


墨菲羅斯大鼠Murphy Roths Large)是在1999年發現的具有顯著的組織再生能力的小家鼠[1][2][3]




MRL鼠的再生能力保護他們免於心肌梗死,成年哺乳動物心肌細胞的再生是十分局限的,因為心臟的心肌細胞幾乎都處於G0期英語G0 phase,即終末分化期。MRL鼠在心臟病發作後同一般的鼠類的心肌損傷和瘢痕組織數幾乎一樣[6],然而,根據最新的研究證明,這種情況並非永遠如此,心臟損傷後的MRL小鼠能夠再生損傷部位的組織[7]


  1. ^ Heber-Katz, E; Leferovich, JM; Bedelbaeva, K; Gourevitch, D. Spallanzani's mouse: a model of restoration and regeneration. Current topics in microbiology and immunology. 2004, 280: 165–89. PMID 14594211. 
  2. ^ BBC News: Mouse sheds light on regeneration頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), 11 April 2006, By Rebecca Morelle, BBC News
  3. ^ ScienCentral: Self-Healing Mice 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期2008-10-20., 2006/04/18, by Lindsay Carswell, ScienCentral News
  4. ^ Masinde G, Li X, Baylink DJ, Nguyen B, Mohan S. Isolation of wound healing/regeneration genes using restrictive fragment differential display-PCR in MRL/MPJ and C57BL/6 mice. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. April 2005, 330 (1): 117–22. PMID 15781240. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2005.02.143. 
  5. ^ Mansuo L. Hayashi, B. S. Shankaranarayana Rao, Jin-Soo Seo, Han-Saem Choi, Bridget M. Dolan, Se-Young Choi, Sumantra Chattarji, and Susumu Tonegawa. Inhibition of p21-activated kinase rescues symptoms of fragile X syndrome in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2007 July, 104 (27): 11489–94. PMC 1899186可免費查閱. PMID 17592139. doi:10.1073/pnas.0705003104. 
  6. ^ Abdullah I, Lepore JJ, Epstein JA, Parmacek MS, Gruber PJ. MRL mice fail to heal the heart in response to ischemia-reperfusion injury. Wound Repair Regen. 2005 Mar-April, 13 (2): 205–208. PMID 15828946. doi:10.1111/j.1067-1927.2005.130212.x. 
  7. ^ Regeneration in the mammalian heart demonstrated by Wistar researchers. [2014-02-27]. (原始內容存檔於2018-12-15). 
