Ram 」的印度教口號[18],警方則在旁觀看、未加制止[24][25],因穆斯林多曾受割禮,印度教徒則無,許多人遇襲時被迫拖去下身衣著,確認穆斯林身份後便遭攻擊[26][27][28]。動亂中有大量穆斯林的房屋、商店與四座清真寺被破壞[29],其中有些遭縱火焚毀[30];某些地區的穆斯林集結起來反擊,至印度教社區持槍射擊或投擲汽油彈與石頭[31],有些社群則團結起來自保[32]

印度政府稱此騷亂為突發事件[33]德里高等法院下令後警方協助移送傷患後,德里警方於26日進入衝突區域[34][35]印度國家安全顧問英语National Security Advisor (India)阿吉特·多瓦尔英语Ajit Doval也前往衝突地區訪視,總理莫迪則在推特發文呼籲和平[34]。當地民眾、人權組織與各國穆斯林領導人均指控德里警方未盡保護穆斯林的職責[36],甚至有錄像顯示警方協助印度教暴徒對付穆斯林[37],也有目擊者稱有警察加入暴徒的行列攻擊穆斯林[38]



  1. ^ Ameen, Furquan. Shiv Vihar: Home for 15 years, but not any more. The Telegraph (Calcutta)英语The Telegraph (Calcutta). 2020-02-28 [2020-03-10]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-04). 
  2. ^ Vincent, Pheroze L., After riots, volunteers offer healing touch at Delhi relief camp, The Telegraph (Kolkata) (New Delhi), 2020-03-04 [2020-03-12], (原始内容存档于2020-03-14) 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Delhi violence: Four video clips that court made cops watch. India Today. 2020-02-26 [2020-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-26). 
  4. ^ Trivedi, Saurabh; Bhandari, Hemani. Policeman among 5 killed in Delhi violence over CAA. The Hindu. 2020-02-24 [2020-03-14]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-26). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Varma, Shaylaja. "We'll Be Peaceful Till Trump Leaves," BJP Leader Kapil Mishra Warns Delhi Police. The NDTV. 2020-02-24 [2020-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-25). 
  6. ^ Delhi Riots: Mosque Set on Fire in Ashok Nagar, Hanuman Flag Placed on Minaret. The Wire. [2020-02-25]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-26). 
  7. ^ Two complaints filed against BJP leader Kapil Mishra for inciting violence in North-East Delhi. DNA India. 2020-02-25 [2020-02-25]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-27). 
  8. ^ 4 Burnt Mosques in 48 Hours Show Delhi Riots Are About Religion, Not CAA. HuffPost India. 2020-02-27 [2021-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-28). 
  9. ^ It's Official: Police Says 53 Dead, 200+ Injured, 2200 Arrests in Delhi Riots. The Wire. 2020-03-08 [2020-03-09]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-09). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Seemi Pasha. Ground Report: As Amit Shah Praises Delhi Police, Riot Victims Tell a Different Story. The Wire. 2020-03-12 [2020-03-14]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-12). 
  11. ^ Delhi riots: 690 cases registered, violence victims find shelter in relief camps. India Today. 2020-03-07 [2020-03-09]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-08). 
  12. ^ Ellis-Peterson, Hannah; Azizur Rahman, Shaikh, Delhi's Muslims despair of justice after police implicated in riots, The Guardian (Delhi), 2020-03-16 [2020-03-17], (原始内容存档于2020-03-17), As the mob attacks came once, then twice and then a third time in this north-east Delhi neighbourhood, desperate stallholders repeatedly ran to Gokalpuri and Dayalpur police stations crying out for help. But each time they found the gates locked from the inside. For three days, no help came. ... Since the riots broke out in Delhi at the end of February, the worst religious conflict to engulf the capital in decades, questions have persisted about the role that the Delhi police played in enabling the violence, which was predominately Hindu mobs attacking Muslims. Of the 51 people who died, at least three-quarters were Muslim, and many Muslims are still missing. 
  13. ^ Withnall, Adam, Targeted for being Muslim, The Independent, 2020-02-27 [2020-03-04], (原始内容存档于2020-03-04), His was one of around eight homes belonging to Muslims targeted by a rampaging mob in this Delhi neighbourhood on Tuesday afternoon, picked for destruction because they sat next to a mosque in this otherwise mostly Hindu-populated neighbourhood, vandalised, looted and then gutted with fire. 
  14. ^ Wamsley, Laurel; Frayer, Lauren, In New Delhi, Days Of Deadly Violence And Riots, NPR, 2020-02-26 [2020-03-25], (原始内容存档于2020-03-04), Hindu mobs appear to have targeted Muslims primarily – not people protesting the citizenship law. 
