


呂理燊(1932年2月25日—2011年10月11日)英文名Leu, Lii-Sin,國際知名植物病理學者。出生於台灣宜蘭縣羅東鎮,逝世於台中。1954年畢業於台灣省立農學院(今國立中興大學)植物病蟲害學系;1957年畢業於國立台灣大學植物病理學研究所,獲碩士學位;1967年畢業於美國威斯康辛大學植物病理學系研究所,獲博士學位。曾任台灣糖業研究所副技術師及研究員,1974年轉任台灣植物保護中心(今行政院農業委員會農業藥物毒物試驗所)農藥應用系系主任。此外亦曾擔任國際糖業技術學會之甘蔗病害組組長,植物病理學會植物保護學會理監事,雜草學會真菌學會理事長。






甘蔗露菌病 (Sugarcane Downy Mildew Disease)

  • Chu, T. L., L. S. Leu and Y. S. Bau (1959). Progress report on the study of the mode of resistance to genus Saccharum and its relatives to downy mildew. Proc. Int. Soc. Sugar Cane Tech. 10: 1098-1107.
  • Leu, L. S. and T. L. Chu (1959). Transmission of downy mildew (Sclerospora sacchari) from maize to sugarcane and vice versa. Ibid. 10: 1129-1133.
  • 呂理燊 (1962). 〈甘蔗露菌病病徵觀察及病莖種植之研究〉.《台灣糖業試驗所研究彙報》26: 17-28.
  • Chu, T. L. and L. S. Leu (1963). Testing the first-year seedlings of sugarcane against downy mildew (Sclerospora sacchari). Rep. Taiwan Sugar Exp. Sta. 30: 1-10.
  • Leu, L. S. and H. C. Lo (1963). Studies on the artificial inoculation with sugarcane downy mildew. Rep. Taiwan Sugar Exp. Sta. 30:11-29.
  • Leu, L. S. and S. W. Tan (1970). Studies on the sporulation of Sclerospora sacchari Miyake. Sugarcane Pathol. Newsletter. No. 4, 40-47.
  • Leu, L. S. and S. W. Tan (1970). Germination of conidia of Sclerospora sacchari Miyake. Ibid. No. 5, 16-21.
  • Kimigafukuro, T. and L. S. Leu (1972). Sporulation of Sclerospora sacchari on corn. Plant Prot. Bull. (Taiwan) 14: 153-161.
  • Leu, L. S. (1973). Effect of temperature on conidial size and sporulation of Sclerospora sacchari. Ibid. 15: 106-115.
  • 李松、郭清陽、呂理燊 (1973). 〈塑膠布覆蓋苗床防治甘蔗實生苗露菌病〉.《植物保護學會會刊》15: 126-129.
  • Kimigafukuro, T. and L. S. Leu (1976). Method for collecting nongerminated conidia of Sclerospora sacchari and TARC's downy mildew program. The Kasetsart J. 10(2): 143-147.
  • Poon, E. S., L. S. Leu, C. Liu and W. T Cheng (1982). Pathogeographic studies of sugarcane downy mildew in Taiwan. I. Historical analysis, regional pathographic classification and some considerations of disease attributes of the epidemics. Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan 48: 153-161.
  • Poon, E. S., L. S. Leu and C. Liu (1982). Ibid. Ⅱ. A preliminary characterization of host factors in four pathogeographic regions. Ibid. 48: 162-168.
  • Poon, E. S., L. S. Leu and C. Liu (1982). Ibid. Ⅲ. A comparative study of varietal disease patterns in three pathogeographic regions. Plant Prot. Bull. (Taiwan) 24: 111-119.
  • Poon, E. S., L. S. Leu and C. Liu (1982). Ibid. Ⅳ. A comparison of climatic conditions in four-pathogeographic regions and a study on the relationship of climatic factors and disease on different varieties. Ibid. 24: 121-129.
  • Leu, L. S. and C. W. Chang (1983). Morphology of hyphae in the leaf tissues of sugarcane infected with Peronosclerospora sacchari. Ibid. 25: 239-246.
  • Leu, L. S. and B. T. Egan (1989). Downy milew. in Diseases of sugarcane (major diseases). Ed. by Ricaud et al, Elsevier 107-121pp.
  • 呂理燊 (1996). 〈台灣甘蔗露菌病〉.《植物保護學會會刊》38: 275-293.
  • 呂理燊 (1968). 〈甘蔗露菌病病株拔除方法之商榷〉.《台糖通訊第43卷第13期 (1968年11月1日),18-21. (附錄)
  • 呂理燊 (1974). 〈新品種甘蔗露菌病淘汰率商榷〉.《台糖通訊》第54卷第15期 (1974年5月21日),8-11. (附錄)

