

Sorrenti dressed up as a catgirl on Halloween in her streaming setup.
出生 (1994-03-25) 1994年3月25日30歲)
國籍 加拿大
Twitch 資料
YouTube 資料


克拉拉·索倫蒂(英語:Clara Sorrenti,1994年3月25日[1],網名Keffals,是一名加拿大Twitch主播、跨性別權益運動人士、政治評論者。她還曾作為加拿大共產黨候選人參選安大略省大選聯邦大選[2][3][4]

索倫蒂是一名跨性別女性,在青少年時期開始性別轉換。在美國德薩斯州州長葛瑞格·阿博特於2022年2月要求州政府機構將任何提供給跨性別青少年英語Transgender youth性別肯定醫療服務(例如青春期阻滯劑激素替代療法)都視作虐待兒童之後,她開始積極參與跨性別權益運動[5][6][7]。她在Twitch直播中分享評論自己身為一名跨性別女性的經歷,還在她的節目中邀請過切爾西·曼寧等人[3]

索倫蒂在2022年開始受到許多騷擾;這些騷擾主要來自於網絡論壇Kiwi Farms英語Kiwi Farms[8]。她在網上遭到惡意棄名錯稱,還有騷擾者故意多次假報警,以致警察多次上門盤查,甚至破門而入,使她在槍口下被警察拘捕。就此她呼籲各大DDos保護提供商停止為Kiwi Farms提供服務,並於2022年9月3日成功促使Cloudflare終止Kiwi Farms的服務,使Kiwi Farms需更換網絡供應商。








年份 選舉職位 選區 政黨 得票 結果 參考來源
得票總數 得票率 得票排名
2018 安大略省議員 倫敦北區中心英語London North Centre 加拿大共產黨(安大略) 128 0.24% 7th 失敗 [17]
2019 加拿大下議院議員 倫敦北區中心英語London North Centre 加拿大共產黨(安大略) 137 0.21% 6th 失敗 [18][19]


索倫蒂最初在Twitch直播玩電子遊戲,但在2021至2022年間美國各州立法機構推出一波反跨性別法案後,她轉而開始直播政治評論。2022年2月,美國德薩斯州州長葛瑞格·阿博特要求德薩斯州政府機構將所有提供給未成年人的性別肯定療法(例如青春期阻滯劑激素替代療法)都視作虐待兒童。對此她公開表示反對。同年4月,阿拉巴馬州一項法案規定為18歲以下的人士提供性別肯定醫療是重罪[20];對此,索倫蒂說:「這些人他媽的根本就是想讓這些(跨性別)孩子自殺。」[3][5][6][7]在4月的一次直播中,她為美國南方LGBTQ+公益組織南方平等運動(英語:Campaign for Southern Equality)籌集了205,000美元的捐款,以幫助和保護跨性別青少年[3]。一個月後,她呼籲關注一名16歲跨性別女孩在Twitch上的直播錄像;這名女孩當時正在家中臥室直播玩《我的世界》,中途突然遭到警察闖入搜查,在此之後又被送入寄養機構[21][22][23]。索倫蒂還在她的直播上批評了佛羅里達州莫談同性戀法以及尤瓦爾迪小學槍擊案陰謀論。該陰謀論聲稱尤瓦爾迪小學槍擊案的兇手是跨性別者,並被美國極右翼陰謀論網站信息戰和美國共和黨眾議員保羅·戈薩拉所推廣[11]。2022年6月,《華盛頓郵報》記者泰勒·洛倫茲英語Taylor Lorenz的報道將索倫蒂描述為Twitch平台上的一顆冉冉升起的「新星」[3][24]。洛倫茲寫道,索倫蒂「放棄了該平台傳統的遊戲直播模式,轉而利用這一平台來討論新聞和政治話題」。洛倫茲還稱,索倫蒂的Twitch直播是「為數不多的能讓觀眾由一名跨性別者之口聽到新聞的媒體。」[3][24]


