东亚暨太平洋事务助理国务卿 (英语:Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs ),通常称作亚太事务助卿 或亚太助卿 ,为美国国务院 下属机构——东亚暨太平洋事务局 (亚太局)的主官。助卿主要的职务是协调美国 对亚太地区 之外交关系 ,并向国务卿 和政务次卿 针对该区事务提供谘询。
1949年,政府行政组织委员会建议将某些特定职务提升至局级,及众议院 通过将助卿人数由六人增加至十人后,美国国务院设立远东助卿 (Assistant Secretaries of State for Far Eastern Affairs )职位。1966年11月1日,国务院又依据行政命令 将其职务改划给亚太事务助卿。远东事务处(Division of Far Eastern Affairs )成立于1908年,并且为美国国务院第一个根据地理位置划分的事务机构,目前已更名为亚太事务局。
^ 巴特沃斯原先的职称是“远东事务助卿”,1950年3月20日时改为“日本事务助卿”(Assistant Secretary of State for Japanese Affairs )
^ Initially commissioned during a recess of the Senate. He was later confirmed and re-commissioned on March 5, 1962.
^ Godley was never commissioned and President Nixon withdrew his nomination before the Senate acted upon it.
^ This date appears to be an error on the State Department's website: 存档副本 . [2007-09-21 ] . (原始内容 存档于2007-09-23).
^ Nomination withdrawn.
^ BIOGRAPHY: Revere, Evans J.R. Acting Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs . U. S. Department of State . 2005-02-28 [2005-08-27 ] . (原始内容 存档于2005-08-27).
^ Sung Kim - Acting Assistant Secretary - Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs . United States Department of State . [2021-03-28 ] . (原始内容 存档于2021-06-18).