甘蔗莖黑穗病 (Sugarcane Culmicolous Smut Disease)

  • Leu, L. S. and Y. P. Tsai (1969). Sugarcane smut intercepted in quarantine in Taiwan. Sugarcane Pathol. Newsletter No. 2, 8.
  • Leu, L. S. (1968). Smut of sugarcane in Taiwan (Ⅰ) Recurrence of smut in Taiwan. Plant Prot. Bull. (Taiwan) 11: 91-99.
  • Leu, L. S. (1971). Culmicolous smut of sugarcane in Taiwan (Ⅱ) Pathological histology of diseased canes. Ibid. 13: 6-11.
  • Leu, L. S. (1971). Reaction of clones of Saccharum spontaneum L. to Ustilago scitaminea Sydow, the causal fungus of the culmicolous smut of sugarcane. Sugarcane Pathol. Newsletter No. 7, 10-11.
  • Leu, L. S. (1972). Culmicolous smut of sugarcane in Taiwan (Ⅲ) Germination and storage of teliospores, and compatibility of Ustilago scitaminea Sydow. Rep. Taiwan Sugar Exp. Sta. 56: 37-48.
  • Leu, L. S. and W. S. Teng (1974). Ibid. (Ⅴ) Two pathogenic strains of Ustilago scitaminea Sydow. Proc. Int. Soc. Sugarcane Tech. 15: 275-279.
  • Leu, L. S., W. S. Teng and Z. N. Wang (1976). Ibid. (Ⅳ) Resistant trial. Rep. Taiwan Sugar Exp. Sta. 74: 37-46.
  • Leu, L. S. (1978). Ibid. (Ⅵ) New pathogenic strain obtained by artificial hybridization and further studies on compatibility of Ustilago scitaminea Sydow. Ann. Phytophah. Soc. Japan 44: 321-324.
  • 呂理燊 (1974). 〈夏威夷之甘蔗莖黑穗病〉.《台糖通訊》第54卷第2期 (1974年1月11日),7-9. (附錄)

甘蔗葉枯病 (Sugarcane Leaf Blight Disease)

  • Leu, L. S. and W. H. Hsieh (1969). Outbreak of leaf blight in Taiwan. Sugarcane Pathol. Newsletter No. 2,15-16.
  • Leu, L. S. and W. H. Hsieh (1970). Leaf blight of sugarcane in Taiwan (Ⅰ) Outbreak of leaf blight in 1967-68 and preliminary testing of oil sprays as a method of control. Plant Prot. Bull. (Taiwan) 12: 59-67.
  • Leu, L. S. and W. H. Hsieh (1970). Ibid. (Ⅱ) Isolation of the causal organism and studies on ascospore formation. Ibid. 12: 152-159.
  • Hsieh, W. H. and L. S. Leu (1971). Ibid. (Ⅲ) The ascospore germination of Leptosphaeria taiwanensis (Mat. et Yam.) Yen et Chi. Ibid. 13: 127-134.
  • Leu, L. S. and W. H. Hsieh (1971). Ibid. (Ⅳ) Resistance trial. Sugarcane Pathol. Newsletter No. 7, 4-7.
  • Leu, L. S., Y. T. Liu and W. H. Hsieh. 1971. Tissue culture and plants thus derived against sugarcane leaf blight fungus, Leptosphaeria taiwanensis Yen et Chi. Ibid. No. 7, 25-27.
  • Leu, L. S., Z. N. Wang and W. H. Hsieh. (1974). Leaf blight of sugarcane in Taiwan (Ⅴ) Host range and hypersensitive reaction. Rep. Taiwan Sugar Exp. Sta. 63: 59-68.
  • Leu, L. S., Z. N. Wang, K. H. Lin, C. Y. Kwo and K. C. Shang (1976). Ibid. (Ⅵ) Preliminary studies on the mode of inheritance of resistance in sugarcane against the disease. Ibid. 71: 45-54.
  • 呂理燊、謝文瑞 (1969). 〈甘蔗葉枯病之防治〉.《台糖通訊》第45卷第18期 (1969年12月21日),8-9. (附錄)

