

Forțele Aeriene Române
  • 1913年4月1日
  • 1924年1月1日起成為獨立軍種[1]
國家或地區 羅馬尼亞
空軍參謀長倫納德-加百列·巴拉博伊(Leonard-Gabriel Baraboi)少將[3]
攻擊機IAR 330直升機英语IAR 330
戰鬥機F-16AM戰隼 MLU英语General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon variants#F-16AM/BM Block 15 MLU
教練機F-16BM戰隼, IAR-99, Iak-52, IAR 316
運輸機An-26捲髮, C-130力士, C-27J斯巴達人, IAR 330L/M英语IAR 330

羅馬尼亞空軍(羅馬尼亞語Forşele Aeriene Române英語縮寫RoAF)羅馬尼亞武裝部隊的空軍分支。在空軍司令部轄下設有1個作戰指揮部、5個空軍基地和1個防空旅。預備役部隊包括1個空軍基地和3個機場。




目前,羅馬尼亞空軍以F-16戰隼多用途戰機作為其主力戰鬥機。老舊的MiG-21槍騎兵R英语List of Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 variants#MiG-21 LanceR在1993年至2002年間與以色列合作進行了現代化改造,最終於2023年5月15日退役。[5]羅馬尼亞空軍另有操作C-130力士C-27J斯巴達人An-26捲髮等定翼運輸機以及IAR 330直升機英语IAR 330。羅國的羅馬尼亞航空工業公司英语Industria Aeronautică Română與以色列埃爾比特系統公司(以色列)合作對IAR 330進行了現代化改造,以執行攻擊任務。羅國空軍陣中還包括了羅國自製的IAR-99鷹式教練機,不過該機一般僅用於訓練新進飛行員。

由於米格戰機老化,羅馬尼亞空軍遂從北約盟國購買戰機。2013年,羅馬尼亞和葡萄牙簽署了12架F-16AM/BM的採購合約。[6]根據「和平喀爾巴阡山計劃」(Peace Carpathian program),首批6架戰鬥機於2016年9月進入羅馬尼亞空軍服役,另外3架則於同年11月交機,最後3架於2017年交機服役。羅馬尼亞緊接著又於2019年再與葡萄牙簽署了採購另外5架F-16AM/BM的合約,該批戰機最終於2021年3月交機。[7][8]


2022年2月2日,羅馬尼亞總統克勞斯·約翰尼斯表示羅國有意購買第五代F-35閃電II式聯合打擊戰鬥機,作為其空軍現代化的一部分,計劃在2026年之前總共花費98億歐元來增強其防禦能力。[12] 2023年4月11日,羅馬尼亞最高國防委員會(CSAT)英语Supreme Council of National Defence (Romania)批准了F-35採購計劃。這個過程至少需要5年時間,並預計羅國的F-35將在2030年後具備作戰能力。[13]


2023年7月,經過討論後,羅馬尼亞最高國防委員會批准了在羅國境內設立F-16訓練中心的計劃。該中心的目標是成為羅馬尼亞和其他盟軍戰鬥機飛行員(包括烏克蘭飛行員)的區域訓練中心。[15] 這個中心是由11個國家(丹麥、荷蘭、比利時、加拿大、盧森堡、挪威、波蘭、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、瑞典和英國)[16] 以及烏克蘭組成的F-16訓練聯盟英语F-16 training coalition2023年北約峰會後決定成立。洛克希德·馬丁公司及其分包商德拉肯國際也將支持該計劃。作為計劃的一部份,羅馬尼亞將為第86空軍基地(羅國F-16機隊駐地)提供必要的基礎設施,荷蘭將提供F-16戰機,德拉肯國際則提供飛行教官和技術人員。洛克希德·馬丁全球副總裁雷·皮塞利(Ray Piselli)表示,該中心將於該年年底投入營運,正式培訓則可能會在2024年年初開始。[17][18]

現任羅馬尼亞空軍參謀長是倫納德-加百列·巴拉博伊少將,他於2023年11月29日接替維奧雷爾·帕納英语Viorel Pană中將擔任該職務。[3]


A. Vlaicu Nr. I at military exercises 27 Sept. 1910


1818 年,瓦拉幾亞王子約翰·卡拉賈 (John Caradja)在位期間,一架無人駕駛熱氣球在布加勒斯特的Dealul Spirii升空。[19] 1874年7月2日[ OS 6月20日],名為“Mihai Bravul”的氫氣球的所有者Marius Willemot與Iacob Lahovary少校、Constantin Poenaru和Dumitrescu少校一起飛越布加勒斯特。最後一次飛行發生在 1874 年 7 月 7 日 19 日, Willemot 與Nicolae Haralambie上校、Ion Ghica和第三人一起飛行。該氣球於同年3月27日在巴黎首次飛行。[20]

1909 年 11 月 20 日,Mihail Cerchez 合資成立了奇蒂拉飛行員學校。這所學校由法國飛行教官管理,有五個機庫、觀眾看台和經許可製造法曼飛機的車間。學校於 1910 年 7 月 9 日開學,當時首席飛行教官兼學校校長René Guillemin在一次演示飛行中駕駛一架法曼 III雙翼飛機從 40 公尺(130 英尺)高空墜毀並摔斷了腿。

吉列明的繼任者是米歇爾-保羅·莫拉 (Michel-Paul Molla),他於1910 年9 月7 日首次飛越布加勒斯特。在學校於1912 年底因財政困難而關閉之前,莫拉由另外兩人繼任,他訓練了六名軍官,但只獲得了兩名執照。[21]

