

剪接史蒂夫·休利特英语Steve Hewlett (journalist)
首播日期1995年11月20日 (1995-11-20)

专访威尔士王妃殿下》(英语:"An Interview with HRH The Princess of Wales")是英国广播公司(BBC)时事新闻节目《广角镜》于1995年11月20日在英国广播公司第一台播出的一期节目[1]威尔士王妃戴安娜在这集54分钟的节目中接受记者马丁·巴希尔的采访,透露与时任威尔士亲王的丈夫查尔斯三世的关系,以及他们后来离婚的原因[2][3][4]。节目在英国获得近2300万人观看,占总人口39.3%[5]。当时BBC被誉为一代人的独家新闻[6][7]

2020年,BBC总裁蒂姆·戴维英语Tim Davie就巴希尔利用伪造银行账目赢得戴安娜的信任,促成这次访问的指控,向王妃胞弟斯宾塞伯爵英语Charles Spencer, 9th Earl Spencer道歉[8]。前英国最高法院大法官戴森勋爵约翰·戴森英语John Dyson, Lord Dyson针对该问题进行独立调查[9][10],结果发现巴希尔有欺骗行为,违反BBC编辑方针促成这次访问[11][12]



采访于1995年11月5日在戴安娜于肯辛顿宫的客厅举行,这里后来成为威廉王子和哈里王子玩耍的房间[2][13][14]。摄像机和录音设备在全新高保真系统的掩饰下被带进宫殿[14]。除了主持人巴希尔,《广角镜》制片人迈克·罗宾逊(Mike Robinson)和摄影师托尼·普尔(Tony Poole)也在场[2]。为了维持采访的保密性,最终录像机一直受到监视,节目剪辑时有保安在场。采访过后的那个礼拜,BBC编辑政策主管理查德·詹姆斯·艾尔英语Richard James Ayre、周播电视时事节目总监蒂姆·加丹(Tim Gardam)和《广角镜》编辑史蒂夫·休利特英语Steve Hewlett (journalist)伊斯特本大酒店英语Grand Hotel, Eastbourne观看这次采访[2]

《广角镜》管理层和英国广播公司总监英语Director-General of the BBC约翰·比尔特英语John Birt, Baron Birt故意不向英国广播公司理事会英语Board of Governors of the BBC通报采访的事情。理事会主席马尔马杜克·侯赛英语Marmaduke Hussey, Baron Hussey of North Bradley嫁给了伊丽莎白二世的知己、侍寝官英语Woman of the Bedchamber苏珊·侯赛夫人英语Lady Susan Hussey。外界担心如果侯塞夫人在节目播出前就知道专访的事情,会令人有所怀疑,甚至会造成节目无法播出[14]。负责联系BBC和英国王室的皇家联络员吉姆·摩尔(Jim Moir)也不知情[2]。电影导演戴维·普特南英语David Puttnam建议戴安娜推掉这次采访,他后来表示“约翰·比尔特没有向戴安娜解释她这样做的意味,没有提醒马尔马杜克·侯赛,不会原谅他”[14]





她说自己从未认识安德鲁·莫顿英语Andrew Morton (writer),但还是让朋友和他对谈。莫顿之后的著作《戴安娜的真实故事》(Diana: Her True Story)促使戴安娜夫妇同意在法律上分居。戴安娜确认她和詹姆斯·吉尔比(James Gilbey)通电话的乌贼门英语Squidgygate录音属实,但否认与吉尔比有染、骚扰奥利弗·霍尔(Oliver Hoare)。戴安娜说她现在是威尔士王子的分居妻子这个独特的身份,又说会“抵抗到底,因为我有要履行的角色,我有两个孩子要抚养”。她承认自己与詹姆斯·休伊特英语James Hewitt有婚外情,但被休伊特利用这段感情写书伤透心。戴安娜说自己很难应付媒体不断涌现的关注,都是些“辱骂和骚扰”[3][17]




