





一個由古典自由主義者最小國家主義者無政府資本主義者所組建的美國泛政治聯盟改組成了現在的自由意志黨;儘管該黨黨內還有許多其他較小派系,但是它們在黨內沒有什麼重大影響。1974年,當時黨內較大的最小國家主義派和次大的無政府資本主義派達拉斯聯合召開了自由意志黨全國代表大會英語Libertarian National Convention並在會上達成了《達拉斯協議(Dallas Accord)》。這是一份隱含黨內派系間相符妥協的協議;協議達成了一項綱領,但並沒有明確說明是否繼續保留「國家」這個形式。[5][6][7]

多年來,無政府資本主義派的確在自由意志黨黨內與最小國家主義派辯論乃至發生衝突。[8] 當隨着自由意志黨激進核心小組英語LPRadicals的重新走上正規,無政府主義派系開始出現上升勢頭。在羅恩·保羅尋求1988年美國總統選舉的自由意志黨黨內提名時,自由意志黨大部分黨員認為其過於保守而轉為支持身為美國原住民的政治人物——拉塞爾·米恩斯英語Russell Means以反對羅恩·保羅。






  1. ^ Duncan Watts. Understanding American Government and Politics Second Edition. Manchester University Press. 2006-03-07: 246. ISBN 9780719073274 (英語). Libertarians feel that neither left nor right can be trusted to defend the rights of individuals. 
  2. ^ Leonard E. Read. Neither Left Nor Right. The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty. 1998-02, 48 (2) [2022-09-14]. (原始內容存檔於2008-06-21) (英語). 
  3. ^ Walter Block. Libertarianism is Unique and Belongs Neither to the Right nor the Left: A Critique of the Views of Long, Holcombe, and Baden on the Left, Hoppe, Feser, and Paul of the Right. The Journal of Libertarian Studies. 2014-07-30, 22 (1): 127–170 [2022-09-14]. (原始內容存檔於2022-02-16) (英語). 
  4. ^ Sheldon Richman. Libertarianism: Left or Right?. Freedom Daily (The Future of Freedom Foundation). 2007-09-12 [2022-09-14]. (原始內容存檔於2012-03-31) (英語). Is libertarianism of the Left or of the Right? We often avoid this question with a resounding 'Neither!'" He also points out that left and right were "first used in the French Legislative Assembly after the revolution of 1789. In that context those who sat on the right side of the assembly were steadfast supporters of the dethroned monarchy and aristocracy – the ancien régime – (and hence were conservatives) while those who sat on the left opposed its reinstatement (and hence were radicals). It should follow from this that libertarians, or classical liberals, would sit on the left. 
  5. ^ The Platform of the Libertarian Party of Washington. 自由意志黨華盛頓黨部. [2022-09-14]. (原始內容存檔於2022-09-14) (英語). 
  6. ^ Paul Gottfried. The Conservative Movement Revised Edition. Twayne Publishers. 1993: 46. ISBN 9780805738506 (英語). 
  7. ^ Less Antman. The Dallas Accord Is Dead. LewRockwell.com. 2008-05-12 [2022-09-14]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-01) (英語). 
  8. ^ 瓦特·布拉克. Anarchism and Minarchism; No Rapprochement Possible: Reply to Tibor Machan. 自由意志主義研究期刊 (米塞斯研究所). 2014-07-30, 22 (1) (英語).