


The painting Along the River During theA Moving Masterpiece impressed me the most. "Along the River DuringA Moving Masterpiece is one of China's most famous paintings handed down from generation to generation.

It is the only surviving masterpiece of the Northern Song Dynasty painter Zhang Zeduan. This painting depicts the prosperity of Bianjing during the A Moving Masterpiece . It is a witness to the prosperity of Bianjing that year and a portrayal of the city's economic situation in the Northern Song Dynasty. pass

In this painting, we understand the urban appearance of the Northern Song Dynasty and the lives of people of all walks of life at that time.

"Along the River During the A Moving Masterpiece uses two exquisite strokes to record the architecture and people's livelihood on both sides of the Bianhe River in the suburbs of Bianjing (now Kaifeng), the capital of the Huizong era, and in the city at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty.

This picture depicts the bustling scene and natural scenery of Bianliang, the capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty, and both sides of the Bianhe River during theA Moving Masterpiece

The work is in the form of a long scroll, using the composition method of scattered perspective to incorporate complex scenery into a unified and varied picture. There are more than 500 characters in the painting, with different clothes and expressions, interspersed with various activities, focusing on drama and composition.

It is dense and dense, paying attention to changes in rhythm and rhyme, and the writing and ink composition are very clever.清明上河圖"Along the River During the A Moving Masterpiece is a work of immortal significance in the history of ancient Chinese painting and has a high historical and documentary value.

It can also be seen that the painter has deep feelings and extensive and sophisticated understanding of urban social life, especially the life of ordinary people

. With his full creative enthusiasm, persistent efforts, serious creative attitude, rich artistic imagination and meticulous artistic expression, the painter has exemplary significance in the history of painting.

This painting depicts a total of 100 horses, depicting the scenes of horses in different postures grazing, playing and resting. The horses have different shapes, some are standing, some are running, some are kneeling, some are lying down, which can be said to be the best posture of a horse.

There are several shepherds at the beginning and end of the picture, controlling the entire herd of horses, reflecting a harmonious relationship between humans and other creatures in nature.

in Asian American History

greetings and communications often follow specific social conventions. When someone asks, "How are you?" or a similar question, it's often seen as a polite gesture rather than a genuine inquiry into the other person's emotional state. In this situation, people usually expect a positive or neutral response, even if the other person is feeling down or facing a difficult situation.

For example, if a Chinese person asks a Chinese American how they are doing, they may reply "I'm ok" even if they are actually in a bad mood. This response is more of a social etiquette and is intended to keep the conversation on a positive note. People rarely talk openly about problems at work or school.

In contrast, Chinese culture pays more attention to personal preservation. In China, people tend not to disclose personal problems or negative emotions to colleagues or acquaintances at will in order to maintain harmonious interpersonal relationships. When asked "How are you?" a Chinese person may respond "I'm fine, thank you" even though there may actually be a challenge.

It is important to note that these descriptions are generalizations and do not apply to every individual in American or Chinese culture. Every culture has its differences, and personal preferences play a big role in how people respond to greetings.

In general, American culture tends to encourage positive or neutral responses in greetings, whereas Chinese culture emphasizes maintaining harmony and face, leading to responses that are more conservative or non-disclosure of personal issues in certain situations.

About “Tang Bo Hu”【Tang Yin】: the most famous professional painter

Tang Yin was the most famous literati professional painter at that time because his life story is very representative: he was born in a well-off family in the peaceful and prosperous times. He received imperial examination education since childhood in order to seek fame, but at the same time, he also planned to learn a skill for a rainy day; Dedicating one's life to painting can firstly lead to economic independence and financial freedom, and secondly, one can gain considerable status and influence in society. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, when birth and family status were no longer so strict. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, when "businessmen" and "shi" could be compared with each other among scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, Tang Bohu, who had contacts with the upper class, the civil class, and even the bottom class of society, was the one who "opened up the world." "The most successful person in dividing the boundaries between literati painting and professional painting in both social and artistic aspects.

Since most of the paintings do not leave accurate dates, researchers can only judge the creation time of Tang Bohu's paintings from the general changes in painting style. Tang Bohu's early painting teachers were Zhou Chen and Shen Zhou. It needs to be emphasized that Zhou Chen himself is also a very important professional painter in Suzhou. Qiu Ying, another master of the Wumen School of Painting who is as famous as Tang Bohu, is also a student of Zhou Chen. Therefore, Zhou Chen, Tang Yin, and Qiu Ying are regarded as the three most successful professional painters in the early sixteenth century. As the inheritor of orthodox literati paintings, Shen Zhou actually participated in art market activities. At that time, there was even a saying that a new work was circulated from Shen Zhou's home in Xiangcheng in the morning.

There is a "replica" Lively composition and bright brushwork are the first impression that most of Tang Bohu's paintings give to viewers. In some paintings that show large areas of mountains and rocks, Tang Bohu would paint those rocks crookedly to enhance the vividness of the pictures. This is more dynamic than the works of teachers Shen Zhou and Zhou Chen; but tens of millions of people Don't think that the crooked rocks are just a clever trick. Tang Bohu was very wise when drafting. Many of his large-scale paintings had precise calculations in advance. The echo of space ensured the overall harmony of the picture, and the light and shade of light emphasized the intensity of the contrast. Therefore, the same Tang Bohu's work on the subject has a more sense of space, more decoration, and eye-catching performance than the teachers.

To make a living by selling paintings, you must face the preferences and tastes of those who seek paintings, and try your best to satisfy them. But if you just cater to it, you will soon be eliminated. Tang Bohu has many paintings "made for Mr. So-and-so", but they are still wonderful and impressive. From this point, it can be seen that no matter what the starting point of creation is, Tang Bohu is very dedicated when picking up the brush.