甘蔗矮化病 (Sugarcane Ratoon Stunting Disease)

  • 鄧文盛、呂理燊 (1974). 〈台灣甘蔗品種矮化病感染程度病徵顏色及顯現度〉.《台灣糖業試驗所研究彙報》 64: 23-36.

甘蔗葉燒病 (Sugarcane Leaf Scorch Disease)

  • Leu, L. S. (1962). Histological studies on the infection with Stagonospora sacchari, the causal fungus of leaf scorch of sugarcane. Plant Prot. Bull. (Taiwan) 4: 111-131.
  • Leu, L. S. (1968). Resistance trials on leaf scorch of sugarcane caused by Stagonospora sacchari Lo et Ling. Ibid. 10: 1-6.
  • 呂理燊 (1970). 〈甘蔗葉燒病病原菌胞子之逸散〉.《台灣糖業試驗所研究彙報》51: 9-14.
  • Lo, T. T. and L. S. Leu (1989). Leaf scorch. Ed. by Ricaud et al, in Diseases of sugarcane (major diseases) 135-143pp.

甘蔗嵌紋病 (Sugarcane Mosaic Disease)

  • 呂理燊、鮑運生 (1958). 〈1958~1959年期甘蔗實生品系嵌紋病抗性試驗〉.《台灣糖業試驗所研究彙報》 18: 24-31.
  • 呂理燊 (1972). 〈應用頂端生長點培養及組織培養由甘蔗嵌紋病病株得健株〉.《台灣糖業試驗所研究彙報》57: 57-63.
  • Leu, L. S. (1978). Apical meristem culture and redifferentiation of callus masses to free some sugarcane systemic diseases. Plant Prot. Bull. (Taiwan) 20: 88-82.

甘蔗白葉病 (Sugarcane White Leaf Disease)

  • Leu, L. S. (1974). An insectary method for testing sugarcane varieties for resistance to white leaf disease Proc. Int. Soc. Sugarcane Tech. 15: 266-274.

甘蔗病害抗病測定 (Sugarcane Disease Resistance Trial)

  • Leu, L. S., C. A. Wismer, J. Daniels and P. B. Hutchinson (1970). Co-operative programs for screening sugarcane varieties for resistance to diseases. (Ⅰ) The Taiwan Program. Sugarcane Pathol. Newsletter No. 4, 36-37.
  • Leu, L. S., Z. N. Wang, W. H. Hsieh and S. S. Tzean (1976). Cooperative disease resistance trial for foreign sugarcane varieties in Taiwan. Rep. Taiwan Sugar Res. Inst. 72: 31-40.
  • 呂理燊 (1973). 〈台灣甘蔗新品種抗病性之研究〉.《科學發展月刊》第1卷第9期 1-5. (附錄)

甘蔗昆蟲寄生菌 (Sugarcane Entomogenous Fungi)