  15. ^ Abi-Habib, Maria, Violence in India Threatens Its Global Ambitions, The New York Times, 2020-03-05 [2020-03-06], (原始内容存档于2020-03-05), But as the leaders celebrated each other in India's capital, Hindu mobs began going after Muslim protesters in neighborhoods just a few miles away while the police looked on or joined in. 
  16. ^ Gettleman, Jeffrey; Yasir, Sameer; Raj, Suhasini; Kumar, Hari, 'If We Kill You, Nothing Will Happen': How Delhi's Police Turned Against Muslims, The New York Times, Photographs by Loke, Atul, 2020-03-12 [2020-03-13], (原始内容存档于2020-03-13), Two-thirds of the more than 50 people who were killed and have been identified were Muslim. 
  17. ^ Slater, Joanna; Masih, Niha, In Delhi's worst violence in decades, a man watched his brother burn, The Washington Post, 2020-03-06 [2020-03-06], (原始内容存档于2020-03-07), At least 53 people were killed or suffered deadly injuries in violence that persisted for two days. The majority of those killed were Muslims, many shot, hacked or burned to death. A police officer and an intelligence officer were also killed. So too were more than a dozen Hindus, most of them shot or assaulted. 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Slater, Joanna; Masih, Niha, What Delhi's worst communal violence in decades means for Modi's India, The Washington Post, 2020-03-02 [2020-03-15], (原始内容存档于2020-03-03), Zaitoon, 40, who goes by one name, half-cried as she rummaged through the items. She said mobs entered her lane shouting "Jai Shri Ram," or "Victory to Lord Ram," a slogan favored by Modi's party, and demanded to know which houses were occupied by Muslims. She said she saw a neighbor set on fire in front of her, an account repeated by other witnesses. 
  19. ^ Basu, Soma, Delhi: The Anatomy of a Riot, Diplomat, [2020-03-06], (原始内容存档于2020-02-28), BJP leader Kapil Mishra issued a 'three-day ultimatum' to police to clear a protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) by women at the Jaffrabad Metro Station. 
  20. ^ Protests at Jaffarabad against CAA; security beefed up, 2 metro stations closed. United News of India. 2020-02-23 [2020-03-02]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-02). Demanding revocation of Citizenship (Amendment) Act, protesters—mostly women—on Sunday took to streets and blocked the road below Jaffrabad metro station. 
  21. ^ BJP leader Kapil Mishra's 3-day ultimatum to Delhi Police. India Today. [2020-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-26). 
  22. ^ "We'll Be Peaceful Till Trump Leaves," BJP Leader Kapil Mishra Warns Delhi Police. NDTV.com. [2020-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-25). 
  23. ^ Kuchay, Bilal. Fresh violence erupts in Indian capital during anti-CAA protests. Al Jazeera. 2020-02-24 [2020-05-25]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-08). 
  24. ^ Landrin, Sophie. Inde : New Delhi en proie à de violents conflits intercommunautaires [India: New Delhi plagued by violent inter-community conflicts]. Le Monde. 2020-02-26 [2020-03-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-03) (法语). Des hordes d’émeutiers casqués, armés de bâtons, de pierres, de sabres ou de pistolets, portant des drapeaux safran – la couleur des nationalistes hindous – ont pris d’assaut cette zone. Des véhicules, des échoppes, ainsi que des maisons appartenant à des musulmans, ont été incendiés sous les yeux d’une police totalement passive. (Hordes of helmeted rioters, armed with sticks, stones, sabers or pistols, carrying saffron flags - the color of Hindu nationalists - stormed this area. Vehicles, stalls, as well as houses belonging to Muslims, were set on fire in front of a totally passive police force.) 
  25. ^ Gettleman, Jeffrey; Yasir, Sameer; Raj, Suhasini; Kumar, Hari, 'If We Kill You, Nothing Will Happen': How Delhi's Police Turned Against Muslims, The New York Times, Photographs by Loke, Atul, 2020-03-12 [2020-03-13], (原始内容存档于2020-03-13), Hindu mobs fanned out and targeted Muslim families. Violence crackled in the air. Police officers watched as mobs of Hindus, their foreheads marked by saffron stripes, prowled the streets with baseball bats and rusty bars, looking for Muslims to kill. The sky was filled with smoke. Muslim homes, shops and mosques were burned down. 
