

坐标40°42′58″N 73°51′00″W / 40.71611°N 73.85000°W / 40.71611; -73.85000
皇后区的社区英语List of Queens neighborhoods
坐标:40°42′58″N 73°51′00″W / 40.71611°N 73.85000°W / 40.71611; -73.85000
国家 美国
城市 纽约市
 • 总计7 平方公里(2.6 平方英里)
 • 陆地6 平方公里(2.4 平方英里)
 • 水域0.5 平方公里(0.2 平方英里)
 • 总计83,728人
 • 密度13,470人/平方公里(34,886人/平方英里)
 • 白人59.58%
 • 亚裔23.7%
 • 西班牙裔12.03%
 • 黑人3.73%
 • 夏时制EDTUTC−4

森林小丘(Forest Hills)是纽约皇后区一个以居住为主的社区(Community)。最初,该地区被称为“白罐”(Whitepot)。[2]其北边、东边和南边的边界分别为长岛高速公路大中央快速路联盟收费公路英语Union Turnpike (New York)Google地图显示其西边的边界大致沿102街(102nd Street)、67道(67th Avenue)及长岛铁路以前的洛克威海滩支线英语Rockaway Beach Branch[3]而《纽约市百科全书英语The Encyclopedia of New York City》定义的西边边界则为连接大道英语Junction Boulevard和以前的洛克威海滩支线。[4]:469

森林小丘有着伟大的网球传统,其森林小丘体育场在1978年之前曾主办过美国网球公开赛,而西边网球俱乐部也为其会员提供优质草地网球场。繁华的奥斯丁街(Austin Street)横贯森林小丘,遍布餐馆和连锁店。森林小丘还与法拉盛草原可乐娜公园森林公园英语Forest Park (Queens)接壤。




1895年,森林小丘南边相邻的公园——森林公园英语Forest Park (Queens)开始开发。1896年开始,绿化公司奥姆斯特德-奥姆斯特德-艾略特(Olmsted, Olmsted & Eliot)签约为该公园提出一项计划。[4]:469

1906年,由布鲁克林检察官科德·迈耶领导的科德·迈耶开发公司(Cord Meyer Development Company),买下了包含六个农场的成片土地。这六个农场分别为阿斯甘·巴克斯(Ascan Bakus)、卡斯帕·约斯特-斯普林斯廷(Casper Joost-Springsteen)、霍雷肖·N·斯夸尔(Horatio N. Squire)、艾布拉姆·V·S·洛特(Abram V. S. Lott)、萨拉·V·波尔莫(Sarah V. Bolmer)和詹姆斯·范·斯克伦(James Van Siclen)。该公司随后参照“森林公园”,将这块总计600英亩(240公顷)的地区改名为“森林小丘”。在这块土地上建造了一批独栋住宅,这些住宅由建筑师罗伯特·塔潘(Robert Tappan)和威廉·帕特森(William Patterson)等人设计。[4]:469森林小丘的道路也在1910年之前建成。[4]:470森林小丘现今的阿斯甘道(Ascan Avenue),其命名即源自阿斯甘·巴克斯。

1908年,拉塞尔·塞奇基金会英语Russell Sage Foundation的创始人玛格丽特·奥利维亚·斯洛克姆·塞奇英语Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage,从科德·迈耶开发公司手中买下了142英亩(57公顷)土地。这片土地被用来开发“森林小丘花园”,位于森林小丘的南面。[4]:470著名建筑师格罗夫纳·阿特伯里英语Grosvenor Atterbury接受了设计森林小丘花园的任务。该社区计划采用英格兰花园社区的模式,拥有自己的旅馆、停车场和邮局。并且还设计了狭窄、蜿蜒的道路,以限制过境交通。因此,森林小丘有许多都铎式英语Tudor Revival architecture住宅。更多的住宅也蔓延到了森林小丘花园,但大多数则较为集中,该区域大致北至68道(68th Avenue)、南至72路(72nd Road)、西至108街(108th Street)、东至大中央快速路。[4]:470[5][6][7]该地区的建造使用了装配式建筑技术,每所房子由大约170块标准化的预制板建造而成,这些预制板并非在现场制造,并且通过起重机来进行安装。[8]这些房屋大部分是在1910到1917年之间建成的。[4]:470

1911年,长岛铁路森林小丘站投入使用,[9]两年后,皇后大道电车线路英语Q60 (New York City bus)也投入运营。[10]长岛铁路的车站有一个红砖庭院、一座钟塔,以及拱形的下穿通道,很好地融入了周围的森林小丘花园社区。[4]:470由于铁路和电车都能通到曼哈顿,这两种交通选择的出现刺激了森林小丘的发展。[4]:469


1914年,西边网球俱乐部曼哈顿搬至森林小丘花园。[4]:469他们在1923年建造了森林小丘网球场,该体育场大约有13,000个座位。[4]:469[11]在1978年以前,美国网球公开赛及其前身全国锦标赛都在那里举行,这使得森林小丘在这几代人中成为了网球的代名词。[12]森林小丘还短暂存在过一个高尔夫球场。1922年,皇后谷高尔夫俱乐部(Queens Valley Golf Club)开始在该社区建设高尔夫球场,[13]并于1924年建成开放。[4]:469然而,该俱乐部于1938年被关闭,以便开发商可以利用球场这块地来建造住房。[14]

皇后大道在1920年代被拓宽。[4]:469同一时期,皇后大道地铁线也开始规划,并建议在森林小丘设置两座车站:在71道设置一个快车站供所有列车停靠,并在75道设置一个慢车站。[15][16]在1920年代后期,因为有通地铁的预期,开发商将土地买走并着手兴建。[17]分区法也被修改,以允许建造十五层的公寓楼。[18]森林小丘社区也成为一个更理想的居住地,尤其是因为它是一个快车站。皇后区区长乔治·U·哈维英语George U. Harvey预言,引入地铁到森林小丘,将把皇后大道变为“皇后区的公园大道”。[17]:731931年,地铁开挖。[4]:4691936年,森林小丘的两座地铁站与皇后大道线的其它六座车站一起开通。[19][20][21][22]



1972年,森林小丘议会拟议了一个公营住宅项目,打算在62马路(62nd Drive)和108街(108th Street)建造三栋24层高楼,但遭到了居民的抗议。中产阶级的居民们认为,穷人会住进这些公营住宅,这将降低社区的生活质量。而该项目的支持者则指责居民们种族歧视,因为开发所拟迁入的居民将主要是少数族群。[23]由于围绕森林小丘房屋的争议,市长约翰·林赛英语John Lindsay遭到了强烈反对。马里奥·库默,一名律师即后来的纽约州州长,奉命调解这场争端,并成功将项目规模缩小了一半。纽约市住房局英语New York City Housing Authority最终执行了一项严格的筛选过程,来筛选未来森林小丘房屋的居民,其中包含给老年人和较贫困户的配额。[23][4]:469






