





2007年被公開的AACS加密密鑰(09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0)是一個例子:2007年4月30日,一位名為「Rudd-O」的博主公開了HD DVD的加密密鑰,並呼籲讀者廣泛分享[4]。得知密鑰後,用戶可以繞過數字版權管理 (DRM) 並複製以前無法複製的 HD DVD[5]。在Digg新聞聚合網站 —— 一個允許用戶對新聞進行投票評選的網站 —— 此新聞則獲得了最高的票數。由於有超過15000名用戶在Digg網站上投票,這則新聞登上了主頁。[6]

次日,負責管理加密密鑰的AACS授權管理會(AACS LA)向Digg發出了《停止並終止》的法律信函。在信函中,AACS授權管理會聲稱,在網站上發布泄露密鑰的新聞報道違反《數字千年版權法》。[7]



PlayStation 3版言論自由之旗

2011 年,索尼起訴了喬治·霍茲和fail0verflow成員,理由是通過特權提升破解PlayStation 3[11]。訴訟理由之一是他們發布了PS3的密鑰。索尼亦表示會起訴任何分發密鑰的人。 [12]然而,索尼後來轉發了一條帶有密鑰的推文[13]



作為對DeCSS案的抗議,許多人創建了非法信息的「隱寫」版本(即以某種形式將它們隱藏在旗幟等中)。卡內基梅隆大學的Dave Touretzky創建了一個「DeCSS解擾器畫廊」。在AACS加密密鑰事件中,「言論自由之旗」誕生。一些非法數字非常短,以至於可以轉換為簡單的色塊。論點是,如果可以將短數字定為非法,那麼基於這些數字的任何東西也將變得非法,如簡單的顏色圖案。

在索尼訴霍茲案中,許多博主(包括耶魯大學法學院的一位博主)製作了一面新的言論自由旗幟,以向AACS事件中產生的言論自由之旗致敬。其中大部分是基於「加密狗密鑰」而不是霍茲實際發布的密鑰。 [14]其它網站亦有用戶發布了類似的標誌。


非法質數是同時也是質數的非法數字。Phil Carmody於2001年3月生成了最早的非法質數。它的二進制表示是實現DeCSS解密算法的計算機程序C語言源代碼的壓縮版本,計算機可以使用它來規避DVD的複製保護[15]




  1. ^ Carmody, Phil. An Executable Prime Number?. [2018-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2014-02-16). Maybe I was reading something between the lines that wasn't there, but if arbitrary programs could be expressed as primes, the immediate conclusion is that all programs, including ones some people wished didn't exist, can too. I.e. the so called 'circumvention devices' of which my previous prime exploit was an example. 
  2. ^ Greene, Thomas C. DVD descrambler encoded in 'illegal' prime number. The Register. 2001-03-19 [2018-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2010-11-27). The question, of course, is whether an interesting number is illegal merely because it can be used to encode a contraband program. 
  3. ^ The Prime Glossary: illegal prime. [2018-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2023-02-28). The bottom line: If distributing code is illegal, and these numbers contain (or are) the code, doesn't that make these number illegal? 
  4. ^ Li, Charlene; Josh Bernoff. Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies Expanded and Revised. Harvard Business Review Press. 2011: 3–8; 288–289. ISBN 978-1-4221-6198-2. OCLC 172980082. 
  5. ^ Goldman, Jeremy. Going Social. Amacom. 2012: 126–127. ISBN 978-0-8144-3255-6. OCLC 793973948. 
  6. ^ Barlow, Aaron. Blogging America. Praeger. 2007: 62–65. ISBN 978-0-275-99872-1. OCLC 191675023. 
  7. ^ AACS licensor complains of posted key. Lumen. 2007-04-17 [2018-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2023-10-08). Illegal Offering of Processing Key to Circumvent AACS Copyright Protection [...] are thereby providing and offering to the public a technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof that is primarily designed, produced, or marketed for the purpose of circumventing the technological protection measures afforded by AACS (hereafter, the "circumvention offering"). Doing so constitutes a violation of the anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the "DMCA") 
  8. ^ Memorandum Order, in MPAA v. Reimerdes, Corley and Kazan. 2000-02-02 [2018-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2023-06-01). 
  9. ^ Prime Curios: 48565...29443 (1401-digits). [2018-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2023-01-04). What folks often forget is a program (any file actually) is a string of bits (binary digits)—so every program is a number. 
  10. ^ Wells, David. Illegal prime. Prime Numbers: The Most Mysterious Figures in Math. Wiley. 2011: 126–127. ISBN 9781118045718. 
  11. ^ Patel, Nilay. Sony follows up, officially sues Geohot and fail0verflow over PS3 jailbreak. Engadget. 2011-01-12 [2018-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-19). 
  12. ^ Kravets, David. Sony lawyers now targeting anyone who posts PlayStation 3 hack. Ars Technica. 2011-02-08 [2018-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2023-06-01). 
  13. ^ Miller, Ross. PS3 'jailbreak code' retweeted by Sony's Kevin Butler, no punchline needed. Engadget. 2011-02-09 [2018-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2017-08-16). 
  14. ^ S., Ben. 46-dc-ea-d3-17-fe-45-d8-09-23-eb-97-e4-95-64-10-d4-cd-b2-c2. Yale Law Tech. March 1, 2011 [2018-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2011-03-10). 
  15. ^ Prime glossary - Illegal prime. Primes.utm.edu. 1999-10-06 [2013-03-26]. (原始內容存檔於2021-05-09). 
  16. ^ MacKinnon, Mark. Banned in China on Tiananmen anniversary: 6, 4, 89 and 'today'. The Globe and Mail. 2012-06-04 [2018-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2023-04-18). 
  17. ^ Meyer, Jeremy P. Greeley school ban on gang numbers includes Peyton Manning's 18. The Denver Post. 2012-09-05 [2018-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2023-04-18). 
  18. ^ Police charge leader of Slovak far-right party with extremism. Reuters. 2017-07-28 [2018-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2017-08-09).