
用戶:Lilauid/草稿:立陶宛王國 (1918年)

座標54°41′N 25°19′E / 54.683°N 25.317°E / 54.683; 25.317
Lietuvos Karalystė立陶宛語
Königreich Litauen德語
Lilauid/草稿:立陶宛王國 (1918年)國旗
• 1918
• 德意志帝國承認
• 施行君主制
• 威廉·卡爾當選國王
• 廢除制暫停

立陶宛王國立陶宛語Lietuvos Karalystė,德語:Königreich Litauen)是於1918年2月建立的立陶宛君主立憲制國家。其在第一次世界大戰即將結束時建國的,當時立陶宛地區被德意志帝國軍事佔領。1918年11月,王國正式解散。







The crown of Lithuania was initially offered to Wilhelm II, German Emperor and King of Prussia, by the military command of Ober Ost.[7] This would have created a personal union between Lithuania and Prussia. An alternative proposal called for the election of Wilhelm's youngest son, Prince Joachim.[8] Such plans for expansion of already dominant Protestant Prussia were opposed by the Catholic ruling houses, like the Wettins of Saxony and the Wittelsbacher of Bavaria.[8] Saxony promoted Prince Friedrich Christian, second son of King Frederick Augustus III. This proposal was a reminder of historical ties between Saxony and Lithuania: the House of Wettin had produced two rulers for the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth between 1697 and 1763 (and the 1791 Constitution of Poland–Lithuania elected the Heads of the House of Wettin as hereditary Sovereigns).[8] A number of other candidates were also considered. Such plans were viewed by the Lithuanians as a threat to their independence. The threat became more pressing after a meeting of German officials on 19 May, where conventions governing the "firm and permanent alliance" were discussed leaving very little autonomy for the Lithuanians.[9]

An idea was advanced to create a constitutional monarchy and invite a candidate who would fight to preserve Lithuanian independence. The Presidium of the Council of Lithuania voted confidentially on 4 June 1918, to establish a hereditary monarchy and to invite Duke Wilhelm of Urach. Duke William was suggested by Matthias Erzberger, who had worked with Lithuanians in Switzerland.[8] His candidacy had been discussed at least since March 1918.[10] Duke William seemed to be a perfect candidate as he was a Catholic, was not in line of succession to the Kingdom of Württemberg due to his grandfather's morganatic marriage, was not closely related to the House of Hohenzollern, and had no ties to Poland.[8][nb 1] Due to obstacles posed by the German military, the Lithuanian delegation to see Duke William in Freiburg im Breisgau was delayed until 1 July.[8] Duke William and his oldest son (as heir apparent) accepted the offer without conditions.[11] On 11 July[nb 2] the Council of Lithuania voted (13 for, 5 against, and 2 abstentions) to officially establish the monarchy.[12] On 12 August the Council sent a formal invitation to Duke William to become King Mindaugas II of Lithuania.[nb 3]


Duke William was presented with a twelve-point proposal which resembled medieval pacta conventa.[13] The monarch had the executive power to appoint ministers, sign legislation into law, and initiate legislation in the parliament. The ministers were to be selected from among the Lithuanians and were to ultimately report to the parliament.[14] The King was to abide by the Constitution, protect the independence and territorial integrity of Lithuania, and preserve religious tolerance. Without parliamentary approval, he could not become ruler of another state. The Lithuanian language was to be used as the official state and court language,[13] with a special provision to limit and eventually exclude all foreigners from the royal court.[15] The monarch and his family were obligated to reside in Lithuania, spending no more than 2 months a year abroad. His children were to be educated and raised in Lithuania.[15] In essence, the Lithuanians imposed "elective ethnicity."[16] There were reports that Duke William began learning the Lithuanian language and reading about Lithuanian history and customs,[10] but he never visited Lithuania.[17]

Some authors called these conditions a constitution, but that is not accurate. Lithuanian law scholar Michał Pius Römer has called it an "embryo of a constitution"; these conditions were a very basic and temporary framework that would have developed into a constitution, had not the monarchy been abolished.[18] A project for a full constitution was later found in German archives, but it was never discussed by the Council of Lithuania and remained just a draft.[19]


The proposal for monarchy was controversial and created a rift between right-wing and left-wing members of the Council of Lithuania. The proposal was most strongly supported by Antanas Smetona, Jurgis Šaulys, and Catholic priests.[20] When the monarchy was approved, four members of the council resigned in protest: Steponas Kairys, Jonas Vileišis, Mykolas Biržiška, Stanisław Narutowicz (Stanislovas Narutavičius). Petras Klimas also voted against, but did not resign.[12] At the same time the Council co-opted six new members: Martynas Yčas, Augustinas Voldemaras, Juozas Purickis, Eliziejus Draugelis, Jurgis Alekna and Stasys Šilingas.[12] The debate over a constitutional monarchy vs. democratic republic was not a new one. Earlier, in December 1917, the council had voted 15-to-5 that a monarchy would suit Lithuania better.[21] The proponents argued that the Lithuanians were not politically mature for a republic and that the Germans would more readily support a monarchy. The opponents maintained that the council had no legal right to determine such fundamental matters as these had been delegated to the future Constituent Assembly of Lithuania by the Vilnius Conference.[22]

