

Esercito Italiano
成立時間27 March 1861
國家或地區 義大利
格言拉丁語Salvs Rei Publicae Suprema Lex Esto
進行曲五四進行曲 (4 Maggio),弗維奧·克魯斯(Fulvio Creux)作曲
1887義衣戰爭英語Italo-Ethiopian War of 1887–1889
嘉獎3枚義大利軍事勳章英語Military Order of Italy騎士十字勳章
1枚軍事英勇金質獎章英語Gold Medal of Military Valor
陸軍參謀長(總司令)英語Chief of Staff of the Italian Army
卡米內·馬謝洛英語en:Carmine Masiello

義大利陸軍(義大利語Esercito Italiano,縮寫EI)義大利武裝部隊地面部隊。其歷史可以追溯到1850年代和1860年代義大利統一時期。1914年之前,陸軍參與或發起了在中國利比亞的戰爭,第一次世界大戰爆發後,在義大利北部對抗奧匈帝國。第二次世界大戰前曾經發動在東非衣索比亞的殖民戰爭,以及介入西班牙內戰第二次世界大戰期間,陸軍發起或參與了在阿爾巴尼亞巴爾幹半島北非蘇聯和最後在義大利本土的戰爭。冷戰期間,陸軍積極準備防禦華沙公約組織從東方可能的入侵。冷戰結束後,陸軍在阿富汗伊拉克進行了廣泛的維和支援和戰鬥。其最著名的戰車是標槍裝步戰車「半人馬座」反戰車自走砲公羊主力戰車,以及最近部署在聯合國任務中的「野馬」攻擊直升機陸軍總部義大利語Palazzo Esercito位於羅馬奎里納萊宮(義大利總統官邸)對面,自2004年8月武裝部隊暫停徵兵義大利語Legge Martino以來,義大利陸軍就是一支由全志願役人員組成的部隊。


陸軍宮義大利語Palazzo Esercito,義大利陸軍總部暨國防部參謀本部所在地,1876年落成

義大利陸軍起源於義大利皇家陸軍(Regio Esercito,RE),其歷史可以追溯到奪取教皇國領土和義大利統一義大利王國成立宣言英語Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy的公告。1861年3月17日,在朱塞佩·加里波底的領導下,薩丁尼亞王國薩伏依王朝維克多·伊曼紐爾二世受議會邀繼承王位並建立了新王國—義大利王國。同年5月4日,原薩丁尼亞王國皇家軍隊英語Royal Sardinian Army兩西西里王國兩西西里軍團英語兩西西里軍團合併,並改稱「義大利皇家陸軍」。從此以後5月4日成為義大利的建軍節迄今。



詳細可參考義大利戰線 (第一次世界大戰)一次大戰義大利軍事史英語Military history of Italy during World War I

另請參閱:義大利戰役(第一次世界大戰)和第一次世界大戰期間義大利的軍事史 義大利皇家陸軍第一次真正體驗現代戰爭是在第一次世界大戰期間。大部分行動都在義大利北部進行,皇家軍隊傷亡慘重。其中包括超過 70 萬人死亡。特別是1915年5月至1917年8月期間義大利士兵參加的進攻頻率為每三個月一次,高於西線軍隊的要求。義大利的紀律也更加嚴厲,對違規行為的懲罰之嚴厲程度是德國、法國和英國軍隊所不知道的。[2]

在兩次世界大戰期間,皇家陸軍參與了義大利對衣索比亞的入侵,在西班牙內戰期間為志願軍(Corpo Truppe Volontarie)提供了人員和物資,並發起了義大利對阿爾巴尼亞的入侵。

The Italian Royal Army's first real taste of modern warfare was during World War I. Most of the actions were fought in northern Italy, and the Royal Army suffered many casualties. This included over 700,000 dead. In particular, the frequency of the offensives in which Italian soldiers participated between May 1915 and August 1917, one every three months, was higher than demanded by the armies on the Western Front. Italian discipline was also harsher, with punishments for infractions of duty of a severity not known in the German, French, and British armies.[2]

During the Interwar Years the Royal Army participated in the Italian Invasion of Ethiopia, provided men and materials during the Spanish Civil War to fight in the Corps of Volunteer Troops (Corpo Truppe Volontarie), and launched the Italian invasion of Albania.


從名義上看,英國皇家陸軍是二戰中最大的地面部隊之一,也是使用傘兵的先驅之一。事實上,它無法提供所聲稱的數字。由於其規模普遍較小,許多義大利師都得到了由兩個黑衫軍營(MVSN )組成的突擊大隊( Gruppo d'Assalto )的增援。

關於義大利在第二次世界大戰中的軍事實力的報道幾乎總是不屑一顧。這種看法是義大利對埃及災難性攻擊以及希臘-義大利戰爭中軍隊表現的結果。這兩次運動都準備不足且執行不充分。義大利第10集團軍 最初挺進埃及,但在三個月的指南針行動中被推回利比亞中部後幾乎全部被英國軍隊摧毀,其規模只有其五分之一。


義大利遠徵軍在俄羅斯作戰,在喬瓦尼·梅塞 (Giovanni Messe)將軍的指揮下作戰,他承認自己的軍團在物資和裝備方面存在局限性,因此於1942 年11 月1 日被解除指揮權。1942 年12 月12 日,蘇聯進攻土星行動時,義大利遠徵軍第8集團軍很快被殲滅。只有大約三分之一的部隊成功逃離了蘇聯的大鍋,其中包括來自三個阿爾皮尼師的特里登蒂納、朱莉婭和庫尼恩斯。


軸心國在突尼斯失敗後,義大利軍隊的士氣下降。1943 年 7 月 10 日,盟軍登陸西西里島後,大多數義大利沿海師就解散了。士氣低落導致15天後 義大利獨裁者貝尼托·墨索里尼被義大利國王維克多·伊曼紐三世推翻。

1943 年 9 月,義大利與盟軍停戰,分裂為北部的義大利社會共和國(實際上是德國的傀儡國家)和南部的巴多格里奧政府。義大利聯合交戰軍(Esercito Cobelligerante Italiano)是1943年9月盟軍與義大利停戰後,在義大利南部與盟軍並肩作戰的義大利保皇黨軍隊。在這支軍隊中作戰的義大利士兵不再為義大利而戰。貝尼托·墨索里尼,因為他們效忠的是國王維克托·伊曼紐爾和意大利元帥(Maresciallo d'Italia)彼得羅·巴多格里奧,他們是驅逐墨索里尼的人。

On paper, the Royal Army was one of the largest ground forces in World War II, and it was one of the pioneers in using paratroopers. In reality, it could not field the numbers claimed. Due to their generally smaller size, many Italian divisions were reinforced by an Assault Group (Gruppo d'Assalto) of two battalions of Blackshirts (MVSN).

Reports of Italian military prowess in the Second World War were almost always dismissive. This perception was the result of disastrous Italian offensives against Egypt and the performance of the army in the Greco-Italian War. Both campaigns were ill-prepared and executed inadequately. The Italian 10th Army initially advanced into Egypt but surrendered after being pushed back into central Libya and almost all destroyed by British forces a fifth its size during the three-month Operation Compass.

The incompetent military leadership was aggravated by the Italian military's equipment, which predominantly dated back to the First World War and was not up to the standard of either the Allied or the German armies.[3] Italian 'medium' M11, M13, M14 and M15 tanks were at a marked disadvantage against the comparatively heavily armed American Sherman tanks, for example. More crucially, Italy lacked suitable quantities of equipment of all kinds, and the Italian high command did not take the necessary steps to plan for possible battlefield setbacks or proper logistical support to its field armies.[4] There were too few anti-aircraft weapons, obsolete anti-tank guns, and too few trucks.

The Italian Expeditionary Corps in Russia fought under General Giovanni Messe, who acknowledged the limitations of his Corps in material and equipment and thus was relieved of his command on November 1, 1942. When the Soviet offensive Operation Saturn began on December 12, 1942 the Italian 8th Army was quickly crushed. Only about a third of its troops managed to escape the Soviet cauldron, including from the three Alpini Divisions Tridentina, Julia and Cuneense.

In North Africa, the Italian 132 Armored Division Ariete and the 185 Airborne Division Folgore fought to total annihilation at the Second Battle of El Alamein. Although the battle was lost, the determined resistance of the Italian soldiers at the Battle of Keren in East Africa is still commemorated today by the Italian military.

After the Axis defeat in Tunisia, the morale of the Italian troops dropped. Once the Allies landed in Sicily on July 10, 1943, most Italian Coastal divisions simply dissolved. The sagging morale led to the overthrow of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini by King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy 15 days later.

In September 1943, Italy made an armistice with the Allies and split into the Italian Social Republic – effectively a puppet state of Germany – in the north and that of the Badoglio government in the south. The Italian Co-Belligerent Army (Esercito Cobelligerante Italiano) was the army of the Italian royalist forces fighting on the side of the Allies in southern Italy after the Allied armistice with Italy in September 1943. The Italian soldiers fighting in this army no longer fought for Benito Mussolini as their allegiance was to King Victor Emmanuel and to Marshal of Italy (Maresciallo d'Italia) Pietro Badoglio, the men who ousted Mussolini.