该社区的种族比例英语Race and ethnicity in the United States Census为,白人58.3%(48,822人),非洲裔2.5%(2,086人),美国土著0.1%(63人),亚裔24.2%(20,233人),太平洋岛民0.0%(22人),其他种族0.4%(373人),有2.1%(1,719人)来自两个或多个种族。西语裔或拉丁裔各种族占了总人口的12.4%(10,410人)。[25]




森林小丘的南部有一片独特的高档住房,多种多样的房屋混合在一起,从独栋别墅、联排别墅,到低层和高层公寓楼。长岛铁路南边的森林小丘花园区域是一个私人社区,有一些住宅地产是皇后县最贵的。在1970年代之前,这一直受到排他性契约英语Covenant (law)#Exclusionary covenants的约束,其中并未载有明确的经济、社会或种族限制。[26]埃里克·P·纳什(Eric P. Nash)在2002年的《纽约时报》上发表了一篇文章,是他对《一处现代世外桃源》一书的评论,其中说到,即使“工薪阶层”也被排除在外。[27]2007年,森林小丘花园被《别墅生活英语Cottage Living》杂志评为“最佳社区”。[28]邻近的范考特(Van Court)社区也有一些独栋别墅。在西边网球中心附近有一些联排别墅,在大都会道英语Metropolitan Avenue附近有一些独栋木屋。最后,还有许多公寓楼分散在整个社区。最显眼的高层公寓楼是108街(108th St)上的大陆(The Continental)、肯尼迪住宅楼(Kennedy House)、顶峰(Pinnacle),帕克塔楼(Parker Towers)、温莎(Windsor)和2014年竣工的17层豪华公寓楼阿斯顿(Aston)。

在森林的最北边,62马路(62nd Drive)和108街,紧邻长岛高速公路处,有一个纽约市住房局英语New York City Housing Authority的低收入住宅项目森林小丘合作住宅英语Forest Hills Co-op Houses。当1970年代初开始建造时,在森林小丘更高档区域的居民中引起了争议。[29]

森林小丘的北边是科德·迈耶家的社区,那里也有独栋别墅。有些独栋别墅在翻盖英语Teardown (real estate)后,新的别墅比原先的要大,这给该区域的建筑整体性带来了巨大影响。[30]然而,布哈拉犹太人社区却拥护这种变化,这些居民是从1990年代后期开始在该区域大量定居的,他们说他们的家庭人口大大增加了,因此需要更大的房子。[31]



奥斯汀街(Austin Street)是一条繁忙而现代的街,街上遍布商店、咖啡馆、餐馆和其它店铺。它已经成为森林小丘的中心,甚至因其魅力吸引了来自其它社区的人。

有两座纪念碑矗立在森林小丘花园:一座是为了悼念一战的受害者,名为“伟大的战争”;另一座是哥伦比亚号帆船英语Columbia (1899 yacht)的桅杆,该船曾于1899年和1901年两度夺得帆船美洲杯[来源请求]

园中教堂英语The Church-in-the-Gardens圣卢克主教教堂英语St. Luke's Episcopal Church (Queens)森林小丘邮局英语United States Post Office (Forest Hills, Queens)都被列在国家史迹名录中。[32]



我们的殉道者女王(Our Lady Queen of Martyrs)罗马天主教堂
森林小丘高中英语Forest Hills High School (New York)
拉塞尔·塞奇(Russell Sage)初中





森林小丘的初中生可以进入雷哥公园157斯蒂芬·A·哈尔西初中页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)(通常称为“哈尔西”)或者森林小丘的190拉塞尔·塞奇初中页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)(通常称为“塞奇”),以及一所最新的完中167中学(也称为大都会探险学习学校,Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School,简称MELS),“一所可持续城市的学校”。该校与纽约市外展英语Outward Bound有合作关系。纽约市中学生从进入21世纪开始,自主选择申请高中,因为森林小丘高中英语Forest Hills High School (New York)皇后区大都会高中英语Queens Metropolitan High School都不再受到分区政策的约束。纽约市所有的学生都可以申请纽约市范围内其它地区的高中。除森林小丘高中以外,来自157初中和190初中的学生,有很大比例会被纽约市的其它高中录取。许多157初中的学生还会进入布朗克斯科学高中布鲁克林技术高中[33]

从传统上来说,190初中的很多学生,除了布朗克斯科学高中之外,还会选择进入史岱文森高中汤森德·哈里斯高中英语Townsend Harris High School学习。[34]森林山小丘的很多学生还会选择到全球教育文凭学校英语Baccalaureate School for Global Education去上初中和高中,这是一所位于阿斯托里亚的公立完全中学,教授国际文凭课程。从其它地区考入森林小丘高中的学生,有许多是申请了该校的法律和人文科学(Law & Humanities)计划,或者卡尔·萨根计划的数学和科学提高班。森林小丘高中从2006年开始,通过试音来为他们的教学音乐与表演艺术学院(Academy of Instructional Music and Performing Arts)招收学生。[35]森林小丘高中出过一些著名的毕业生,包括前美国财政部长杰克·卢、第一位太空游客丹尼斯·蒂托NBA球员厄尼·格伦费尔德,以及许多娱乐界明星,包括音乐家伯特·巴卡拉克西蒙和加芬克尔雷蒙斯合唱团

森林山小丘的私立学校包括两所天主教学校——我们仁慈的夫人(Our Lady of Mercy)和我们的殉道者女王(Our Lady Queen of Martyrs),以及一所独立学校邱林学校英语Kew-Forest School。美国总统唐纳德·特朗普早年就曾在邱林学校就读。[36]

歌多拉·卢巴维奇犹太中学(Yeshiva Gedolah Lubavitch)是一个超正统的哈巴德高中,也是Tomchei Temimim英语Tomchei Temimim的分支,也位于森林小丘。[37]


布拉姆森ORT大学英语Bramson ORT College是一所本科教育学院,它由犹太人慈善机构世界ORT英语World ORT的美国分支机构运作。其主校区位于森林小丘,在布鲁克林有一个分校区。杜鲁学院/NYSCAS在森林小丘有一个分校区。广场学院英语Plaza College是一所小型的区域认可的学院,提供联培及学士学位,也位于森林小丘。





主要通道是皇后大道,该路的宽度和复杂性已经导致大量行人死亡,故有“死亡大道”之称。[40]大都会道英语Metropolitan Avenue以其古董商店而闻名。森林山小丘的商业中心位于奥斯汀街,在黄石大道(Yellowstone Boulevard)和阿斯甘道之间大约一英里长。阿斯甘道的名字是1909年开发商弗雷德里克·巴克斯以自己父亲阿斯甘·巴克斯二世(Ascan Backus, II)的名字命名的。[41]

