
使用者:Simon 1996/足球/2018年非洲足球冠軍聯賽

2018CAF Champions League
2018 Total CAF Champions League
比賽日期February – November 2018
參賽隊數Maximum of 69(來自Maximum of 56個地區)

20178非洲足球冠軍聯賽 (該季官方名2018年道達爾非洲足球冠軍聯賽)[1] 將是由非洲足球協會 (CAF)第53屆非洲頂級俱樂部足球賽事,也是第21屆非洲聯賽冠軍盃賽事。



All 56 CAF member associations may enter the CAF Champions League, with the 12 highest ranked associations according to their CAF 5-Year Ranking eligible to enter two teams in the competition. The title holders can also enter.[2] As a result, theoretically a maximum of 69 teams could enter the tournament – although this level has never been reached.

For the 2018 CAF Champions League, the CAF uses the 2012–2016 CAF 5-Year Ranking, which calculates points for each entrant association based on their clubs』 performance over those 5 years in the CAF Champions League and CAF Confederation Cup. The criteria for points are the following:[5]

CAF Champions League CAF Confederation Cup
Winner 5 points 4 points
Runner-up 4 points 3 points
Losing semi-finalists 3 points 2 points
3rd place in groups 2 points 1 point
4th place in groups 1 point 1 point

The points are multiplied by a coefficient according to the year as follows:

  • 2016 – 5
  • 2015 – 4
  • 2014 – 3
  • 2013 – 2
  • 2012 – 1


Associations are shown according to their 2012–2016 CAF 5-Year Ranking – those with a ranking score have their rank and score indicated.

Association Team Qualifying method
TBC Title holders (2017 CAF Champions League winner)
Associations eligible to enter two teams (Ranked 1–12)
埃及 埃及
(1st – 85 pts)
2016–17 Egyptian Premier League champion
2016–17 Egyptian Premier League runner-up
突尼西亞 突尼西亞
(2nd – 76 pts)
2016–17 Tunisian Ligue Professionnelle 1 champion
2016–17 Tunisian Ligue Professionnelle 1 runner-up
剛果民主共和國 民主剛果
(3rd – 70 pts)
2016–17 Linafoot champion
2016–17 Linafoot runner-up
阿爾及利亞 阿爾及利亞
(4th – 62 pts)
2016–17 Algerian Ligue Professionnelle 1 champion
2016–17 Algerian Ligue Professionnelle 1 runner-up
南非 南非
(5th – 45 pts)
2016–17 South African Premier Division champion
2016–17 South African Premier Division runner-up
摩洛哥 摩洛哥
(6th – 41 pts)
2016–17 Botola champion
2016–17 Botola runner-up
蘇丹 蘇丹
(7th – 35 pts)
2017 Sudan Premier League champion
2017 Sudan Premier League runner-up
科特迪瓦 象牙海岸
(8th – 21 pts)
2016–17 Côte d'Ivoire Ligue 1 champion
2016–17 Côte d'Ivoire Ligue 1 runner-up
贊比亞 尚比亞
(9th – 18 pts)
2017 Zambian Premier League champion
2017 Zambian Premier League runner-up
剛果共和國 剛果
(10th – 16 pts)
2017 Congo Ligue 1 champion
2017 Congo Ligue 1 runner-up
馬里 馬利
(11th – 15 pts)
2017 Malian Première Division champion
2017 Malian Première Division runner-up
奈及利亞 奈及利亞
(12th – 13 pts)
2017 Nigeria Professional Football League champion
2017 Nigeria Professional Football League runner-up
Associations eligible to enter one team
喀麥隆 喀麥隆
(13th – 12 pts)
2017 Elite One champion
利比亞 利比亞
(14th – 8 pts)
2017 Libyan Premier League champion
加納 迦納
(15th – 7 pts)
2017 Ghanaian Premier League champion
坦桑尼亞 坦尚尼亞
(16th – 5 pts)
2016–17 Tanzanian Premier League champion
安哥拉 安哥拉
(17th – 3 pts)
2017 Girabola champion
埃塞俄比亞 衣索比亞
(18th – 2 pts)
2016–17 Ethiopian Premier League champion
貝寧 貝寧 2017 Benin Premier League champion
波札那 波札那 2016–17 Botswana Premier League champion
布吉納法索 布吉納法索 2016–17 Burkinabé Premier League champion
蒲隆地 蒲隆地 2016–17 Burundi Premier League champion
佛得角 維德角 2017 Cape Verdean Football Championship champion
中非共和國 中非 2016–17 Central African Republic League champion
乍得 查德 2017 Chad Premier League champion
葛摩 葛摩 2017 Comoros Premier League champion
吉布提 吉布地 2016–17 Djibouti Premier League champion
赤道幾內亞 赤道幾內亞 2016–17 Equatoguinean Primera División champion
厄立特里亞 厄利垂亞 2017 Eritrean Premier League champion
加蓬 加彭 2016–17 Gabon Championnat National D1 champion
岡比亞 甘比亞 2016–17 GFA League First Division champion
幾內亞 幾內亞 2016–17 Guinée Championnat National champion
幾內亞比索 幾內亞比索 2016–17 Campeonato Nacional da Guiné-Bissau champion
肯尼亞 肯亞 2017 Kenyan Premier League champion
萊索托 賴索托 2016–17 Lesotho Premier League champion
利比里亞 賴比瑞亞 2016–17 Liberian First Division League champion
馬達加斯加 馬達加斯加 2017 THB Champions League champion
馬拉維 馬拉威 2017 Malawi Premier Division champion
毛里塔尼亞 茅利塔尼亞 2016–17 Ligue 1 Mauritania champion
毛里求斯 模里西斯 2016–17 Mauritian League champion
莫桑比克 莫三比克 2017 Moçambola champion
納米比亞 納米比亞 2017 Namibia Premier League champion
尼日爾 尼日 2016–17 Niger Premier League champion
留尼汪 留尼旺 JS Saint-Pierroise 2016–17 Réunion Premier League champion
盧旺達 盧安達 2016–17 Rwanda National Football League champion
聖多美和普林西比 聖多美和普林西比 2017 São Tomé and Príncipe Championship champion
塞內加爾 塞內加爾 2016–17 Senegal Premier League champion
塞舌爾 塞席爾 2017 Seychelles First Division champion
塞拉利昂 zh-cn:塞拉利昂; zh-hk:塞拉利昂; zh-tw:獅子山 2017 Sierra Leone National Premier League champion
索馬里 索馬利亞 2016–17 Somali First Division champion
南蘇丹 南蘇丹 2017 South Sudan Football Championship champion
斯威士蘭 史瓦帝尼 Mbabane Swallows 2016–17 Swazi Premier League champion
多哥 多哥 2016–17 Togolese Championnat National champion
烏干達 烏干達 2016–17 Uganda Super League champion
桑給巴爾 尚吉巴 2016–17 Zanzibar Premier League champion
辛巴威 辛巴威 2017 Zimbabwe Premier Soccer League champion




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