

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 辐鳍鱼纲 Actinopteri
目: 隆头鱼目 Labriformes
科: 隆头鱼科 Labridae
属: 隆头鱼属 Labrus
贝氏隆头鱼 L. bergylta
Labrus bergylta
Ascanius, 1767
  • Labrus berggylta
    Ascanius, 1767
  • Labrus comber
    Bonnaterre, 1788
  • Labrus ballan
    Bonnaterre, 1788
  • Labrus maculatus
    Bloch, 1792
  • Labrus neustriae
    Lacepède, 1801
  • Labrus balanus
    Fleming, 1828
  • Labrus variabilis
    Thompson, 1837
  • Crenilabrus multidentatus
    Thompson, 1837

贝氏隆头鱼学名Labrus bergylta)为隆头鱼目隆头鱼科的物种,分布于挪威摩洛哥的东北大西洋水域,栖息于水深1—50米的浅海,体长可达65.9厘米。其幼鱼为绿色,成鱼则可能为砖红色或墨绿色,牙齿大而粗壮。该鱼是顺序性雌雄同体,即所有个体出生时均为雌性,随年龄增长可能变为雄性。贝氏隆头鱼为肉食性鱼类,主要捕食软体动物甲壳类等动物,还会取食其他鱼类体表的寄生虫,因此有养殖场会饲养该鱼作为清洁鱼。贝氏隆头鱼可食用。该鱼目前种群良好,IUCN将其评为“无危”。


贝氏隆头鱼身体修长,头部较大,嘴小,唇厚而有褶皱。该鱼有一排大而粗壮的牙齿,且会随年龄增长而逐渐由尖变钝。其背鳍较长,前半部分有18—21根棘刺,后半部分则有9—13根鳍条。该鱼臀鳍短小,仅有3根棘刺。其体侧线上有41—47枚较大的鳞片[2]。幼鱼的体色取决于具体栖息地,一般为深浅不一的绿色[2],有时会呈亮翡翠色[3] 。成鱼体表有大量白点,体色可能为砖红色或墨绿色[2]。贝氏隆头鱼最长可长到65.9厘米长[4],但一般不超过50厘米[5]。贝氏隆头鱼是东北大西洋水域最大的隆头鱼[6]




