1946年6月18日,根據國民的全體公民投票結果,義大利王國解體,義大利共和國成立。因此皇家陸軍更名為義大利陸軍(Esercito Italiano,EI)。最初,陸軍只擁有5個步兵師,這些步兵師是由之前義大利聯合交戰陸軍的5個戰鬥群組成,並配備了英國裝備,全部都駐留在義大利北部。此外,陸軍還有3個沒有重型裝備的內部安全師,仍延續戰爭末期的布局駐守在西西里島薩丁尼亞島2個主要島嶼:


  • 「奧斯塔」步兵師,駐墨西拿(1948年2月1日自原內部安全師改編成軍)
  • 「薩丁尼亞擲彈兵」步兵師,駐奇維塔韋基亞(1948年4月1日成軍)
  • 「阿維里諾」步兵師,駐薩萊諾(減員師,1949年9月1日成軍)
  • 「茱莉亞」阿爾皮尼旅,駐弗留利地區奇維達萊 (1949年10月15日成軍)
  • 「的里雅斯特」步兵師,駐波隆那(1950年6月1日成軍)
  • 「特雷登提納」阿爾皮尼旅,駐布雷薩諾內(1951年5月1日成軍)
  • 「皮內羅洛」步兵師,駐巴里(減員師,1952年4月15日成軍)
  • 「陶林尼斯」阿爾皮尼旅,駐都靈(1952年4月15日成軍)
  • 「牡羊座」裝甲師,駐波代諾內(1952年10月1日成軍)
  • 「半人馬座」裝甲師,維洛納(1952年11月1日成軍)
  • 「奧羅比卡」阿爾皮尼旅,駐梅拉諾(1953年1月1日成軍)
  • 「波佐洛德爾弗留利」裝甲師,駐羅馬(1953年1月1日成軍)
  • 「卡多雷」阿爾皮尼旅,駐貝盧諾 (1953年7月1日成軍)


  1. 義大利必須拆除法義邊界和南義邊界的所有永久防禦工事(第47和第48條)。
  2. 義大利陸軍被禁止擁有射程超過30公里的火砲(第51條),以及最多只可擁有200輛重型和中型戰車(第54條)。
  3. 曾於黑衫軍國家共和軍英語National Republican Army任職的前軍官不得在新的義大利軍隊任職(經義大利法院宣告無罪者除外,第55條)。
  4. 義大利軍隊的員額人數限制為185,000人,外加65,000名卡賓槍騎兵(國家憲兵),最多只能有250,000人(第61條)。由於空軍跟海軍員額被允許各有25,000人,因此陸軍員額最高只能有135,000人。


北約成立後,義大利陸軍併入北約南歐盟軍,並為來自東部(可能通過南斯拉夫)的可怕入侵做好準備。南歐盟軍陸軍(LANDSOUTH) 於 1951 年 7 月 10 日成立,保衛義大利東北部。該司令部總部設在維羅納,由毛里齊奧·拉扎羅·德卡斯蒂廖尼中將領導。[5] 大約三個步兵師和三個旅是該司令部最初可以用來保衛義大利東北部的唯一部隊。這些師分別是戈里齊亞的「曼托瓦」步兵師、特雷維索的「福爾戈爾」步兵師、波隆那的「的里雅斯特」步兵師。三個旅中的兩個旅是阿爾卑斯山地步兵旅——位於奇維達萊德爾弗留利的阿爾卑斯山旅「朱莉婭」和位於布里克森的阿爾卑斯山旅「特倫蒂納」,而第三個旅是位於波代諾內的裝甲旅「阿里埃特」。「Italic Weld」演習是在義大利北部舉行的海空聯合演習,涉及美國、義大利、土耳其和希臘,這似乎是首批測試義大利陸軍新方向的演習之一。[6]

1952年5月1日,陸軍啟動了一個集團軍司令部和兩個軍司令部,即帕多瓦的第三集團軍、博爾扎諾的第四集團軍和維托里奧威尼託的第五集團軍,以便能夠繞過北約的指揮系統,以防萬一義大利和里雅斯特自由領土為的南斯拉夫。[7] 1952年晚些時候,陸軍還在博洛尼亞組建了第六軍團,隨後在1957年在米蘭組建了第三軍團,這兩個軍團也都隸屬於第三集團軍。

1960年代初,陸軍將「的里雅斯特」、「弗留利」、「波佐洛德爾弗留利」、「皮內羅洛」、「阿韋利諾」和「奧斯塔」師縮減為旅,並在比薩組成了第一傘兵旅。1965年10月1日,「阿韋利諾」步兵旅被解散,1967年6月10日,第1傘兵旅被允許在其名稱中加上「 Folgore 」。它現在被命名為「福爾戈爾」傘兵旅。隨著義大利和南斯拉夫之間緊張局勢的緩和,第3集團軍與第6軍團於1972年4月1日解散,其職能由駐維羅納的北約南歐盟軍接管。第三軍解散前,軍隊編制如下:

Following the creation of NATO, the Italian Army was integrated into NATO's Allied Forces Southern Europe and prepared for a feared invasion from the east, possibly via Yugoslavia. Allied Land Forces Southern Europe (LANDSOUTH), was activated on 10 July 1951 to defend northeastern Italy. The command was headquartered at Verona, and placed under Lieutenant General Maurizio Lazzaro De Castiglioni.[5] Some three infantry divisions and three brigades were the only forces initially available to this command to defend northeastern Italy. The divisions in question were the Infantry Division "Mantova" in Gorizia, the Infantry Division "Folgore" in Treviso, the Infantry Division "Trieste" in Bologna. Two of the three brigades were Alpini mountain infantry brigades – the Alpine Brigade "Julia" in Cividale del Friuli and Alpine Brigade "Tridentina" in Brixen, while the third brigade was the Armored Brigade "Ariete" in Pordenone. Exercise "Italic Weld", a combined air-naval-ground exercise in northern Italy involving the United States, Italy, Turkey, and Greece, appears to have been one of the first exercises in which the new Italian Army orientation was tested.[6]

On 1 May 1952 the army activated one army command and two corps commands, the Third Army in Padua, and the IV Army Corps in Bolzano and V Army Corps in Vittorio Veneto, to be able to circumvent NATO's chain of command in case a war should break out between Italy and Yugoslavia for the Free Territory of Trieste.[7] Later in 1952 the army also raised the VI Army Corps in Bologna, followed by the III Army Corps in Milan in 1957, both of which were also assigned to the Third Army.

During the early 1960s the army reduced the "Trieste", "Friuli", "Pozzuolo del Friuli", "Pinerolo", "Avellino", and "Aosta" divisions to brigades and raised the I Paratroopers Brigade in Pisa. On 1 October 1965, the Infantry Brigade "Avellino" was disbanded and, on 10 June 1967, the 1st Paratroopers Brigade was allowed to add "Folgore" to its name. It was now named Paratroopers Brigade "Folgore". With the easing of tensions between Italy and Yugoslavia, the Third Army, along with VI Army Corps, was disbanded on 1 April 1972, and its functions were taken over by NATO's Allied Forces Southern Europe in Verona. Before the disbanding of Third Army the army's structure was as follows:

第三集團軍,駐帕多瓦 帕多瓦防空砲兵司令部 第三軍團,位於米蘭 裝甲師「半人馬座」,駐諾瓦拉 「萊尼亞諾」步兵師,駐貝加莫 「克雷莫納」步兵師,駐庫內奧 「Taurinense」高山旅,位於都靈(1972 年轉移到第四軍團) 第四軍團,位於博爾扎諾(1973年1月1日改名為第四阿爾卑斯軍團) 高山旅「奧羅比卡」,梅拉諾 高山旅「Tridentina」,布列瑟農 卡尼亞-卡多雷部隊司令部,位於貝盧諾 高山旅「卡多雷」,貝盧諾 阿爾卑斯旅「茱莉亞」,位於弗留利地區奇維達萊 位於維托里奧威尼託的第五軍團 「阿里埃特」裝甲師,位於波代諾內 「福爾戈爾」步兵師,駐特雷維索 「曼托瓦」步兵師,駐烏迪內 戈里齊亞的「波佐洛德爾弗留利」騎兵旅(師級裝甲編隊) 第三飛彈旅,位於波托格魯阿羅(配備「誠實約翰」核子飛彈) 的里雅斯特部隊司令部 Lagunari 軍團「Serenissima」,位於威尼斯(旅級編隊) 第六軍團,位於博洛尼亞 「弗留利」步兵旅,位於佛羅倫斯 「的里雅斯特」步兵旅,位於波隆那 比薩「福爾戈爾」傘兵旅 陸軍總參謀部,在羅馬 位於都靈的第一軍區司令部 位於帕多瓦的第五軍區司令部 第七軍區司令部,位於佛羅倫斯 第八軍區司令部, 羅馬 步兵師「Granatieri di Sardegna」,羅馬 撒丁島軍事指揮部,位於卡利亞裡 X軍事領土指揮部,那不勒斯 「皮內羅洛」步兵旅,位於巴里 第十一軍區司令部,位於巴勒莫 步兵旅「奧斯塔」,墨西拿


The most significant reorganization of the Italian Army took place in 1975, when the regimental level was abolished and battalions came under direct command of newly formed multi-arms brigades. At the same time, the reduction of the military service from 15 to 12 months for the army and air force and from 24 to 18 months for the navy forced the army to reduce its forces by nearly 45,000 troops. Therefore, while in the existing brigades "Orobica", "Tridentina", "Cadore", "Julia", "Taurinense", "Friuli", "Trieste", "Folgore", "Pinerolo", "Aosta" and "III Missile Brigade" only the regimental level was abolished, the divisions and "Pozzuolo del Friuli" brigade were subjected to major changes:

While the Infantry Division "Cremona" was reduced to a brigade, the Infantry Division "Granatieri di Sardegna" and Infantry Division "Legnano" and the Cavalry Brigade "Pozzuolo del Friuli" were split to create two new brigades each. Afterwards, the three units ceased to exist.