约翰·比尔特后来在他的回忆录中写道,“戴安娜专访意味着BBC结束制度层面上对王室的景仰,尽管本身未受人尊重”。比尔特曾就BBC接触英国王室成员的事宜,联络费洛斯男爵罗伯特·费洛斯英语Robert Fellowes, Baron Fellowes罗宾·扬夫林英语Robin Janvrin,他表示“很抱歉伤害了这样优秀的人们”[14]。受采访影响,BBC丧失专门制作英王圣诞致辞的权利,不过白金汉宫否认是采访使然,表示新协议“反映时下电视与广播行业的构成”[18][19][16]

西蒙·赫弗英语Simon Heffer认为,戴安娜向公众透露自己的精神问题,只是为了“无情地操纵公众舆论,尽可能给丈夫和家人造成伤害”[20]莎拉·布拉德福德英语Sarah Bradford认为戴安娜“被糟糕的判断力害了自己”,社会特权因这场专访丧失[21]。然而,前BBC王室通讯员珍妮·邦德英语Jennie Bond表示,戴安娜在1996年底跟她说自己没有后悔接受访问。她指戴安娜曾表示:“突然间觉得这样做没有错,尤其是快要离婚的时候。我知道这可能会招来封口令,但是现在不做就没有机会了[22]。”



2020年11月,专访25周年,公众重新关注这场访问。除BBC以外,全英国的有线电视台英语Analogue terrestrial television in the United Kingdom均制作是次专访的纪录片,包括独立电视网《戴安娜专访:王妃的复仇》("The Diana Interview, Revenge of a Princess")[23]第四台《戴安娜:访问背后的真相》("Diana: The Truth Behind The Interview")[24]英国第五台《戴安娜:震撼世界的专访》[25]

纪录片播出后,BBC总监蒂姆·戴维英语Tim Davie就使用伪造银行账目,向王妃证明她身边人雇人监视她,向王妃胞弟斯宾塞伯爵英语Charles Spencer, 9th Earl Spencer致歉[8][7]。伪造的银行账目由公司雇佣的自由平面设计师马特·韦斯勒(Matt Wiessler)一手制造。然而1996年BBC的内部调查认为相关文件未被用来确保这次专访成行,洗清了巴希尔的嫌疑。《星期日邮报》指出伪造的账目后[26],后来于2020年继任蒂姆·戴维,出任BBC总监的托尼·霍尔主导调查,他承认马特·韦斯勒未在1996年的内部调查中接受盘问[27]。采访播出一个月后,韦斯勒的家遭洗劫,装有要交付给巴希尔的照片的两张CD被偷[28]。2020年,韦斯勒表示自己在1996年的调查中当了替罪羊,洗脱了巴希尔罪名,工作也丢了[29]。类似地,BBC制片人马克·基里克(Mark Killick)因关注伪造的账目,被从《广角镜》节目组调走[30]

未参与1996年专访的斯宾塞伯爵拒绝BBC方面的道歉,要求进行调查[31]。他向戴维表示自己保留了与巴希尔交流的全部纪录,显示这位记者向王妃透露假消息,博取对方信任[8]。他表示巴希尔诽谤造谣王室高级成员,认为没有伪造的账目,他不可能将巴希尔介绍给胞姐认识。11月9日,戴维表示公司已经委托第三方进行独立调查[32]。BBC前总监迈克尔·格雷德英语Michael Grade认为有关指控给“BBC新闻部笼罩上乌云”[7][32]

丑闻曝光的时候,巴希尔受2019冠状病毒病疫情影响,身体状况欠佳,四次心脏搭桥手术后需要疗养[29]。BBC表示巴希尔身体抱恙,在痊愈前无法接受进一步调查[33]。11月6日,《每日镜报》发布头条新闻《BBC说巴希尔“病情严重”,无法回应戴安娜王妃的指控之后,他去点了外卖》("Martin Bashir visits takeaway after BBC says he's 'too ill' to respond to Princess Diana claims"),公开了巴希尔的照片[34]

2020年11月13日,消息指BBC找到威尔士王妃留下的便条,澄清巴希尔未迫使她接受访问[35]。BBC前王室记者珍妮·邦德在《星期日泰晤士报》专栏表示王妃在1996年底的私人会面中,透露自己不后悔接受访问,又担心王室针对即将到来的离婚协议下达封口令英语Gag order,所以这次访问是她唯一的机会[22]