  26. ^ Landrin, Sophie, Attaques contre les musulmans à New Delhi : " J'ai pensé que j'allais mourir " Trois jours d'attaques meurtrières perpétrées par les nationalistes hindous dans le nord de la capitale indienne laissent des vies dévastées., Le Monde, 2020-03-04 [2020-03-25], (原始内容存档于2020-03-05), D’autres musulmans ont été déshabillés pour vérifier s’ils étaient circoncis, battus à mort et jetés dans les égouts à ciel ouvert de ce quartier pauvre et poussiéreux. (Other Muslims were stripped naked to check if they were circumcised, beaten to death and thrown into the open sewers of this poor and dusty neighbourhood.) 
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 Ellis-Peterson, Hannah; Azizur Rahman, Shaikh, 'I cannot find my father's body': Delhi's fearful Muslims mourn riot dead, The Guardian (Delhi), 2020-03-06 [2020-03-07], (原始内容存档于2020-03-06), According to a witness, Arshad kept quiet, so the mob forced down his trousers. On seeing he was circumcised, as is common among Muslims in India, the mob instantly beat him to death. His bloodied body was later found in a gutter, his pants still around his ankles... In the aftermath, even in unaffected areas of Delhi, an exodus of Muslim families began this week, with swathes packing up their bags and returning for good to their home villages, fearing for their safety in the capital. 
  28. ^ Wamsley, Laurel; Frayer, Lauren, In New Delhi, Days Of Deadly Violence And Riots, NPR, 2020-02-26 [2020-03-25], (原始内容存档于2020-03-04), Mobs have stopped people and demanded to know their religion. 'At least one photojournalist said he was asked to remove his pants to prove his religious identity,' the BBC adds. (Circumcision is common among male adherents of Islam.) 
  29. ^ Yasir, Sameer; Raj, Suhasini, Indian Police Sweep Through Riot Zone, Making More Arrests, The New York Times, 2020-02-28 [2020-03-04], (原始内容存档于2020-03-03), The property destruction has also been lopsidedly anti-Muslim, with many Muslim-owned motorcycles, cars, houses, shops and factories reduced to ashes. At least four mosques were set on fire during 48 hours of rioting. 
  30. ^ Ellis-Peterson, Hannah; Azizur Rahman, Shaikh, 'I cannot find my father's body': Delhi's fearful Muslims mourn riot dead, The Guardian (Delhi), 2020-03-06 [2020-03-07], (原始内容存档于2020-03-06), In Shiv Vihar, from where they and many others had escaped, almost every Muslim home lay in blackened ruins, and two mosques looked like bomb sites. For three days, Hindu rioters attacked Shiv Vihar's Muslim localities and ran mayhem without any resistance from police. The mobs repeatedly used gas canisters as weapons, setting them alight and exploding them in Muslim properties so that the walls crumbled entirely. 
  31. ^ Slater, Joanna; Masih, Niha, What Delhi's worst communal violence in decades means for Modi's India, The Washington Post, 2020-03-02 [2020-03-15], (原始内容存档于2020-03-03), In the riots that swept northeastern Delhi, Muslims mobilized to counter perceived threats and clashed with Hindus. A two-lane road separates Muslim-dominated Mustafabad from Hindu-dominated Bhagirathi Vihar. Hindus say a large mob approached from the Muslim side Tuesday night, throwing stones and Molotov cocktails and firing guns. 'It became difficult to save our lives,' said Yogesh Kumar, 24, an accountant. 'When the fire spreads, everything gets torched,' Sanjay Kumar, 40, said bitterly as he looked around at the destroyed storefronts and burned facades along a lane leading from the main road. He blamed Kapil Mishra, the BJP leader who issued the original threat to protesters who mounted a sit-in. 
  32. ^ Barton, Naomi. How Muslim and Hindu Neighbours Protected Each Other Through the Long Night at Chand Bagh. The Wire. 2020-03-01 [2020-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-02). 
  33. ^ 33.0 33.1 Gettleman, Jeffrey; Abi-Habib, Maria, In India, Modi's Policies Have Lit a Fuse, The New York Times, 2020-03-01 [2020-03-01], (原始内容存档于2020-03-01), This past week, as neighborhoods in India's capital burned and religiously driven bloodletting consumed more than 40 lives, most of them Muslim, India's government was quick to say that the violence was spontaneous... Many Muslims are now leaving, hoisting their unburned things on their heads and trudging away from streets that still smell of smoke. 
  34. ^ 34.0 34.1 Donald Trump and Narendra Modi hug as Delhi burns. The Economist. 2020-02-26 [2021-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-27). Both sides soon resorted to shooting; most of the fatalities, which included two policemen, were caused by gunfire... The police, which in Delhi are controlled by the central government, only deployed in strength on February 26th. On the orders of a court, they also began registering complaints of incitement. Mr Modi's national-security adviser toured affected districts, giving his 'word of honour' that residents could feel safe. The prime minister himself, after three days of silence, belatedly tweeted a plea for calm. 