挪威的鲑鱼养殖场常同时饲养隆头鱼以清理寄生虫[15]。其中贝氏隆头鱼不但体格较大不会被鲑鱼吞食,而且能忍受更低的水温,故当地的水产养殖业者将其视为最佳选择。目前虽有对贝氏隆头鱼的人工繁育但产量有限,因此大部分养殖场仍选择捕捉野生个体作为清洁鱼[22] 。一旦鲑鱼成熟并被捕捞上岸,养殖业者一般会将贝氏隆头鱼就地放生。这些个体会与本地的贝氏隆头鱼交配,从而改变本地种群的基因池[23]。此外,养殖场中的贝氏隆头鱼的鱼鳍常存在开裂、糜烂等病变,因此有学者批评其动物福利存在问题[24]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Pollard, D. Labrus bergylta. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2010, 2010: e.T187398A8525211 [2021-11-20]. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2010-4.RLTS.T187398A8525211.en可免费查阅. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Wheeler,A. The Pocket Guide to Salt Water Fishes of Britain and Europe. Parkgate Books. 1997: 117 [1992]. ISBN 978-1855853645. 
  3. ^ O. E. D. Ager. H. Tyler-Walters; K. Hiscock , 编. Ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta). Marine Life Information Network. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2008 [2020-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-06). 
  4. ^ Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (eds.) (2013). Labrus bergylta. FishBase. Version 2013-07.
  5. ^ Ballan Wrasse. The Wildlife Trust. [2024-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-02). 
  6. ^ Bañon, R; Villegas-Ríos, D; Serrano, A; Mucientes, G; Arronte, J.C. Marine fishes from Galicia (NW Spain): an updated checklist. Zootaxa. 2010, 2667: 1–27. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Almada, F; Francisco, S.M; Lima, C.S; FitzGerald, R; Mirimin, L; Villegas-Ríos, D; Saborido-Rey, F; Afonso, P; Morato, T; Bexiga, S; Robalo, J.I. Historical gene flow constraints in a northeastern Atlantic fish: phylogeography of the ballan wrasse Labrus bergylta across its distribution range. The Royal Society Open Science. 2017, 4: 1–14. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Ballan Wrasse. Cornwall Good Seafood Guide. Cornwall Wildlife Trust. [2024-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-03). 
  9. ^ Sørøy, M.O. Dietary effects of different live prey on growth and functional development in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) larvae and juveniles (Master论文). Norwegian University of Science and Technology. 2012. 
  10. ^ Hamre, K; Nordgreen, A; Grøtan, E; Breck, O. A holistic approach to development of diets for Ballan wrasse (Labrus berggylta) – a new species in aquaculture. PeerJ. 
  11. ^ Lie, K.K; Tørresen, O.K; Solbakken, M.H; Rønnestad, I; Tooming-Klunderud, A; Nederbragt, A.J; Jentoft, S; Sæle, Ø. Loss of stomach, loss of appetite? Sequencing of the ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) genome and intestinal transcriptomic profiling illuminate the evolution of loss of stomach function in fish. BMC genomics. 2018, 19 (1): 186. 
  12. ^ Le, H.T.M.D; Shao, X; Krogdahl, Å; Kortner, T.M; Lein, I; Kousoulaki, K; Lie, K.K; Sæle, Ø. Intestinal Function of the Stomachless Fish, Ballan Wrasse (Labrus bergylta). Frontiers in Marine Science. 2019, 6. 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Villegas-Ríos, D; Alonso-Fernández, A; Domínguez-Petit, R; Saborido-Rey, F. Intraspecific variability in reproductive patterns in the temperate hermaphrodite Labrus bergylta. Marine and Freshwater Research. 2013, 64 (12): 1156–1168. 
  14. ^ Muncaster, S; Andersson, E; Kjesbu, O.S; Taranger, G.L. The reproductive cycle of female Ballan wrasse Labrus bergylta in high latitude, temperate waters. Journal of Fish Biology. 2010, 77 (3): 494–511. 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 15.2 Yusof, M; Faizzi, M. Reproductive biology and growth of Ballan Wrasse Labrus Bergylta in west of Ireland waters (Ph.D论文). 2015. 
  16. ^ Kaland, H; Aas, G.H; Amundsen, T; Gansel, L.G; Tuene, S.A. Cleaning behavior of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) studied using sea lice dummies in large scale sea cages. Aquaculture. 2023, 567. 
  17. ^ Breen, M. Field Observation of the Cleaning of Ballan Wrasse and Torment Feeding. Sayer, M.D.J; Treasurer, J.W; Costello, M.J (编). Wrasse: Biology and Use in Aquaculture. Fishing New Books. 1996: 55–60. 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Sweetear, W. The Connoisseur's Guide to Fish & Seafood. Sterling Pub. 2009: 66. 
  19. ^ Joyant, M; de Toulouse-Lautrec, H. The Art of Cuisine. Henry Holt. 1995: 65–66. 
  20. ^ Wrasse. British Sea Fishing. 2013-11-23 [2020-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-08). 
  21. ^ Curtis, S. The tackle you need for shore ballan wrasse. SeaAngler. 2022-07-16 [2024-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-07). 
  22. ^ Gonzalez, E.B; de Boer, F. The development of the Norwegian wrasse fishery and the use of wrasses as cleaner fish in the salmon aquaculture industry. Fisheries Science. 2017, 83: 661–670. 
  23. ^ Seljestad, G.W; Quintela, M; Faust, E; Halvorsen, K.T. “A cleaner break”: Genetic divergence between geographic groups and sympatric phenotypes revealed in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta). Ecology and Evolution. 2020, 10 (12): 6120–6135. 
  24. ^ Treasurer, J; Feledi, T. The Physical Condition and Welfare of Five Species of Wild-caught Wrasse Stocked under Aquaculture Conditions and when Stocked in Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar, Production Cages. World Aquaculture Society. 2014, 45 (2): 213–219. 