1975年以前 1975年後 筆記 「克雷莫納」步兵師 「克雷莫納」摩托化旅 分配給第3軍團 「撒丁島格拉納蒂耶里」步兵師 「撒丁島格拉納蒂耶里」機械化旅 分配到中央軍區 「阿奎」摩托化旅 分配到中央軍區 「萊尼亞諾」步兵師 「萊尼亞諾」機械化旅 加入「半人馬座」裝甲師 「布雷西亞」機械化旅 加入機械化師「曼托瓦」 「波佐洛德爾弗留利」騎兵旅 「波佐洛德爾弗留利」裝甲旅 加入機械化師「曼托瓦」 「維托里奧·威尼托」裝甲旅 加入機械化師「Folgore」 其餘四個師也進行了較大變動和裁減,但與上述三個師不同的是,改革後仍繼續服役。「福爾戈爾」步兵師和「曼托瓦」步兵師大部分被解散,殘部各組成一個旅;隨後,兩個師各增設了兩個旅,以恢復實力。第131裝甲師「半人馬座」被分成兩個旅,然後增加「萊尼亞諾」機械化旅來恢復兵力。只有第132裝甲師「阿里埃特」沒有減員,其三個團被用來組成該師的三個旅。

Before 1975 After 1975 Notes
Infantry Division "Cremona" Motorized Brigade "Cremona" assigned to 3rd Army Corps
Infantry Division "Granatieri di Sardegna" Mechanized Brigade "Granatieri di Sardegna" assigned to Central Military Region
Motorized Brigade "Acqui" assigned to Central Military Region
Infantry Division "Legnano" Mechanized Brigade "Legnano" joined the Armored Division "Centauro"
Mechanized Brigade "Brescia" joined the Mechanized Division "Mantova"
Cavalry Brigade "Pozzuolo del Friuli" Armored Brigade "Pozzuolo del Friuli" joined the Mechanized Division "Mantova"
Armored Brigade "Vittorio Veneto" joined the Mechanized Division "Folgore"

The remaining four divisions were also subjected to major changes and reductions, however, unlike the above three divisions, they remained in service after the reform. The units of the Infantry Division "Folgore" and Infantry Division "Mantova" were mostly disbanded, and the remnants used to create one brigade each; then each of the two divisions was augmented with two brigades to bring them back up to strength. The 131st Armored Division "Centauro" was split into two brigades and then brought back to full strength by adding the Mechanized Brigade "Legnano". Only the 132nd Armored Division "Ariete" saw no reduction in its ranks, and its three regiments were used to create three brigades for the division. 1975年之前的名字 1975年由師資產組成的旅 1975年後的名字 1975年以後分配的旅 筆記 「福爾戈」步兵師 「戈里齊亞」機械化旅 「福爾戈爾」機械化師 「戈里齊亞」機械化旅 「的里雅斯特」機械化旅 來自托斯卡納-艾米利亞軍區 「維托里奧·威尼托」裝甲旅 從「波佐洛德爾弗留利」騎兵旅分裂出來 「曼托瓦」步兵師 「伊松佐」機械化旅 「曼托瓦」機械化師 「伊松佐」機械化旅 「布雷西亞」機械化旅 從「萊尼亞諾」步兵師分裂出來 「波佐洛德爾弗留利」裝甲旅 來自第5軍團 「半人馬座」裝甲師 第 31 裝甲旅「Curtatone」 第 3 機械化旅「Goito」 「半人馬座」裝甲師 第31裝甲旅「庫爾塔託內」 第3機械化旅「Goito」 「萊尼亞諾」機械化旅 前「萊尼亞諾」步兵師 「阿里埃特」裝甲師 第8機械化旅「加里波第」 第32裝甲旅「馬梅利」第 132裝甲旅「馬寧」 「阿里埃特」裝甲師 第8機械化旅「加里波第」 第32裝甲旅「馬梅利」 第132裝甲旅「馬寧」 改革後的軍隊編制為:


第 3 機械化旅「Goito」(米蘭)
第 31 裝甲旅「Curtatone」(貝林扎戈·諾瓦雷塞)




第 32 裝甲旅「馬梅利」(陶裡亞諾)
第 132 裝甲旅「馬寧」(阿維亞諾)


第 3 飛彈旅「阿奎萊亞」(波托格魯阿羅)





「Granatieri di Sardegna」機械化旅(羅馬)

X 領土軍事司令部(那不勒斯)



Name before 1975 Brigades created from divisional assets in 1975 Name after 1975 Assigned brigades after 1975 Notes
Infantry Division "Folgore" Mechanized Brigade "Gorizia" Mechanized Division "Folgore" Mechanized Brigade "Gorizia"
Mechanized Brigade "Trieste" from the Tuscan-Emilian Military Region
Armored Brigade "Vittorio Veneto" split from the Cavalry Brigade "Pozzuolo del Friuli"
Infantry Division "Mantova" Mechanized Brigade "Isonzo" Mechanized Division "Mantova" Mechanized Brigade "Isonzo"
Mechanized Brigade "Brescia" split from the Infantry Division "Legnano"
Armored Brigade "Pozzuolo del Friuli" from the 5th Army Corps
Armored Division "Centauro" 31st Armored Brigade "Curtatone"
3rd Mechanized Brigade "Goito"
Armored Division "Centauro" 31st Armored Brigade "Curtatone"
3rd Mechanized Brigade "Goito"
Mechanized Brigade "Legnano" former Infantry Division "Legnano"
Armored Division "Ariete" 8th Mechanized Brigade "Garibaldi"
32nd Armored Brigade "Mameli"
132nd Armored Brigade "Manin"
Armored Division "Ariete" 8th Mechanized Brigade "Garibaldi"
32nd Armored Brigade "Mameli"
132nd Armored Brigade "Manin"

After the reform the organization of the army was:

The brigades under operational control of the Military Regions were:






詳情可參考1989年義大利陸軍組織架構英語Structure of the Italian Army in 1989






機械化旅由1個指揮信號營、1個坦克營(豹1)、3個機械化步兵營(M113)、1個配備M109榴彈砲的自行野戰砲兵營、1個後勤營、1個反戰車連和1名工兵組成公司; 然而,皮內羅洛機械化旅部署了配備FH-70榴彈砲的野戰砲兵群。此外,「戈里齊亞」和「曼托瓦」機械化旅各部署了兩個陣地步兵營,負責守衛南斯拉夫-義大利邊境的防禦工事和掩體。


「福爾戈爾」傘兵旅確實部署了 1 個指揮與信號營、1 個傘兵突擊營(特種部隊)、3 個傘兵營、1 個配備Mod 56 榴彈砲的空降野戰砲兵群、1 個後勤營、 1 個陸軍航空直升機營和1 個營。工程師公司。

5個高山旅中的3個由1個指揮信號營、2個高山營、1個高山訓練營、2個山地砲兵群(56型)、1個後勤營、1個反戰車連和1個工兵連組成;相比之下,「Tridentina」旅派出了阿爾皮尼達雷斯托營而不是阿爾皮尼訓練營。茱莉亞高山旅是個例外,該旅由1 個指揮與信號營、4 個高山營、1 個高山營、1 個高山訓練營、3 個山地砲兵營、1 個後勤營、1 個反戰車連和1個工兵連組成。 ,使朱利亞成為義大利陸軍最大的旅。「d'Arresto」阿爾皮尼和步兵部隊被指定直接守衛邊境的特定防禦地點,以減緩敵人的攻擊。他們不是機動部隊,而是為了訓練和後勤目的而附屬於駐紮在邊境附近的旅。


The Armored Brigades consisted of one Command & Signals Battalion, two or three Tank Battalions with Leopard 1A2 tanks, one Mechanized Infantry Battalion with M113 APCs, one Self-propelled Field Artillery Group with M109 howitzers, one Logistic Battalion, an Anti-Tank Company and an Engineer Company.

The Mechanized Brigades consisted of one Command & Signals Battalion, one Tank Battalion (Leopard 1), three Mechanized Infantry Battalions (M113), one Self-propelled Field Artillery Battalion with M109 howitzers, one Logistic Battalion, an Anti-Tank Company and an Engineer Company; however, the Pinerolo Mechanized Brigades fielded a Field Artillery Group with FH-70 howitzers. Additionally, the "Gorizia" and "Mantova" mechanized brigades fielded two Position Infantry battalions each, which were tasked with manning fortifications and bunkers along the Yugoslav-Italian border.

The Motorized Brigades consisted of one Command & Signals Battalion, one Armored Battalion (a mixed unit of tanks and mechanized infantry), three Motorized Infantry Battalions, one Field Artillery Group (FH-70), one Logistic Battalion, an Anti-Tank Company and an Engineer Company; however, the Sassari Brigade did not contain a field artillery battalion.

The Paratroopers Brigade "Folgore" did field one Command & Signals Battalion, one Paratroopers Assault Battalion (a Special Forces Unit), three Paratroopers Battalions, one Airborne Field Artillery Group with Mod 56 howitzers, one Logistic Battalion, one Army Aviation Helicopter Battalion and an Engineer Company.

Three of the five Alpine Brigades consisted of one Command & Signals Battalion, two Alpini Battalions, one Alpini Training Battalion, two Mountain Artillery Groups (Mod 56), one Logistic Battalion, an Anti-Tank Company and an Engineer Company; In contrast, the "Tridentina" brigade fielded an Alpini d'Arresto Battalion instead of the Alpini Training Battalion. The exception was the Julia Alpine Brigade which consisted of one Command & Signals Battalion, four Alpini Battalions, one Alpini d'Arresto Battalion, one Alpini Training Battalion, three Mountain Artillery Battalions, one Logistic Battalion, an Anti-Tank Company and an Engineer Company, making the Julia the largest brigade of the Italian Army. The "d'Arresto" Alpini and Infantry units were designated to hold specific fortified locations directly at the border to slow down an attacking enemy. They were not a maneuver element but attached for training and logistic purposes to brigades stationed close to the border.

The Missile Brigade "Aquileia" fielded a mix of heavy artillery and missile units, both capable of firing tactical nuclear weapons. The main missile weapon of the brigade was the MGM-52 Lance missile.