  35. ^ First the mob, then the law, The Economist, 2020-03-12 [2020-03-15], (原始内容存档于2020-03-14), During the riots in Delhi, it was only after the high court ordered police to help evacuate wounded people to hospital that the city's 80,000-person police force began to intervene, after 48 hours of arson and murder. 
  36. ^ Frayer, Lauren, Delhi Riots Aftermath: 'How Do You Explain Such Violence?', NPR, 2020-03-07 [2020-03-07], (原始内容存档于2020-03-08), But hundreds of wounded are languishing in understaffed medical facilities. Corpses are still being discovered in drainage ditches. Victims are still dying in hospitals. The death toll has reached 53... Police are facing accusations from victims, witnesses, human rights groups, opposition politicians and Muslim leaders worldwide that they failed to protect Muslim citizens, and in some cases, even incited attacks themselves. 
  37. ^ Gettleman, Jeffrey; Yasir, Sameer; Raj, Suhasini; Kumar, Hari, 'If We Kill You, Nothing Will Happen': How Delhi's Police Turned Against Muslims, The New York Times, Photographs by Loke, Atul, 2020-03-12 [2020-03-13], (原始内容存档于2020-03-13), Now, more evidence is emerging that the Delhi police, who are under the direct command of Mr. Modi's government and have very few Muslim officers, concertedly moved against Muslims and at times actively helped the Hindu mobs that rampaged in New Delhi in late February, burning down Muslim homes and targeting Muslim families. 
  38. ^ Slater, Joanna; Masih, Niha, In Delhi's worst violence in decades, a man watched his brother burn, The Washington Post, 2020-03-06 [2020-03-06], (原始内容存档于2020-03-07), The police force – which is directly overseen by the central government – has come under criticism for failing to stop the violence. Witnesses say some officers joined the attacks on Muslims. 
  39. ^ Gettleman, Jeffrey; Yasir, Sameer; Raj, Suhasini; Kumar, Hari, 'If We Kill You, Nothing Will Happen': How Delhi's Police Turned Against Muslims, The New York Times, Photographs by Loke, Atul, 2020-03-12 [2020-03-13], (原始内容存档于2020-03-13), Some Muslims are leaving their neighborhoods, having lost all faith in the police. More than 1,000 have piled into a camp for internally displaced people that is rising on Delhi's outskirts. 
  40. ^ Gettleman, Jeffrey; Yasir, Sameer; Raj, Suhasini; Kumar, Hari, 'If We Kill You, Nothing Will Happen': How Delhi's Police Turned Against Muslims, The New York Times, Photographs by Loke, Atul, 2020-03-12 [2020-03-13], (原始内容存档于2020-03-13), The religiously mixed and extremely crowded neighborhoods in northeastern Delhi that were on fire in late February have cooled. But some Hindu politicians continue to lead so-called peace marches, trotting out casualties of the violence with their heads wrapped in white medical tape, trying to upend the narrative and make Hindus seem like the victims, which is stoking more anti-Muslim hatred. 
  41. ^ Gettleman, Jeffrey; Yasir, Sameer; Raj, Suhasini; Kumar, Hari, 'If We Kill You, Nothing Will Happen': How Delhi's Police Turned Against Muslims, The New York Times, Photographs by Loke, Atul, 2020-03-12 [2020-03-13], (原始内容存档于2020-03-13), India's population is about 80 percent Hindu, and gangs of Hindus threatened Muslims in several Delhi neighborhoods to leave before the Hindu holiday Holi that was celebrated this week. 
  42. ^ Jain, Rupam; Ahmed, Aftab, In Indian capital, riots deepen a Hindu-Muslim divide, Reuters, 2020-03-16 [2020-03-26], (原始内容存档于2020-03-25), But the riots that raged through the district last month appear to have cleaved lasting divisions in the community ...During the day, Hindus and Muslims shun each other in the alleys of the Delhi districts that were hardest hit by the unrest in February. At night, when the threat of violence is greater, they are physically divided by barricades that are removed in the morning. 
  43. ^ Wallen, Joe, Lawyers representing Delhi riot victims 'attacked by police', The Telegraph, 2020-03-13 [2020-03-15], (原始内容存档于2020-03-27), Many senior lawyers are refusing to take up cases on behalf of the victims of the riots amidst wider anti-Muslim sentiment, stoked by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Instead, volunteer lawyers - who are typically young and Muslim and from organisations like the Indian Civil Liberties Union - are taking on cases for free.