

James Eagan Holmes
出生 (1987-12-13) 1987年12月13日36岁)
居住地奥罗拉 (科罗拉多州)
刑事指控24个一级谋杀罪英语first degree murder
1个非法持有爆炸装置英语Explosive device

詹姆斯·伊根·霍尔姆斯(英语:James Eagan Holmes,1987年12月13日),是一位美国罪犯。他被指控为2012年7月20日,在科罗拉多州奥罗拉世纪电影院英语Century Theatres发生的枪击案主嫌,该案造成12死58伤[8]

枪手是当时24岁的白人男子詹姆斯·伊根·霍尔姆斯(James Eagan Holmes)(生于1987年12月13日),在加州圣地亚哥长大。[9]据邻居说,他们家在当地的长老教会十分活跃。[10][11]他于2006年在圣地亚哥的托里高地社区Westview高中毕业,在那里他喜欢踢足球和越野跑。[12][13]2010年,他在加州大学河滨分校获得了神经科学最高荣誉学士学位。[14][15]他还是几个荣誉协会的成员,包括PhBK学生联谊社英语Phi Beta Kappa金钥匙国际荣誉协会。大学毕业后他没找到全职工作,于是在住家附近的麦当劳打工,他的邻居说他看起来情绪低落很消沉。[16]之后霍尔姆斯在科罗拉多州丹佛大学攻读神经科学博士学位。2012年,他的学习成绩下降,在春季综合考试表现不佳,虽然大学不打算将他开除,然而他自己选择退学。[17]他本人先前除了一次因为超速驾驶而受罚之外,没有其他任何犯罪纪录。有关他的审判从2015年4月27日开始,[18][19] 并且在8月24日判决他12个无期徒刑,刑期高达3318年不可假释。[5][6]


霍尔姆斯生于1987年12月13日加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥。他的父亲是一位数学及科学家,在斯坦福大学加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校加利福尼亚大学柏克莱分校取得学位。他的母亲是一位护理师。霍尔姆斯有一个妹妹。[20]霍尔姆斯成长于一个接近卡斯特罗维尔 (加利福尼亚州)奥克丘陵社区,他在那儿上小学。[21][22]在他12岁时,他搬回到圣地亚哥。他住在相邻兰乔小悬崖英语Rancho Peñasquitos, San Diego的地方,报告指出,他在那儿开始怯于社交。[23]他去上西景高中英语Westview High School (San Diego),并于2006年毕业。[24] 霍尔姆斯在高中时,从事足球和越野跑运动。据信义宗牧师所言,他和其家人参与信义宗小悬崖(Peñasquitos)教堂的活动。霍尔姆斯的律师丹尼尔·金提到霍尔姆斯在中学时开始产生心理建康的问题,并在11岁时曾自杀。[25][26]

据霍尔姆斯所言,在孩童时期,他害怕一种他称为"钉鬼"(Nail Ghosts)会在夜晚敲打墙壁的东西。霍尔姆斯在见精神科医师芬顿(Lynne Fenton)前,见过社工玛格丽特·罗丝(Margaret Roth)一面。[27] 霍尔姆斯是沮丧的并且着迷于杀戮超过十年。[28]

在奥罗拉,霍尔姆斯和其他学习健教的学生住在巴黎大道上的单卧室公寓。[29]在租屋期间,他形容自己是"安静且好相处",[30]并且在线上约会个人简介里,霍尔姆斯认为自己是不可知论[31][32]他留下一些电子足迹,例如大学的电子信箱地址,老旧的Myspace照片,[33]以及在Match.com[31]和Adult FriendFinder,的简介,也有在征材网站Monster.com的履历。[34]根据少数的来源,据说霍尔姆斯有买春并且在网络论坛留下评价。[35][36][37]



2006年,霍尔姆斯是索尔克研究所的实习生,他被指派写实验所需的程式码。他被他的指导者描述成个性倔强,沉默寡言并且不善社交的, 在实习结束时向其他实习生交接他的专案,但从未完成。[44][45]


2006年,他从圣地亚哥托里高地英语Torrey Highlands, San Diego社区的西景高中毕业,[47][48] 进入了加利福尼亚大学河滨分校(UCR)。2010年,他获得了神经科学最高荣誉的理学士。[49][50][51][52]霍尔姆斯过往是许多荣誉协会的成员,包括PhBK学生联谊社英语Phi Beta Kappa金钥匙国际荣誉协会[53]根据UCR寄给伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(UIUC)的推荐信,他毕业成绩平均积点是3.949,并且是班上前1%成绩毕业。UCR的信也描述霍尔姆斯是一个非常有力的领导者,一个求学中活跃的角色并且在班上是很聪明和心态成熟的人。[54]霍尔姆斯的成绩百分之98来自非书面的部分,百分之94是可量化的部分,并且百分之45是解析笔试GRE的部分。[55]