2 偵察中隊群 豹1 A2 M113 APC 原本每個師都有偵察中隊群。隨著師級的取消,1個中隊改制為戰車中隊,並加入「布雷西亞」旅。其中一支被改編為機械化中隊,並加入「維托里奧·威尼托」旅。剩下的兩個偵察中隊加入了「馬梅利」旅和「波佐洛德爾弗留利」旅。每個大隊派出3個偵察中隊,共10輛坦克和8輛M113裝甲運兵車,加上營長的坦克,一個大隊共派出31輛坦克和24輛M113。 35 機械化步兵 M113裝甲運兵車 每個裝甲旅一個營,每個機械化旅三個營。貝爾薩列裡的十二個營無一例外都是機械化步兵部隊;其餘的機械化步兵包括兩個撒丁島格拉蒂耶里營、十六個步兵營和四個騎兵中隊。一個營是陸軍步騎兵學校的訓練示範單位。每個營部署了 68 輛M113 裝甲運兵車和 17 輛M106 迫擊砲車。 12 摩托化步兵 每個摩托化旅有兩個營,「奧斯塔」旅有三個營,的里雅斯特有一個營,屬於「維托里奧·威尼托」旅的一部分,負責在南斯拉夫進攻時保衛該城市。陸軍儲存了另外五個摩托化營的裝備。 13 阿爾皮尼 每個高山旅有兩個營;「茱莉亞」旅共部署了四個阿爾卑斯營,其中一個營隸屬於奧斯塔軍事阿爾卑斯學校。 5 傘兵 1 個憲兵傘兵營、2 個傘兵營和 1 個傘兵突擊(特種部隊)營。此外,第 4 軍也部署了阿爾皮尼傘兵連。 6 防禦步兵 1個阿爾皮尼、5個步兵營和1個阿爾皮尼連被指定負責控制義大利東部和北部邊境的特定防禦區。這些營的兵力從 10 到 19 個連不等。 2 兩棲步兵 LVT-7 一個拉古納裡營、一個兩棲車輛營和一個訓練連,在兩棲部隊司令部的指揮下負責保衛威尼斯。拉古納裡營的組織方式類似機械化步兵營。 33 訓練營 訓練營的任務是對新兵進行基本訓練:訓練了 4 個阿爾皮尼營、1 個傘兵營、1 個格拉納蒂裡營和 27 個步兵營。 11 自走砲 M109榴彈砲 每個裝甲機械化旅1個團(相當於一個營)(「皮內羅洛」、「萊尼亞諾」、「的里雅斯特」、「撒丁島格拉納蒂耶里」和「布雷西亞「機械化旅除外),第3集團軍1個團2個團軍團、羅馬陸軍砲兵學校的一個連和撒丁島的一個訓練連。每個小組部署了三個連,每連六門M109 榴彈砲。 18 野戰砲兵 M114榴彈砲 每個摩托化旅一組(「薩薩裡」摩托化旅除外),每個高山旅一組,「皮內羅洛」、「萊尼亞諾」、「的里雅斯特」、「撒丁島格拉納蒂耶里」和「布雷西亞」機械化旅一組,隸屬於第五軍團,一個隸屬於托斯卡納-艾米利亞軍區,兩個隸屬於義大利南部軍區,還有一個砲兵連隸屬於羅馬陸軍砲兵學校。每個小組部署了三個連,每連六門M114 榴彈砲。 6 山區砲兵 56型榴彈砲 每個高山旅一個小組,「茱莉亞」高山旅派出兩個小組。每個小組部署了三個連,每連六門Mod 56 榴彈砲。 1 空降火砲 56型榴彈砲 隸屬於「福爾戈爾」傘兵旅的一個空降野戰砲兵大隊,每個連配備 3 門 6 門Mod 56 榴彈砲。 8 重型野戰火砲 FH-70榴彈砲 重型野戰砲兵群,作為軍團砲兵:2個隸屬於第3軍團,2個隸屬於第4阿爾卑斯軍團,4個隸屬於第5軍團,1個砲兵連隸屬於羅馬陸軍砲兵學校。每個小組部署了三個連,每連六門FH-70榴彈砲。 1 重砲 M115榴彈砲 隸屬於第5軍團的一個團。該部隊最初能夠發射戰術核彈藥,是「阿奎萊亞」砲兵旅的一部分,但在 1986 年失去了核角色。該部隊部署了 3 個連,每連 4 門M115榴彈砲。 1 重型自走砲 M110A2榴彈砲 其中一個小組是「阿奎萊亞」旅的一部分,能夠發射戰術核彈。該小組部署了三個連的六門M110A2 榴彈砲。 1 飛彈火砲 MGM-52 長矛 陸軍唯一的飛彈砲兵群能夠發射戰術核子飛彈。該小組部署了由兩個MGM-52 長矛發射器組成的三個連。 8 目標獲取 六個配備火砲雷達和無人機的砲兵專業大隊為陸軍部隊提供支持,一個目標獲取大隊為「阿奎萊亞」導彈旅提供支持,一個預備隊作為騎兵砲兵團的一部分。 7 輕型高射砲 FIM-92 Stinger 40/70 高射砲 高砲司令部下轄五個現役大隊和兩個預備大隊。 4 防空飛彈火砲 MIM-23 鷹 分為兩個團,隸屬於高射砲司令部。每組配備 4 個連和 6 個MIM-23 Hawk發射器。 17 號 工兵營 工兵營隸屬於陸軍軍團和軍區司令部,並有不同的專業:八個先鋒營負責建築任務,兩個戰鬥工兵營支援陸軍軍團,兩個鐵路建設營和兩個橋樑建設營分為兩個營其中,一個先鋒營作為陸軍工程學校的訓練和示範單位,兩個採礦營則負責在義大利阿爾卑斯山邊境地區建造和維護防禦工事。此外,還有 24 個戰鬥工兵連支援陸軍的每個旅(「薩薩裡」旅除外)。 5 偵察直升機 AB 206 A109 EOA 四個中隊駕駛 AB 206,一個中隊駕駛 A109 EOA 直升機。 5 運輸直升機 AB 205 AB 412 CH-47 支奴干 維泰博有 1 支飛行 CH-47 支奴干直升機的中隊,還有 6 支飛行 AB 412 和 AB 205 直升機的中隊。 9 通用航空 AB 212 SM-1019 這些中隊分佈在全國各地,為各地區司令部提供支援。

數量(個) 單位類型 裝備 備註
戰車營 豹1A2
裝步混成營 M47巴頓
裝步混成營由戰車和機械化步兵組成,每個摩托化旅配屬1個營。1個營配屬第4山地軍,1個營配屬第5軍,1個營配屬中央軍區,2個營分別為裝甲騎兵學校和裝甲步兵第1團訓練營。每個營部署了33輛M47巴頓戰車和24輛M113 裝甲運兵車
Reconnaissance Squadrons Groups Leopard 1A2
M113 APC
Originally each division had one reconnaissance squadrons group. With the abolition of the divisional level, one squadron was reformed as a tank squadron group and joined the "Brescia" brigade. One was reformed as a mechanized squadron group and joined the "Vittorio Veneto" brigade. The two remaining reconnaissance squadron groups joined the "Mameli" and "Pozzuolo del Friuli" brigades. Each group fielded three reconnaissance squadrons of ten tanks and eight M113 APCs, with the battalion commander's tank, a group fielded a total of 31 tanks and 24 M113.
Mechanized Infantry M113 APC One battalion per Armored Brigade, three battalions per mechanized brigade. The twelve Bersaglieri battalions were, without exception, mechanized infantry units; the remainder of the mechanized infantry were two Granatieri di Sardegna battalions, sixteen infantry battalions, and four cavalry squadron groups. One battalion was a training and demonstration unit of the army's Infantry and Cavalry School. Each battalion fielded 68 M113 APCs and 17 M106 mortar carriers.
Motorized Infantry Two battalions per motorized brigade, three battalions in the "Aosta" brigade, and one battalion in Triest as part of the "Vittorio Veneto" brigade tasked with defending the city in case of a Yugoslavian attack. The army stored the equipment for five additional motorized battalions.
Alpini Two battalions per Alpine Brigade; with the "Julia" brigade fielding a total of four Alpini battalions, an additional battalion under the Military Alpine School in Aosta.
Paratroopers One Carabinieri paratroopers battalion, two paratroopers battalions, and one paratroopers assault (Special Forces) battalion. Additionally, the 4th Army Corps fielded an Alpini Paratroopers Company.
Fortification Infantry One Alpini, five infantry battalions, and one Alpini company designated to hold specific fortified sectors of the Eastern and Northern Italian border. The strength of the battalions varied from 10 to 19 companies.
Amphibious Infantry LVT-7 One Lagunari battalion, one amphibious vehicles battalion and one training company tasked with defending Venice under the Amphibious Troop Command. The Lagunari battalion was organized like a mechanized infantry battalion.
Training Battalions The training battalions were tasked with the basic training of recruits: four Alpini, one paratrooper, one Granatieri, and 27 infantry battalions trained.
自走砲 M109自走砲 One group (equivalent to a battalion) per armored and mechanized brigade (except for the "Pinerolo", "Legnano", "Trieste", "Granatieri di Sardegna" and "Brescia" mechanized brigades), two groups in one regiment under 3rd Army Corps, one battery as part of the army's artillery school in Rome and one training battery on Sardinia. Each group fielded three batteries of six M109 howitzers.
Field Artillery M114 howitzers One group per motorized brigade (except the "Sassari" Motorized Brigade), one group per alpine brigade, one group in "Pinerolo", "Legnano", "Trieste", "Granatieri di Sardegna" and "Brescia" mechanized brigades, one group under 5th Army Corps, one under the Tuscan-Emilian Military Region, two in Southern Italy under the Southern Military Region, and one battery as part of the Army's artillery school in Rome. Each group fielded three batteries of six M114 howitzerss.
Mountain Artillery Mod 56 howitzers One group per Alpine Brigade, with the "Julia" Alpine Brigade fielding two groups. Each group fielded three batteries of six Mod 56 howitzers.
Airborne Artillery Mod 56 howitzers One airborne field artillery group as part of the Paratroopers Brigade "Folgore" with three batteries of 6x Mod 56 howitzers each.
Heavy Field Artillery FH-70 howitzers Heavy Field Artillery groups, served as Corps Artillery: two under 3rd Army Corps, two under 4th Alpine Army Corps, four under 5th Army Corps and one battery as part of the army's artillery school in Rome. Each group fielded three batteries of six FH-70 howitzers.
Heavy Artillery M115榴彈砲s One group under 5th Army Corps. Originally capable of firing tactical nuclear ammunition and part of the "Aquileia" artillery brigade, the unit lost its nuclear role in 1986. The group fielded three batteries of four M115 howitzers.
Heavy Self-Propelled Artillery M110A2自走砲 One group as part of "Aquileia" brigade capable of firing tactical nuclear ammunition. The group fielded three batteries of six M110A2 howitzers.
Missile Artillery MGM-52長矛 The only missile artillery group of the army was capable of firing tactical nuclear missiles. The group fielded three batteries of two MGM-52 Lance launchers.
Target Acquisition Six Artillery Specialist Groups with artillery radars and drones supporting the army corps, one target acquisition group supporting the Missile Brigade "Aquileia", one reserve group as part of the Horse Artillery Regiment.
Light Anti-aircraft Artillery FIM-92刺針飛彈
波佛斯40/70防空機砲英語Bofors 40 mm Automatic Gun L/70
Five active and two reserve groups under the Anti-aircraft Artillery Command.
Anti-aircraft Missile Artillery MIM-23鷹式飛彈 Grouped in two regiments under the Anti-aircraft Artillery Command. Each group fielded four batteries with six MIM-23 Hawk launchers.
Engineer Battalions Engineer battalions were under the Army Corps', and the Military Regional Commands and came in various specializations: Eight pioneer battalions tasked with construction duties, two combat engineer battalions supported the Army Corps', two railway construction and two bridge construction battalions were grouped into two regiments under the Army's Engineer Inspectorate, one pioneer battalion served as training and demonstration unit under the Army's engineering school, while two mining battalions were tasked with building and maintaining fortifications in the Alpine border regions of Italy. Additionally 24 Combat Engineer companies supported each of the army's brigades (with the exception of the "Sassari" brigade).
Reconnaissance Helicopter AB 206 A109 EOA Four squadrons flying AB 206 and one squadron flying A109 EOA helicopters.
Transport Helicopter AB 205 AB 412 CH-47 契努克 One squadron flying CH-47 Chinook Helicopters in Viterbo and six squadrons flying AB 412 and AB 205 helicopters.
General Aviation AB 212 SM-1019 The squadrons were dispersed all over the nation and supported various regional commands.
通訊營 另有2個獨立通訊連
NBC核生化武器防護營 隸屬於工兵部隊,但受陸軍總部直接指揮。
勤務營 每個旅一個後勤營;「薩薩里」旅除外。
機動勤務營 機動勤務營負責確保陸軍3個軍指揮部的機動和後勤支援。
運輸營 運輸營為各軍區指揮部、陸軍總部和武裝部隊參謀本部提供機動和後勤支援。Transport battalions provided mobility and logistic support to Territorial Commands and the Army and Armed Forces General Staffs in Rome.
指揮通訊連 每個旅有1個指揮通訊連,1個連隸屬於陸軍防空砲兵指揮部,1個連隸屬於兩棲部隊司令部。