索倫蒂於2020年12月開始使用推特,並已在該平台上積累了超過10萬名粉絲。索倫蒂還以「Ratio英語Twitter_usage#Ratio」其他推特人物而聞名[26]。在英文推特上,若一條推文的回覆表達了與原推相對的觀點並獲得更多贊,則被稱為「ratio」。有時推特用戶會有意在回覆中反對原推的觀點,或者直接回復「ratioed」以期獲得比原推更多的贊來刻意「ratio」對方[27][28][29]。索倫蒂還與添·浦爾坎迪斯·歐文斯英語Candace Owens勞倫·薩瑟恩英語Lauren SouthernJ.K.羅琳等公眾人物以及前Twitch直播主Destiny英語Destiny (streamer)發生過網絡糾紛[3]



2022年8月5日,有人向安大略省倫敦市議員發送電子郵件,謊稱自己是索倫蒂並意圖殺害她的母親和倫敦市議員,結果索倫蒂遭警察破門而入並被逮捕。該事件導致她的電腦與手機被警察沒收。索倫蒂認為這一事件是仇恨犯罪,並稱倫敦市警察局在逮捕過程中對她棄名錯稱[12][26][30]。據她說,警察與她母親交談時,將索倫蒂性別錯稱為她母親的「兒子」[31][32]。據倫敦市警方的說法,所有對索倫蒂以前名字的使用都是基於她以前與警方的互動記錄,而非故意不尊重她[33]加拿大廣播公司報道稱,警察部門將重新「審視警察是如何對待(她)的」[34]。在這一由假報警導致的逮捕一周前,多倫多還發生了另一起針對索倫蒂的假報警。索倫蒂稱,由於和多倫多警察局缺乏聯繫,倫敦警察局並不知道早先的這一起假報警[35][36]。這一事件發生後,倫敦警察局起草了關於如何對待跨性別嫌疑人的改革方案[37]。更早先時,她被Kiwi Farms英語Kiwi Farms用戶人肉搜索,結果她和她家人的個人信息,包括住址和電話號碼,都被公開發到了Kiwi Farm上。Kiwi Farm是一個專門討論和騷擾網上人物和社區的網絡論壇。該網站用戶還泄露了她的裸露照片並對她發送了死亡威脅[38][39]


在遭到假報警並被警察錯誤逮捕後,索倫蒂設立了一個GoFundMe眾籌活動,為自己搬家和訴訟提供資金[41][40],並表示她將繼續自己的直播事業[4]。之後,索倫蒂發推稱她的眾籌在遭到大量舉報之後被GoFundMe平台凍結了[42]。儘管如此,她最終還是搬到了一家賓館住。2022年8月17日,這家賓館的位置被人發到Kiwi Farm上,結果這家賓館又被騷擾者用索倫蒂的棄名所點的披薩外賣給淹沒了。索倫蒂認為賓館的位置是在她於自己的Discord伺服器上發佈了一張她的貓的照片後被發現的;這張照片無意之中暴露了這家賓館所使用的床單圖案紋路,使網絡騷擾者得以將圖片中的床單和當地賓館的床單一一對照。倫敦市警察局證實他們正在調查此事,同時也在調查另一起人肉未遂事件。在此之後,索倫蒂搬到了一個新的臨時地點,並表示她打算每周搬一次地方,直至她找到永久住所[43][44]。她還說她打算在為Kiwi Farm提供服務的Cloudflare三藩市辦公室外舉辦一次針對Kiwi Farm的抗議活動[45]