2020年11月18日,BBC消息就采访的来由进行独立调查,由前英国最高法院大法官英语Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom约翰·戴森英语John Dyson, Lord Dyson主持[9][10]。次日,剑桥公爵威廉王子发声明支持调查,认为此举“是正确的一步”,“有助于发掘《广角镜》专访来由及BBC当时后续决定的真相”[36]萨塞克斯公爵哈里王子据称当时已“了解”调查行动,不断收到状况更新[37]

2021年3月4日,伦敦警察厅宣布,经“详细评估”并咨询警方律师、独立顾问及皇家检察署(Crown Prosecution Service),不会对有关指控展开刑事调查[38]。同月晚些时候,巴希尔向BBC调查组表示自己没有散播王室的不利言论,说服王妃参加专访,认为王妃很可能是这项言论的出处[39]。这些不利言论包括指控威塞克斯伯爵爱德华王子接受艾滋病治疗、女皇有心脏问题考虑退位、威尔士亲王与孩子们的保姆蒂吉·莱格-伯克英语Tiggy Legge-Bourke有艳遇[39]


2021年5月,巴希尔以健康问题为由离开BBC[41]。当月晚些时候,报告指戴森的调查证实巴希尔有欺骗性为,违反BBC编辑方针进行采访[11]。戴森的报告指,1996年托尼·霍尔就节目最初的投诉意见进行的调查“完全没用”,BBC明知巴希尔确保这场专访所采取的手段,却隐瞒了事实[30]。霍尔后来在声明中承认在一开始的调查认为巴希尔“是出于好心”,所以洗脱巴希尔和BBC的罪名[42]。报告发布后,霍尔辞任国家美术馆董事会主席一职,表示留任会让别人“精神错乱”[43][44]。曾参与1996年调查的前BBC行政人员蒂姆·苏特(Tim Suter)辞任英国通讯管理局委员职务[45]


戴安娜的两位公子在结果公布后各自发表声明,威廉谴责BBC领导层及员工向他母亲撒谎,让她“害怕、偏执、受孤立”[46]。他认为那场采访制造了“虚假陈述”,合法性存疑,不适合重播[46]。哈里还指责媒体和狗仔队,认为“剥削文化和不道德行为的连锁反应”让母亲殒命[46]。戴安娜胞弟斯宾塞公爵认为那场专访,与促成胞姐在两年后“没有任何实质性保护”而去世的连串事件有关联[47]。BBC总监蒂姆·戴维作出“全面、无条件的道歉”,公司也向查尔斯亲王、威廉和哈里王子及斯宾塞伯爵发去道歉信[48][49][50]。设计师马特·韦斯勒收到BBC方面的道歉,但他认为道歉信“太轻率,来得太迟”,指责BBC“利用了他”,又称掩盖这件事的高层从未私底下和他道歉[30][51][52]。戴维致函BBC的员工,要求各员工“吸取教训、力求改善”[51]。前BBC新闻总监詹姆斯·哈定英语James Harding (journalist)就专访和2016年返聘巴希尔“和我一起共事”道歉[51]


伦敦警察厅尽管在3月份表示不适合进行刑事调查,但在5月份他们表示会评估戴森的调查报告,寻找“任何重要的新证据”[54]。斯宾塞伯爵后来致信警察厅长克雷西达·迪克英语Cressida Dick,要求他们重新检查胞姐专访的证据和情况[55]。英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊、司法大臣罗伯特·巴克兰和文化大臣奥利弗·道登对BBC的内部管理表示关切[54][56]。数字、文化、媒体与体育委员会主席儒利安·耐特致信蒂姆·戴维,要求找出2016年返聘巴希尔的理由[45][57]。内政大臣普丽蒂·帕特尔认为可能需要刑事检控,同时对制度、结构、管理及问责制度进行改革[58]。然而,部分人认为保守党右翼及BBC的反对者的回应毫无根据,只是对BBC进行政治报复:保守党政府曾极力批评BBC的新闻报道(尤其是英国脱欧之后),计划将不支付电视牌照费的行为除罪化[59][60][61]