  • 呂理燊、王次男 (1971). 〈台灣之草蟬寄生菌〉.《台灣糖業試驗所研究彙報》53: 1-10.
  • 王博優、呂理燊 (1972). 〈農藥對草蟬寄生菌之影響〉.《台灣糖業試驗所研究彙報》55: 103-109.
  • 王次男、呂理燊 (1973). 〈甘蔗害蟲寄生菌〉.《台灣糖業試驗所研究彙報》60: 13-24.
  • 王次男、呂理燊 (1973). 〈寄生菌防治草蟬〉.《台灣糖業試驗所研究彙報》60: 35-49.
  • Leu, L. S. and Z. N. Wang (1972). Fungi parasitic on the nymph of Mogannia hebes Walker in Taiwan. Proc. Int. Soc. Sugarcane Tech. 14: 541-547.
  • Wang, Z. N. and L. S. Leu (1974). Entomogenous fungi on sugarcane pests in Taiwan. Ibid. 15: 428-433.
  • 甘蔗土壤真菌相 (Fungi from Underground Parts of Sugarcane) Watanabe, Tsuneo, S. S. Tzean and L. S. Leu. 1974. Fungi isolated from the underground parts of sugarcane in relation to the poor ratooning in Taiwan. Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan. 15: 30-41.
  • Tzean, S. S., L. S. Leu. and H. T. Chu (1974). Fungal flora of roots and rhizosphere from ratoon cane in Taiwan. Rep. Taiwan Sugar Exp. Sta. 63: 69-117.
  • 呂理燊 (1971). 《台灣甘蔗病害文獻摘要集》.台糖公司蔗作改良推廣委員會 211pp.
  • 呂理燊 (1971). 〈夏威夷、斐濟、澳洲及菲律賓甘蔗病害考察報告〉.《台糖通訊》 (1971年3月11日) (附錄)
  • 呂理燊 (1974). 〈台灣甘蔗病理研究現階段發展與今後應有之改進〉.《科學農業》22(7-8): 267-271. (附錄)
  • 呂理燊 (1972). 台灣甘蔗的重要及常見病害.台灣農業研究中心作物病害研討會 111-130.
  • 呂理燊 (1973). 〈甘蔗流膠病〉.《台糖通訊》第52卷第3期 (1973年1月21日) 10-11. (附錄)


  • Horng, L. C. and L. S. Leu (1978). Weed flora in rice paddy field in Taiwan. Proc. 6th Asian Pacific Weed Sci. Soc. Conf., (Jakarta) 1: 116-122.
  • Horng, L. C. and L. S. Leu (1978). The effects of depth and duration of burial on the germination of ten annual weed seeds. Weed Science 26: 4-10.
  • Yukinaga, H., K. Ito, K. Ide. L. S. Leu and L. C. Horng (1979). Selectivity of new herbicide, isouron in weeds and crops. Proc. 7th Asian-Pacific Weed Sci. Soc. Conf. 37-40.
  • 洪亮吉、呂理燊 (1979). 〈排水溝布袋蓮防治試驗〉.《植物保護學會會刊》21: 194-205.
  • Horng, L. C. and L. S. Leu (1980). Control of five upland perennial weeds with herbicides. Weed Sci. Bull. 1: 12-22. (Also in Proc. 7th Asian-Pacific Weed Sci. Soc. Conf, 165-169:1979).
  • Horng, L. C., W. J. Fuh and L. S. Leu (1980). Reducing herbicide injury to direct-seeded rice by coating seeds with activated carbon. Weed Sci. Bull. 1: 1-12.
  • 林鳳池、呂理燊 (1980. 21) 〈種雜草種子之掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察〉.《中華民國雜草學會會刊》1: 113-132.
  • 呂理燊、林鳳池 (1980). 〈一些屬於菊科、沙草科和禾本科雜草種子之掃描式電子顯微鏡之研究〉.《中華民國雜草學會會刊》1: 23-51.
  • 呂理燊、林鳳池、蔣慕琰 (1981). 〈十二種雜草種子掃描電子顯微鏡觀察〉.《中華民國雜草學會會刊》2: 80-92.
  • 蔣慕琰、呂理燊 (1981). 〈殺草劑、覆蓋稻草及燒稻草對裡作不整地田雜草之作用〉.《中華民國雜草學會會刊》2: 93-104.
  • Chiang, M. Y. and L. S. Leu (1981). Weeds in paddy field and their control in Taiwan. FFTC Book Serces No. 20, 25-36.
  • 蔣慕琰、呂理燊 (1982). 〈台灣稻田雜草及其危害〉.《中華民國雜草學會會刊》3: 18-46.
  • 蔣永正、袁秋英、呂理燊 (1984). 〈野茨菰及瓜皮草之生長和發育〉.《中華民國雜草學會會刊》5: 1-9.
  • Chiang, Y. J., C. I. Yuang and L. S. Leu (1985). Variations in the growth and herbicides susceptibility of barnyard grass in Taiwan. Weed Sci. Bull. 6: 33-43.
  • 呂理燊、蔣永正、徐玲明 (1986). 〈加拿大蓬 (Erigeron canadensis) 對巴拉刈抗藥性之探討〉.《中華民國雜草學會會刊》7: 1-6.
  • 袁秋英、呂理燊 (1986). 〈香附子之生長模式及塊莖之形成〉.《中華民國雜草學會會刊》7: 7-18.
  • 蔣永正、呂理燊 (1987). 〈台灣玉米田草相及雜草防治〉.《中華民國雜草學會會刊》8: 1-13.
  • 洪亮吉、呂理燊 (1980). 《台灣農地雜草》.中華民國雜草學會出版.238pp.
  • Chiang, Y. J. and L. S. Leu (1987). Effect of application timing and residual period of Londax on main paddy weeds in Taiwan. Proc. 11th Conf. Asian Pacific Weed Sci. Soc. 233-231.
  • Chiang, Y. J. and L. S. Leu (1987). Weeds in vegetable field and their control in Taiwan. Symposium. Ibid. 29-45.
  • Chiang, Y. J. and L. S. Leu (1989). Phytotoxicity of herbicides to twelve vegetables. Proc. 12th APWSS 771-785.
  • Chen, Y. L. and L. S. Leu (1989). Historical aspects of Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society, Weed Sci. Bull. 10: 35-40.
  • Leu, L. S. and L. S. Horng (1991). Management of herbicide use for safety of crops and environment in Taiwan. Korean J. Weed Sci. 11(5): 64-73.


