
使用者:R96340/颶風阿德里安 (2005年)

Hurricane Adrian
最高風速1分鐘持續 80英里/小時(130公里/小時)

颶風阿德里安(英語:Hurricane Adrian)是一個形成於2005年太平洋颶風季早期的颶風,它的東北向路徑使其比1949年起的記錄中任何颶風都更加靠近薩爾瓦多




  熱帶低氣壓(≤62 km/h)
  熱帶風暴(63–118 km/h)
  一級(119–153 km/h)
  二級(154–177 km/h)
  三級(178–208 km/h)
  四級(209–251 km/h)
  五級(≥252 km/h)







Tropical Depression Adrian several hours before landfall in Honduras on May 20

In response to the approaching hurricane, officials in El Salvador initiated the evacuations of about 3,500 families throughout 13 municipalities.[8] Public facilities, as precautionary measures, were closed. The local governments and citizens were mindful of the damages caused to the region by other hurricanes, namely the 9,000 deaths caused by Hurricane Mitch in 1998.[9] According to President Antonio Saca, roughly 23,000 people evacuated by the storm's arrival.[10] In fears of significant damage, a state of emergency was declared for the entire country, home to roughly 6.5 million people.[11]

In nearby Honduras, officials closed schools and public workers were given a half day as a precautionary measure. Small-scale evacuations also took place in parts of Guatemala and Nicaragua.[10] Guatemala also declared a state of maximum alert as heavy rains from Adrian were expected to trigger flooding.[11] Shelters were set up across the country to house roughly 400,000 people at-risk from the storm.[12]


Adrian had minor effects in Honduras, only a few poorly constructed building were destroyed and minor floods were reported and there were no known fatalities associated with the storm.[13]

In El Salvador, rains from Adrian led to numerous landslides and flash floods, mainly along coastal areas. Fallen trees were reported throughout the country.[8] The floods prompted officials to shut down roads to keep people out of harms way.[14] Heavy rains up to 16.4 inches (418.6 mm) caused several landslides that damaged roads.[15] Two deaths took place, one due to a plane crash caused by strong winds, the other caused by flooding.[16] In all, damages in El Salvador totaled to $12 million (2005 USD; $1872萬 2023 USD).[17]

In Guatemala, two people were killed after rains ahead of Adrian caused a ditch to cave in on them.[18] One person was killed due to flooding in Nicaragua.[1]

See also


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Richard D. Knabb. Hurricane Adrian Tropical Cyclone Report (PDF). National Hurricane Center. 2005-11-24 [2010-06-22]. 
  2. ^ Richard D. Knabb and Stacey Stewart. Tropical Depression One-E Discussion One. National Hurricane Center. 2005-05-17 [2010-06-22]. 
  3. ^ Tropical cyclone records in the Eastern Pacific are available as far back as 1949.
  4. ^ Lixion A. Avila. Tropical Storm Adrian Discussion Three. National Hurricane Center. 2005-05-18 [2010-06-22]. 
  5. ^ Hurricane Research Division. Easy-To-Read HURDAT: 1851-2009. National Hurricane Center. 2010 [2010-06-22]. 
  6. ^ James L. Franklin. Tropical Storm Adrian Discussion Seven. National Hurricane Center. 2005-05-19 [2010-06-22]. (英文)
  7. ^ Richard D. Knabb and Lixion A. Avila. Tropical Storm Adrian Discussion Eight. National Hurricane Center. 2005-05-19 [2010-06-22]. (英文)
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Informe De Perdidas y Daños Ocurridos Por Huracan Adrian (PDF). National Service of Territorial Studies. 2005-06-08 [2008-11-08] (西班牙語). 
  9. ^ Hurricane Adrian hits El Salvador. BBC. 2005-05-20 [2008-11-08]. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Diego Mendez. Hurricane Adrian fizzles in Central American coast. Associated Press. 2005-05-20 [2010-06-22]. 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Diego Mendez. Hurricane Adrian Threatens El Salvador. Associated Press. 2005-05-20 [2010-06-22]. 
  12. ^ Joel Roberts. Central America In Eye Of Storm. Associated Press. CBS News. 2005-05-18 [2010-06-22]. 
  13. ^ Associated Press. Hurricane Adrian whacks El Salvador, then fizzles. USA Today. 2005-05-20 [2008-11-29]. 
  14. ^ El Diario de Hoy. Cierran calles peligrosas. Nationales. 2005-05-19 [2008-11-28] (西班牙語). 
  15. ^ Report of Landslides generated by Hurricane Adrian, El Salvador (PDF). National Service of Territorial Studies. 2005 [2005-11-28] (西班牙語). 
  16. ^ El Salvador, Honduras escape hurricane's wrath. CBC News. 2005-05-21 [2005-11-29]. 
  17. ^ El Diario de Hoy. Estiman $12 millones en pérdidas por Adrián. Nationales. 2005-05-21 [2008-11-29] (西班牙語). 
  18. ^ Diego Mendez. El Salvador awaits Hurricane Adrian's arrival. Independent Online. 2005-05-20 [2008-11-29]. 

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