在她的Uber賬戶被黑客入侵,一大堆她沒點的食物又被送到她門前之後,面臨持續不斷的騷擾,索倫蒂宣佈她將在一至兩個月內搬離加拿大,到歐洲某處居住[46]。後來她在搬到北愛爾蘭貝爾法斯特之後又遭人肉[47][48]。2022年9月3日,Cloudflare終止了對Kiwi Farms的服務[49]。該網站曾短暫地只能通過洋蔥路由訪問。索倫蒂在9月6日宣佈勝利,稱她的運動已成功實現了關閉Kiwi Farms的目標[50][51]。2022年9月6日,The Daily Dot證實一家名為VanwaTech、專為極右翼網站提供服務的科技公司正為Kiwi Farms提供服務,使其得以重新上線[52][53]


  1. ^ Birthday on March 25: Age 28 at the time of publishing:
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Creces, Gerard. Clara Sorrenti - Young, Determined, Unapologetically Communist. London Fuse. June 4, 2018 [June 28, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於March 26, 2022). 
  3. ^ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 Lorenz, Taylor. The trans Twitch star delivering news to a legion of LGBTQ teens. The Washington Post. June 26, 2022 [June 26, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 7, 2022) (英語). She is part of a new class of stars who have abandoned the platform's traditional game-stream format to talk about news and politics. [...] Her stream is one of the few media outlets where viewers can hear the news from a trans person. [...] 'They literally want these kids to f-----g kill themselves,' she said. 'I don't know what the future looks like.' 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Sung, Morgan. Trans Twitch streamer Keffals says she was swatted and arrested by police in Ontario. NBC News. August 11, 2022 [August 11, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 11, 2022). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Lindell, Chuck. Abbott orders state agency to treat gender-affirming care as child abuse. Austin American-Statesman. [2022-02-23]. (原始內容存檔於2022-10-30). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Texas governor directs state agencies to investigate gender-affirming care for trans youths as 'child abuse'. Washington Post. [2022-02-23]. ISSN 0190-8286. (原始內容存檔於2023-01-06). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Ghorayshi, Azeen. Texas Governor Pushes to Investigate Medical Treatments for Trans Youth as 'Child Abuse'. The New York Times. 23 February 2022 [25 February 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2023-01-12). 
  8. ^ Sung, Morgan. Trans Twitch streamer Keffals is ready to return home after Kiwi Farms. www.nbcnews.com. [2022-11-05]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-05) (英語). 
  9. ^ Tayler, Emily. Communists collect in UCC for Friday night election launch. The Gazette • Western University's Student Newspaper. September 14, 2019 [June 27, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於June 28, 2022). 
  10. ^ Grayson, Nathan. Twitch suspension of Hasan Piker sparks debate over what qualifies as racist language. The Washington Post. December 16, 2021 [June 26, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於December 17, 2021). 'It's honestly rare for me to go live on Twitch without at least one person coming into my chat to harass me for being a trans person,' a streamer who goes by the handle 'Keffals' said on Twitter, 'but the hateful conduct that Twitch seems to care about more is whether people use goofy insults...' 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 Gach, Ethan. Trans Streamer Keffals Says Twitch Banned Her For 'Openly Talking' About Abuse She Receives. Kotaku. July 21, 2022 [July 21, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於July 21, 2022). Twitch banned one of their biggest transgender streamers from their website for openly talking about the abuse they receive," she wrote. "I do not understand how they managed to fuck up so badly. 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Dubinski, Kate. Trans Twitch star arrested at gunpoint fears for life after someone sent police to her London, Ont., home. CBC News. August 9, 2022 [August 9, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 9, 2022). 
  13. ^ Allen, Martin; Tayler, Emily; McCallum, Katrina. Western's TA union finds an ally in the Young Communist League. The Gazette • Western University's Student Newspaper. November 30, 2018 [June 27, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 7, 2022). 
  14. ^ Who's running in London? Here's who. CBC News. [June 27, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於June 28, 2022). 