1909 年 11 月,羅馬尼亞戰爭部長委託Aurel Vlaicu在布加勒斯特陸軍兵工廠建造A. Vlaicu I飛機,並於 1910 年 6 月 17 日首飛。9 月 28 日,在秋季軍事演習期間,Vlaicu 將他的飛機從斯拉蒂納飛往皮亞特拉奧特傳達了一個訊息,羅馬尼亞也因此成為最早將飛機用於軍事目的的國家之一。[22]在第二次巴爾幹戰爭期間,弗萊庫與其他羅馬尼亞飛行員一起執行偵察任務。[23] [24] [25]世界上第一架金屬飛機Vlaicu III在他去世後於 1914 年 5 月完成。 [26]

In 1818, during the reign of John Caradja, the prince of Wallachia, an unmanned hot air balloon was flown off Dealul Spirii in Bucharest.[19] On 2 July1874儒略曆20 June], Marius Willemot, the owner of the hydrogen balloon named "Mihai Bravul" flew together with Majors Iacob Lahovary, Constantin Poenaru and Dumitrescu over Bucharest. The last flight took place on 191874儒略曆7 July], Willemot flying together with Colonel Nicolae Haralambie, Ion Ghica and a third person. The balloon had made its first flight at Paris on 27 March of the same year.[20]

On 20 November 1909, the Chitila Piloting School was formed as a joint venture by Mihail Cerchez. The school, conducted by French flight instructors, had five hangars, bleachers for spectators and workshops where the Farman airplanes were built under license. The school opened on 9 July 1910, when the chief flight instructor and director of the school René Guillemin crashed a Farman III biplane from a height of 40米(130英尺) during a demonstration flight and broke his leg.

Guillemin was succeeded by Michel-Paul Molla who made the first flight across Bucharest on 7 September 1910. Molla was succeeded by two others before the school closed in late 1912 due to financial difficulties, having trained six officers, but only licensed two.[21]

In November 1909, the Romanian Minister of War commissioned Aurel Vlaicu to build the A. Vlaicu I airplane at the Bucharest Army Arsenal which first flew on 17 June 1910. On 28 September during the Fall military exercise, Vlaicu flew his airplane from Slatina to Piatra Olt carrying a message, Romania thus becoming one of the first countries to use airplanes for military purposes.[22] Along with other Romanian pilots, Vlaicu flew reconnaissance missions during the Second Balkan War.[23][24][25] Vlaicu III, the first metal aircraft in the world, was completed after his death, in May 1914.[26]


A Romanian Nieuport 11. The blue color on the tail appears nearly white in the black and white photograph.羅馬尼亞紐波特 11。尾巴上的藍色在黑白照片中顯得接近白色。

詳細可參考羅馬尼亞航空軍團英语Romanian Air Corps

1916 年 8 月羅馬尼亞參戰前夕,在RGA進口和組裝的 44 架飛機中,只有 24 架可用。飛行學校還提供了另外20架飛機。總共 44 架飛機包括:10 架Bristol TB8、7架Bristol Coanda 單翼飛機、5 架Blériot XI、4架Farman HF.20、8架 Farman MF.7和MF.11、4架Voisin III、4 架Morane -Saulnier單翼飛機、1 架Caudron G。3和 1 Aviatik CI。[27] [28] [29] [a]除此之外,還有兩架由Aurel Vlaicu設計的本土單翼飛機。[30]其中一架 Vlaicu 單翼飛機A Vlaicu II於 1913 年墜毀,而A Vlaicu I則於 1914 年退役,使得A Vlaicu III成為羅馬尼亞空軍中唯一的羅馬尼亞製造的飛機。[31]

第一次世界大戰期間,羅馬尼亞從法國購買了 322 架飛機,從英國購買了前RNAS飛機,包括Nieuport 11和17單座戰鬥機以及Morane-Saulnier LA和Nieuport 12兩座戰鬥機、Caudron G.3、Henry Farman HF.20、Farman MF.11、Farman F.40 和 46火砲觀察偵察機、Caudron G.4、Breguet-Michelin BLM和Voisin LA轟炸機。[32] 1916 年 9 月 16 日,一架羅馬尼亞法曼F.40在斯洛博齊亞附近擊落了一架德意志帝國空軍飛機;這是羅馬尼亞的第一次空中勝利。到第一次世界大戰結束時,羅馬尼亞飛行員已經飛行了約 11,000 小時,執行了 750 次任務;然而,它無法阻止羅馬尼亞在 1916 年 12 月的阿爾傑什戰役中的攻勢被擊敗,導致羅馬尼亞南部被佔領,並在俄羅斯革命後於1917 年 12 月 6 日停戰。[33]

On the eve of Romania's entrance into the war in August 1916, only 24 out of the 44 aircraft that had been imported and assembled at RGA were available. Another 20 aircraft were provided by the flight schools. The total of 44 aircraft included: 10 Bristol T.B.8, 7 Bristol Coanda Monoplanes, 5 Blériot XI, 4 Farman HF.20, 8 Farman MF.7 and MF.11, 4 Voisin III, 4 Morane-Saulnier monoplanes, 1 Caudron G.3 and 1 Aviatik C.I.[27][28][29][b] Added to these were two native-made monoplanes designed by Aurel Vlaicu.[30] One of the Vlaicu monoplanes, A Vlaicu II, crashed in 1913, while the A Vlaicu I was retired in 1914, leaving A Vlaicu III as the sole Romanian-made aircraft in the Romanian Air Corps.[31]