森林小丘地铁站地铁的快车站,位于大陆道英语Continental Avenue和皇后大道的交叉路口,E,​F<F>,​M,与​R 线在此停靠。慢车站75道站(停靠E,​F,与<F> 线)也位于这一区域。快车站邱园地铁站E,​F,与<F> 线)的某些出入口也服务于森林小丘的东南部。在森林小丘的西北部,还有慢车站67道站,停靠​F,​M,与​R 线。


多条MTA区域公共汽车运营线路,包括慢车Q23、 Q60、 Q64,以及QM4、 QM11、 QM12、 QM18服务该区域。[42]


有两座在皇后区相当大的公园与森林小丘相接壤,它们均由纽约市公园及休闲局英语New York City Department of Parks and Recreation管理:占地1,255英亩(5.08平方千米)的法拉盛草原可乐娜公园,是两届世界博览会(1939年1964年)的举办地,以及标志性的法拉盛大地球仪的所在地;[43]以及占地544英亩(2.20平方千米)的森林公园英语Forest Park (Queens)[44]森林小丘内部的公园和游乐场包括:黄石市政公园(Yellowstone Municipal Park)–凯斯曼游乐场(Katzman Playground),位于黄石大道,68道(68th Avenue)和68路(68th Road)之间;[45]安纳达尔游乐场(Annadale Playground),位于黄石大道,64路(64th Road)和65道(65th Avenue)之间;[46]柳湖游乐场(Willow Lake Playground),位于大中央快速路,71道(71st Avenue)和72道(72nd Avenue)之间;[47]埃伦赖希-奥斯汀游乐场(Ehrenreich-Austin Playground),位于奥斯汀街,76道(76th Avenue)和76马路(76th Drive)之间;[48]以及拉塞尔·塞奇游乐场(Russell Sage Playground),位于68道(68th Avenue),奥斯汀街和布思街(Booth Street)之间。[49]


虚构的漫画角色蜘蛛侠的家被设定在森林小丘。他本名彼得·帕克(Peter Parker),在英格拉姆街(Ingram Street)20号(40°42′46″N 73°50′36″W / 40.712805°N 73.843281°W / 40.712805; -73.843281 (英格拉姆街20号))长大。在该系列中,这所房子被描述为一座朴素的两层楼寄宿公寓,由他的梅婶经营。[50][51][52]

雷蒙斯合唱团也出自森林小丘。在67道(67th Avenue)和110街(110th Street)、森林小丘高中前面,有一条雷蒙斯路(Ramones Way),即以该乐队命名。[53]

西蒙和加芬克尔均在1958年毕业于森林小丘高中。该二人组合曾于1966年、1967年和1968年,以及1970年的两个晚上,在森林小丘体育场演出。保罗·西蒙曾于2016年举办归乡(Homeward Bound)告别巡演期间,再次回到森林小丘体育场。[54]









