


Phycomyces sp.的圆球形孢子囊
科学分类 编辑
界: 真菌界 Fungi
门: 接合菌门 Zygomycota
Moreau, 1954



传统上依据形态将真菌分为接合菌门(Zygomycota)、子囊菌门(Ascomycota)及担子菌门(Basidiomycota),而接合菌门分为毛菌纲(Trichomycetes)及接合菌纲 (Zygomycetes)两个纲。[1]其中毛菌纲为一类共生节肢动物肠道中之接合菌,种类较少,而接合菌纲之物种数目则占了接合菌门的绝大部分。[2]不过许多传统上因为形态简单被视为接合菌的真菌后来因为分子证据而被归入子囊菌中(如青霉菌黑霉菌);分子证据也显示毛菌纲、接合菌纲乃至整个接合菌门都是并系群,不再适合做为正式的分类单元

2007年,戴维·希贝特(David Hibbett)根据亲缘关系将接合菌门分为4个亚门毛霉亚门(Mucoromycotina)、梳霉亚门(Kickxellomycotina)、虫霉亚门(Entomophthoromycotina)和捕虫霉亚门(Zoopagomycotina)[3],2011年坷·霍夫曼(Käthe Hoffmann)又增加了一个被孢霉亚门(Mortierellomycotina)[4]。2014年虫霉亚门升为虫霉门[5]。2016年,Joseph W. Spatafora根据基因组数据将接合菌门重新拆分为捕虫霉门毛霉门,其中捕虫霉门包括虫霉亚门梳霉亚门捕虫霉亚门,毛霉门包括球囊霉亚门被孢霉亚门毛霉亚门[6]



  1. ^ Kirk, P.M, P.F. Cannon, J.C. David, and J.A. Stalplers. 2001. Dictionary of the fungi. 9th edi. CABI International, Wallingford, UK. 
  2. ^ 何小曼. 臺灣管狀孢子囊接合菌之研究 (PDF). “真菌、天、地、人”学术研讨会论文集. 2005: 75–78 [2022-11-11]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-11-11). 
  3. ^ Hibbett, David S.; Binder, Manfred; Bischoff, Joseph F.; Blackwell, Meredith; Cannon, Paul F.; Eriksson, Ove E.; Huhndorf, Sabine; James, Timothy; Kirk, Paul M.; Lücking, Robert; Thorsten Lumbsch, H.; Lutzoni, François; Matheny, P. Brandon; McLaughlin, David J.; Powell, Martha J.; Redhead, Scott; Schoch, Conrad L.; Spatafora, Joseph W.; Stalpers, Joost A.; Vilgalys, Rytas; Aime, M. Catherine; Aptroot, André; Bauer, Robert; Begerow, Dominik; Benny, Gerald L.; Castlebury, Lisa A.; Crous, Pedro W.; Dai, Yu-Cheng; Gams, Walter; Geiser, David M.; Griffith, Gareth W.; Gueidan, Cécile; Hawksworth, David L.; Hestmark, Geir; Hosaka, Kentaro; Humber, Richard A.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Ironside, Joseph E.; Kõljalg, Urmas; Kurtzman, Cletus P.; Larsson, Karl-Henrik; Lichtwardt, Robert; Longcore, Joyce; Miądlikowska, Jolanta; Miller, Andrew; Moncalvo, Jean-Marc; Mozley-Standridge, Sharon; Oberwinkler, Franz; Parmasto, Erast; Reeb, Valérie; Rogers, Jack D.; Roux, Claude; Ryvarden, Leif; Sampaio, José Paulo; Schüßler, Arthur; Sugiyama, Junta; Thorn, R. Greg; Tibell, Leif; Untereiner, Wendy A.; Walker, Christopher; Wang, Zheng; Weir, Alex; Weiss, Michael; White, Merlin M.; Winka, Katarina; Yao, Yi-Jian; Zhang, Ning. A higher-level phylogenetic classification of the Fungi. Mycological Research. 2007-05-01, 111 (5): 509–547. doi:10.1016/j.mycres.2007.03.004. 
  4. ^ Hoffmann, K.; Voigt, K.; Kirk, P.M. Mortierellomycotina subphyl. nov., based on multi-gene genealogies. Mycotaxon. 2011-05-09, 115 (1): 353–363. doi:10.5248/115.353. 
  5. ^ Systematics and evolution : part a.. [Place of publication not identified]: Springer. ISBN 978-3-662-49578-0. 
  6. ^ Spatafora, Joseph W.; Chang, Ying; Benny, Gerald L.; Lazarus, Katy; Smith, Matthew E.; Berbee, Mary L.; Bonito, Gregory; Corradi, Nicolas; Grigoriev, Igor; Gryganskyi, Andrii; James, Timothy Y.; O’Donnell, Kerry; Roberson, Robert W.; Taylor, Thomas N.; Uehling, Jessie; Vilgalys, Rytas; White, Merlin M.; Stajich, Jason E. A phylum-level phylogenetic classification of zygomycete fungi based on genome-scale data. Mycologia. 2016-09, 108 (5): 1028–1046. doi:10.3852/16-042. 