During World War I, Romania acquired 322 aircraft from France and ex-RNAS aircraft from Great Britain including Nieuport 11 and 17 single seat fighters and Morane-Saulnier LA and Nieuport 12 two seat fighters, Caudron G.3, Henry Farman HF.20, Farman MF.11, and Farman F.40 & 46 artillery observation and reconnaissance aircraft, Caudron G.4, Breguet-Michelin BLM and Voisin LA bombers.[32] On 16 September 1916, a Romanian Farman F.40 downed an Imperial German Air Service aircraft near Slobozia; this was the first Romanian aerial victory. By the end of World War I, Romanian pilots had flown about 11,000 hours and 750 missions; however, it was unable to prevent the December 1916 Romanian offensive at the Battle of the Argeș from being defeated, which resulted in the occupation of southern Romania, and the armistice on 6 December 1917 following the Russian revolution.[33]


二次大戰期間,在某地空中巡邏的2架IAR 80戰鬥機

詳細可參考羅馬尼亞皇家空軍英语Royal Romanian Air Force西方盟軍在羅馬尼亞的戰役英语Western Allied Campaign in Romania

1941年6月22日,當羅馬尼亞與納粹德國結盟對蘇聯開戰時,羅馬尼亞皇家空軍擁有621架飛機,其中包括本國自製的戰鬥機IAR 80/81。空軍完成了數百次任務,為羅馬尼亞收復1年前被蘇聯佔領的北布科維納比薩拉比亞做出了貢獻。敖德薩圍城戰結束時,空軍取得了約600場空中勝利。[34]羅馬尼亞皇家空軍在東戰線作戰到1944年8月22日,為史達林格勒克里米亞和烏克蘭前線的歷次重大戰役做出了重要貢獻。1941年至1944年間,羅馬尼亞戰機贏得了2000次空中勝利。最著名的王牌飛行員是經認證擊落69架敵機的康斯坦丁·坎塔庫齊諾英语Constantin Cantacuzino (aviator)上尉、擊落55架的亞歷山德魯·塞伯內斯庫英语Alexandru Șerbănescu上尉和擊落13架的霍里亞·阿加里奇英语Horia Agarici上尉。

1944年8月23日米哈伊國王政變後,羅馬尼亞轉向反德並加入同盟國。8月24日至31日期間,羅馬尼亞皇家空軍與德國空軍作戰,摧毀了59架德機。[35] 在後續對抗軸心國的戰役中,由羅馬尼亞飛行員組成的第1航空軍英语1st Air Corps (Romania)一直為蘇聯羅馬尼亞陸軍提供空中支援,直到1945年5月18日。在5月4日,1架蘇聯Yak-3在與2架羅馬尼亞Bf 109發生的誤擊事件中被擊落。[36]



詳細可參考羅馬尼亞社會主義共和國陸軍#空軍部份英语Army of the Socialist Republic of Romania#Air Force

1948年起,伴隨人民共和國政府的建立,羅馬尼亞根據蘇聯的概念和理論改組其軍隊組織。1949年2月15日,根據蘇聯模式(團而非艦隊)成立了航空司令部。在接下來的幾年裡,新的蘇聯製飛機,如雅科夫列夫 Yak-18、波利卡波夫 Po-2、拉沃奇金 La-9、圖波列夫 Tu-2和伊柳申Il-10投入使用。1951 年,9 架雅科夫列夫 Yak-17和Yak-23進入空軍,1952 年又有 88 架MiG-15飛機。1958年,第一架超音速戰鬥機MiG-19進入庫存。三年後,在 1962 年 2 月,庫存中增加了一種新戰鬥機MiG-21,它代表了當時最有效的戰鬥機之一。[35]

從 1974 年開始,羅馬尼亞製造的飛機補充了現有的噴射機。羅馬尼亞IAR-93 攻擊機於1974 年10 月31 日首飛。考慮到它是唯一一架非蘇聯製造的噴氣式戰鬥機,也是唯一一架由華沙條約國家製造和運營的噴氣式戰鬥機,它代表著向前邁出的一大步。[36]

1962 年,第一批直升機分隊成立,隨後於 1965 年成立了第一批蘇聯Mi-2和Mi-4直升機。從1968年開始,Mi-8直升機也將投入使用。[37]機隊更新進程持續進行,首批 2 架MiG-23於 1979 年 1 月 23 日抵達。[38]

1981 年 5 月 14 日 20 點 16 分,蘇聯聯盟40 號太空船從拜科努爾發射升空,執行羅馬尼亞-蘇聯的共同飛行,船上指揮官為杜米特魯·普魯納留中尉和 列昂尼德·波波夫上校。1980 年代初,來自克拉約瓦和伊安卡的第 67 戰鬥轟炸機團和第 49 戰鬥轟炸機團裝備了新型 IAR-93,取代了舊的 MiG-15 和 MiG-17。1989 年 12 月,就在羅馬尼亞反共產主義革命開始前幾天,MiG-29飛機進入空軍庫存。最初訂購了 45 架 MiG-29,但只交付了 21 架,其餘訂單都被取消。MiG-29 被分配到位於米哈伊爾科糾尼恰努機場的第 57 戰鬥機團的第 2 和第 3 中隊。[39]

