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仓田重夫(Shigeo Kurata)为日本植物学家猪笼草属分类学家,他在20世纪60年代至70年代的工作对猪笼草研究的复兴作出了巨大的贡献。[1][2]其最广为人知的是他在1976年所著的《基纳巴卢山的猪笼草》(Nepenthes of Mount Kinabalu)。[3]仓田猪笼草N. kurata即是以他的名字命名。[2]

仓田重夫描述了很多猪笼草属的新物种,包括风铃猪笼草N. campanulata[4]艾玛猪笼草N. eymae[5]棉兰老岛猪笼草N. mindanaoensis[6]盾叶猪笼草N. peltata[7]菱茎猪笼草N. rhombicaulis[4]萨兰加尼猪笼草N. saranganiensis[8]。他还描述了梨形猪笼草N. pyriformis[6]后来被查尔斯·克拉克确定为自然杂交种[9]其他由仓田重夫命名的自然杂交种包括红脉猪笼草N. × ferrugineomarginata基纳巴卢山猪笼草N. × kinabaluensis古晋猪笼草N. × kuchingensis


  1. ^ Clarke, C.M. & C.C. Lee 2004. Pitcher Plants of Sarawak. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Cheek, M. & M. Jebb 2013. Recircumscription of the Nepenthes alata group (Caryophyllales: Nepenthaceae), in the Philippines, with four new species. European Journal of Taxonomy 69: 1–23. doi:10.5852/ejt.2013.69
  3. ^ Kurata, S. 1976. Nepenthes of Mount Kinabalu. Sabah National Parks Publications No. 2, Sabah National Parks Trustees, Kota Kinabalu.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Kurata, S. 1973. Nepenthes from Borneo, Singapore and Sumatra. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 26(2): 227–232.
  5. ^ Kurata, S. 1984. Journal of the Insectivorous Plant Society (Japan) 35: 41.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Kurata, S. 2001. Two new species of Nepenthes from Sumatra (Indonesia) and Mindanao (Philippines). Journal of the Insectivorous Plant Society (Japan) 52(2): 30–34.
  7. ^ Kurata, S. 2008. Nepenthes peltata (Nepenthaceae), a new species of pitcher plant from the Philippines. Journal of the Insectivorous Plant Society (Japan) 59(1): 12–17.
  8. ^ Kurata, S. 2003. A new Philippine pitcher plant, the third species having a saddle-shaped stem. Journal of the Insectivorous Plant Society (Japan) 54(2): 41–44.
  9. ^ Clarke, C.M. 2001. Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.
  10. ^  Sh.Kurata. International Plant Names Index.