The Germans did not approve of the new king. They claimed that their recognition of independent Lithuania was based on the Act of 11 December, which provided for an alliance with Germany and therefore Lithuania did not have the right to unilaterally elect a new monarch.[23] They also protested that the Council of Lithuania had changed its name to the State Council of Lithuania just before the approval of Mindaugas II. The Council stopped using its new name in communications with the Germans but stood by its new king.[24] The Lithuanian press was censored and not allowed to publish any news about the new king, while the German press unanimously criticized the decision.[25] When Lietuvos aidas, the newspaper of the council, refused to print an article denouncing the new king, the newspaper was shut down for a month.[16] German–Lithuanian relations remained tense until October 1918. The election also further damaged the reputation of the council, already portrayed as a German puppet, among the Entente powers and the Lithuanian diaspora.[24] Lithuanians in the west thought that Lithuania should place its hopes of independence with the Entente and not Germany. This rift further fractured and weakened the Lithuanian positions.[26]


As Germany was losing the war, the Lithuanians received more freedom of action. On 20 October 1918, Chancellor of Germany Prince Maximilian of Baden repeated recognition of independent Lithuania, promised to convert the German military administration into a civilian government, and to allow the Lithuanians to take over once they had sufficient capabilities.[27] After receiving this news, the Council of Lithuania convened on 28 October to discuss a provisional constitution and formation of the government. As no projects or drafts had been prepared beforehand, these decisions needed to be made by the council during its session and this process took several days.[28] The changed political situation also dictated the council's need to rescind its decision to elect Mindaugas II. Lithuania, hoping to receive recognition from the Entente, could not have the Entente's enemy as its king.[29] Duke William indicated that he was willing to abandon the throne. Therefore, on 2 November, the Council suspended its invitation to Duke William leaving the final decision to the future Constituent Assembly of Lithuania.[29] Later the same day the Council adopted the first provisional constitution, which did not declare either monarchy or republic. The constitution simply organized the government on a provisional basis until the Constituent Assembly made a final decision.[10] Further constitutions did not reconsider a monarchy.

See also


  1. ^ Poland wished to resurrect the old Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth; for example, see Międzymorze proposed by Józef Piłsudski. The Lithuanians feared that any union with Poland masked Polish imperialism and would bring back Polish political and cultural dominance. Eventually the tensions between Poland and Lithuania grew into the Polish–Lithuanian War.
  2. ^ The date is often incorrectly given as 13 July 1918.
  3. ^ King Mindaugas (reigned 1251–1263) was the only crowned King of Lithuania. The name signified historical continuity with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Co-opted Council member Juozas Purickis wrote to the press that "Mindaugas I created the Lithuanian state, while his descendant Mindaugas II will reestablish it." (Janužytė 2007,第19頁) Note that the lineage between both men is based on genealogical speculation.


  1. ^ Sužiedėlis 1970–1978,第581頁.
  2. ^ Eidintas, Žalys & Senn 1999,第26頁.
  3. ^ Eidintas, Žalys & Senn 1999,第29頁.
  4. ^ Eidintas, Žalys & Senn 1999,第30頁.
  5. ^ Senn 1975,第33頁.
  6. ^ Tuska 1995,第32頁.
  7. ^ Senn 1975,第35–36頁.
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Senn 1975,第36頁.
  9. ^ Čepėnas 1986,第215–217頁.
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Paleckis 2006.
  11. ^ Maksimaitis 2005,第49頁.
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Skirius 2002.
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Janužytė 2007,第19頁.
  14. ^ Maksimaitis 2005,第52–53頁.
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Maksimaitis 2005,第53頁.
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Liulevicius 2000,第210頁.
  17. ^ Page 1959,第94頁.
  18. ^ Maksimaitis 2005,第54頁.
  19. ^ Maksimaitis 2005,第56, 60頁.
  20. ^ Tuska 1995,第49頁.
  21. ^ Maksimaitis 2005,第45–46頁.
  22. ^ Eidintas, Žalys & Senn 1999,第31頁.
  23. ^ Senn 1975,第37頁.
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Senn 1975,第38頁.
  25. ^ Čepėnas 1986,第220–221頁.
  26. ^ Senn 1975,第38–39頁.
  27. ^ Senn 1975,第39–40頁.
  28. ^ Maksimaitis 2005,第62頁.
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 Maksimaitis 2005,第64頁.


54°41′N 25°19′E / 54.683°N 25.317°E / 54.683; 25.317 Template:Monarchies