Starting in 1948, Romania tailored its military to Soviet concepts and doctrine. On 15 February 1949, the Aviation Command was established based on the Soviet model (regiments instead of flotillas). In the following years, new Soviet aircraft, such as Yakovlev Yak-18, Polikarpov Po-2, Lavochkin La-9, Tupolev Tu-2, and Ilyushin Il-10 entered service. In 1951, 9 Yakovlev Yak-17s and Yak-23s entered the air force, and in 1952, another 88 MiG-15 aircraft. In 1958, the first supersonic fighter MiG-19 entered the inventory. Three years later, in February 1962, a new fighter was added to the inventory, the MiG-21, which represented one of the most effective fighters of that time.[37]

Starting in 1974, Romanian-made aircraft supplemented the already existing jets. The Romanian IAR-93 attack aircraft flew its first flight on 31 October 1974. It represented a great step forward taking into account that it was the only jet fighter not made by the Soviets, the only one ever manufactured and operated by a Warsaw Pact country.[38]

In 1962, the first helicopter subunits were established and followed later on, in 1965, by the first Soviet Mi-2 and Mi-4 helicopters. From 1968, Mi-8 helicopters will also enter service.[39] Renewing the aircraft fleet process went on with the first 2 MiG-23s arriving on 23 January 1979.[40]

On 14 May 1981, at 20:16, the Soviet spaceship Soyuz-40 was launched from Baikonur to perform a common Romanian-Soviet flight, with Lieutenant Dumitru Prunariu and Colonel Leonid Popov as commander on board. During the early 1980s, the 67th Fighter-Bomber Regiment and the 49th Fighter-Bomber Regiment from Craiova and Ianca were equipped with new IAR-93s, which replaced old MiG-15s and MiG-17s. In December 1989, just a few days before the Romanian revolution against communism began, MiG-29 aircraft entered the Air Force inventory. Initially, 45 MiG-29s were ordered but only 21 were delivered, with the rest of the order being cancelled. The MiG-29s were assigned to the 2nd and 3rd Squadrons of the 57th Fighter Regiment located at the Mihail Kogălniceanu Airport.[41]


The MiG-29 was withdrawn in 2003 MiG -29於2003年退役

1990 年,最後一架MiG-15戰鬥機從位於伊安卡的第 49 航空團退役。1992年,南斯拉夫內戰爆發後,IAR-93的生產停止了。最後一批 IAR-93 於 1998 年退休。到 1995 年 6 月 1 日,空軍放棄了共產主義時代的團制,轉而採用由空軍基地、大隊和中隊組成的系統。[40]

由於財政拮据,無法購買新戰機,羅馬尼亞空軍決定投資升級米格21戰機。經過幾家公司的競爭,以色列公司Elbit被選中,並選擇了MiG-21M和MF/MF-75版本。該計劃最初被稱為“DD計劃”,以紀念1989年在米格21墜毀事件中喪生的戰鬥機飛行員兼作家多魯·達維多維奇。升級計劃後來更名為“Lancer”,指定為“LanceR”羅馬尼亞的大寫字母“R”。[40]升級版米格機(LanceR 'A' 對地攻擊型)的首次飛行於 1995 年 8 月 22 日進行。[41]

羅馬尼亞 MiG-29 機隊也打算在由DASA、Aerostar和 Elbit 共同完成的名為「 Sniper」的計畫下進行現代化改造。首飛於 2000 年 5 月 5 日進行,原型機在ILA 2000上展出。[42] [43]然而,現代化計畫因各種原因被取消,MiG-29 退役。[44]

1994年加入和平夥伴計畫後,羅馬尼亞開始與其他國家合作,目標是最終加入北約。為此,羅馬尼亞空軍飛機參與了許多國內外演習和航展。在加入北約之前,博爾恰的第 86 中隊開始透過改進基地基礎設施來轉型為北約兼容部隊,允許其飛行員進行大量的飛行訓練並根據北約程序進行工作。[40]

重組期間,從2000年開始,其他機型如米格23戰鬥機、哈爾濱H-5轟炸機以及IAR 823和L-39信天翁教練機退役,後者於2007年退役[40] [45]隨著飛機的退役,幾個基地也被解散,包括亞歷克塞尼機場、伊安卡的第 49 空軍基地和德韋塞盧的第91 空軍基地。蒂米甚瓦拉第93 空軍基地也被解散,目前作為第 71 空軍基地的附屬設施。[40]

2009年春,羅馬尼亞政府決定向法國購買VSHORAD / SHORAD系統。[46]該交易包括「西北風」便攜式 防空系統和MICA VL 地對空飛彈。[47]然而,在8月與MBDA進行初步談判後,由於國防削減,該交易被擱置並隨後取消。[48]

2010年2月,最高國防委員會與美國簽署了一項飛彈防禦協議,根據該協議,羅馬尼亞將安裝陸基SM-3系統。2011 年 5 月 3 日,羅馬尼亞總統特拉揚·伯塞斯庫 (Traian Băsescu)宣布了 SM-3 系統的安裝地點:奧爾特縣的前空軍基地 德韋塞盧 (Deveselu)。[49]該系統包括 3 個連,配備 24 枚 SM-3 Block I 火箭,由大約 200 名美國士兵(最多 500 名)操控,最初由羅馬尼亞空軍總體指揮。[49] Deveselu Aegis Ashore站點於 2016年5月13日宣布投入營運。[50]

In 1990, the last MiG-15 fighters were retired from the 49th Aviation Regiment, located at Ianca. In 1992, production of the IAR-93 was stopped following the start of the Yugoslav Civil Wars. The last IAR-93s were retired in 1998. By 1 June 1995 the Air Force dropped the communist era regimental system in favor of a system consisting of Air Bases, Groups and Squadrons.[42]