2011年6月,霍尔姆斯入学位于奥罗拉的科罗拉多大学安舒茨医学校区英语Anschutz Medical Campus攻读博士[58]根据国家卫生院的纪录,2011年7月到2012年6月,支付给他$21,600美元的奖学金。霍尔姆斯也收到了从科罗拉多大学丹佛分校得到的$5,000美元津贴英语stipend[59][60]虽然霍尔姆斯收到了UIUC的入学许可,那儿提供给他22,600美元的津贴和免学费,他却没特别的理由拒绝了。在UIUC对于霍尔姆斯申请书的复查者,因为霍尔姆斯在申请书附上他和大羊驼合照,而印像深刻。[54]


看过他的精神科医师芬顿,在审判时作证,在她最后的看诊时,她对于霍尔姆斯表达杀人意念英语homicidal ideation,表示担忧。在三个月期间,她总共看诊过7次,两次是男的精神科医师。霍尔姆斯拒绝了他们的治疗建议。2012年6月,在霍尔姆斯已经寄给她接受治疗的电子邮件之后,她启动了一个评估小组去帮忙她规划治疗霍尔姆斯。她列出特别的关注点,例如他长期存在关于尽可能大规模杀人的幻想,他不情愿讨论他这个计划的任何细节,拒绝治疗团队告诉其它任何人,并且不清楚这件事何时将执行;她并不知道是否他总是这样或这是他的新行为。她与他的母亲商量,他母亲说霍尔姆斯有长久的的社交问题。虽然医学中心即使他不在保单范围,仍然对他提供治疗,他还是不去治疗。他最后的诊断是类精神分裂型人格违常,排除了类思觉失调症英语Schizophreniform disorder自闭症谱系[61]

在2012年,霍尔姆斯的学业表现下降,[62]并且他在春天的综合考试英语comprehensive exam得到低分。大学并不打算开除他,不过霍尔姆斯还是办理离校程序。[63]2012年6月初,在大学关键的口试失败3天后,霍尔姆斯没有进一步说明理由就退学。[64]在霍尔姆斯被逮捕时,他们认为他的职业是"劳工"。[65]



霍尔姆斯的辨护律师声称,他在奥罗拉枪击事件发生之前,已是安舒茨学生心理健康服务(Anschutz's Student Mental Health Services)医疗主任的精神病人。但是检察官不同意这项宣告。[66][67]辩护律师的动议发布四天后,法官要求将该纪录注销。[68]CBS新闻随后报导,霍尔姆斯在屠杀事件前,已经在科罗拉多大学系统看过至少3位心理卫生的专家。其中一位被告知霍尔姆斯有杀人的念头,考虑强迫安置他在心理看护所,但是她相信霍尔姆斯是边缘性人格障碍并且托付给看护所只会激怒他,所以决定作罢。[69]

其中一位霍尔姆斯的精神医师怀疑,霍尔姆斯在枪击事件之前就患有精神疾病,可能使他变得很危险。在悲剧发生前的一个月,芬顿医师告诉大学校警,他有可能犯下杀人罪。[70]屠杀发生的两个星期前,霍尔姆斯向研究生发送文字讯息,询问学生是否曾听过心情恶劣型躁症英语dysphoric mania,并警告学生离他远一点,"因为他就会带来坏消息"[71]

洛杉矶时报一开始的报导,引述一位霍尔姆斯的同学,指出霍尔姆斯是超级英雄迷,并且也引述匿名的执法人员宣称霍尔姆斯的公寓是"装饰满蝙蝠侠的相关用具英语paraphernalia"[72]但是,之后的报导描述霍尔姆斯的公寓有一个蝙蝠侠面具但相当空旷。[73][74][75]起诉霍尔姆斯的地方检察官乔治·布劳克勒(George Brauchler),在审判之后陈述,没有证据指出霍尔姆斯是蝙蝠侠迷。[75]