  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Table PL-P5 NTA: Total Population and Persons Per Acre - New York City Neighborhood Tabulation Areas*, 2010 [PL-P5 NTA表:总人口及人口密度 - 纽约市社区表格面积*,2010] (PDF). 纽约市城市规划局. 2012-02 [2018-09-12]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2016-06-10) (英语). 
  2. ^ About Forest Hills [关于森林小丘]. [2018-09-11]. (原始内容存档于2018-09-05) (英语). 
  3. ^ Google Inc. Forest Hills (地图). Google Inc. 2018-09-11 [2018-09-11]. 
  4. ^ 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 Jackson, Kenneth T. (ed.), (2010) The Encyclopedia of New York City英语The Encyclopedia of New York City (2nd edition). New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-11465-2
  5. ^ The Garden City Movement [田园城市运动]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-16) (英语). 
  6. ^ A Garden City For The Man Of Moderate Means [中产阶级的田园城市]. [2018-09-14]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-08) (英语). 
  7. ^ Suburban Land Development Practices [郊区土地开发实践]. [2006-12-23]. (原始内容存档于2006-10-11) (英语). 
  8. ^ Christopher Gray. Designing for High and Low [高低设计]. 纽约时报. 2009-10-22 [2012-08-07]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-23) (英语). 
  9. ^ Seyfried, Vincent. Long Island Rail Road Alphabetical Station Listing and History [长岛铁路车站列表及历史]. trainsarefun.com. [2017-11-24]. (原始内容存档于2008-07-04) (英语). 
  10. ^ New Queens Trolley Road: One Section of New Line to Jamaica Opened [皇后区新的电车线路:到牙买加的新线开通] (PDF). 纽约时报. 1913-02-02 [2016-01-03]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-08-15) (英语). 
  11. ^ New Plant To Be Ready For Tourney; West Side Club's Stadium Will Be Finished in Time for Davis Cup Play. [新场地正在为锦标赛做好准备;西边俱乐部的体育场将为戴维斯杯的比赛按时完工。] (PDF). 纽约时报. 1923-04-05 [2017-12-20]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2023-07-17) (英语). 
  12. ^ Steinberger, Michael. Queens Was Burning, Too: The Chaotic Spectacle of the 1977 U.S. Open [皇后区也在燃烧:1977年美国网球公开赛乱象]. 纽约时报杂志. 2012-08-23: MM34 [2012-05-05]. (原始内容存档于2012-08-23) (英语). 
  13. ^ QUEENS Valley Golf Club Will Build New Links [皇后谷高尔夫俱乐部将建设新沙地] (PDF). Brooklyn Daily Star. 1922-04-08: 6 [2017-12-20] –通过Fultonhistory.com英语Fultonhistory.com (英语). [失效链接]
  14. ^ Queens Valley Golf Club Relinquish Title December 1 [皇后谷高尔夫俱乐部12月1日关闭] (PDF). North Shore Daily Star. 1938-08-24: 9 [2017-12-20] –通过Fultonhistory.com (英语). [失效链接]
  15. ^ Duffus, R.L. Our Great Subway Network Spreads Wider; New Plans of Board of Transportation Involve the Building of More Than One Hundred Miles of Additional Rapid Transit Routes for New York [我们的大地铁网延伸得更广;交通部门的新计划包含了为纽约新建超过一百英里的快速交通线] (PDF). 纽约时报. 1929-09-22 [2015-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-30) (英语). 
  16. ^ Queens Subway Work Ahead Of Schedule: Completion Will Lead to Big Apartment Building, Says William C. Speers. (PDF). 纽约时报. 1929-04-07 [2015-09-01]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-17) (英语). 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 Hirshon, Nicholas; 由Romano, Ray作序. Forest Hills [森林小丘]. 阿卡迪亚出版社英语Arcadia Publishing. 2013-01-01. ISBN 9780738597850 (英语). 
  18. ^ Queens To Have 15-Story House [皇后区允许15层住宅] (PDF). 纽约时报. 1930-03-23 [2016-04-26]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2023-07-17) (英语). 
  19. ^ New Retail Area In Queens Borough; Sees Roosevelt Avenue Subway Station as Great Shopping Centre. Advantages Pointed Out Accessibility to Many Home Communities Assures Potential Market. [皇后区新的零售商业区;将罗斯福大道地铁站视为大购物中心。贴近众多居住社区的优势必将成为潜在市场。] (PDF). 纽约时报. 1933-07-09 [2016-04-26]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2023-07-17) (英语). 
  20. ^ Reproduction Poster of Extension to Union Turnpike – Kew Gardens [复制海报延伸到联盟收费高速公路–邱园]. Flickr – Photo Sharing!. [2016-04-26]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-05) (英语). 
  21. ^ City Subway Opens Queens Link Today; Extension Brings Kew Gardens Within 36 Minutes of 42d St. on Frequent Trains. [城市地铁今天连接皇后区;频繁的列车将邱园与42街拉近至36分钟。] (PDF). 纽约时报. 1936-12-31 [2016-04-26]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2023-07-17) (英语). 
  22. ^ Opening Moved Up For New Subway; Traffic to Be Started on the Extension of City's Line to Kew Gardens on Thursday. Eight Stations Are Added La Guardia and Official Party Will Inspect New Queens Branch on Wednesday. [新地铁开通;周四将开通的地铁将城市线路延伸到邱园。八座地铁站加入拉瓜迪亚,官方将于周三视察皇后区新支线。] (PDF). 纽约时报. 1936-12-26 [2016-04-26]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2023-07-17) (英语). 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 Kaufman, Michael T. Forest Hills: From Rage to Tranquillity [森林小丘:从愤怒到平静]. 纽约时报. 1988-09-15 [2017-12-20]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2017-12-22) (英语). 
  24. ^ Working From Home in Queens, NYC [纽约市皇后区的在家工作情况]. The Austin Space. [2017-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-16) (英语). 
  25. ^ Table PL-P3A NTA: Total Population by Mutually Exclusive Race and Hispanic Origin - New York City Neighborhood Tabulation Areas*, 2010 [表PL-P3A NTA:以相互独立的种族和西班牙裔划分的人口 - 纽约市社区表格*,2010] (PDF). 纽约市Department of City Planning. 2011-03-29 [2016-06-14]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2016-06-10) (英语). 
  26. ^ S. Klaus. A Modern Arcadia [一处现代世外桃源]. : 115 (英语). 
  27. ^ Eric P. Nash. Books In Brief: Nonfiction; Ye Olde Borough of Queens [图书简介:散文文学;包含皇后区的历史]. 纽约时报. 2002-09-01 [2008-01-06]. (原始内容存档于2009-02-20) (英语). 
  28. ^ Ward, Logan; Hanson, David. Our Top 10 Cottage Communities for 2007 [我们的2007年十佳别墅社区]. 别墅生活. 2007-09-04 (英语). 
  29. ^ Cuomo, Mario Matthew. Forest Hills Diary: The Crisis of Low-Income Housing [森林小丘日记:低收入住宅危机]. 阿尔佛雷德·A·克诺夫英语Alfred A. Knopf. 1983. ISBN 0-394-72173-X (英语). 
  30. ^ Colangelo, Lisa L. Flip side of McMansion fight [麦克豪宅斗争的另一面]. 纽约每日新闻. 2009-03-16 [2009-04-05]. (原始内容存档于2009-03-20) (英语). 
  31. ^ Matz, David. Forest Hills Rezone Has Racial Undertones [森林小丘再分区具有种族色彩]. Queens Ledger. 2009-03-18 [2009-04-05]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-15) (英语). 
  32. ^ National Register Information System. National Register of Historic Places. National Park Service. 2010-07-09. 
  33. ^ NYC Dept. of Ed. Statistics [纽约市教育局统计信息]. [2007-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2007-12-24) (英语). 
  34. ^ NYC Dept. of Ed. Statistics [纽约市教育局统计信息]. [2007-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2007-12-24) (英语). 
  35. ^ Forest Hills High School, Q440, Borough Of Queens, Zip Code 11375 [森林小丘高中,Q440,皇后区,邮编11375]. [2007-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2006-10-05) (英语). 