Due to financial constraints, being unable to purchase new fighers, the Romanian Air Force decided to invest in the upgrade of the MiG-21 fighters. Following a competition between several companies, the Israeli company Elbit was chosen, and the MiG-21M and MF/MF-75 versions were selected. The program was originally called the "DD program" as a tribute to the fighter pilot and writer Doru Davidovici, who died in a MiG-21 crash in 1989. The upgrade program was later renamed to "Lancer", designated as "LanceR" with capital "R" in Romania.[42] The first flight of an upgraded MiG, a LanceR 'A' ground attack variant, took place on 22 August 1995.[43]

The Romanian MiG-29 fleet was also intended to undergo modernization under a project named "Sniper" done by DASA, Aerostar and Elbit. The first flight took place on 5 May 2000 and the prototype was presented at ILA 2000.[44][45] However, the modernization project was canceled due to various reasons and the MiG-29s were retired.[46]

Following its entry into the Partnership for Peace program in 1994, Romania started cooperating with other countries with the goal of eventually joining NATO. For this, Romanian Air Force aircraft participated in many local or abroad exercises and airshows. Before joining NATO, the 86th Group at Borcea started to convert into a NATO compatible unit by making improvements to the base's infrastructure, allowing its pilots to fly a fair amount of training hours and work according to NATO procedures.[42]

During the period of reorganization, starting from the year 2000, other aircraft models such as the MiG-23 fighters, the Harbin H-5 bombers and the IAR 823 and L-39 Albatros trainers were retired, the latter of which was retired in 2007.[42][47] Along with the retiring of airplanes, several bases were disbanded as well, including the Alexeni Airfield, the 49th Air Base from Ianca and the 91st Air Base from Deveselu. The 93rd Air Base from Timișoara was also disbanded and currently serves as an annex to the 71st Air Base.[42]

In the spring of 2009, the Romanian government decided to purchase VSHORAD/SHORAD systems from France.[48] The deal included Mistral MANPADS and MICA VL surface-to-air missiles.[49] However, after preliminary talks with MBDA in August, the deal was put on hold and canceled afterwards because of the defense cuts.[50]

In February 2010, the Supreme Council of National Defense signed an agreement with the United States for missile defence under whose terms land-based SM-3 systems would be installed in Romania. On 3 May 2011, the president of Romania Traian Băsescu announced the location for the SM-3 systems: former Air Force base Deveselu in Olt County.[51] The system includes 3 batteries with 24 SM-3 Block I rockets, manned by approximately 200 US soldiers (with a maximum of 500) initially under Romanian Air Force overall command.[51] The Deveselu Aegis Ashore site was declared operational on 13 May 2016.[52]


俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭的第一天,第53戰鬥機中隊的兩架F-16被派去攔截正在接近羅馬尼亞領空的烏克蘭空軍的一架蘇霍伊Su-27。Su-27 被護送到第 95 空軍基地,飛行員被羅馬尼亞當局帶走。[51]烏克蘭國防部長奧萊克西·雷茲尼科夫很快就此事道歉,並要求飛機及其飛行員返回。在烏克蘭的一支維修小組解決了戰鬥機的技術問題後,[52] 3 月 1 日,這架飛機在兩架MiG-21 LanceR的護送下,在沒有攜帶武器的情況下返回邊境,由其他烏克蘭飛機接管。[53] [54]

2022 年 3 月 2 日,一架 MiG-21 LanceR 在距離烏克蘭邊境 60 英里的Cogealac附近的羅馬尼亞領空進行空中巡邏時失踪。這「發生在俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭後羅馬尼亞空中警察任務增加之際」。一架 IAR 330 在執行失蹤 MiG-21 搜救任務時墜毀,造成 7 人死亡。[55] [56]兩起事故中喪生的八名軍人均被羅馬尼亞總統追授並授勳。[57]不久之後,又出現了聲稱羅馬尼亞米格機被烏克蘭S-300飛彈系統擊落的假消息。這些說法都被官方駁斥。[58] 3月23日公佈的初步分析表明,事故的發生是人為和環境因素造成的。[59]

自俄羅斯入侵開始以來,截至 2022 年 12 月 13 日,羅馬尼亞空軍和盟軍飛機參加了 150 多次空中治安任務。大多數任務涉及俄羅斯飛機接近羅馬尼亞領空。其他任務涉及協調報告炸彈威脅或通訊中斷的民用飛機。[60] On the starting day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, two F-16s from the 53rd Fighter Squadron were sent to intercept a Sukhoi Su-27 of the Ukrainian Air Force that was approaching Romanian airspace. The Su-27 was escorted to the 95th Air Base where the pilot was taken by Romanian authorities.[53] The Ukrainian Minister of Defence, Oleksiy Reznikov, quickly apologized for this event and requested the return of the airplane and its pilot. After a maintenance team from Ukraine fixed the technical issues of the fighter,[54] the aircraft was returned without its weapons on 1 March, being escorted by two MiG-21 LanceRs to the border where other Ukrainian airplanes took over.[55][56]

On 2 March 2022, a MiG-21 LanceR was lost while on an air patrol inside Romanian airspace near Cogealac, 60 miles from the Ukrainian border. This "occurred amid increased air police missions in Romania after the Russian invasion of Ukraine." An IAR 330 on a search and rescue mission for the missing MiG-21 crashed with seven fatalities.[57][58] The eight servicemen who died in the two accidents were posthumously promoted and decorated by the president of Romania.[59] Shortly after, fake news claiming that the Romanian MiG was shot down by Ukrainian S-300 missile systems appeared. These claims were officially refuted.[60] The preliminary analysis published on 23 March showed that the crashes occurred due to human and environmental factors.[61]

