


科学分类 编辑
域: 细菌域 Bacteria
门: 蓝菌门 Cyanobacteria
纲: 蓝藻纲 Cyanophyceae
目: 念珠藻目 Nostocales
科: 软管藻科 Hapalosiphonaceae
Elenkin, 1916
Nägeli ex Bornet and Flahault 1886


  • Cyanotrichaceae corrig. Kiselev 1947
  • Cyanothrichaceae Kiselev 1947
  • Lithonemataceae Elenkin 1949
  • Mastigocladaceae Geitler 1925
  • Loriellaceae Geitler 1925




  • Aetokthonos Wilde et al. 2014
    • Aetokthonos hydrillicola Wilde and Johansen 2014
  • Albrightia Copeland 1936
    • Albrightia roraimae Kaštovský et al. 2011
    • Albrightia tortuosa Copeland 1936
  • Baradlaia Palik 1960
    • Baradlaia speluncicola Palik 1960,也拼作:Baradlaia speluncaecola
  • Brachytrichiopsis Jao 1944
  • Chondrogloea Schmidle 1902
  • Colteronema Copeland 1936
  • 侧生藻属 Fischerella (Bornet and Flahault 1886) Gomont 1895
  • Fischerellopsis Fritsch 1932
  • Geitleria Friedmann 1955
  • Handeliella Skuja 1937
  • 软管藻属 Hapalosiphon Nägeli in Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault 1887
  • Hyphomorpha Borzì 1916
    • Hyphomorpha antillana Borzì 1916
    • Hyphomorpha antillarum Borzì 1916
    • Hyphomorpha dendroidea (Frémy 1930) Anagnostidis and Komárek 1990
    • Hyphomorpha perrieri Frémy 1927
    • Hyphomorpha radularum Tiwari et al. 1980[2]
  • Leptopogon Borzì 1917
    • Leptopogon galilaeus Dor and Baldinger 1994
    • Leptopogon intricatus Borzì 1917
  • Letestuinema Frémy 1930
    • Letestuinema gabonense Frémy 1930
    • Letestuinema perpusillum Frémy 1930
  • Loefgrenia Gomont ex Wittrock et al. 1896
  • Loriella Borzì 1892
  • Mastigocladus Cohn ex Kirchner 1898
  • Mastigocoleopsis Geitler 1925
    • Mastigocoleopsis obtusa Geitler 1925
  • 鞭鞘藻属 Mastigocoleus Lagerheim ex Bornet & Flahault 1887
  • Matteia Borzě 1907
    • Matteia conchicola Borzì 1917
  • Neowestiellopsis S.Kabirnataj, G.A.Nematzadeh, A.F.Talebi, M.Tabatabaei & P.Singh, 2018[3]
    • Neowestiellopsis persica
    • Neowestiellopsis bilateralis
  • 拟珠藻属 Nostochopsis Wood ex Bornet & Flahault 1886
  • Phayaothrix Tawong et al. 2024
    • Phayaothrix lacustris Tawong et al. 2024[4]
  • Schmidleinema DeToni 1936
    • Schmidleinema cubanum Komárek 1989
    • Schmidleinema robertilamii (Bourrelly 1952) Komárek 1989
    • Schmidleinema santiniketanense Keshari et al. 2016
  • Spelaeopogon Borzì 1917
    • Spelaeopogon cavarae Borzì 1917
    • Spelaeopogon lucifugus Borzì 1917
    • Spelaeopogon sommieri Borzì 1917,也拼作:Spelaeopogon sommierii
  • Thalpophila Borzì 1907
    • Thalpophila caldaria Emoto and Yoneda 1941
    • Thalpophila cossyrensis Borzì 1917
    • Thalpophila imperialis Copeland 1936
  • Westiella Borzì 1907
    • Westiella intricata Borzì 1917
    • Westiella lanosa Frémy 1924
  • Westiellopsis Janet 1941
    • Westiellopsis akinetica Mishra et al. 2020
    • Westiellopsis indica Bourrelly 1970
    • Westiellopsis mahabalei Biradar 1977
    • Westiellopsis prolifica Janet 1941
    • Westiellopsis ramosa Bagchi 2017


  1. ^ Komárek J, Kaštovský J, Mareš J, Johansen JR. Taxonomic classification of cyanoprokaryotes (cyanobacterial genera) 2014, using a polyphasic approach (PDF). Preslia. 2014, 86: 295–335 [2021-09-18]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2019-07-13). 
  2. ^ Tiwari GL, Jagdish L, Pandey RS. Observations on Hyphomorpha radularum sp. nov. (Cyanophyta), growing on certain Bryophytes. In: Desikachary TV, Raja Rao VN (eds), Taxonomy of Algae: Papers Presented at the International Symposium on Taxonomy of Algae, Held at the Centre of Advanced Study in Botany University of Madras, December 9-16, 1974, University of Madras, Madras, India, 1980, p. 143-147.
  3. ^ Kabirnataj Sara,Nematzadeh Ghorban A.,Talebi Ahmad F.,Tabatabaei Meisam,Singh Prashant.Neowestiellopsis gen. nov, a new genus of true branched cyanobacteria with the description of Neowestiellopsis persica sp nov and Neowestiellopsis bilateralis sp nov., isolated from Iran[J].Plant Systematics and Evolution,2018,304(4)
  4. ^ Tawong W, Nishimura T, Pongcharoen P, Saijuntha W, Kucharoenphaibul S, Sunpapao P, Pongpadung P, Ponza S. Molecular characterization uncovering a novel genus of tapering-filamentous cyanobacteria from Thailand: Phayaothrix lacustris gen. & sp. nov. (Nostocales, Cyanophyta). Phytotaxa 2024; 647:34-52.