  36. ^ Michael Kranish; Marc Fisher. Trump Revealed: The Definitive Biography of the 45th President [特朗普揭秘:第45任总统权威传记]. 2017: 33–35 [2019-05-06]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-06). 
  37. ^ About Us [About Us]. Yeshiva Gedolah Lubavitch. [2017-06-14]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-09) (英语). 
  38. ^ Forest Hills profile [森林小丘简况]. 皇后图书馆. [2009-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2009-12-09) (英语). 
  39. ^ North Forest Park profile [北森林公园简况]. 皇后图书馆. [2011-06-23]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-12) (英语). 
  40. ^ Gartland, Michael. City to spend $100M on ‘Boulevard of Death’ road revamp [市里花费一亿美元用于“死亡大道”的道路改进]. 纽约邮报. 2015-07-24 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-30) (英语). 
  41. ^ Marzlock, Ron. The Backus clan, who named Ascan Ave. [巴克斯集团,命名阿斯甘道的人。]. 皇后区年鉴英语Queens Chronicle. 2012-10-25 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-02) (英语). Frederick had a son, Ascan II, born in 1878 and named in honor of his immigrant grandfather. In 1909, when Frederick Backus cut a road from Queens Boulevard to Metropolitan Avenue, he named it Ascan Avenue, also in memory of his father the farming king. 
  42. ^ Queens Bus Map [Queens Bus Map] (PDF). 大都会运输署. 2017-12 [2018-04-24]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2016-06-17) (英语). 
  43. ^ Flushing Meadows Corona Park [法拉盛草原可乐娜公园]. [2014-09-29]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-02) (英语). 
  44. ^ Forest Park [森林公园]. [2014-09-29]. (原始内容存档于2014-09-27) (英语). 
  45. ^ Yellowstone Park [黄石市政公园]. [2014-09-29]. (原始内容存档于2014-09-01) (英语). 
  46. ^ Annadale Playground [安纳达尔游乐场]. [2014-09-29]. (原始内容存档于2014-09-01) (英语). 
  47. ^ Willow Lake Playground [柳湖游乐场]. [2014-09-29]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-10) (英语). 
  48. ^ Ehrenreich-Austin Playground [埃伦赖希-奥斯汀游乐场]. [2014-09-29]. (原始内容存档于2014-09-27) (英语). 
  49. ^ Russell Sage Playground [拉塞尔·塞奇游乐场]. 纽约市公园及休闲部英语New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. [2014-09-29]. (原始内容存档于2014-09-19) (英语). 
  50. ^ Kilgannon, Corey. So, Spider-Man! Brilliant Disguise!; The Real Mild-Mannered Parkers Are in a Superhero's Fictional Lair [所以,蜘蛛侠!华丽的伪装!真正温和的帕克在超级英雄的虚构巢穴中]. 纽约时报. 2002-05-08 [2019-08-03]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-09) (英语). 
  51. ^ Kempton, Sally. Spiderman's [sic] Dilemma: Super-Anti-Hero in Forest Hills [蜘蛛侠的[sic]困境:森林小丘的超级平凡主角]. 乡村之声. 1965-04-01 (英语). 
  52. ^ Glaser, Brian. Q+A: Joe Quesada [问答:乔·克萨达]. Visual Arts Journal (视觉艺术学院): 50–55 (英语). 
  53. ^ Reszutek, Dana. Ramones Way coming to Forest Hills, Queens [雷蒙斯路来到皇后区森林小丘]. AM纽约英语AM New York. 2016-10-04 [2017-06-21]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-10) (英语). The Ramones will be honored in their hometown of Forest Hills, Queens, with a street of their own, the band announced on its official website. Ramones Way will be located in front of Forest Hills High School, the alma mater of original band members Johnny, Joey, Dee Dee and Tommy. 
  54. ^ Perlman, Michael. Simon & Garfunkel's strong ties to Forest Hills [西蒙和加芬克尔与森林小丘的紧密联系]. [2021-05-28]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-26) (英语). 
  55. ^ Truong, Peggy. Awkwafina Cherishes Buffalo Wild Wings and Other Forest Hills Chains [奥卡菲娜钟爱水牛野翅及其它森林小丘连锁店]. Vice. 2015-12-15 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-19) (英语). If you ever run into Nora Lum—better known as the rapper and comedian Awkwafina—don't assume she's from Flushing. She gets that a lot. Instead, ask if she has time to hit up the Buffalo Wild Wings or one of the other chains in Forest Hills, where she grew up and where her folks still live. 
  56. ^ Sweet, Brian. Steely Dan [钢铁浮标]. 文集出版社英语Omnibus Press. 2000: 11 [2009-06-18]. ISBN 0-7119-8279-1. (原始内容存档于2014-01-03) (英语). Walter Becker was born on Monday, February 20, 1950, in the Forest Hills area of Queens in New York. 
  57. ^ Bowman, David. This Must Be the Place [就是这地方]. 哈珀柯林斯. 2002: 109 [2009-06-18]. ISBN 0-06-050731-4. (原始内容存档于2014-06-27) (英语). The man was Gary Kurfirst. He was born in Forest Hills, Queens, in 1947. He was a manager. 
  58. ^ Hirshon, Nicholas. Jazz star rose & remains in Forest Hills [爵士明星闪耀森林小丘]. 纽约每日新闻. 2007-04-05 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-17) (英语). Jazz guitarist Chieli Minucci of Special EFX, who recently received his eighth Emmy nomination for his music for Guiding Light, has called Forest Hills home since he was 8. 
  59. ^ Horowitz, Joseph. The Musical Odyssey of Min Xiao-Fen [闵小芬的音乐奥德赛]. 纽约时报. 2005-03-03 [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-07) (英语). Ms. Min moved to New York in 1996. (She now lives in Forest Hills.) 
  60. ^ 阿里·L·高德曼英语Ari L. Goldman. Lore Noto, Producer of The Fantasticks, 79, Is Dead [《爱海高飞》制作人洛瑞·诺托去世,享年79岁]. 纽约时报. 2002-07-10 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-17) (英语). Lore Noto, the theatrical producer who nurtured a little show called The Fantasticks and turned it into the world's longest-running musical, died on Monday at Calvary Hospital in the Bronx. He was 79 and lived in Forest Hills, Queens. 
  61. ^ Pareles, Jon. Dee Dee Ramone, Pioneer Punk Rocker, Dies at 50 [朋克摇滚开创者迪·迪·雷蒙去世,享年50岁]. 纽约时报. 2002-06-07 [2009-06-17]. (原始内容存档于2009-08-28) (英语). Tony Colvin moved her children to New York in the late 1960s. They settled in Forest Hills, Queens, where Douglas met the future members of the Ramones, described in Lobotomy as 'the obvious creeps of the neighborhood.' 
  62. ^ Powers, Ann. Joey Ramone, Punk's Influential Yelper, Dies at 49 [著名朋克歌手乔伊·雷蒙去世,享年49岁]. 纽约时报. 2001-04-16 [2009-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2010-09-04) (英语). Born Jeffrey Hyman in Forest Hills, Queens, Mr. Ramone grew up a sensitive outcast in a bohemian family. 
  63. ^ Silverman, Stephen M. Punk Rock Legend Johnny Ramone Dies at 55 [朋克摇滚传奇约翰尼·雷蒙去世,享年55岁]. 人物. 2004-09-16 [2009-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-02) (英语). Johnny Ramone, 55, was born John Cummings and grew up in Forest Hills, N.Y., soaking up rock in the '60s but then moving to an edgier sound. 