As of 13 December 2022, Romanian Air Force and allied aircraft took part in more than 150 air policing missions since the start of Russia's invasion. The majority of the missions involved Russian aircraft approaching Romanian airspace. Other missions involved coordinating civilian aircraft which had reported bomb threats or after their communications were interrupted.[62]


Romanian MiG-21 of the Baltica 07 Detachment ready for a night mission


2007 年 8 月至 11 月,四架 MiG-21 LanceR C 部署在立陶宛希奧利艾空軍基地,用於波羅的海空中警務。羅馬尼亞分隊接替了來自康布雷的法國空軍幻影 2000 Cs Escadron de Chasse 01.012,自 2007 年 5 月起執行波羅的海空中警務任務。羅馬尼亞空軍完成為期三個月的服役後,一支葡萄牙空軍分隊接手了這項任務。[61]

這四架飛機和大部分人員來自第71空軍基地。該支隊共有 67 名人員,其中包括 9 名飛行員:其中 63 人在希奧利艾服役,另外 4 人在考納斯空中交通管制中心服役,以確保與地方當局的順利合作。羅馬尼亞分遣隊引起了當地媒體的關注,尤其是因為這只是蘇聯時代的噴射戰鬥機第二次部署到希奧利艾(波蘭空軍的MiG-29 戰鬥機於 2006 年首次部署在那裡)。[62]

Four MiG-21 LanceR Cs were deployed from August–November 2007 at Šiauliai Air Base in Lithuania for Baltic Air Policing. The Romanian detachment succeeded the French Air Force Mirage 2000Cs of Escadron de Chasse 01.012 from Cambrai, which fulfilled the Baltic Air Policing since May 2007. Once the RoAF finished its three-month stint, a Portuguese Air Force detachment took over the mission.[63]

The four aircraft and most of the staff came from the 71st Air Base. A total of 67 personnel, among them nine pilots, were part of the detachment: 63 served at Šiauliai, while other four served at the air traffic control centre in Kaunas, to ensure smooth cooperation with local authorities. The Romanian detachment attracted attention from the local media, not least from the fact that it was only the second time a Soviet-era jet fighter was deployed to Šiauliai (Polish Air Force MiG-29s had been deployed there first in 2006).[64]


2019年10月至2020年11月,第572直升機中隊喀爾巴阡美洲獅分隊作為馬利穩定團的一部分部署到馬利。該分隊由四架 IAR 330L 直升機和 120 名人員組成,分兩次輪換部署,參與醫療後送、傷者後送、部隊和物資運輸、空中巡邏和偵察任務。[63]截至馬利任務結束,分遣隊執行了 380 多次任務,其中約 100 次運輸任務、200 次偵察任務和 18 次醫療任務,期間疏散了 40 多名患者。它在莫普提和基達爾地區的聯合國部門開展業務。[64]

一架 IAR 330 於 2020 年 8 月受損。直升機被暴風雨掀翻時位於杜恩札基地。事故沒有造成人員傷亡。[65]

From October 2019 to November 2020, the Carpathian Pumas detachment of the 572nd Helicopter Squadron was deployed to 馬利 as part of 馬利穩定團(MINUSMA). The detachment consisted of four IAR 330L helicopters and 120 personnel deployed on two rotations which took part in 醫療後送MEDEVAC英语MEDEVAC, 傷患後送CASEVAC英语CASEVAC, troop and materiel transport, air patrol, and reconnaissance missions.[65] By the end of the mission to Mali, the detachment flew over 380 missions, of which approximately 100 transport missions, 200 reconnaissance missions, and 18 medical missions during which more than 40 patients were evacuated. It operated in the UN sectors in the Mopti and Kidal regions.[66]

One IAR 330 was damaged in August 2020. It was located at the Douentza base when the helicopter was overturned by a storm. No injuries occurred as a result of the accident.[67]


2022年11月,宣布羅馬尼亞F-16將在2023年4月至7月期間參加波羅的海空中警務任務。[66]喀爾巴阡毒蛇分隊於2023年3月14日成立。它由四架 F -16和100架組成軍人主要來自第 86 空軍基地第 53 戰鬥機中隊,由指揮官科斯明·弗拉德 (Cosmin Vlad) 領導。[67] [68]羅馬尼亞分遣隊與葡萄牙分遣隊一起部署,從先前的法國和波蘭分遣隊手中接過波羅的海空中治安任務。[69]

部署於 7 月 31 日結束,羅馬尼亞 F-16 戰鬥機由義大利 歐洲颱風戰鬥機分隊接替。[70]人員遣返儀式於8月8日在第86空軍基地舉行。[71] 4月至7月期間,羅馬尼亞戰機攔截了60多架俄羅斯飛機,並參與了總計600小時的各種多國演習。[72]

In November 2022, it was announced that Romanian F-16s were to participate in the Baltic Air Policing missions between April and July 2023.[68] The Carpathian Vipers detachment was established 14 March 2023. It was formed by four F-16 and 100 servicemen primarily from the 53rd Fighter Squadron of the 86th Air Base, and was led by Commander Cosmin Vlad.[69][70] The Romanian detachment was deployed together with a Portuguese detachment, taking over the Baltic Air Policing mission from the previous French and Polish detachments.[71]

