
模板:Infobox Internet exchange point

文件圖示 模板文件[檢視] [編輯] [歷史] [清除快取]


用途: 互聯網交換中心

{{Infobox Internet exchange point
| name         = 
| image        = <!-- filename only (no wikilink, no Image:/File:) -->
| image_size   = 
| full_name    = 
| abbreviation = 
| founded      = <!-- use the format YYYY -->
| location     = <!-- please use [[ISO_3166-1_alpha-3]] in the {{xyz}} format -->
| members      = 
| ports        = 
| peers        = 
| website      = {{URL|example.org}}
| peak         = <!-- use only when peak_in and peak_out are not available -->
| peak_in      = 
| peak_out     = 
| daily        = <!-- use only when daily_in and daily_out are not available -->
| daily_in     = 
| daily_out    = 

See also