木瓜病害 (Papaya Disease)

  • 黃東煌、陳大武、呂理燊 (1976). 〈台灣木瓜疫病之研究〉.《植物保護學會會刊》18: 293-308.
  • 黃東煌、呂理燊 (1976). 〈木瓜疫病菌 Phytophthora palmivora Butler 胞囊產生之研究〉.《植物保護學會會刊》18: 330-337.
  • 呂理燊、李啟彰、黃昌 (1980). 〈Erwinia cypripedii 引起之木瓜黑腐病〉.《植物保護學會會刊》22: 377-384.

百香果病害 (Passion Fruit Disease)

  • 呂理燊、李啟彰 (1976).〈百香果疫病〉.《植物保護學會會刊》18: 286-292.

番石榴病害 (Guava Disease)

  • 謝式拌鈺、梁文進、高清文、呂理燊 (1976). 〈番石榴立枯病菌之形態及生理特性〉.《植物保護學會會刊》18: 309-317.
  • Leu, L. S., C. W. Kao, C. C. Wang and W. J. Liang (1979). Myxosporium wilt of guava and its control. Plant Dis. Reptr. 63: 1075-1077.
  • Leu, L. S. and C. W. Kao (1979). Artificial inoculation of guava with Myxosporium psidii. Ibid. 63: 1077-1079.
  • Wan, WuChang and Lii-Sin Leu (1999). Breeding Guava resistant lines against Myxosporium wilt. Plant Prot. Bull. (Taiwan) 41: 149-154.

荔枝病害 (Litchi Disease)

  • Ko, W. H., H. S. Chang, H. J. Su, C. C. Chen and L. S. Leu (1978). Peronophythoraceae, a new family of Peronosporales. Mycologia 70: 380-384.
  • Kao, C. W. and L. S. Leu (1980). Sporangium germination of Peronophythora litchii, the causal organism of litchi downy blight. Mycologia 72: 737-748.
  • Leu, L. S., F. C. Lin and C. W. Kao (1984). Ultrastructural aspects during sporangium direct germination in Peronophythora litchii. Bot. Bull. Academia Sinica 25: 27-43.
  • Lin, F. C. and L. S. Leu (1984). Fine structural changes during sporogenesis in Peronophythora litchii. Plant Prot. Bull. (Taiwan) 26: 201-217.