  15. ^ WWP youth leader speaks at Bolshevik commemoration. November 7, 2017 [June 28, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於March 30, 2022). 
  16. ^ Tayler, Emily. We Won't Be Erased London: Rally for trans and intersex rights. The Gazette • Western University's Student Newspaper. November 16, 2018 [June 27, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於June 28, 2022). Trans rights march (Photo 4): Clara Sorrenti, the organizer of the Young Communist League London, Nov. 4, 2018. 
  17. ^ Summary of Valid Votes Cast for each Candidate (PDF). Elections Ontario: 6. [16 January 2019]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2018-12-28). 
  18. ^ List of confirmed candidates. Elections Canada. [October 4, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-02-15). 
  19. ^ Official Voting Results. Elections Canada. [May 21, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-03). 
  20. ^ HRC Staff. An Update on Anti-Transgender Legislation in Alabama [阿拉巴馬州反跨性別者立法的最新情況]. Human Rights Campaign. 2022-04-21 [2022-11-18]. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-18) (英語). 
  21. ^ Bevan, Rhiannon. 16-Year Old Trans Girl Detained By Police Mid-Livestream For Not Attending School That Misgendered Her. TheGamer. May 7, 2022 [June 26, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於June 26, 2022). 
  22. ^ Cole, Samantha. Cops Bust Into 16-Year-Old Trans Girl's Bedroom During Her Twitch Stream. Vice. May 10, 2022 [July 23, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於July 11, 2022). 
  23. ^ Padgett, Donald. Police Burst Into 16-Year Old Trans Girl's Bedroom During Livestream. The Advocate. May 11, 2022 [July 23, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 7, 2022). 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Allsop, Jon. Ukraine 'fatigue,' and what the press can—and can't—do about it. Columbia Journalism Review. June 28, 2022 [June 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於June 28, 2022). 
  25. ^ Wolens, Joshua. Trans Twitch streamer claims she was banned for showing examples of abuse. PC Gamer. July 22, 2022 [July 22, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於July 22, 2022). 
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 Jackson, Gita. Twitch Streamer Keffals Arrested After Transphobic SWATing. Vice. August 9, 2022 [August 9, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 9, 2022). 
  27. ^ O'Neil, Luke. How to Know If You've Sent a Horrible Tweet. Esquire. April 11, 2017 [August 31, 2017]. (原始內容存檔於July 5, 2017). 
  28. ^ Dockray, Heather. Chris Cillizza's Twitter Ratio is so bad, we're not sure his account can survive. Mashable. 20 September 2017 [11 October 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-28). 
  29. ^ Roth, David. The Ratio Is The Triple Crown Of Bad Tweets. Deadspin. Gawker Media. 31 August 2017 [11 October 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-30). 
  30. ^ Diaz, Ana. Trans streamer Keffals swatted and arrested in her home. Polygon. August 9, 2022 [August 9, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 9, 2022). 
  31. ^ Winslow, Jeremy. Popular Trans Twitch Streamer Keffals Arrested After 'Traumatizing' Swatting Incident. Kotaku. August 10, 2022 [August 10, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 10, 2022). 
  32. ^ Wolens, Joshua. With guns drawn, police raid home of trans Twitch streamer Clara 'Keffals' Sorrenti in latest swatting debacle. PC Gamer. August 10, 2022 [August 10, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 10, 2022). 
  33. ^ Williams, Steve. STATEMENT FROM POLICE CHIEF WILLIAMS AUGUST 2022. London Police. August 11, 2022 [September 6, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2023-01-13). 
  34. ^ Dubinski, Kate. London, Ont., police chief to review officer conduct in gunpoint arrest of trans activist. CBC News. August 10, 2022 [August 10, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 10, 2022). 
  35. ^ 35.0 35.1 Khan, Ahmar. Trans woman, Twitch streamer Keffals doxxed, arrested at gunpoint by London, Ont. police. Global News. August 9, 2022 [August 9, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 10, 2022). "I'm not backing down. I know that the work I do is incredibly valuable, and thousands of trans people told me that I have people almost every day saying they came out to their families because of me," she said. 
