




直链烷烃是一同系列,其碳数最少的物种是甲烷 (CH4),接着是乙烷(C2H6),丙烷,(C3H8),丁烷 (C4H10),戊烷 (C5H12),以此类推。该同系列中物种组成间相差一亚甲基(-CH2-),分子量差14。特别地,同系列中差一个化学单元的物种称为“相邻同系物”(adjacent homologues)。[3]同系列中物种物理性质通常有规律地变化。例如直链烷烃的沸点随分子量增加而升高。


同系列 结构通式 重复单元 官能团
直链烷烃 CnH2n + 2 (n ≥ 1) −CH2 H3C− ... −CH3
直链全氟代烷英语perfluoroalkane CnH2n + 2 (n ≥ 1) −CF2 F3C− ... −CF3
直链烷基 CnH2n + 1 (n ≥ 1) −CH2 H3C− ... −CH2
直链末端烯烃 CnH2n (n ≥ 2) −CH2 H2C=C− ... −CH3
环烷烃 CnH2n (n ≥ 2) −CH2 饱和碳环
直链末端炔烃 CnH2n − 2 (n ≥ 2) −CH2 HC≡C− ... −CH3
聚乙炔 C2nH2n + 2 (n ≥ 2) −CH=CH− H3C− ... −CH3
饱和一元伯醇 CnH2n + 1OH (n ≥ 1) −CH2 H3C− ... −OH
饱和直链羧酸 CnH2n + 1COOH (n ≥ 0) −CH2 H3C− ... −COOH
直链氮烷英语Azane NnHn + 2 (n ≥ 1) −NH− H2N− ... −NH2



同系列非有机化学独有术语。有些元素,如的一类氧化物分别组成一同系列。例如VnO2n − 1(2 < n < 10)。又如硅烷(SinH2n + 2,n上至8)的同系列与烷烃类似。


  1. ^ 王积涛; 张保申,王永梅,胡青眉. 有机化学(第二版). 天津: 南开大学出版社. 2003: 10. ISBN 9787310006205. 
  2. ^ Charles Gerhardt (1843) "Sur la classification chimique des substances organiques"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (On the chemical classification of organic substances), Revue scientifique et industrielle, 14 : 580-609. From page 588: "17. Nous appelons substances homologues celles qui jouissent des même propriétés chimiques et dont la composition offre certaines analogies dans les proportions relatives des éléments." (17. We call homologous substances those that have the same chemical properties and whose composition offers certain analogies in the relative proportions of elements.)
  3. ^ See In re Henze, 181 F.2d 196, 201 (CCPA 1950), in which the court stated, "In effect, the nature of homologues and the close relationship the physical and chemical properties of one member of a series bears to adjacent members is such that a presumption of unpatentability arises against a claim directed to a composition of matter, the adjacent homologue of which is old in the art."