In 1991, the Army began the post-Cold War draw-down of its forces with the disbandment of seven brigades and a large number of smaller units. The brigades disbanded in 1991 were the "Aquileia", "Brescia", "Goito", "Mameli", "Orobica", "Trieste", and "Vittorio Veneto". The units subordinated to these brigades were mostly disbanded, while the "Garibaldi" brigade command was transferred with one of its battalions to Campania.

1991年改革 1991年,陸軍開始冷戰後縮編部隊,解散了七個旅和大量較小的部隊。1991年解散的旅有「阿奎萊亞」旅、「布雷西亞」旅、「戈伊托」旅、「馬梅利」旅、「奧羅比卡」旅、「的里雅斯特」旅和「維托里奧威尼托」旅。這些旅所屬的部隊大部分被解散,而「加里波第」旅指揮部連同其一個營則被轉移到坎帕尼亞。


隨著軍事形勢的緩和,義大利陸軍不斷縮編兵力並解散較小的軍事單位,因此需要在1997年之前進行重大重組,將剩餘的營合併為連貫的部隊,並解散現在多餘的旅指揮部。因此,1996年下半年和1997年又解散了6個旅:「阿奎」、「卡多雷」、「克雷莫納」、「戈里齊亞」、「萊尼亞諾」和「曼托瓦」。此外,剩餘部隊被轉移到新基地,並在組成、名稱和任務上發生了變化。三個軍團更名,職能擴大:第3軍團成為「投射部隊司令部」(COMFOP),指揮陸軍快速反應部隊,第4高山軍團成為「高山部隊司令部」(COMALP) )專注於維和行動,第五軍團成為「第一國防軍司令部」(COMFOD1),負責保衛義大利北部。1998年1月1日,「第二國防軍司令部」(COMFOD2)在那不勒斯成立,任務是保衛義大利南部和中部。冷戰期間,義大利陸軍部隊在戰時由位於維羅納的北約陸地司令部指揮;1997年10月1日,在上述北約司令部的組成部分中,新的「地面作戰部隊司令部」(COMFOTER)成立。COMFOTER 負責指揮義大利陸軍的所有作戰、作戰支援、作戰勤務支援和獨聯體部隊。與維羅納的 COMFOTER 一起,在特雷維索設立了一個支援司令部 (COMSUP) ,該司令部獲得了對陸軍所有剩餘作戰支援、作戰勤務支援和獨聯體部隊的作戰控制權。COMSUP控制三個師級編隊(陸軍航空兵司令部、高射砲兵司令部、C4-IEW司令部)和三個旅級編隊(野戰砲兵旅、工兵旅、後勤支援司令部)。


舒適度(維羅納): COMFOP(米蘭):




COMFOD 1(維托里奧·威尼托):


COMFOD 2(那不勒斯):

「Granatieri di Sardegna」機械化旅(羅馬)

COMSUP(特雷維索): 陸軍航空司令部(維泰博) 高射砲司令部(帕多瓦) C4-IEW 指揮部 (安齊奧) 野戰砲兵旅(波托格魯阿羅) 工兵旅(烏迪內) 後勤支援司令部(烏迪內) With the relaxing military situation, the Italian Army kept drawing down forces and disbanding smaller military units, which necessitated a major reorganization by 1997 to merge the remaining battalions into coherent units and disband now superfluous brigade commands. Thus a further six brigades were disbanded during the latter half of 1996 and 1997: "Acqui", "Cadore", "Cremona", "Gorizia", "Legnano", and "Mantova". In addition, the remaining units were moved to new bases and changed in composition, designation, and tasks. The three Army Corps were renamed, and their functions expanded: the 3rd Army Corps became the "Projection Forces Command" (COMFOP), commanding the rapid reaction forces of the Army, the 4th Alpine Army Corps became the "Alpine Troops Command" (COMALP) focusing on peace-keeping operations and the 5th Army Corps became the "1st Defense Forces Command" (COMFOD1) tasked with defending Northern Italy. On January 1, 1998, the "2nd Defense Forces Command" (COMFOD2) was activated in Naples and tasked with defending South and Central Italy. During the Cold War, the Italian Army units were to be commanded in wartime by NATO's LANDSOUTH Command in Verona; on October 1, 1997, out of elements of the aforementioned NATO Command, the new "Operational Terrestrial Forces Command" (COMFOTER) was activated. The COMFOTER took command of all the combat, combat support, combat service support and CIS units of the Italian Army. Along with the COMFOTER in Verona, a Support Command (COMSUP) was raised in Treviso, which gained operational control of all the remaining combat support, combat service support and CIS units of the Army. The COMSUP controlled three division-sized formations (Army Aviation Command, Anti-aircraft Artillery Command, C4-IEW Command) and three brigade-sized formations (Field Artillery Brigade, Engineer Brigade, Logistic Support Command).

Thus after the 1997 reform the structure of the Italian Army was as follows:


Alpini of the 7th Alpini Regiment during the Falzarego 2011 exercise

1997年至2002年間,陸軍繼續調整新的結構,隨著義務兵役的廢除,另外兩個旅(「Centauro」、「Tridentina」)於2002年解散。2000年12月1日,COMFOP成為北約快速旅義大利可部署軍團(NRDC-IT) 並將其下屬部隊移交給COMFOD 1(「弗留利」、「福爾戈爾」)和COMFOD 2(「加里波第」)指揮部。「弗留利」旅改變編制,成為擁有陸軍航空兵、騎兵和步兵部隊的空中機動旅。COMSUP 已於 2000 年進行了重組和精簡。


舒適度(維羅納): NRDC-IT(米蘭):

NRDC-IT 信號旅(米蘭)



COMFOD 1(維托里奧·威尼托):


COMFOD 2(那不勒斯):

「Granatieri di Sardegna」機械化旅(羅馬)

C4-IEW 指揮部(安齊奧) COMSUP(特雷維索): 大砲旅(帕多瓦) 空中騎兵司令部(維泰博) 野戰砲兵旅(波托格魯阿羅) 工兵旅(烏迪內) 後勤投射旅(烏迪內)

Between 1997 and 2002 the Army continued to tweak the new structure and with the abolition of obligatory military service a further two brigades ("Centauro", "Tridentina") were disbanded in 2002. On December 1, 2000, the COMFOP became the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy (NRDC-IT) and passed its subordinate units to the COMFOD 1 ("Friuli", "Folgore") and COMFOD 2 ("Garibaldi") commands. The "Friuli" Brigade changed its composition and became an airmobile brigade with Army Aviation, Cavalry and Infantry units. The COMSUP had already been reorganized and streamlined in 2000.

After 2002 the structure of the Italian Army was as follows:


2011年改革 2011 年期間,對陸軍支援單位進行了一些小改動。COMSUP 接管了陸軍學校的指揮權,並在可能的情況下將其與支援旅合併。小型部隊被轉移到南部和島嶼上,以減少陸軍在義大利較富裕的北部的足跡。同時,「皮內羅洛」旅的番號改回機械化旅。此後,除了四所陸軍學校外,COMSUP 還包括以下司令部:

高射砲司令部(薩包迪亞) 砲兵司令部(布拉恰諾) 工程師指揮部(羅馬) 後勤投射司令部(羅馬)

During 2011 some small changes regarding the support units of the Army were enacted. The COMSUP took command of the Army's schools and merged them, where possible, with the support brigades. Minor units were moved South and to the islands to reduce the Army's footprint in the wealthier North of Italy. At the same time, the designation of the "Pinerolo" brigade was changed back to Mechanized Infantry Brigade. Afterwards the COMSUP consisted, besides four Army schools of the following commands:

  • Anti-aircraft Artillery Command (Sabaudia)
  • Artillery Command (Bracciano)
  • Engineer Command (Rome)
  • Logistic Projection Command (Rome)


The 1st Field Artillery Regiment (Mountain) on exercise

2013年,陸軍開始了重大改革。三個軍級司令部COMFOD 1、 COMFOD 2 和COMALP將解散,而「曼托瓦」師司令部從維托里奧·威尼托遷至佛羅倫薩,並在那裡更名為「弗留利」師,採用了空中突擊隊的名稱和傳統。[8]弗留利與另外兩個師「阿奎」和「特倫蒂納」一起指揮義大利陸軍的作戰旅。

後勤投送司令部被解散,其部隊直接隸屬於旅。作為改革的一部分,陸軍在比薩設立了陸軍特種部隊司令部(COMFOSE) ,負責指揮陸軍所有特種作戰部隊。此外,維羅納的地面部隊作戰司令部(COMFOTER)於2016年10月1日拆分為羅馬的「地面部隊作戰司令部和陸軍作戰司令部」以及維羅納的「地面部隊作戰支援司令部」。


