


长散在核元件(英语:Long interspersed nuclear element,或Long interspersed elements,缩写LINEs)是一类的不包含长末端重复序列反转录转座子,遍布于许多真核生物基因组[1]。LINE占了人类基因组的20%[2][3]


  1. ^ Jurka, J. Repeats in genomic DNA: Mining and meaning. Current Opinion in Structural Biology. 1998, 8 (3): 333. doi:10.1016/S0959-440X(98)80067-5. 
  2. ^ Lander ES, Linton LM, Birren B, et al. Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome. Nature. February 2001, 409 (6822): 860–921 [2015-12-31]. PMID 11237011. doi:10.1038/35057062. (原始内容存档于2009-08-03). 
  3. ^ Ewing, A. D.; Kazazian, H. H. Whole-genome resequencing allows detection of many rare LINE-1 insertion alleles in humans. Genome Research. 27 October 2010, 21 (6): 985–990. doi:10.1101/gr.114777.110.