2021年6月,BBC总裁肯·麦夸里英语Ken MacQuarrie率领内部调查的结果发布,表示2016年返聘巴希尔为宗教事务记者的过程“存在缺陷”,但又指参与该程序的人士都不知道巴希尔当年的欺骗行为[62][63]。麦夸里补充称,未有证据显示返聘马丁·巴希尔是用来掩盖1995年《广角镜》节目的风波[62][63]。朱莉安·奈特(Julian Knight)表示返聘过程仍引起一些“令人不安”的担忧,补充称“BBC考虑返聘马丁·巴希尔的时候,高层都在质疑他的诚信,这种怀疑已经到了临界点”[62][63]

前BBC总监托尼·霍尔和约翰·比尔特、现任总监蒂姆·戴维(Tim Davie)、主席理查德·夏普英语Richard Sharp (BBC chairman)于6月15日接受下议院数字、文化、媒体与体育委员会英语Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee的质询[64]。听证会上,朱莉安·奈特进一步批评返聘巴希尔的决定,称巴希尔是“过街老鼠”,返聘他是“道德的沦丧”[65][66]。霍尔表示1996年BBC内部的背景调查认为巴希尔“诚实正直,屡获殊荣”是“错误判断”所致,,调查人员对他的信任被“滥用,存在错误”。霍尔否认有掩盖事实的行为。比尔特认为事件“绝对是恐怖故事”,自称被“犯下工业规模诈骗行为的人”欺骗,指对方犯下“广播史上最大的罪行”[64][65]。蒂姆·戴维表示2016年返聘巴希尔的时候,1996年的调查报告是唯一记载了采访的官方文件,而这份报告未发现戴森勋爵报告里提到的不当行为[65]


巴希尔和罗宾逊凭借这次专访,在1996年英国电视学院奖英语1996 British Academy Television Awards上获得最佳清谈节目奖[67]。巴希尔还获得电视与广播行业俱乐部英语Television and Radio Industries Club年度最具事实或科学性节目奖(Factual or Science Based Programme of the Year)、广播新闻公会英语Broadcasting Press Guild年度电视记者奖(TV Journalist of the Year)和皇家电视学会年度记者奖(Journalist of the Year)[68][69][70]。道森报告出炉后,BBC决定归还全部荣誉[49][71]