  1. ^ Ross French. Information regarding James Eagan Holmes. UCR Today (University of California, Riverside). July 20, 2012 [August 2, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-08-01). 
  2. ^ Profile: Aurora cinema shooting suspect James Holmes. BBC. July 21, 2012 [July 23, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-04). 
  3. ^ Riccardi, Nicholas; Banda, P. Solomon. Colo. Suspect Charges: Murder, Attempted Murder. July 30, 2012 [September 19, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-01). 
  4. ^ Barajas, Joshua. 'Through this door is horror': Opening statements begin in theater shooting trial. PBS News Hour. April 27, 2015 [April 27, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2015-04-29). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Healy, Jack. A Life Sentence for James Holmes, Aurora Theater Gunman Who Killed 12. The New York Times. August 7, 2015 [August 7, 2015]. (原始内容存档于August 9, 2015). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Sickles, Jason. Theater shooting verdict: James Holmes sentenced to life in prison. Yahoo! News. August 7, 2015 [August 7, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2015-08-10). 
  7. ^ Hickey, Chuck. Max: Aurora theater shooter gets 12 counts of murder, 70 counts of attempted murder which was granted as life with no parole plus 3,138 years.. FOX31. August 26, 2015 [August 26, 2015]. (原始内容存档于August 27, 2015). 
  8. ^ Colo. shooting suspect James Holmes' apartment booby trapped, police say. CBS News. July 20, 2012 [July 20, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-21). 
  9. ^ Who is James Egan Holmes?. The Blade (Toledo, OH). Associated Press. July 20, 2012 [July 21, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-23). 
  10. ^ Burnett, Sara. Colorado shooting suspect James Eagan Holmes was honor student. Mercurynews.com. [July 21, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-22). 
  11. ^ Stout, Matt. Experts: Suspect's shooting spree 'desperate'. Boston Herald. July 21, 2012 [July 21, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-27). 
  12. ^ Banda, P. Solomon; Peipert, Thomas. Movie Massacre: Shock, Sadness, a Search for Clues. ABC News. Associated Press. [July 21, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-25). AP story was replaced [查证请求]
  13. ^ Lohr, David. Colorado Shooting: What We Know About James Holmes (UPDATED). The Huffington Post. July 20, 2012 [July 20, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-21). 
  14. ^ Whitaker, Bill. James Holmes "smart" but "quiet," teachers and neighbors say. CBS News. July 20, 2012 [July 20, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-21). 
  15. ^ Burnett, Sara. Theater shooting suspect: A quiet man who authorities say harbored a deadly plan. The Denver Post. September 14, 2010 [July 21, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-21). 
  16. ^ Aurora suspect James Holmes was buying guns, dropping out of graduate school. Usnews.msnbc.msn.com. [July 21, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-22). 
  17. ^ Statement from the university on James Holmes | Newsroom | University of Colorado Denver. Ucdenver.edu. [July 21, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-23). 
  18. ^ Villanueva, Raquel. Aurora theater shooting trial adjourns for day. 9News. Associated Press. April 26, 2015. (原始内容存档于April 28, 2015). 
  19. ^ Muskal, Michael. Judge allows plea of not guilty by insanity for James Holmes. LA Times. [4 June 2013]. (原始内容存档于June 4, 2013). 
  20. ^ Stickney, R.; Fry, Wendy. Holmes Family Stands by Son: Attorney. NBC San Diego. July 24, 2012 [January 14, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-28). 
  21. ^ Wallis, Daniel; Coffman, Keith. Water parks and piano class: Colorado movie gunman's childhood. Yahoo! News. July 29, 2015 [July 30, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2015-08-01). 
  22. ^ Castroville classmates stunned: As a youth James Holmes was 'friends with everybody'. The Salinas Californian. July 23, 2012 [January 29, 2019]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-25). 
  23. ^ O'Neill, Ann. From happy boy to mass murderer: James Holmes' life story weighed by jury. CNN. August 3, 2015 [August 3, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-13). 
  24. ^ Susan Gembrowski, Marisol Bello and Trevor Hughes. A closer look at Aurora shooting suspect James Holmes. USA Today. July 21, 2012 [January 19, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2015-02-22). His family still lives in the two-story white house with a red-tiled roof where he grew up. The house is less than three miles from Westview High School where he graduated in 2006. 
  25. ^ Associated Press. The Latest: Courthouse empties after Day 1 of Holmes trial. Associated Press. April 27, 2015 [April 27, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2015-04-28). Daniel King said during opening statements Monday that Holmes was a normal child through elementary school but began to have mental health problems in middle school. He says Holmes attempted suicide in 1999. 