2個重型旅(阿里特、加里波第),配備半人馬座 戰車殲擊車、阿里特戰車 、達爾 多步兵戰車及PzH2000 自走砲 2個中型旅(奧斯塔、皮內羅洛),配備半人馬座戰車殲擊車、Freccia步兵戰車和FH-70牽引火砲 4個輕型旅(福爾戈爾、茱莉亞、陶林嫩斯、薩薩裡)配備半人馬座戰車殲擊車、美洲獅 裝甲運兵車和FH-70牽引火砲 1x空中突擊旅(Pozzuolo del Friuli),配備美洲獅、A129 曼古斯塔 攻擊機和NH90運輸直升機。 改革後,除「波佐洛德爾弗留利」和「薩薩裡」外,每個機動旅均計劃部署以下部隊:1個帶旅參謀的指揮和信號部隊、1個騎兵偵察團、3個戰鬥機動團、1個砲兵團、1個工兵團、1個後勤團。



作為改革的一部分,所有陸軍學校、訓練團和訓練中心都將併入羅馬新成立的陸軍編隊、專業化和條令司令部(Comando per la Formazione、Specializzazione e Dottrina dell'Esercito或 COMFORDOT)。然而,截至 2019 年 7 月,高山訓練中心和跳傘訓練中心仍分別隸屬於高山部隊司令部和福爾戈爾傘兵旅。

In 2013 the Army began a major reform. The three corp-level commands COMFOD 1, COMFOD 2 and COMALP were to disband, while the "Mantova" Division Command moved from Vittorio Veneto to Florence, where it was renamed as Division "Friuli", taking the name and traditions of the Air Assault Brigade "Friuli".[8] Together with the other two divisions Acqui and Tridentina the Friuli took command of operational brigades of the Italian Army.

The Logistic Projection Command was disbanded, and its units attached directly to the brigades. As part of the reform, the Army raised the Army Special Forces Command (COMFOSE) in Pisa, which took command of all Special Operations Forces of the Army. Furthermore, the Operational Terrestrial Forces Command (COMFOTER) in Verona was split on 1 October 2016 into the "Operational Land Forces Command and Army Operational Command" in Rome and the "Operational Land Forces Support Command" in Verona.

At the end of the reform the plan envisioned that the Army would consist of:

After the reform, each maneuver brigade, except the "Pozzuolo del Friuli" and "Sassari", was planned to field the following units: a command and signal unit with the brigade staff, one cavalry reconnaissance regiment, three combat maneuver regiments, one artillery regiment, one engineer regiment, and one logistic regiment.

The "Pozzuolo del Friuli" brigade was planned to merge with the "Friuli" brigade and field a cavalry reconnaissance regiment, an air-assault infantry regiment, an amphibious-assault infantry regiment, a reconnaissance helicopter regiment, an attack helicopter regiment, a field artillery regiment, an engineer regiment, a logistic regiment as well as the standard command and signal unit with the brigade staff.

The "Sassari" brigade would not field a cavalry reconnaissance regiment and an artillery regiment unless funds were to be found to raise these units on Sardinia. The "Granatieri di Sardegna" brigade was destined to disband, with its cavalry regiment joining the "Pinerolo" brigade. In contrast, the 1st Granatieri di Sardegna Regiment was planned to become a public duties unit under the Capital Military Command in Rome. In 2013 the reform started with the disbanding of the 131st Tank Regiment and the 57th Infantry Battalion "Abruzzi", while the 33rd Field Artillery Regiment "Acqui" was reformed as 185th Paratroopers Artillery Regiment "Folgore". In 2014 the 2nd Mountain Artillery Regiment was disbanded, followed by the 5th Anti-aircraft Artillery Regiment "Pescara" and the 47th Infantry Regiment "Ferrara" in 2015.

As part of the reform, all army schools, training regiments and training centres were to be combined into the newly raised Army Formation, Specialisation and Doctrine Command (Comando per la Formazione, Specializzazione e Dottrina dell』Esercito or COMFORDOT) in Rome. However, as of July 2019, the Alpine Training Center and the Parachuting Training Center remain with the Alpine Troops Command and the Paratroopers Brigade Folgore, respectively.


Italian 8th Alpini Regiment snipers in winter ghillie suits in 2019

由於2014年俄羅斯吞併克里米亞,歐洲安全局勢發生變化,2013年的改革被暫停。「波佐洛德爾弗留利」旅和「弗留利」旅都沒有合併,「撒丁島格拉納蒂耶里」旅也沒有解散。2019年7月1日,軍隊正式結束了2013年的改革:同日在佛羅倫斯,「弗留利」師更名為「維托里奧·威尼托」師。至此,「弗留利」這個名字的傳統又回到了「弗留利」空中機動旅,該旅與「波佐洛德爾弗留利」旅合併後被解散。[9]同樣,「Granatieri di Sardegna」旅被解散,並決定該旅的第1「Granatieri di Sardegna」「團」的第二營將獨立為第2擲彈兵營「Cengio」,並發展為到2020年,該旅將成為該旅全面恢復編制的第一步。

2020年1月10日,第31坦克團改組為「Cavalleggeri di Lodi」團(第15團) ,從而完成了「Pinerolo」機械化旅的轉型。[10]

As the security situation in Europe had changed in 2014 with the Russian annexation of Crimea the 2013 reform was paused. Neither were the "Pozzuolo del Friuli", and "Friuli" brigades merged, nor was the "Granatieri di Sardegna" brigade disbanded. On 1 July 2019, the army officially ended the 2013 reform: on that date in Florence, the Division "Friuli" was renamed Division "Vittorio Veneto". With this, the traditions of the name "Friuli" returned to the Airmobile Brigade "Friuli", whose merger with the "Pozzuolo del Friuli" brigade was disbanded.[9] Likewise the disbanding of the "Granatieri di Sardegna" brigade was disbanded, and it was decided that the second battalion of the brigade's 1st "Granatieri di Sardegna" "Regiment" would become independent as 2nd Grenadier Battalion "Cengio" and grow to regiment by 2020 as first step to bring the brigade back to full strength.

On 10 January 2020 the 31st Tank Regiment was reformed as Regiment "Cavalleggeri di Lodi" (15th) thus completing the transformation of the Mechanized Brigade "Pinerolo".[10]


2023 年的變化 2023年5月,兩個可部署師司令部「阿奎」和「維托里奧·威尼托」以及陸軍模擬和驗證中心被分配給陸軍地面作戰指揮部和陸軍作戰司令部。[11] 2023年7月1日,首都軍事司令部併入陸軍地面作戰指揮部和陸軍作戰司令部,同日更名為陸軍作戰司令部。[12]

In May 2023 the two deployable division commands "Acqui" and "Vittorio Veneto", as well as the Army Simulation and Validation Center were assigned to the Operational Land Forces Command and Army Operational Command.[11] On 1 July 2023 the Capital Military Command was merged into the Operational Land Forces Command and Army Operational Command, which on the same date changed its name to Operational Land Forces Command.[12]


義大利陸軍參與了援助遭受自然災害的民眾的行動。此外,它還為警察部隊控制博爾扎諾/博曾省(1967年)、撒丁島(「Forza Paris」1992年)和西西里島(「Vespri Siciliani」1992年)的領土做出了顯著貢獻。以及在卡拉布里亞(1994)。目前,自9 月 11 日美國 發生襲擊事件以來,它負責保護全國範圍內的敏感目標和地點(「多米諾行動」) 。

軍隊也在聯合國、北約和多國部隊的支持下執行海外任務,例如黎巴嫩貝魯特(1982年)、納米比亞(1989年)、阿爾巴尼亞( 1991年)、庫德斯坦(1991)、索馬利亞(1992) )、莫三比克(1993年)、波士尼亞(1995年)、東帝汶和科索沃(皆在1999年)、剛果民主共和國(2001年)、達爾富爾(2003年)、阿富汗(2002年)、伊拉克(2003年)和黎巴嫩(2006 年)。(自 1980 年起,義大利在維和任務方面成為世界第三大派遣國,僅次於美國和英國。)[需要引文]

憲兵隊曾經是陸軍的高級軍團,現在是一支自治武裝部隊(與陸軍、海軍和空軍並列)。憲兵隊為所有義大利武裝部隊 提供憲兵服務。

The Italian Army has participated in operations to aid populations hit by natural disasters. It has, moreover, supplied a remarkable contribution to the forces of police for the control of the territory of the province of Bolzano/Bozen (1967), in Sardinia ("Forza Paris" 1992), in Sicily ("Vespri Siciliani"1992) and in Calabria (1994). Currently, it protects sensitive objectives and places throughout the national territory ("Operazione Domino") since the September 11 attacks in the United States.

The army is also engaged in Missions abroad under the aegis of the UN, the NATO, and of Multinational forces, such as Beirut in Lebanon (1982), Namibia (1989), Albania (1991), Kurdistan (1991), Somalia (1992), Mozambique (1993), Bosnia (1995), East Timor and Kosovo (both in 1999), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2001), Darfur (2003), Afghanistan (2002), Iraq (2003) and Lebanon again (2006). (From 1980, Italy was the third major world contributor, after USA and the UK, in peacekeeping missions.)[來源請求]

The Carabinieri, once the senior corps of the Army, is now an autonomous armed force (alongside the Army, Navy and Air Force). The Carabinieri provide military police services to all the Italian armed forces.


7th Army Aviation Regiment "Vega" NH90 helicopter during a night-time mission

The Armed Forces of Italy are under the command of the Italian Supreme Defense Council, presided over by the President of the Italian Republic.



詳細可另參考義大利陸軍軍階英語Italian Army ranks



北約代碼 OF-10 OF-9 OF-8 OF-7 OF-6 OF-5 OF-4 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1 OF(D) Student officer
中文 義大利元帥(1947年廢止) 上將(1997年設立) 中將,擔負特殊職責 中將 少將 准將 上校 中校 少校 一級上尉 二級上尉 中尉 少尉 無設置  學員
義大利文 Maresciallo d'Italia Generale Generale di Corpo d'Armata con Incarichi Speciali Generale di Corpo d'Armata Generale di Divisione Generale di Brigata Colonnello Tenente Colonnello Maggiore Primo capitano Capitano Tenente Sottotenente Allievo Ufficiale


北約代碼 OR-9 OR-8 OR-7 OR-6 OR-5
中文 首席准尉 上級准尉 資深准尉 一等准尉 二等准尉 三等准尉 資深士官長 士官長 上士 中士
義大利文 Primo luogotenente q.s. Luogotenente Primo maresciallo Maresciallo capo Maresciallo ordinario Maresciallo Sergente maggiore capo q.s. Sergente Maggiore Capo Sergente Maggiore Sergente
北約代碼 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
中文 特等下士 一等下士 二等下士一級 二等下士二級 三等下士 上等兵 一等兵 二等兵
義大利文 Caporale maggiore capo scelto q.s. Caporale maggiore capo scelto Caporale maggiore capo Caporale maggiore scelto Primo caporale maggiore Caporal Maggiore Caporale Soldato

Ranks are part of the uniform.