  64. ^ Coleman, Miriam. Tommy Ramone Dead at 65Drummer was last surviving original member of the Ramones [雷蒙斯乐队最后一名原始成员,鼓手汤米·雷蒙去世,享年65岁]. Rolling Stone. 2014-07-12 [2018-02-08]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-09) (英语). Born Erdelyi Tamas in Budapest in 1949, Ramone emigrated to America in 1957. He grew up in Forest Hills, Queens, where he began playing music with John Cummings (a.k.a. Johnny Ramone) while he was in high school.... In 1974, Erdelyi and Cummings joined together with two fellow Forest Hills compatriots, singer Jeffrey Hyman (Joey) and bassist Douglas Colvin (Dee Dee), and began playing simple, rapid-fire punk under a common surname. 
  65. ^ Martin, Douglas. About New York; Just Simon in the Park, to Garfunkel's Disappointment [关于纽约;加芬克尔失望地看到,只有西蒙在公园里]. 纽约时报. 1991-08-14 [2009-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2009-11-20) (英语). Soon, he and Paul Simon, two sons of Forest Hills, Queens, who became bards of the 60's, would stride to the shimmering center of a vast Central Park stage, and a generation growing overweight and apart would for a few fleeting hours feel forever young. 
  66. ^ Art Garfunkel [亚特·加芬克尔]. 犹太虚拟图书馆英语Jewish Virtual Library. [2006-12-11]. (原始内容存档于2007-02-19) (英语). 
  67. ^ 艾伦·科赞英语Allan Kozinn. Tatiana Troyanos Is Dead at 54; Mezzo Star of Diverse Repertory [多样化剧目女中音歌星塔蒂亚娜·特罗亚诺斯去世,享年54岁]. 纽约时报. 1993-08-23 [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2009-12-27) (英语). Tatiana Troyanos was born in New York on September 12, 1938, and grew up in Forest Hills. 
  68. ^ Jeff Wayne [杰夫·韦恩]. 索尼音乐娱乐. [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-16) (英语). Jeff Wayne was born in Forest Hills, New York and discovered early in his life two passions that have remained with him — music and tennis. 
  69. ^ Fischler, Marcelle S. Nascent Hall of Fame to Welcome First Honorees [新星名人堂迎来第一批获奖者]. 纽约时报. 2006-10-15 [2007-11-26]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-13) (英语). Dee Snider of Stony Brook, the shock-rocker from the 1980s heavy metal band Twisted Sister, known for his defiant metal anthem We're Not Gonna Take It, and Leslie West of the band Mountain, who grew up in East Meadow, Lawrence and Forest Hills, are also being inducted... 
  70. ^ Schillinger, Liesl. Be It a Cabin, High-Rise or Ranch, There's No Place Like It [小屋、高楼或农场,没有这样的地方]. 纽约时报. 2006-12-24 [2007-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2011-11-25) (英语). For the actor Hank Azaria, home was a three-bedroom apartment on the 14th floor of a towering complex in Forest Hills. 
  71. ^ In Step With David Caruso [与大卫·卡鲁索保持一致]. 游行英语Parade (magazine). 2005-03-06 [2009-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2009-03-21) (英语). The redheaded David Caruso grew up in Forest Hills, N.Y. He was drawn to movies like The Godfather and went to work early. 
  72. ^ Bell, Arthur. Darling Candy, where were you the night Jean Harlow died? [亲爱的坎迪,珍·哈洛去世那晚你在哪儿?]. 乡村之声. 1972-05-18 [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-07) (英语). The young boy from Forest Hills had to have it for himself. He became Candy Darling. 
  73. ^ Lenburg, Jeff. Who's who in Animated Cartoons: An International Guide to Film & Television's Award-winning and Legendary Animators [动画中的人是谁:电影和电视中备受赞誉的和传奇动画家国际指南]. 哈尔·伦纳德公司: 64. 2006 [2017-04-28]. ISBN 9781557836717 (英语). One of four children, including three sister, Dilworth was raised in Forest Hills and Queens, New York, and educated in private schools in Queens. 
  74. ^ Zinoman, Jason. Chase a Stranger, Then Make a Scene; Billy Eichner Scours the Sidewalks for Comedy [追逐陌生人,然后当众吵闹;比利·埃西纳为喜剧冲洗人行道]. 纽约时报. 2014-03-07 [2014-09-26]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-23) (英语). The same could be said of the career of Mr. Eichner, a ferociously funny comic who started as a child actor and was raised in a supportive middle-class household in Forest Hills, Queens. 
  75. ^ Silverberg, Alex. Comic Thanks His Queens Upbringing [喜剧演员感谢皇后区对他的养育]. 皇后区论坛报英语Queens Tribune. 2007-07-06 [2007-10-18]. (原始内容存档于2007-11-07) (英语). Hofstetter has been all around Queens. He spent his younger years in Briarwood before moving on to Forest Hills, and finally settling down in Rego Park for the duration of his teen years. 
  76. ^ Ho, Janie. Alan King, Comic, Actor Dies at 76. CBS新闻. 2004-05-09 [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2010-12-21) (英语). King, who until then had been using worn out one-liners, found his new material at home. His wife had persuaded the New Yorker to forsake Manhattan for suburban Forest Hills, Queens, believing it would provide a better environment for their children. 
  77. ^ Schneider, Paul Miles. Biography [传记]. The official Andrea King website. [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2009-10-16) (英语). A few years later, after settling in New York, Belle consented to marry Douglas McKee, the Vice President of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company, and the threesome moved into a large house in Forest Hills, Long Island. 
  78. ^ Pfefferman, Naomi. The Right Type [正确类型]. 大洛杉矶犹太杂志英语The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles. 2001-11-22 [2012-10-03]. (原始内容存档于2008-04-30) (英语). 
  79. ^ Krumholtz, David. I'm Jewish [我是犹太人]. Twitter. 2011-07-29 [2011-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-12) (英语). 
  80. ^ Flint, Peter B. Michael Landon, 54, Little Joe On 'Bonanza' for 14 Years, Dies [在《富矿带》中出演小乔14年的迈克尔·兰德勒去世,享年54岁]. 纽约时报. 1991-07-02 [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2009-05-15) (英语). Mr. Landon, whose name was originally Eugene Maurice Orowitz, was born on Oct. 31, 1936, in Forest Hills, Queens, to Eli Maurice Orowitz, a movie theater manager, and the former Peggy O'Neill, an actress. 
  81. ^ Severo, Richard. Carroll O'Connor, Embodiment of Social Tumult as Archie Bunker, Dies at 76 [《社会骚动》中阿奇·邦克的扮演者卡罗尔·奥康纳去世,享年76岁]. 纽约时报. 2001-06-22 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-07) (英语). The O'Connors lived well, at first in the Bronx, later in a larger apartment in Elmhurst, Queens, and finally in a nice single-family home in Forest Hills, Queens, then an enclave for people of means. 
  82. ^ Mikael J. DCC4N's Rick Overton Interview [DCC4N的瑞克·奥弗顿专访]. “DC Comedy: 4 Now”博客. 2009-05-12 [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2011-02-02) (英语). I Grew up in Forest Hills until 1966, at which point we moved to Englewood NJ because Dizzy Gillespie found us a house near him! 