  26. ^ Raquel Villanueva and Associated Press. Aurora theater shooting trial adjourns for day. 9 News. April 27, 2015 [April 27, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2015-04-28). Daniel King said during opening statements Monday that Holmes was a normal child through elementary school but began to have mental health problems in middle school. He says Holmes attempted suicide at age 11. 
  27. ^ Aurora Shooting Trial: 10 New Things From 22 Hours of James Holmes Psychiatric Evaluation Interviews. ABC News. June 5, 2015 [June 5, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2015-07-19). 
  28. ^ A look inside the 'broken' mind of James Holmes. CNN. June 5, 2015 [June 5, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-24). 
  29. ^ Castillo, Mariano. James Eagan Holmes: Aurora, Colorado shooting suspect: Who is he?. CNN. July 21, 2012 [July 21, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-21). 
  30. ^ Williams, Pete; Dedman, Bill; NBC News staff. Aurora suspect James Holmes was buying guns, dropping out of graduate school. ABC News. July 21, 2012 [July 23, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-04). 
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 The Match.Com Profile. TMZ.com. [July 27, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-25). 
  32. ^ Rogers, Abby. Alleged Shooter James Holmes Bragged Of 'Soul Penetrating Eyes' On Dating Website. Business Insider. 23 July 2012 [9 September 2016]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-16) (英语). In his profile, Holmes described himself as an agnostic man who "definitely" wants kids, only drinks "socially," and doesn't smoke. 
  33. ^ Stern, Joanna. James Holmes: Colorado Shooting Suspect Had Few Digital Fingerprints. ABC News. July 20, 2012 [July 20, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-12). 
  34. ^ Asbury, John; Gruszecki, Debra; Robinson, Alicia. At UC Riverside, Holmes led enigmatic life. The Press-Enterprise. 20 July 2012 [13 June 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-27). 
  35. ^ James Holmes: Denver Dark Knight killer paid prostitute for sex just a week before massacre. Daily Mail (London). 2012-07-30 [2012-11-03]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-04). 
  36. ^ Caulfield, Philip. Aurora suspect hired prostitutes. New York Daily News. 25 July 2012 [2012-11-03]. 
  37. ^ Lysiak, Matt; Chapman, Ben. Holmes wasn't hot for prostitute. New York Daily News. 30 July 2012 [2012-11-03]. (原始内容存档于2012-08-05). 
  38. ^ Healy, Jack. James Holmes's Ex-Girlfriend Recalls Awkwardness and Ghoulish Remarks. The New York Times. 11 June 2015 [8 September 2016]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-18) (英语). 
  39. ^ James Holmes Took First Love to Horror Movie Fest, She Testifies in Aurora Trial. ABC News. June 10, 2015 [June 10, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2019-02-18). 
  40. ^ Theater shooting trial: James Holmes' ex-girlfriend Gargi Datta begins to testify Wednesday. The Denver Channel. June 10, 2015 [June 10, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-30). 
  41. ^ Theater shooter's ex: 'I didn't see a future with him'. Yahoo! News. June 11, 2015 [June 11, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-12). 
  42. ^ Theater Shooter James Holmes; Ex-Girlfriend: 'He Liked Me More Than I Liked Him'. National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC). 10 June 2015 [8 September 2016]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-28) (英语). In the earlier video, Holmes told a state-appointed psychiatrist that he contracted mononucleosis in late 2011 and became depressed and lacked energy because of his subsequent breakup with his girlfriend. "My mind was kind of falling apart," Holmes told Dr. William Reid in the interview at a state mental hospital two years after the attack. 
  43. ^ Silverstein, Jason. James Holmes' ex-girlfriend testifies in trial for Aurora shooting: 'I think he liked me more than I liked him'. New York Daily News. 11 June 2015 [8 September 2016]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-16) (英语). Holmes professed his love for Datta and said their breakup contributed to his violent depression, in a filmed psychiatric interview shown earlier in the trial. 
  44. ^ Colorado shooting suspect James Holmes was an 'unusually bad intern'. The Christian Science Monitor. July 23, 2012 [July 24, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-24). 
  45. ^ Suspected Aurora shooter James Holmes brilliant? Not by a long shot, says former Salk Institute supervisor John Jacobson. New York Daily News. July 23, 2012 [July 24, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-25). 
  46. ^ Holmes, James. Resume submitted to University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (PDF). Reuters. : 11 [August 11, 2012]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2013-05-11). 
  47. ^ A closer look at Aurora shooting suspect James Holmes. USA Today. July 20, 2012 [July 21, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-21). 