For the detailed structure of the Italian Army, see 義大利陸軍組織編制.


姓名 總部 亞基

康福特	羅馬	 “阿奎”師



舒適的支撐	維羅納	 砲兵指揮


南方康福普公司	那不勒斯	 撒丁島機械化旅「奧斯塔」機械化旅「皮內羅洛」機械化旅「薩薩裡」機械化旅「加里波第」貝爾薩列裡旅

北康福普	帕多瓦	 騎兵旅“波佐洛德爾弗留利”第 132 裝甲旅“阿里埃特”傘兵旅“福爾戈”

康塔	博爾扎諾	 高山旅“Julia”高山旅“Taurinense”
NRDC - 義大利	米蘭	 NRDC-ITA 支援旅
康樂	羅馬	後勤支援司令部
康福特	羅馬	
Name Headquarters Subunits
COMFOTER Rome Division "Acqui"

Division "Vittorio Veneto"
Army Special Forces Command
Army Aviation Command

COMFOTER SUPPORT Verona Artillery Command
Anti-aircraft Artillery Command
Engineer Command
Signal Command
Tactical Intelligence Brigade
COMFOP Sud Naples Mechanized Brigade "Granatieri di Sardegna"
Mechanized Brigade "Aosta"
Mechanized Brigade "Pinerolo"
Mechanized Brigade "Sassari"
Bersaglieri Brigade "Garibaldi"
COMFOP Nord Padua Cavalry Brigade "Pozzuolo del Friuli"
132nd Armored Brigade "Ariete"
Paratroopers Brigade "Folgore"
COMTA Bolzano Alpine Brigade "Julia"
Alpine Brigade "Taurinense"
NRDC - Italy Milan NRDC-ITA Support Brigade
COMLOG Rome Logistic Support Command



所有旅均已部署並持續部署在義大利境外的行動中。每個作戰旅部署 3 至 5,000 名士兵。旅機動部隊被指定為團,但野戰人員和裝備類似於大型營,由大型指揮和後勤支援連和一個戰鬥營組成。砲兵團部署了額外的監視、目標捕獲和戰術聯絡連。


旅部 指揮和戰術支援營 指揮連 信號公司 騎兵團 指揮和後勤支援中隊 裝甲中隊群 3× 偵察中隊(每個中隊配備 6× Centauro和 12× Puma 4×4(Centauros 將替換為 6× Freccia EVO Reconnaissance,Puma 替換為VTLM Lince II)[需要引用]) 重裝甲中隊(14×半人馬座,(將被半人馬座II取代)) 砲兵團 指揮和後勤支援組 監視、目標捕獲和戰術聯絡連(配有火砲雷達、無人機、前方觀察員) 砲兵群 3× 榴彈砲連(各連 6× PzH2000或FH70榴彈砲) 消防和技術支援組(消防指揮中心) 工兵團 指揮與後勤支援連 工兵營 3×工兵連(戰鬥工兵) 部署支援公司(建築、橋樑等) 後勤團 指揮與後勤支援連 後勤營 供應公司 維修公司 運輸公司 根據旅的類型(輕型、中型、重型),每個旅都有三個機動營。目前,福爾戈爾、陶里尼塞和朱利亞各派出3個輕步兵團,皮內羅洛和奧斯塔各派出3個中型步兵團,加里波第和阿里埃特各派出2個,分別為1個重步兵團,以及1個,分別為2個坦克團。弗留利旅、薩薩裡旅、撒丁島旅的格拉納蒂耶里旅和弗留利旅的波佐洛旅的結構與所有其他陸軍團一樣。然而,這四個旅並沒有派出全部八個單位。


輕步兵團(阿爾皮尼、拉古納裡、傘兵;以及第 66 步兵團) 指揮與後勤支援連 步兵營 3×步槍連(配備Puma 6×6、Bv206(Alpini)和VTLM Lince;每個連配備3×81毫米迫擊砲和2× Spike MR發射器) 機動支援連(4× 120公厘迫擊砲,4×Spike MR發射器) 中型步兵團(第5、第9、第62和第82步兵團;第3、第6和第7 Bersaglieri團) 指揮與後勤支援連 步兵營 3× 步槍連(每連配備 14× Freccia Combat、3× 81mm 迫擊砲、2× Freccia Combat 反戰車炮,附Spike LR和 2× Spike MR 發射器) 機動支援連(2× Freccia Combat,4× Freccia 迫擊砲車,配備120 毫米迫擊砲,4× Freccia Combat 反戰車,配備 Spike LR 和 4× Spike MR 發射器,12x VTLM Lince 偵察角色) 重步兵團(第 1、第 8 和第 11 Bersaglieri 團;第 1 和第 2 擲彈兵團) 指揮與後勤支援連 步兵營 3× 步槍連(每連配備 14× Dardo IFV、3× 81mm 迫擊砲、2× Dardo Spike LR) 機動支援連(2× Dardo IFV、4× M106 120mm 迫擊砲車、4× Dardo Spike LR) 坦克團(第4、第32和第132坦克團) 指揮與後勤支援連 坦克營 3×坦克連(各連有13× Ariete 主戰坦克) 薩薩裡旅的三個步兵團中的兩個仍裝備為輕型團,而該旅的第3 Bersaglieri團已於2018年1月6日開始轉為中型步兵團。第2團「Granatieri di Sardegna」於2022年9月1日重新啟用作為輕型步兵團,一旦陸軍購買新的履帶式步兵戰車,將轉為重型團。 All brigades have been deployed and are continuously deployed in operations outside of Italy. Combat brigades field between 3–5,000 troops each. Brigade maneuver units are designated as regiments but field men and equipment similar to large battalions, consisting of large Command and Logistic Support Company and a combat battalion. Artillery regiments field an additional Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Tactical Liaison Battery.

Every complete Italian Army brigade fields the following units:

  • Brigade Headquarter
    • Command and Tactical Support Battalion
      • Command Company
      • Signal Company
    • Cavalry Regiment
      • Command and Logistic Support Squadron
      • Armored Squadrons Group
        • 3× Reconnaissance Squadrons (each with 6× Centauro and 12× Puma 4×4 (Centauros to be replaced with 6× Freccia EVO Reconnaissance and the Pumas with VTLM Lince II)[來源請求])
        • Heavy Armored Squadron (14× Centauro, (to be replaced with Centauro II))
    • Artillery Regiment
    • Engineer Regiment
      • Command and Logistic Support Company
      • Engineer Battalion
    • Logistic Regiment
      • Command and Logistic Support Company
      • Logistic Battalion
        • Supply Company
        • Maintenance Company
        • Transport Company

Depending on the type of brigade (light, medium, heavy) each brigade fields three maneuver battalions. Currently, the Folgore, Taurinense, and Julia each field three light infantry regiments, the Pinerolo and Aosta each field three medium infantry regiments, and the Garibaldi and Ariete field two, respectively one heavy infantry regiment, and one, respectively two tank regiments. The Friuli, Sassari, Granatieri di Sardegna and Pozzuolo del Friuli brigades' regiments are structured like all other army regiments. However, these four brigades do not field the full complement of eight units.

Currently the army's maneuver regiments are organized as follows:

  • Light Infantry Regiment (Alpini, Lagunari, Paratroopers; and 66th Infantry Regiment)
    • Command and Logistic Support Company
    • Infantry Battalion
      • 3× Rifle Companies (with Puma 6×6, Bv206 (Alpini), and VTLM Lince; each company with 3× 81mm mortars and 2× Spike MR launchers)
      • Maneuver Support Company (4× 120mm mortars, 4× Spike MR launchers)
  • Medium Infantry Regiment (5th, 9th, 62nd, and 82nd infantry regiments; 3rd, 6th, and 7th Bersaglieri regiments)
    • Command and Logistic Support Company
    • Infantry Battalion
      • 3× Rifle Companies (each with 14× Freccia Combat, 3× 81mm mortars, 2× Freccia Combat Anti-tank with Spike LR and 2× Spike MR launchers)
      • Maneuver Support Company (2× Freccia Combat, 4× Freccia Mortar Carrier with 120mm mortar, 4× Freccia Combat Anti-tank with Spike LR and 4× Spike MR launchers, 12x VTLM Lince reconnaissance role)
  • Heavy Infantry Regiment (1st, 8th, and 11th Bersaglieri regiments; 1st and 2nd Grenadier regiments)
    • Command and Logistic Support Company
    • Infantry Battalion
      • 3× Rifle Companies (each with 14× Dardo IFV, 3× 81mm mortars, 2× Dardo Spike LR)
      • Maneuver Support Company (2× Dardo IFV, 4× M106 120mm mortar carriers, 4× Dardo Spike LR)
  • Tank Regiment (4th, 32nd, and 132nd tank regiments)
    • Command and Logistic Support Company
    • Tank Battalion

Two of the three infantry regiments of the Sassari brigade are still equipped as light regiments, while the brigade's 3rd Bersaglieri Regiment has begun the switch to medium infantry regiment on 6 January 2018. The 2nd Regiment "Granatieri di Sardegna" was reactivated on 1 September 2022 as a light infantry regiment and will switch to heavy regiment once new tracked infantry fighting vehicles will be acquired by the army.