The deployment ended on 31 July, with the Romanian F-16s being succeeded by a detachment of Italian Eurofighter Typhoons.[72] The repatriation ceremony for the personnel took place on 8 August at the 86th Air Base.[73] Between April and July, the Romanian fighters intercepted over 60 Russian aircraft and participated in various multinational exercises totaling 600 fight hours.[74]


詳細可參考羅馬尼亞空軍部隊列表英语List of Romanian Air Force units





戰鬥機基地 直升機基地 其他飛行部隊
AN/FPS-117(V) 雷達站 空軍司令部 航空通訊及資訊中心


漆有羅馬尼亞空軍建軍100週年紀念塗裝的IAR 99鷹式教練機

第 74 愛國者團,米哈伊布拉武[80] 第 1 地對空飛彈旅 「尼古拉‧德斯凱萊斯庫將軍」,位於奇蒂拉[81] 第 111 地對空飛彈營「Voievodul Mihai」,位於博泰尼[82] 第 112 地對空飛彈營,位於布克沙尼[83] 第 113 地對空飛彈營「Codrii Vlăsiei」,位於金帕蒂[84] 第 114 地對空飛彈營「şoimii Bărăganului」,位於阿德納卡塔[85] 第 5 地對空飛彈營「Horea」,位於瓦爾塞萊[86] 第7鷹營 第8技術營 第 76 情報、監視和偵察旅 「達西亞」,位於Moara Vlăsiei [87] [88] 第 1 空域監視大隊「Neculai Iordache 將軍」,位於費特什蒂第86 空軍基地[89] 第 2 空域監視大隊「Pompiliu Ionescu 將軍」,位於巴克烏第 95 空軍基地 第 3 空域監視大隊「瓦西里‧米哈拉切將軍」,位於坎皮亞圖爾齊第 71 空軍基地 第 4 電子戰大隊「Locotenent-colonel Mihai Cană」,位於多姆內什蒂[90] 第 91 後勤基地 「通用飛行員安德烈·波波維奇」,位於奧托佩尼 第 91 後勤支援大隊,位於特爾格甚魯諾[91] 第 918 軍備彈藥庫,位於梅迪亞什[92] 區域維護中心,奧托佩尼[93] 210 號支援小組 「General de divizie Ioan Macri」,布加勒斯特[94] 空軍司令部 「通用飛行員埃米爾‧喬治烏」,位於莫阿拉弗勒西[95] 位於Moara Vlăsiei的空中作戰中心向北約托雷洪綜合防空系統 CAOC報告[96] 雷達站,位於奧維迪烏,配備AN/FPS-117(V) [97] 位於Giarmata的雷達站,配備 AN/FPS-117(V) [97] 雷達站,位於蘇恰瓦,配備 AN/FPS-117(V) [97] 雷達站,位於克拉約瓦(Cârcea),配備 AN/FPS-117(V) [98] 雷達站,位於Muntele Mare [ ro ],配備 AN/FPS-117(V) 布拉索夫「亨利·科安德」空軍學院 空軍人員訓練與編隊空軍基地 博博克軍用機場 「 Aurel Vlaicu」空軍應用學校 第一空中訓練中隊 AI-A 階段,配備IAK-52和IAR 316B 第二空中訓練中隊 AII-A 階段,符合IAR 99 標準 博博克軍用機場「Traian Vuia」空軍士官和專家學校 戰鬥搜救分隊(DCSL)[99] 卡普米迪亞防空訓練學校“離子邦格斯庫準將” 阿爾巴尤利亞「Mihai Viteazul」軍事學院[100] 羅馬尼亞國家航空博物館

Reserve air bases

儲備空軍基地 第 93 空軍基地,位於賈爾瑪塔機場

Capu Midia Training Range

The Capu Midia Surface-to-air Training and Air-to-Surface Shooting Range provides firing training, execution and evaluation facilities. It is located in Constanța County, 20公里(12英里) north of the city of, Constanța. 卡普米迪亞訓練場 主詞條:卡普米迪亞訓練場 卡普米迪亞地對空訓練和空對地射擊場提供 射擊訓練、執行和評估設施。它位於康斯坦察縣,距離康斯坦察市以北 20 公里(12 英里)。



詳細可參考羅馬尼亞空軍飛機列表英语List of aircraft of the Romanian Air Force

An F-16AM lands at Borcea Air Base
Romanian Air Force IAR 330 SOCAT
飛機名稱 生產國 種類 機型 現役數量 備註
F-16 Fighting Falcon United States multirole F-16AM/BM 20[103][104] 29 surplus Norwegian units on order[105][106]

4 used for conversion training[103][104]

Antonov An-30 Soviet Union surveillance 2[103]
Antonov An-26 Soviet Union transport 1[103]
C-27J Spartan Italy transport 7[103]
C-130 Hercules United States tactical airlifter C-130B 8[107] 4 are H variants[103]
IAR 330 Romania utility / transport 57[103] 22 SOCAT used in a gunship role
IAR 99 Romania jet trainer 21[108]
IAR 316 Romania trainer / utility 7[103] Licensed built SA316B
Yakovlev Yak-52 Romania trainer 14[103]
RQ-7 Shadow United States surveillance Shadow 600 7[109] 11 initially, 4 crashed (1 in country, 3 in Iraq).