  1. ^ Princess Diana Interview. BBC. [2020-11-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-18). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 50 Facts about Panorama. BBC News Online. 2003-10-29 [2014-10-29]. 原始内容存档于2019-07-11. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Transcript of the BBC1 Panorama interview with the Princess of Wales. Great Interviews of the 20th century. The Guardian. [2010-10-03]. (原始内容存档于2010-12-02). 
  4. ^ Neophyte reporter makes journalistic coup. Manila Standard. 1995-11-18 [2010-10-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-18). 
  5. ^ Princess Diana's brother demands BBC inquiry over Panorama interview. BBC News. 2020-11-04 [2020-11-07]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-21). 
  6. ^ Davies, Caroline. Why is Princess Diana's Panorama interview back in the news?. The Guardian. 2020-11-03 [2020-11-07]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-21). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Kwai, Isabella. BBC Orders Inquiry Into Diana Interview After Claim Princess Was Misled. The New York Times. 2020-11-11 [2020-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Urwin, Rosamund. BBC says sorry to Diana's brother Earl Spencer for interview 'deceit'需要付费订阅. The Sunday Times. 2020-11-01 [2020-11-07]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-06). Spencer is understood to have told Davie that he has records of all his meetings and conversations with Bashir. These are alleged to show that Bashir told Diana fantastical stories to win her trust and that he used the fake bank statements to garner his first meeting with her. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Waterson, Jim. Prince William welcomes BBC's investigation into Diana interview. The Guardian. 2020-11-19 [2020-11-19]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-21). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 BBC announces investigation into 1995 Diana interview. RTE. AFP. 2020-11-18 [2020-11-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-18). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Mendick, Robert; Yorke, Harry; Ward, Victoria. Princess Diana interview probe to find BBC's Martin Bashir guilty of deceit. The Telegraph. 2021-05-19 [2021-05-19]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  12. ^ Booth, William. BBC reporter used 'deceitful behaviour' to secure 1995 Princess Diana interview, investigation concludes. The Washington Post. 2021-05-20 [2021-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-23). The former judge found that Bashir carried out a sophisticated ruse and lied to his bosses about it, and that the BBC, having been alerted to his behavior, mostly papered over it and sought to evade scrutiny on the topic. 
  13. ^ Paul Burrell. The Way We Were: Remembering Diana. HarperCollins. 2007: 33 [2021-05-23]. ISBN 978-0-00-725263-3. (原始内容存档于2021-03-18). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Tina Brown. The Diana Chronicles. Arrow. 2011: 350– [2021-05-23]. ISBN 978-0-09-956835-3. (原始内容存档于2021-03-18). 
  15. ^ Adedokun, Naomi. Queen heartbreak: Diana's 'derogatory' jibe at older royal axed from BBC interview. Express.co.uk. 2020-10-14 [2021-01-27]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-20). 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Robert Hardman. Our Queen. Random House. 2011-10-06: 88– [2021-05-23]. ISBN 978-1-4070-8808-2. (原始内容存档于2021-03-18). 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 'I was there': Princess Diana on Panorama, 1995. BBC Radio 5 Live. [2020-11-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-20). 
  18. ^ Sky News to produce Queen's Christmas message. BBC Online. 2011-01-19 [2011-01-19]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-06). 
  19. ^ Hastings, Chris, Queen sacked us over Diana interview, says BBC, The Daily Telegraph (London), 2006-01-29 [2009-12-30], (原始内容存档于2007-11-26) 
  20. ^ Heffer, Simon. Diana just another dead glamorous celebrity. The Telegraph. 2007-09-01 [2020-12-02]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-19).  参数|newspaper=与模板{{cite web}}不匹配(建议改用{{cite news}}|website=) (帮助)
  21. ^ Conrad, Peter. Diana: the myth, 10 years on. The Guardian. 2007-06-16 [2017-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2017-02-03). 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Bond, Jennie. Jennie Bond on Princess Diana: just between us and these four walls, she bared her soul to me first需要付费订阅. The Sunday Times. 2020-11-15 [2020-11-15]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-15). 
  23. ^ Ship, Chris. Diana interview graphic designer Matt Wiessler says he was made 'fall guy'. ITV News. 2020-11-09 [2021-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  24. ^ Polianskaya, Alina. Everything you need to know about Channel 4 documentary Diana: The Truth Behind the Interview. inews.co.uk. 2020-10-21 [2021-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  25. ^ Swarbrick, Susan. Diana: The Interview That Shocked The World – revisiting a landmark TV moment. The Herald Scotland. 2020-10-11 [2021-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-18). 