可參考義大利武裝部隊制服服制義大利陸軍軍服領章形式 義大利陸軍使用的製服可分為四個不同的「系列」,並對制服的紡織品類型、顏色和徽章有嚴格的規定。其中包括: 常規制服(唯一包含季節性變化的製服) )、軍服、軍服、禮儀服(限官員)。

常規制服 常規制服有夏季和冬季版本,僅在所用紡織品上有所不同。單排扣夾克有四個扣環和四個口袋,褲子採用經典剪裁和正面褶皺,有五個口袋。汗衫還有兩個小口袋。制服由領帶、棕色皮手套、棕色鞋子、卡其色襪子和帽子或頭飾組成。

服役制服 夏季和冬季常服的剪裁和顏色與常規制服相同,而現役軍人總是使用制服中包含的特殊頭飾。

服役作戰服 軍種作戰服是四個「系列」中最常用的,並分發給所有具有相同模仿圖案的士兵(傘兵有不同的型號,肩部有加強)。制服包括貝雷帽、帶有兩個內部口袋的五紐帶夾克和帶四個口袋的褲子。制服的配件包括手套、特殊鞋類以及短袖或長袖 T 卹(取決於季節)。

禮儀制服 禮儀制服包括一件雙排扣夾克,有六個紐帶,臀部有兩個口袋。褲子採用經典剪裁,採用相同的夾克布料。冬季版本可以搭配藍色披風步兵、黑色硬帽子、白色手套和黑色鞋子一起佩戴。其他配件如領帶、淺藍色圍巾和軍刀使製服更加完整。 The Italian Army uses uniforms that can be divided into four different "families", and hold strict rules that apply to the type of textile, color and badge of the uniforms.. These include: the Regular Uniform (the only one that includes seasonal variations), the Service Uniform, the Service Combat Uniform, and the Ceremonial Uniform (only for officials).


The Regular Uniform comes in summer and winter versions differing exclusively in textiles used. A single-breasted jacket with four buttons and four pockets, and trousers with a classic cut and front pleats with five pockets. The undershirt also has two small pockets. The uniform is completed by a necktie, brown leather gloves, brown shoes, khaki socks, and a cap or headdress.


The summer and winter Service Uniform have identical cuts and colors to the Regular uniform, while active military personnel always utilize a special headdress included with the uniform.


The Service Combat Uniform is most commonly used out of the four "families" and is distributed to all soldiers with the same mimetic pattern (paratroopers have a different model with strengthening on the shoulders). The uniform comprises a beret, a five-button closure jacket with two internal pockets, and trousers with four pockets. Accessories completing the uniform include gloves, special footwear and a t-shirt with short or long sleeves, depending on the season.


The Ceremonial Uniform includes a double-breasted jacket with six buttons and two pockets on the hips. Trousers come with a classic cut, having the same jacket fabric. The winter version can be worn with the blue cape infantry, a black rigid cap, white gloves and black shoes. Other accessories such as the necktie, a light blue scarf and a sabre complete the uniform.


Sassari Mechanized Brigade soldiers on patrol with a VBM Freccia in Afghanistan
3rd Alpini Regiment soldiers near Shindand in Afghanistan


該條約於 1970 年到期,但直到 1982 年,義大利才首次在外國領土上部署軍隊,並應聯合國請求向貝魯特派遣了一支維和特遣隊。自1980年代以來,義大利軍隊與其他西方國家一起參與了世界各地的維和行動,特別是在非洲、巴爾幹半島和中東地區。

自二戰以來,義大利陸軍沒有參與重大作戰行動。然而,義大利特種部隊作為「尼比奧」特遣部隊的一部分參與了阿富汗的反塔利班行動。1950 年與朝鮮發生戰爭時,義大利還不是聯合國會員國。

義大利確實參與了1990-91年的海灣戰爭,但只是透過向沙烏地阿拉伯部署了八架義大利空軍帕納維亞龍捲風IDS轟炸機;衝突結束後 ,義大利陸軍部隊隨後被部署援助伊拉克北部的庫德族難民。

作為應對9 月 11 日襲擊的持久自由行動的一部分,義大利為阿富汗的國際行動做出了貢獻。義大利軍隊為國際安全援助部隊、北約駐阿富汗部隊以及省級重建隊做出了貢獻,已有 53 名義大利士兵在國際安全援助部隊的領導下陣亡。義大利派出4,200名士兵,包括負責保護國際安全援助部隊總部的第二阿爾皮尼團的一個步兵連、一個工兵連、一個核生化排、一個後勤分隊,以及納入行動指揮鏈的聯絡和參謀人員。

義大利軍隊也指揮一支多國工兵特遣部隊,並部署了一個排的義大利憲兵。義大利領導阿富汗西部地區司令部,其總部位於赫拉特的阿雷納營基地。義大利空軍部署了約 30 架飛機,包括直升機和飛機:四架AMX Ghibli和兩架RQ-1A Predator(用於近距離空中支援和情報任務)、Alenia C-27J Spartan、波音 CH-47C Chinook、NH90和洛克希德 C- 130架大力士,用於運輸任務;貝爾 UH-1N Twin Huey和阿古斯塔 A129CBT Mangusta用於為部隊執行火力支援任務。

義大利陸軍沒有參與2003年第二次海灣戰爭的作戰行動,直到2003年5月1日美國總統 布希宣布主要作戰行動結束後才派遣部隊。隨後,義大利軍隊於2003年夏末抵達並開始在納西里耶及週邊地區巡邏。2006年5月26日,義大利外交部長馬西莫·達萊馬宣布,義大利軍隊將在6月前削減至1,600人。截至 2006 年 6 月,已有 32 名義大利軍人在伊拉克喪生,其中單次傷亡最慘重的是 2003 年 11 月 12 日發生的一次針對義大利憲兵部隊總部的自殺式汽車爆炸事件,造成十幾名憲兵、五名陸軍士兵、兩名義大利士兵和兩名義大利士兵喪生。八名伊拉克平民死亡。[需要引用]


A post-World War II peace treaty signed by Italy prevented the country from deploying military forces in overseas operations as well as possessing fixed-wing vessel-based aircraft for twenty-five years following the end of the war.

This treaty expired in 1970, but it would not be until 1982 that Italy first deployed troops on foreign soil, with a peacekeeping contingent dispatched to Beirut following a United Nations request for troops. Since the 1980s, Italian troops have participated with other Western countries in peacekeeping operations across the world, especially in Africa, Balkan Peninsula, and the Middle East.

The Italian Army has not engaged in major combat operations since World War II. However, Italian Special Forces have taken part in anti-Taliban operations in Afghanistan as part of Task Force 'Nibbio'. Italy was not yet a member of the United Nations in 1950 at the time of the war with North Korea.

Italy did take part in the 1990–91 Gulf War but solely through the deployment of eight Italian Air Force Panavia Tornado IDS bomber jets to Saudi Arabia; Italian Army troops were subsequently deployed to assist Kurdish refugees in northern Iraq following the conflict.

As part of Operation Enduring Freedom in response to the September 11 attacks, Italy contributed to the international operation in Afghanistan. Italian forces have contributed to ISAF, the NATO force in Afghanistan, and a Provincial reconstruction team, and 53 Italian soldiers have died under ISAF. Italy has sent 4200 troops, based on one infantry company from the 2nd Alpini Regiment tasked to protect the ISAF HQ, one engineer company, one NBC platoon, one logistic unit, as well as liaison and staff elements integrated into the operation chain of command.

Italian forces also command a multinational engineer task force and have deployed a platoon of Italian military police. Italy leads the Regional Command West in Afghanistan, and its HQ is located in Herat at Camp Arena base. Italian Air Force deployed about 30 aircraft, both helicopters and planes: four AMX Ghibli and two RQ-1A Predator that are used in close air support and intelligence missions, Alenia C-27J Spartan, Boeing CH-47C Chinook, NH90 and Lockheed C-130 Hercules, which are used in transport missions; Bell UH-1N Twin Huey and Agusta A129CBT Mangusta are used in missions of fire support to the troops.

The Italian Army did not take part in combat operations of the 2003 Second Gulf War, dispatching troops only after May 1, 2003 – when major combat operations were declared over by the U.S. President George W. Bush. Subsequently, Italian troops arrived in the late summer of 2003 and began patrolling Nasiriyah and the surrounding area. On 26 May 2006, Italian foreign minister Massimo d'Alema announced that the Italian forces would be reduced to 1,600 by June. As of June 2006, 32 Italian troops have been killed in Iraq – with the greatest single loss of life coming on November 12, 2003 – a suicide car bombing of the Italian Carabinieri Corps HQ left a dozen Carabinieri, five Army soldiers, two Italian and eight Iraqi civilians dead.[來源請求]

As of 2006, Italy ranks third in the world in the number of deployed military forces operating in peacekeeping and peace-enforcing scenarios in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Lebanon, behind the United States and the United Kingdom.[來源請求]

A recent[何時?] law promoted recruitment in the Italian Army, giving volunteers a chance to find post-service careers in the Carabinieri, Italian State Police, Italian Finance Police, Fire Department and other state bodies.[來源請求]



  1. ^ Rapporto Esercito 2018 (PDF). Esercito Italiano. [25 April 2019]. 
  2. ^ Keegan, John. The first World War; An Illustrated History. London: Hutchinson. 2001. ISBN 0-09-179392-0. , p.319
  3. ^ Bierman, John; Smith, Colin. War without Hate: The Desert Campaign of 1940–1943 New. New York: Penguin Books. 2003 [2002]. ISBN 978-0-14-200394-7.  pp.13–14
  4. ^ Walker, Ian W. Iron Hulls, Iron Hearts; Mussolini's Elite Armoured Divisions in North Africa. Ramsbury: The Crowood Press. 2003. ISBN 1-86126-646-4. , pp.9–29
  5. ^ The Birth of AFSOUTH. [13 January 2022]. (原始內容存檔於31 March 2012). 
  6. ^ Chapter 9. NATO the first five years 1949–1954. NATO. [2008-11-03]. (原始內容存檔於2008-11-10). 
  7. ^ 31 marzo 1972. Riordino degli Alti Comandi Militari (PDF). Italian Parliament. [23 December 2017]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2017-12-23). 
  8. ^ Notizie, Eventi – Esercito Italiano. Esercito.difesa.it. [2016-12-19]. (原始內容存檔於2013-10-19). 
  9. ^ La Friuli diventa Vittorio Veneto. Italian Army. [12 August 2019]. 
  10. ^ A Lecce arriva il Reggimento "Cavalleggeri di Lodi" (15°). Italian Army. [10 January 2020]. 
  11. ^ Comando Operativo delle Forze Terrestri. Italian Army. [6 July 2023]. 
  12. ^ Cambio al vertice del COMFOTER. Italian Army. [6 July 2023]. 