草莓病害 (Strawberry Disease)

  • Kao, C. W. and L. S. Leu (1979). Strawberry fruit rot caused by Phytophthora cactorum and P. citrophthora. Plant Prot. Bull. (Taiwan) 21: 239-245.
  • 呂理燊、許永華、李昱輝 (1990). 〈台灣草莓白粉病及其防治〉.《植物保護學會會刊》32: 24-32.
  • 彭淑貞、呂理燊 (2000).〈利用草莓走莖檢測草莓青枯病菌之潛存. (Finding latent infection of Ralstonia solanacearum by runner of strawberry) 〉.《植物保護學會會刊》42: 255 (摘要).

葡萄病害 (Grape Disease)

  • 呂理燊、吳宏國 (1982). 〈葡萄露菌病病菌接種、產胞及胞囊之發芽〉.《植物保護學會會刊》24: 161-170.
  • 呂理燊、吳宏國 (1983). 〈葡萄 病菌夏胞子之發芽及入侵過程〉.《植物保護學會會刊》25: 167-175.
  • Leu, L. S. and Chwen Wen Chang (1985). Histological study of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on grape fruit. Plant Prot. Bull. (Taiwan) 27: 11-18.
  • 郭克忠、高清文、呂理燊 (1988). 〈葡萄灰斑病:病徵、病原菌、侵染過程及藥劑篩選〉.《植物保護學會會刊》30: 111-121.
  • Leu, L. S. (1988). Rust. in Compendium of grape diseases. Ed. by Pearson, R. C. and A. C. Goheen. 28-30pp. APS Press.
  • 郭克忠、高清文、呂理燊 (1989). 〈Botryosphaeria ribis 引起的葡萄房枯病〉.《植物保護學會會刊》31: 234-247.
  • Kuo, K. C., C. Y. Lee., C. W. Kao and L. S. Leu (1989). Cleistothecia of Uncinula necator (Schw.) Burr. in Taiwan. Trans. Mycol. Soc. R. O. C. 4(1): 53-58.
  • 高清文、郭克忠、呂理燊 (1990). 〈葡萄苦腐病之病徵、病菌及其侵染過程〉.《植物保護學會會刊》32: 256-264.
  • 呂理燊、郭克忠、章加寶、高清文 (1991). 〈葡萄病蟲害綜合防治〉.《中華民國雜草學會會刊》12: 155-175.
  • 郭克忠、高清文、呂理燊 (1992).〈台灣葡萄露菌病之防治〉.《植物病理學會刊》1: 49-56.
  • 郭克忠、高清文、呂理燊 (1998). 〈葡萄枝枯病之病徵、病原菌及藥劑篩選〉.《植物保護學會會刊》40: 189-197.
  • Kuo, K. C. and Leu, L. S. (1998). Phomopsis vitimegaspora. A new pathogenic Phomopsis from vines. Mycotaxon 66: 497-499.
  • Leu, L. S. (1986). Grape Diseases in Taiwan. ROC-USA Workshop; January 8-10, 1986. Taichung, ROC, 89-95. (附錄)

檬果病害 (Mango Disease)

  • 楊秀珠、呂理燊 (1988). 〈檬果炭疽病菌之形態及生理性質〉.《植物保護學會會刊》30: 323-336.
  • 呂理燊、楊秀珠、簡和順、曾錫恩 (1988). 〈檬果炭疽病之抗病測定〉.《植物保護學會會刊》30: 337-348.

香蕉病害 (Banana Disease)

  • Chang, C. W., S. H. Lin and L. S. Leu (1987). Electron microscopy of penetration and colonization process of Colletotrichum musae on ripe banana fruit. Plant Prot. Bull. (Taiwan) 27: 71-75.
  • Leu, Lii Sin and Chwen-Wen Chang (1988). Conidium germination and appressorium formation of Colletotrichum musae. Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan. 29: 1-12.

梅病害 (Japanese Apricot Disease)

  • 黃振文、楊秀珠、呂理燊 (1993). 〈梅黑星病之防治研究〉.《植物病理學會刊》2: 7-11.