  26. ^ Tobitt, Charlotte. Mail on Sunday journalists who exposed Martin Bashir Diana fakery 24 years ago say story was ignored. Press Gazette. 2020-11-11 [2020-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-21). 
  27. ^ Ramachandran, Naman. BBC Investigating Explosive 1995 Princess Diana Interview as Scandal Blows Up. Variety. 2020-11-10 [2020-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-12). 
  28. ^ Culbertson, Alix. Martin Bashir's Diana interview: The five questions left unanswered by report into Panorama episode. Sky News. 2021-05-22 [2021-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 Princess Diana interview: Designer Matt Wiessler 'angry' at BBC treatment. BBC News. 2020-11-10 [2020-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  30. ^ 30.0 30.1 30.2 Faulkner, Doug. BBC's deceit over Diana interview worsened my parents' relationship – William. BBC. 2021-05-21 [2021-05-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  31. ^ Waterson, Jim. Diana's brother demands inquiry over 'deceit' that led to BBC interview. The Guardian. 2020-11-04 [2020-11-07]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-01). 
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 Princess Diana interview: 'Dark cloud over BBC journalism' says Lord Grade. BBC News. 2020-11-09 [2020-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  33. ^ Parveen, Nazia; Waterson, Jim. Martin Bashir to face questions over Diana interview when he recovers from Covid. The Guardian. 2020-11-03 [2020-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-21). 
  34. ^ Needham, Lucy; Pike, Molly. Martin Bashir visits takeaway amid claims he's 'too ill' to reply on Diana claim. Daily Mirror. 2020-11-09 [2021-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-18). 
  35. ^ Waterson, Jim. BBC finds Princess Diana's lost note that it says clears Martin Bashir. The Guardian. 2020-11-13 [2020-11-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-27). 
  36. ^ Prince William 'tentatively welcomes' new inquiry into BBC's Diana interview. BBC. [2020-12-07]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-27). 
  37. ^ Prince Harry 'aware' of inquiry into BBC Diana interview. BBC. [2021-05-19]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-23). 
  38. ^ Rawlinson, Kevin. Police rule out inquiry into Martin Bashir's 1995 Diana interview. The Guardian. 2021-03-04 [2021-03-06]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-14). 
  39. ^ 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 Mendick, Robert. Princess Diana is the source of ‘smears’ I am accused of, claims Martin Bashir. The Telegraph. 2021-03-19 [2021-03-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-20). 
  40. ^ Hill, Erin. Martin Bashir Showed Princess Diana Fake Abortion 'Receipt' for Nanny Ahead of Panorama Interview: Report. People. 2021-03-29 [2021-04-01]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-21).  参数|magazine=与模板{{cite web}}不匹配(建议改用{{cite magazine}}|website=) (帮助)
  41. ^ Levenson, Michael. Martin Bashir Leaves BBC Amid Inquiry Into His Interview With Princess Diana. The New York Times. [2021-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  42. ^ Faulkner, Doug; Lee, Joseph. BBC's deceit over Diana interview worsened my parents' relationship - William. BBC. 2021-05-21 [2021-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  43. ^ Bird, Steve. Lord Hall quits National Gallery role in wake of Martin Bashir scandal. The Telegraph. 2021-05-22 [2021-05-22]. ISSN 0307-1235. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  44. ^ Wills, Ella. Diana interview: Lord Hall resigns from National Gallery. BBC. 2021-05-22 [2021-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-23). 
  45. ^ 45.0 45.1 Martin Bashir's Diana interview: BBC faces 'serious questions' over rehiring journalist who secured Panorama scoop. Sky News. 2021-05-21 [2021-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  46. ^ 46.0 46.1 46.2 Madani, Doha. Princes William and Harry respond to BBC investigation, say lies contributed to Princess Diana's 'paranoia'. NBC. 2021-05-20 [2021-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-21). 
  47. ^ 47.0 47.1 Holden, Michael. Journalist lied to get Diana interview, BBC covered it up – report. Reuters. 2021-05-21 [2021-05-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  48. ^ 48.0 48.1 Rahim, Zamira; Kennedy, Niamh. Prince William slams the BBC after report finds 'deceitful' methods used to secure Diana interview. CNN. [2021-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-21). 
  49. ^ 49.0 49.1 49.2 Gillett, Francesca. Martin Bashir: Inquiry criticises BBC over 'deceitful' Diana interview. BBC. 2021-05-20 [2021-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-23). 
  50. ^ Martin Bashir's Diana interview: All the key findings from inquiry into landmark BBC Panorama scoop. Sky News. 2021-05-21 [2021-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-21). 