  83. ^ Thelma Ritter Profile [塞尔玛·里特尔简介]. 特纳经典电影频道. [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-26) (英语). When not acting, Ritter lived with her family in Forest Hills, New York, which she described later in an interview, 'We're only a block and a half from the subway. We came here in 1937 to see the tennis matches and decided that it was a nice place to live. We moved here and haven't been to the matches since.' 
  84. ^ Strickland, Carol. Can Sitcom Make It With L.I. Setting?. 纽约时报. 1996-12-01 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-15) (英语). For Everybody Loves Raymond, the route to Hollywood Hills began in Forest Hills, where Ray Romano, a standup comedian and the star of the show, grew up. 
  85. ^ Milking the Rhino: Dangerously Funny Lists [挤犀牛奶:危险滑稽列表]. 安德鲁斯·麦克梅尔出版社英语Andrews McMeel Publishing. (原始内容存档于2009-04-14) (英语). 
  86. ^ Heffernan, Harold. 12 New Film Beauties Selected For Musical [12名新电影美女入选音乐剧]. 刀片英语The Blade (Toledo, Ohio). 1950-11-09 [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-07) (英语). 
  87. ^ Todd Strauss-Schulson Interview [托德·斯特劳斯-舒尔森专访]. Movies Online. 2011-11 [2018-09-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-02-21) (英语). 
  88. ^ Ferber, Lawrence. Oh, Henry Oh, Henry [欧,亨利;欧,亨利] (934). 同性恋时报英语Gay and Lesbian Times. 2005-11-17 [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2009-07-21) (英语). During his youth in Forest Hills, N.Y., Willson was close to his father, a man who both enabled his showbiz obsession and hindered his personal development. 
  89. ^ The Rev. John "Jack" Francis Minford Wyatt, Adman Hosted Local TV's 'Confession' Prior to Priesthood [Rev.约翰·“杰克”·弗朗西斯·明福德·怀亚特,阿德曼在担任圣职之前主持了当地电视台的《忏悔》]. dentonrc.com. [2010-12-08]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-02) (英语). 
  90. ^ Biography for Joseph Bowler [约瑟夫·鲍勒个人简介]. AskART. [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-04) (英语). 
  91. ^ Michael A. Burstein running for Brookline, Massachusetts office [迈克尔·A·伯斯坦竞选马萨诸塞州布鲁克莱恩官职]. 美国科幻和奇幻作家协会. 2004-05-11 [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2006-09-25) (英语). Burstein was born in New York City and grew up in the neighborhood of Forest Hills, Queens, where his mother still lives. 
  92. ^ Forest Hills corner to be renamed Sunday [森林小丘的街角周日被重新命名]. 皇后区年鉴英语Queens Chronicle. 2014-09-04 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2018-04-19) (英语). The corner of 108th Street and 63rd Drive in Forest Hills will be renamed on Sunday at 10 a.m. for Sergei Dovlatov, a Russian writer and journalist who emigrated to the United States, specifically Forest Hills, to escape harassment from authorities in 1979. 
  93. ^ Li, Kenneth. Making A Fashionable Exit Donna Karan Resigns As CEO [时尚地退出,堂娜·卡兰辞去CEO职务]. 纽约每日新闻. 1997-07-29 [2009-06-17]. (原始内容存档于2009-09-02) (英语). The move follows months of turmoil for the Forest Hills, Queens-born designer, who has become one of the world's best-known brands by creating sophisticated yet comfortable clothing that women cherish as both casual and evening wear. 
  94. ^ 陈丹青. 陈丹青:木心被扔到街上去了. 澎湃新闻. 2015-04-22 [2020-04-26]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-07). 
  95. ^ Sales, Nancy Jo. Is Hip-Hop's Jeweler on the Rocks?. 名利场. 2006-10-17 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-07-13) (英语). Their driver, Alex, pulled out of the driveway of their multi-million-dollar brick Colonial in leafy Forest Hills, Queens, 20 minutes from Manhattan. 
  96. ^ Clines, Francis X. In Training for a Run on the Political Stage [为登上政治舞台作准备]. 纽约时报. 1997-02-19 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-10) (英语). She commutes here on alternate weeks for five nights of shows, traveling from Forest Hills, Queens, where she lives with her husband, John A. Zaccaro. 
  97. ^ Navarro, Mireya. A Comptroller Candidate Fights for Recognition [监查官候选人为荣誉而战]. 纽约时报. 2016-07-05 [2007-10-08]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-09) (英语). A native New Yorker, Mr. Hevesi lives in Forest Hills with his wife, Carol. 
  98. ^ Ex-Mayor Hylan Dies Suddenly Of Heart Attack; Stricken After Retiring in His Forest Hills Home, Succumbs Within a Few Minutes. Mayor From 1918 TO 1925 An Up-State Farm Boy With Little Schooling, He Studied Law While Working [前市长海兰因心脏病发作突然去世;退休之后抱病于他森林小丘的家中,几分钟之内去世。州北部的农场男孩,教育程度不高,工作时学习法律,1918至1925年间担任市长]. 纽约时报. 1936-01-12 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-28) (英语). Former Mayor John F. Hylan died of a heart attack about 1:15 o'clock this morning in his residence at 2 Olive Place, Forest Hills, Queens. 
  99. ^ Gannon, Michael. Obama nominates Forest Hills native Jack Lew for treasury secretary [奥巴马提名森林小丘本地人杰克·卢为财政部长]. 皇后区年鉴英语Queens Chronicle. 2013-01-10 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-09) (英语). 
  100. ^ United Nations: We Are Determined [联合国:我们很坚决]. 时代杂志. 1950-07-03 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-11) (英语). At 3 a.m. last Sunday, the telephone rang in the Forest Hills, N.Y. home of U.N. Secretary General Trygve Lie. 
  101. ^ McShane, Larry. N.Y. Assemblyman Michael Simanowitz, lauded as tremendous voice for Jewish community, dead at 45 [被称为犹太社区大喇叭的纽约州众议员迈克尔·西马诺维茨去世,享年45岁]. 纽约每日新闻. 2017-09-03 [2017-09-05]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-05) (英语). Well-regarded State Assemblyman Michael Simanowitz, a devoted father and longtime public servant, died Saturday after battling an undisclosed illness. He was 45. The Queens native was first elected to state office in 2011, representing a wide area in the center of his home borough — including his old neighborhood of Forest Hills. 
  102. ^ Debbie Wasserman Schultz [黛比·瓦瑟曼·舒尔茨], 华盛顿邮报, [2009-06-18], (原始内容存档于2012-11-08) (英语) 
  103. ^ RICHARD GOLDSTEIN. Dr. Daniel Bukantz, 90, a Champion Fencer, Dies [击剑冠军丹尼尔·布坎兹博士去世,享年90岁]. 纽约时报. 2008-07-31 [2018-10-19]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-05) (英语). 
  104. ^ Brown, Clifton. Basketball; Grunfeld Is a Candidate for Bucks' Post [篮球;格伦菲尔德成为雄鹿的候选人]. 纽约时报. 1992-05-21 [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-24) (英语). Grunfeld, who is 37 years old and grew up in Forest Hills, Queens, still has two years remaining on his Knick contract. 
  105. ^ Hirsh Jacobs Absolved in Horse Doping Case: New York Racing Commission Probe Finds Trainer and Help Blameless [赫希·雅各布斯在马的兴奋剂案中被宣告无罪:纽约赛马委员会通过调查还驯马者以清白]. 匹兹堡邮报. 美联社. 1961-04-02 [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-07) (英语). Trainer Hirsh Jacobs, who exactly one year ago saddled his 3,000th winner for a world record, was absolved of blame today in the stimulation of a filly owned by his wife, Mrs. Ethel D. Jacobs of Forest Hills, N. Y. 
