
用户:It's gonna be awesome/精神疾病与身心障碍污名化


精神疾病与身心障碍污名化指的是社会大众对于患有精神疾病或领有身心障碍手册者的污名化差别待遇英语social stigma












  1. ^ 徐沛然. 精神疾患的污名,與以安全為名的暴力-悲劇之後真正的危險,是急著排除各種「有危險的人」。. 2016-04-07 [2019-03-29]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-26). 
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  25. ^ Chang, Chih-Cheng; Yen, Cheng-Fang; Jang, Fong-Lin; Su, Jian-An; Lin, Chung-Ying. Comparing Affiliate Stigma Between Family Caregivers of People With Different Severe Mental Illness in Taiwan. The Journal of nervous and mental disease (Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)). 2017, 205 (7): 542–549. ISSN 0022-3018. PMID 28291058. doi:10.1097/nmd.0000000000000671. 
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  27. ^ Chang, Chih-Cheng; Su, Jian-An; Chang, Kun-Chia; Lin, Chung-Ying; Koschorke, Mirja; Thornicroft, Graham. Perceived stigma of caregivers: Psychometric evaluation for Devaluation of Consumer Families Scale. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (Elsevier BV). 2018, 18 (2): 170–178. ISSN 1697-2600. doi:10.1016/j.ijchp.2017.12.003. 
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