  51. ^ 51.0 51.1 51.2 Martin Bashir's Diana interview: BBC boss says 'we must learn lessons' from damning report into Panorama episode. Sky News. 2021-05-22 [2021-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  52. ^ Lee, Joseph. Diana interview: Whistleblower wants apology from BBC bosses. BBC. 2021-05-21 [2021-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  53. ^ 53.0 53.1 Robertson, Chris. Princess Diana Martin Bashir interview scandal: Journalist says he doesn't believe he 'harmed' Diana. Sky News. 2021-05-23 [2021-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  54. ^ 54.0 54.1 Martin Bashir's Diana interview: Police to assess BBC's Bashir Diana interview report as cabinet minister says it raises 'issues of governance'. Sky News. 2021-05-21 [2021-05-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  55. ^ Princess Diana Martin Bashir interview scandal: Earl Spencer asks police to look again into controversial scoop. Sky News. 2021-05-22 [2021-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-23). 
  56. ^ Martin Bashir's Diana interview: PM 'concerned' by inquiry report as police to assess findings. Sky News. 2021-05-21 [2021-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  57. ^ Wills, Ella; Gillett, Francesca. Diana interview: Still unanswered questions - Tory MP. BBC. 2021-05-22 [2021-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  58. ^ Culbertson, Alix. Princess Diana was 'scared half to death' by Martin Bashir into doing interview, biographer Andrew Morton says. Sky News. 2021-05-23 [2021-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-31). 
  59. ^ Walker, Peter; Sweney, Mark; Quinn, Ben. Fears of 'feeding frenzy' against BBC after Diana interview backlash. The Guardian. 2021-05-21 [2021-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-11). Defenders of the BBC have warned the crisis could be exploited by those opposed to the corporation. 
  60. ^ The Observer view on Lord Dyson's report on the BBC's Princess of Wales interview. The Observer. 2021-05-23 [2021-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-01). The malice of many on the Conservative right is only too obvious. Editorial integrity is not their main concern. What they really want is to increase control over the BBC, direct its policy and personnel and influence its reporting. Leading Tories and their commercially self-interested Fleet Street cheerleaders have long claimed, absurdly, that BBC journalism is run by a leftwing cabal. They cannot abide what they perceive as anti-Brexit, unpatriotic stances. Now, in a sick reprise of the past, they seek to use Diana and her sons, coupled with Dyson's findings, as a club to batter down the doors of honest, independent reporting damaged by Bashir. 
  61. ^ Landler, Mark. 25 Years Later, BBC Apologizes for Diana Interview. The New York Times. 2021-05-20 [2021-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-12). The conclusions, though not unexpected, are a black eye for the BBC at a time when it has been under pressure from the Conservative government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson for its news coverage. The government has threatened to overhaul the compulsory license fee that finances most of the BBC's operations, and it faces competition from a fledgling news channel, GB News. 
  62. ^ 62.0 62.1 62.2 Sweney, Mark. BBC report clears staff over rehiring of Martin Bashir. The Guardian. 2021-06-14 [2021-06-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-24). 
  63. ^ 63.0 63.1 63.2 Martin Bashir: 'No evidence' journalist was rehired by BBC in cover-up over Princess Diana interview, review finds. Sky News. 2021-06-14 [2021-06-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-19). 
  64. ^ 64.0 64.1 Rawlinson, Kevin. Diana Panorama interview ‘an absolute horror story and it should never have happened’, ex-BBC chief tells MPs – live. The Guardian. 2021-06-15 [2021-06-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-03). 
  65. ^ 65.0 65.1 65.2 Peplow, Gemma. Martin Bashir Princess Diana interview scandal: Journalist was 'a serial liar on an industrial scale', former BBC boss tells MPs. Sky News. 2021-06-15 [2021-06-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-24). 
  66. ^ Ex-BBC boss Tony Hall: Wrong not to sack Bashir after Diana interview. BBC. 2021-06-15 [2021-06-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-29). 
  67. ^ BAFTA Television: Talk Show in 1996. British Academy of Film and Television Arts. [2020-11-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
  68. ^ Martin Bashir TRIC Awards. Alamy. [2020-11-23]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-23). 
  69. ^ BPG TV & Radio Awards 1996. Broadcasting Press Guild. [2020-11-23]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-23). 
  70. ^ J. Randy Taraborrelli. Michael Jackson: The Magic, the Madness, the Whole Story. Pan Macmillan. 2009-07-02: 484– [2021-05-23]. ISBN 978-0-330-51415-6. (原始内容存档于2021-03-18). 
  71. ^ Kanter, Jake. BBC To Return BAFTA After Inquiry Savages Fakery Used To Secure Princess Diana Interview. 2021-05-20 [2021-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-21). 