  48. ^ Lohr, David. Colorado Shooting: What We Know About James Holmes (UPDATED). The Huffington Post. July 20, 2012 [July 20, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-21). 
  49. ^ Whitaker, Bill. James Holmes "smart" but "quiet," teachers and neighbors say. CBS News. July 20, 2012 [July 20, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-21). 
  50. ^ Burnett, Sara. Theater shooting suspect: A quiet man who authorities say harbored a deadly plan. The Denver Post. July 21, 2012 [July 21, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-21). 
  51. ^ Stickney, R.; Tevrizian, Megan; Powell, Brandi. Westview HS Graduate 'Acted Alone' in Deadly Rampage: Investigators. NBC San Diego. July 20, 2012 [July 20, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-23). 
  52. ^ Chancellor Timothy P. White Press conference video. University of California, Riverside. [July 23, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-22). 
  53. ^ Aurora suspect James Holmes was buying guns, dropping out of graduate school. MSNBC. [July 21, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-22). 
  54. ^ 54.0 54.1 Man accused in Colo. shooting was accepted to UIUC. 5 NBC Chicago. August 10, 2012 [August 11, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-08-12). 
  55. ^ Meyer, Jeremy P. James Holmes' University of Illinois application offers no hint of mental issues. Denver Post. 10 August 2012 [20 July 2019]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-11). 
  56. ^ Dedman, Bill. Photos of James Holmes, camp counselor for underprivileged kids. NBC News. July 21, 2012 [July 23, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-25). 
  57. ^ Coffman, Keith. Coworker recalls Colorado movie massacre gunman acting 'spaced out'. Yahoo! News. June 29, 2015 [June 29, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2015-07-07). 
  58. ^ Shooting Suspect Was Graduate Student At Colorado Medical School. WLEX-TV. July 20, 2012 [July 26, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-26). 
  59. ^ James Holmes received thousands from grad-school grants ahead of deadly Aurora shooting. CBS News. CBS This Morning. [July 25, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-26). 
  60. ^ University: CO shooting suspect had federal grant. The Seattle Times. Associated Press. July 21, 2012 [July 22, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-25). 
  61. ^ Rittiman, Allison Sylte and Brandon. Theater shooter's psychiatrist found his behavior bizarre. USA TODAY. [2020-06-22]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-25) (美国英语). 
  62. ^ Leonnig, Carol D.; Achenbach, Joel. James Holmes, held in Colorado shooting, had academic promise but was struggling. The Washington Post. July 20, 2012 [July 20, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-28). 
  63. ^ Statement from the university on James Holmes. University of Colorado Denver. July 21, 2012 [July 21, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-23). 
  64. ^ Harris, Dan. James Holmes Bought Rifle After Failing Oral Exam at University of Colorado. ABC News. July 25, 2012 [July 26, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-26). 
  65. ^ Sickles, Jason. Judge accused of creating 'unusual shroud of secrecy' in movie theater shooting case. Yahoo News. August 9, 2012 [January 14, 2017]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05). 
  66. ^ Colorado shooting suspect was a psychiatric patient. CNN. July 27, 2012 [July 27, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-28). 
  67. ^ Defense: Shooting suspect was seeing psychiatrist. Associated Press. [July 28, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-30). 
  68. ^ Meyer, Jeremy P. Holmes court document revised four days after its release. The Denver Post. August 1, 2012 [August 1, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-05). 
  69. ^ Coffman, Keith. Psychiatrist for Colorado movie gunman thought mental hold might 'inflame' him. Yahoo! News. September 2, 2015 [September 3, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-06). 
  70. ^ Psychiatrist told campus police before Colo. theater attack Holmes had homicidal thoughts. The Washington Post. [April 4, 2013]. (原始内容存档于December 25, 2018). 
  71. ^ Goode, Erica; Kovaleski, Serge F.; Healy, Jack; Frosch, Dan. Before Gunfire, Hints of 'Bad News'. The New York Times. 26 August 2012. (原始内容存档于September 19, 2012). 
  72. ^ Quinones, Sam; Murphy, Kim; Mozingo, Joe. Profile of Aurora shooting suspect keeps getting murkier. Los Angeles Times. 22 July 2012 [July 24, 2012]. (原始内容存档于July 23, 2012). 
  73. ^ Lockie, Alex. There are disturbing new photos of James Holmes' booby-trapped apartment. Business Insider. [2020-10-31]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-02). 
  74. ^ Desta, Yohana. The Joker Didn't Inspire the Aurora Shooter, but the Rumor Won't Go Away. Vanity Fair. [2020-10-31]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23) (美国英语). 
  75. ^ 75.0 75.1 Meyer, Jeremy P. Meyer: The James Holmes "Joker" rumor. The Denver Post. 2015-09-18 [2020-10-31]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-11) (美国英语).