梨病害 (Pear Disease)

  • Leu, L. S. and C. C. Su (1993). Isolation, cultivation, and pathogenicity of Xylella fastidiosa, the causal bacterium of pear leaf scorch disease in Taiwan. Plant Dis. 77: 642-646.
  • Su, Chiou-Chu and Lii-Sin Leu (1995). Distribution of pear leaf scorch and monthly isolation of its causal organism, Xylella fastidiosa from infected trees. Plant Pathol. Bull. 4: 30-33.
  • Leu, H. H., L. S. Leu and C. P. Lin. (1998). Development and application of monoclonal antibodies against Xylella fastidiosa, the causal bacterium of pear leaf scorch. J. Phytopathology 146: 34-37.


  • 林柳澤、張松壽、呂理燊 (1971). 〈薑軟腐病〉.《植物保護學會會刊》13: 54-67.
  • 呂理燊、楊振德 (1973). 〈蒜頭黑麴病〉.《植物保護學會會刊》 15: 61-69.
  • Leu, L. S., H. C. Yang and S. K. Sun (1977). Preservation of wateroat, a crown gall of Zizania latifolia induced by Ustilago esculenta. Plant Prot. Bull. (Taiwan) 19: 238-244.
  • Yang, H. C. and L. S. Leu (1978). Formation and histopathology of galls induced by Ustilago esculenta in Zizania latifolia. Pytopathology 68: 1572-1576.
  • Yang, H. C. and L. S. Leu (1980). Temperature and nutrition effects on teliospore germination of Ustilago esculenta. Tran. Mycol. Soc. Japan 21: 205-213.
  • 呂理燊、張淳文 (1982).〈茭白筍組織之電子顯微鏡觀察〉.《植物保護學會會刊》24: 247-252.
  • 呂理燊、高清文 (1981). 〈Phytophthora capsici 引起的甜椒及辣椒之疫病〉.《植物保護學會會刊》23: 59-66.
  • Kao, C. W. and L. S. Leu (1982). Phytophthora stem rot of cowpea caused by Phytophthora vignae Purss. Plant Prot. Bull. (Taiwan) 24: 189-191.
  • Leu, L. S. and Horng-Gwo Wu (1985). Welsh onion sclerotial disease incited by Ciborinia allii and its ascosporic dimorphism characters in Taiwan. Ibid. 27: 87-94.
  • 李昱輝、張淳文、呂理燊 (1989). 〈菱角紋枯病菌侵害過程之掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察〉.《植物保護學會會刊》31: 211-216.
  • 呂理燊、李昱輝、鄭安秀、陳紹崇 (1991). 〈菱角白絹病及其防治〉.《植物保護學會會刊》33: 180-187.
  • 李昱輝、呂理燊 (1991). 〈菱角白絹病與紋枯病病原菌之室內藥劑篩選〉.《植物保護學會會刊》33: 218-222.


  • 呂理燊、高清文 (1975). 〈玫瑰白粉病分生胞子之逸散及發芽〉.《植物保護學會會刊》17: 311-318.
  • 楊秀珠、呂理燊 (1980). 〈瓜葉菊葉斑病病徵及病原菌形態生理之研究初報〉.《植物保護學會會刊》22: 367-375.
  • 楊秀珠、呂理燊 (1981). 〈金魚草立枯病〉.《植物保護學會會刊》23: 55-57.
  • 呂理燊、楊秀珠、塗振鑫 (1982). 〈菊花莖腐病之防治及健康菊苗育成之研究〉.《中國園藝》28: 82-91.
  • 呂理燊、高清文、楊秀珠、林信山 (1982). 〈菊白色病在台灣之分佈、病原菌小生子之釋放與發芽、抗病篩選與藥劑防治〉.《植物保護學會會刊》24: 9-18.
  • 楊秀珠、呂理燊 (1982). 〈菊花黑斑病病徵、病原菌形態、生理及病原性之研究〉.《植物保護學會會刊》24: 19-26.
  • 呂理燊、楊秀珠 (1983). 〈菊花黑斑病之田間消長及藥劑防治〉.《植物保護學會會刊》25: 23-30.
  • 井上成信、呂理燊 (1983). Survey on the viruses in orchids in Taiwan. 《農學研究》60: 91-110. (in Japanese)
  • 蘇秋竹、呂理燊 (1992).〈Erwinia carotovora subsp. Carotovora 引起文心蘭及虎頭蘭之細菌性軟腐病〉.《植物病理學會刊》1: 190-195.
  • 呂理燊 (1994). 〈滅達樂防治蘭花疫病〉.《植物保護學會會刊》36: 107-115.
  • 蘇秋竹、呂理燊 (1995). 〈Pseudomonas solanacearum 引起火鶴花細菌性萎凋病〉.《植物病理學會刊》4: 34-38.
  • 李昱輝、黃振文、呂理燊 (1996). 〈黃後日衛予苗立枯病之綜合防治〉.《植物保護學會會刊》38: 261-273.
  • 李敏郎、呂理燊 (1997). 〈田菁輪作田施用土壤燻蒸劑對唐菖蒲生育之影響〉.《植物保護學會會刊》39: 377-382.
  • 李敏郎、呂理燊 (1998). 〈土壤蒸汽消毒防治百合黃化型病害〉.《植物保護學會會刊》40: 251-264.


