
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 爬行纲 Reptilia
目: 鳄目 Crocodilia
科: 鳄科 Crocodylidae
属: 鳄属 Crocodylus
澳洲淡水鳄 C. johnstoni
Crocodylus johnstoni
Krefft, 1873[3]
  • Crocodilus johnsoni
    Krefft, 1873
  • Crocodilus (Philas) johnstoni
    Gray, 1874
  • Philas johnstoni
    Wells & Wellington, 1984
  • Crocodylus johnstoni
    Cogger, 2000

澳洲淡水鳄(学名:Crocodylus johnstoni)是一种中小型鳄鱼[6]原产于澳洲。它们的体型比同是住在澳洲、性情较凶猛的湾鳄细小得多。虽然在受威胁之下会袭击人类,但它们并没有强大的咬合力以咬死人类。




  1. ^ Crocodylus johnsoni Krefft 1873 (crocodile). PBDB. [2020-06-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-19). 
  2. ^ Crocodile Specialist Group. Crocodylus johnsoni. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 1996 [31 January 2010]. 
  3. ^ Crocodylus johnstoni. ITIS. 
  4. ^ ... johnstoni means "of Johnstone", derived from the name of the first European to discover and report it to Krefft. Unfortunately Krefft misspelled the name "johnsoni " in his initial description and his subsequent correction was ignored until 1983 when the nomenclature was reviewed thoroughly by Hal Cogger (Cogger 1983). Although the majority of scientific literature, including all Australian Federal, State and Territory legislation has been using "johnstoni " correctly since then, the uncorrected version is still popular especially in the US on the basis of a later taxonomic review (King and Burke 1989) that ignored Cogger's revision. http://crocodilian.com/cnhc/csp_cjoh.htm页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Crocodilian Species List, Crocodylus johnstoni (KREFFT, 1873).
  5. ^ "Crocodylus johnsoni ". The Reptile Database. www.reptile-database.org.
  6. ^ David L. Morgan, Ruchira Somaweera, Adrian C. Gleiss, Stephen J. Beatty and Jeff M. Whitty. 2017. An Upstream Migration Fought with Danger: Freshwater Sawfish Fending Off Sharks and Crocodiles. Ecology - The Scientific Naturalist. in press 0(0); 1–3. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.1737