  36. ^ Sims, Jane. Swatted': Transgender activist decries arrest, seizure of devices. The London Free Press. August 10, 2022 [August 10, 2022]. 
  37. ^ Carruthers, Dale. In wake of 'swatting' arrest, London police draft policy for trans suspects. The London Free Press. September 13, 2022 [September 18, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2022-09-29). 
  38. ^ BRAD DRESS. Web security firm Cloudflare drops anti-trans website over ‘threat to human life’. The Hill. 2022-09-04 [2022-11-18]. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-28) (英語). 
  39. ^ RNZ. 'Immediate threat to human life' - controversial Kiwifarms forum blocked by Cloudflare. The New Zealand Herald. 2022-09-03 [2022-11-18]. (原始內容存檔於2022-09-20) (英語). 
  40. ^ 40.0 40.1 Grayson, Nathan. Twitch streamers traumatized after four 'swattings' in a week. The Washington Post. August 15, 2022 [August 15, 2022]. ISSN 0190-8286. (原始內容存檔於August 16, 2022). Trans folk, and especially trans activists, deserve the freedom to make themselves heard," Singh said on Twitter. "Not to be doxed and swatted, arrested at gunpoint and deadnamed repeatedly. No one deserves this. 
  41. ^ Hansford, Amelia. Trans Twitch streamer arrested at gunpoint after evil trolls report fake death threats. PinkNews. August 10, 2022 [August 10, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 10, 2022). 
  42. ^ Clara Sorrenti [@keffalsbackup]. My gofundme so I can move after being victimized by the police after I was swatted got mass reported and my campaign funds are on hold. People can still donate, but the amount of suffering people try to put me through is cruel. I'm contacting gofundme right now. (推文). August 9, 2022 [August 10, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 9, 2022) –透過Twitter. 
  43. ^ Carruthers, Dale. First 'swatting' and now 'doxing': online harassment of trans activist continues. London Free Press. August 17, 2022 [August 18, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 17, 2022). 
  44. ^ Khan, Amar. Twitch streamer and trans woman, Clara Sorrenti allegedly doxxed again. Global News. August 17, 2022 [August 18, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 18, 2022). 
  45. ^ Polhamus, Blaine. Keffals clashes with Kiwi Farms, set to hold protest against the 'stalking' website. Dot Esports. August 19, 2022 [August 23, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-21). 
  46. ^ Zandbergen, Rebecca; McInnes, Angela. Twitch streamer and trans activist says she's leaving Canada for awhile due to harassment. CBC News. August 23, 2022 [August 25, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-21). 
  47. ^ Khan, Ahmar; Simon, Amy. Twitch streamer and transgender activist doxxed in Northern Ireland after leaving Canada. Global News. August 31, 2022 [August 31, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-17). 
  48. ^ Gilbert, David. Inside Keffals' Battle to Bring Down Kiwi Farms. Vice. September 7, 2022 [September 7, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-08). 
  49. ^ Tenbarge, Kat; Abbruzzese, Jason; Collins, Ben. Internet services company Cloudflare blocks Kiwi Farms citing 'targeted threats'. NBC News. September 4, 2022 [September 4, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2022-09-03). 
  50. ^ Plunkett, Luke. Hate Forum Kiwi Farms Practically Dead As Owner Posts Conspiracy-Laden Rant. Kotaku. September 5, 2022 [September 6, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-01). 
  51. ^ O'Sullivan, Donie; Naik, Richa. Trans activist celebrates rare victory against online trolls after Kiwi Farms deplatforming. CNN. September 6, 2022 [September 7, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2022-10-21). 
  52. ^ Goforth, Claire. Kiwi Farms gets back online thanks to the same service that's kept 8kun alive. The Daily Dot. September 6, 2022 [September 6, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2022-10-23). 
  53. ^ Brynelson, Troy. Hate-filled Kiwi Farms message board finds new home with Southwest Washington tech company. Oregon Public Broadcasting. September 7, 2022 [September 7, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-26). 