  • Leu, L. S. and C. T. Chen (1972). Bacterial wilt of cassava (Manihotis utilissima Pohl) caused by Xanthomonas manihotis (Arthaud-Berther) Starr. Plant Prot. Bull. 14:17-26.
  • Leu, L. S. (1976). Cassava bacterial blight in Taiwan. Proc. 4th Symposium Intern. Soc. Trop. Root Crops. 175-179.
  • 呂理燊、林汝見.(1977). 〈樹薯之栽培、管理與利用〉.《科學農業》25(5-6):186-192. (附錄)
  • Kao, C. W. and L. S. Leu (1976). Finding perfect stage of Aciculosporium take Mlyake, the causal organism of bamboo witches broom disease and its conidial germination. Plant Prot. Bull. (Taiwan) 18:276-285.
  • 呂理燊、楊秀珠 (1979). 〈八種推廣用藥劑防治水稻紋枯病之效果比較〉.《植物保護學會會刊》21: 323-329.
  • 呂理燊、楊秀珠 (1979). 〈十種防治水稻稻熱病推廣用藥劑之效果比較〉.《植物保護學會會刊》21: 415-421.
  • Leu, L. S. and H. C. Yang (1985). Distribution and survival of sclerotia of rice sheath blight fungus, Thanatephorus cucumeris, in Taiwan. Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan 51:1-7.
  • 呂理燊、李啟彰 (1982). 〈桑樹葉背白粉病病菌形態及其分生胞子之發芽〉.《植物保護學會會刊》24: 27-36.


  • Lee, N. P., S. K. Sun and L. S. Leu (1972). Sporulation and colony characteristics in twelve species of Cercospora. 《植物保護學會會刊》14:27-35.
  • 呂理燊 (1975). 〈猝倒菌和疫菌兩屬病原菌在土壤中之生態〉.《植物保護學會會刊》17: 204-215.
  • 蘇淑貞、呂理燊 (1980). 〈寄生菌核病的三種真菌〉.《植物保護學會會刊》22: 253-262.
  • Kao, C. W., H. Masago and L. S. Leu (1982). Identification of Phytophthora species by disc electrophoresis. Plant Prot. Bull. (Taiwan) 24: 193-200.
  • Chang, C. W., H. C. Yang and L. S. Leu (1984). Zygospore formation of Choanephora cucurbitarum. Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan 25: 67-74.
  • Kuo, Ker-Chung, Chiyi Lee and Lii-Sin Leu (1991). Notes on the Erysiphaceae found in Taiwan (Ⅰ). Trans. Mycol. Soc. R. O. C. 6(1): 13-44.
  • Kuo, K. C., Hsieh, W. H. and L. S. Leu (1992). Brasiliomyces cyclobalanopsidis sp. nov., a new powdery mildew on Cyclobalanopsis glauca. Mycol. Res. 96(8): 702-703.
  • 呂理燊譯(A. Kelman) (1967). 〈近代植物病害防治方法及用材之傾向〉.《植物保護學會會刊》9: 55-56. (附錄)



  1. ^ 台湾农业药物毒研究所吕理燊教授到大连民族学院学术访问. [2011-11-28]. (原始內容存檔於2019-09-15).