  106. ^ Hirsch Jacobs, Leading Trainer, Is Dead; Had More Winners Than Anyone Saddled Stymie [领先的驯马师赫希·雅各布斯去世;在障碍赛马中的获胜次数超过任何人]. 纽约时报. 1970-02-14 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-10) (英语). Jacobs went.through life with a gentle tolerance of other views: letting his children be brought up as Roman Catholics (though he retained his Jewish faith); equipping his home in Forest Hills Gardens, Queens, with ashtrays and a lavish bar (though he didn't smoke or drink) and greeting everybody with a smiling 'Hi‐ya.' 
  107. ^ Jack M'auliffe, 71, Ex-Ring Champion; Retired Undefeated in 1896 After Holding Lightweight Crown for 12 Years [前拳击冠军杰克·麦考利夫去世,享年71岁;他曾保持轻量级桂冠长达12年,并以未被击败的身份退役]. 纽约时报. 1937-11-05 [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-22) (英语). Jack McAuliffe, who retired in 1896 as the undefeated professional lightweight-boxing champion of the world after holding the title for twelve years, died yesterday at his home, 73-20 Austin Street, Forest Hills. 
  108. ^ Yaniv, Oren. Mastering Chess Was The Easy Part. Black Belt Champ Teaches Moves In Forest Hills [掌握国际象棋是比较容易的部分。黑带冠军教学搬进森林小丘]. 纽约每日新闻. 2005-04-03 [2009-06-17] (英语). This is an excellent club; it's not that formal," said Grandmaster Alexander Stripunsky, 34, co-winner of the 2005 U.S. championship, who, like Polgar and other chess masters, resides in Forest Hills. [永久失效链接]
  109. ^ The Woman Who Paved the Way for Men to Become Women [为男人变成女人铺平道路的女人]. 康泰纳仕. 2015-05-26 [2018-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-02) (英语). 
  110. ^ Frommer, Harvey. Rickey and Robinson: The Men Who Broke Baseball's Color Barrier [瑞基和罗宾逊:打破棒球人种障碍的人]. 罗曼与利特菲尔德英语Rowman & Littlefield: 130. 2015 [2016-07-05]. ISBN 9781630760038 (英语). The final decision to sign major-league baseball's first black player was made at a secret meeting at Branch Rickey's Forest Hills, Queens, home just hours after Durocher was suspended. 
  111. ^ 塔夫茨, 鲍勃. A Strange, But True Baseball Story?? [一个奇怪但真实的棒球故事??]. Black Athlete Sports Network. 2008-01-12 [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2007-05-05) (英语). Bob Tufts is a former Major League pitcher who pitched for the San Francisco Giants and Kansas City Royals from 1981–83. He now resides in Forest Hills, New York. 
  112. ^ Manuel Ycaza [曼努埃尔·亚扎]. 国家赛马博物馆和名人堂英语National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame. [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2007-07-06) (英语). But trips out to Shea Stadium are nothing new for Deycaza, a resident of Forest Hills, N.Y. 
  113. ^ Lippincott, Sara. Interview with David Baltimore [戴维·巴尔的摩专访] (PDF). Caltech Oral Histories. [2017-08-19]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2016-03-04) (英语). Baltimore: We did not move to Great Neck until the early forties. I was born in New York City [Manhattan], but I was brought up in Queens—in Rego Park and Forest Hills. 
  114. ^ Breslin, Jimmy. The World of Jimmy Breslin [吉米·布雷斯林的世界]. 乡路综合媒体英语Open Road Integrated Media. 2012: 440 [2016-07-05]. ISBN 9781453245330 (英语). Breslin writing at home in Forest Hills, Queens. 
  115. ^ Josephine Carnegie Wed; She Becomes Bride of Gerard B. Nolan at Forest Hills [约瑟芬·卡耐基在森林小丘结婚,成为杰勒德·B·诺兰的新娘]. 纽约时报. 1937-05-30 [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-21) (英语). The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. P. Holland at the home of the bride's uncle, Dale Carnegie, author, in Forest Hills, Queens. 
  116. ^ John Hogan, Radio Expert, Dies; Co-Founder of WQXR Was 71; Developed High-Fidelity Aids and Facsimile Transmission – Worked With de Forest [广播专家、WQXR联合创始人约翰·霍根去世,享年71岁;曾与德富雷斯特一起开发高保真辅助和传真发送]. 纽约时报. 1960-12-30 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-22) (英语). John Vincent Lawless Hogan, who invented single dial radio tuning and was co-founder of radio station WQXR, died yesterday at his home, 239 Greenway South, Forest Hills, Queens, after a long illness. 
  117. ^ Whitman, Alden. Triumph Out of Tragedy; Helen Keller, Blind and Deaf Writer, Traveler and Humanitarian, Is Dead at 87 [成功走出悲剧;盲聋作家,旅行家和慈善家海伦·凯勒去世,享年87岁]. 纽约时报. 1968-06-02 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-19) (英语). In the twenties, Miss Keller, Miss Sullivan and her husband and Miss Thomson (who had joined the household in 1914) moved from Wrentham, Mass., to Forest Hills, Queens, in New York. Miss Keller used this home as a base for her extensive fund-raising tours for the American Foundation for the Blind, of which she was counselor until her death. 
  118. ^ Helen Keller, Anne Sullivan Macy, & Polly Thomson’s House, 93 Seminole Ave later renumbered 71-11 112th St, Forest Hills [海伦·凯勒、安妮·沙利文·梅西和波莉·汤姆森的房子位于森林小丘塞米诺道93号,重新编号后改为112街71-11号]. Queens Post. [2018-10-22]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-22) (英语). 
  119. ^ Hamilton College Class of 1944 50th Reunion Yearbook [汉密尔顿大学1944届50周年聚会年鉴]. 1994年春 [2018-09-12]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-24) (英语). 
  120. ^ Hamilton College Alumni Review [汉密尔顿大学校友一览]. 57, No. 2 (1992–93学年秋季学期). [2018-09-12]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-24) (英语). 
  121. ^ Feinberg, first=Alexander. Miranda Balks At Gang Inquiry; Auto Dealer Questioned in Anastasia Slaying Is One of 7 to Refuse Answers [米兰达阻止黑帮调查;汽车销售商质疑阿纳斯塔西娅杀戮是七个拒绝回答的问题之一]. 纽约时报. 1957-12-15 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-07) (英语). Miranda, who lives in Forest Hills, Queens, and has an automobile agency in Manhattan, took the Fifth Amendment thirty-two times as a witness before the Joint Legislative Committee on Government Operations, the so-called watchdog committee. 
  122. ^ Elkind, David. Wilhelm Reich – The Psychoanalyst as Revolutionary; Wilhelm Reich [威廉·赖希——作为革命者的心理医生;威廉·赖希]. 纽约时报. 1971-04-18 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-31) (英语). soon after his arrival in 1939, Reich rented a house in Forest Hills, where he quickly resumed the pattern of activities he had followed in Oslo, Berlin and Vienna. 
  123. ^ indepthpolygraphs. NY Lie Detector / Polygraph Expert Daniel Ribacoff with Steve Wilkos [纽约测谎机 / 测谎机专家丹尼尔·利波科夫与史蒂夫·威尔科斯]. 2011-06-19 [2018-09-12]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-02) –通过YouTube (英语). 
  124. ^ From Queens [来自皇后区]. 皇后论坛报英语Queens Tribune. 2005 [2012-10-03]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-15) (英语). 