Note: Three C-17 Globemaster III and five RQ-4D are available through the Strategic Airlift Capability, and Alliance Ground Surveillance programs[110][111]



The first Romanian MIM-104 Patriot battery, 29 October 2020
名稱 生產國 種類 現役數量 備註
MIM-104 Patriot United States SAM system 4 batteries[113]
MIM-23 Hawk United States SAM system 8 batteries[112][114]
S-60 57mm Soviet Union Mobile anti-aircraft Towed gun[115]
P-14 Soviet Union Radar 2D VHF radar[116]
P-18 Soviet Union Radar 2-dimensional air search radar[117]
P-37 (radar)​(罗马尼亚语 Soviet Union Radar E band/F band 2D radar[118]
PRV-13​(罗马尼亚语 Soviet Union Radar Radar altimeter[119]
AN/TPS-79(R) United States 3D radar 17 Medium range 3D radar- co-produced in Romania[120][121]
AN/FPS-117 United States 3D radar (5) FPS-117 / (7) TPS-77[122][123][124][125][126] Long-range 3D radar

Note: Additionally, five WSR-98D radars owned by the National Meteorological Administration are used for both civilian and military purposes[99][127]




詳細可參考羅馬尼亞武裝部隊軍階及標誌英语Romanian Armed Forces ranks and insignia



北约代碼 OF-10 OF-9 OF-8 OF-7 OF-6 OF-5 OF-4 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1
中文 元帥[e] 上將 中將 少將 准將 上校 中校 少校 上尉 中尉 少尉
羅馬尼亞文 Mareșal General General-locotenent General-maior General de flotilă aeriană Comandor Căpitan-comandor Locotenent-comandor Căpitan Locotenent Sublocotenent


北约代碼 OR-9 OR-8 OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
中文 特級軍士長 一級軍士長 二級軍士長 三級軍士長 上士 中士 一級下士 二級下士 三級下士 上等兵 普通兵
羅馬尼亞文 Plutonier adjutant principal Plutonier adjutant Plutonier-major Plutonier Sergent-major Sergent Caporal clasa I Caporal clasa a II-a Caporal clasa a III-a Fruntaș Soldat




  1. ^ 根據東正教聖人曆,7月20日是聖人以利亞乘旋風升天的日子,因此羅馬尼亞空軍將以利亞視為守護者,並將這一天訂為紀念日。
  2. ^ Using the numbers and airplane types from the 3 sources gives that the 20 aircraft from the flight schools were the 10 Bristol TB 8, the 7 Bristol Coanda and 3 Farman HF 20.
  3. ^ 本稱號是為紀念羅馬尼亞空戰英雄Gheorghe Mociorniță(1913~1945),擊落紀錄9架,他在1945年4月21日於捷克茲林州攻擊德軍地面部隊時被擊落陣亡。戰後遺體被安葬於茲沃倫的羅馬尼亞解放烈士公墓
  4. ^ 本稱號是為紀念羅馬尼亞暨世界航空史上第一位遭截肢後靠義肢重返飛行線的飛行員Gheorghe Bănciulescu(1898~1935),他是羅馬尼亞軍事飛行員的先驅,也是1920至1930年代歐洲和非洲飛行航線探勘的參與者之一。
  5. ^ 根據1995年7月法律第80號之規定,元帥軍階只能在戰時授予立有特殊功勳之陸、海、空軍上將,由最高統帥授予。


  1. ^ Anul 1920. RoAF (罗马尼亚语). 
  2. ^ Ziua Aviației Române și a Forțelor Aeriene. 100 de ani de aviație militară. Stiriletvr.ro. 24 December 2014 [24 December 2014]. (原始内容存档于25 December 2014). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Generalul-maior Leonard Baraboi este noul comandat al Forțelor Aeriene Române. Umbrela Strategică. 29 November 2023 (罗马尼亚语). 
  4. ^ International Institute for Strategic Studies. The Military Balance 2022. Routledge. February 2022: 140–141. ISBN 978-1032279008. 
  5. ^ Ultimele zboruri pentru aeronavele MiG-21 LanceR/ Ceremonii în mai multe baze aeriene din România. g4media.ro. 15 May 2023. 
  6. ^ Cristian Fierbinteanu. România și Portugalia au semnat contractul de achiziţie a 12 avioane F-16. Primele avioane vor ajunge în ţară în 2016. Mediafax. 11 October 2013 (罗马尼亚语). 
  7. ^ Cinci ani de la intrarea oficială a avioanelor F-16 MLU în serviciul Forțelor Aeriene Române. RoAF (罗马尼亚语). 
  8. ^ Carpathian Vipers. key.aero. 22 December 2016. 
  9. ^ Dubois, Gastón. Romania wants to acquire 32 second-hand F-16 for US$ 514 million. aviacionline. 2021-12-13 [2022-02-13]. 
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  • Bernád, Dénes. Rumanian Aces of World War 2 (Aircraft of the Aces 54). Botley, Oxford, UK: Osprey Publishing. 2003. ISBN 978-1841765358. 
  • Bernád, Dénes. Rumanian Air Force: The Prime Decade, 1938–1947. Carrollton, TX: Squadron/Signal Publications Inc. 1999. ISBN 0897474023. 
  • Craciunoiu, Cristian. Deux des Savoia... [Two of Savoia...]. Avions: Toute l'Aéronautique et son histoire. February 2002, (107): 7–16. ISSN 1243-8650 (法语). 
  • Crăciunoiu, Cristian; Roba, Jean-Louis. Romanian Aeronautics in the Second World War, 1941–1945. București, Romania: Editura Modelism International. 2003. ISBN 973-8101182.  (bilingual Romanian/English)
  • Green, W.; Swanborough, G. (编). Oil Well Top Cover – Sixty Years of Rumanian Military Aviation. Air Enthusiast. June 1971, 1 (1): 25–26. 


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