

制作国家/地区 英国
制作公司Shine TV(Endemol Shine Group旗下)
图像制式1080i 高清电视
播出国家/地区 英国
Shine TV首播

潜行追踪》(英语:Hunted)是2015年起英国第四台播出的一档真人秀节目,由Endemol Shine Group旗下的Shine TV制作[1]


季数 播映日期 结束日期 集数 需躲避天数 备注
1 2015年9月10日 2015年10月15日 6 28
2 2016年9月22日 2016年10月27日 本季开始获胜者将可获得节目组提供的奖金。最终成功的“逃难者”将瓜分大奖10万英镑
3 2018年1月4日 2018年2月8日 25 本季需躲避天数缩短为25天。
4 2019年1月10日 2019年2月14日 本季为追捕组第一次获胜。
5 2020年2月13日 2020年3月19日 逃亡者一开始无任何补给。
6 2022年5月22日 2022年6月6日 本季逃亡者一开始只带了一套换洗的衣服和少量的钱。


  • 普通人作为“逃难者”藏匿起来,身上只携带一张少量资金的信用卡。
  • 由反恐专家、前情报机构调查人员、警察组成的30人专家团队,通过他们的住家、社交痕迹、手机通讯记录,并可询问他们的亲朋好友,从国家机构复制所需的闭路电视和自动车牌识别系统,找出他们隐匿之处,进行追捕。此外,他们可以通过在社交媒体发布“悬赏”,通过奖金,请求市民提供线索,帮助捉捕。
  • “逃难者”可藏匿英国任意角落,不能逃到英国境外。
  • 在逃难的最终几天,节目组会告知撤离点(并不会告知追捕组,但“逃难者”在接受资讯的过程中有可能会被追捕组发现“逃难者”目前所处的地点,甚至因“逃难者”不小心而得知最终撤离点),顺利抵达撤离点的“逃难者”算成功。


第一季 (2015)


姓名 年龄 职业 家乡 最终状况
Lauren English[a] 27 Decorator Cobham 逃亡成功
Emily Dredge[a] 28 Entrepreneur Putney
Stephen Hardiker[b] 36 Plumber Walsall
Martin Cole[b] 32 IT specialist Walsall
Ricky Allen 56 General practitioner South London 第19天被捕
Adam Channell[c] 30 PR manager Southampton 第15天被捕
Emma Channell[c] 30 PR manager Paris
Adam Young 25 NHS support worker Bridgend 第14天被捕
Davinder "Dovski" Singh[d] 30 Team manager Leicester 第12天被捕
Harinder "Harry" Singh[d] 28 Accountant Leicester
Freddie Young[e] 21 Teaching assistant Chingford 第7天被捕
Jacqui Omer[e] 44 Pub manager Chingford
Elizabeth D'Arcy[f] 56 Tutor Folkestone 第4天被捕
Sandra Cooley[f] 42 Occupational therapist Dublin


  • Before he was caught, Ricky Allen proved so elusive while on the run in Scotland that one of the Hunters described it as "a real-life 39 steps" which was published in a newspaper as well as "wanted" posters.

第二季 (2016)[注 1]


姓名 年龄 职业 家乡 最终状况
Nick Cummings 50 Househusband Taunton 逃亡成功
Ayo Adesina[g] 33 Software developer Hackney
Anna May[h] 25 Court clerk Keighley 被捕
Elizabeth Garnett[h] 20 Stockbroker temp Leeds
Madu Alikor[g] 33 Software developer/consultant Hackney 被捕
Lolly Jones 34 Comedian/actress London 被捕
Hamish Thorburn[i] 49 Property investor Wirral 被捕
Mikaela Skinner[i] 46 Building shop owner Wirral
Kirk Bowett[j] 37 Facility manager London 被捕
Jeremy "Jez" Scarratt[j] 57 Army medic simulator Cambridge


  • Cummings had an accomplice impersonate him outside a leisure centre, leading the Hunters to believe they had caught him, when he was actually 120 mi(190 km) away on a canal path.
  • After Alikor was caught, he was taken to Hunter HQ where Chief Peter Bleksley offered him £1,000 for information of the whereabouts of Adesina. Alikor declined the offer but admitted that he would have helped the Hunters if they had offered him £50,000.

第3季 (2018)[注 2]


姓名 年龄 职业 家乡 最终状况
Daniel Murphy[k] 33 Singer/milkman Preston 逃亡成功
Joseph Appleton[k] 29 Singer/milkman Preston
Bob Ayling[l] 60 Electrician Dover
Alex Ayling[l] 26 Postman Dover
Magid Mah 28 Deputy Mayor of Sheffield Sheffield 被捕
Jamie Clark 37 Ex-policeman Dorset 被捕
Mella Mwamba[m] 28 Housewife Bromley 被捕
Sandra Canrom[m] 30 Advertising executive Middlesex
Carlene Crowe 67 Retired college tutor Suffolk 被捕


  • Crowe was caught on the first day of being on the run.
  • Father and son fugitives Bob and Alex Ayling began as a duo, but at Bob's encouragement about mid-way through their time on the run, they agreed to separate and reunite on the day of extraction. Alex had Asperger syndrome and was bullied at school, but wanted to prove himself.
  • Murphy and Appleton evaded the Hunters by cycling from place to place as their mode of transport.
  • After the Fugitives learned the location of the extraction point, Alex Ayling was seen by the Hunters on CCTV appearing to drop something into a drain. The Hunters spent a considerable amount of time searching the drain for the item, which turned out only to be a receipt.

第4季 (2019)[注 3]


姓名 年龄 职业 家乡 最终状况
Harry Savage[n] 20 Student Sussex 被捕
Frank Savage[n] 23 Campsite owner East Sussex
Nathanael Watt[o] 26 Architecture student Nottingham 被捕
Ismail Haruna[o] 27 Architectural technologist Nottingham 被捕
Loren Hannon 26 Personal banker Essex 被捕
Matthew "Matt" Mason 29 Royal Marines Commando Devon 被捕
Emma Davidson[p] 23 Neo-Natal Intensive Care Nurse Devon 被捕
Jess Kirkham[p] 27 Neo-Natal Intensive Care Nurse Devon
Paul James[q] 48 Construction manager Hertfordshire 被捕
Nick Batchelor[q] 51 Lead youth worker Kent


  • Ismail Haruna was caught after learning the location of the extraction point. At Hunter HQ, Chief Peter Bleksley offered him £4,000 for the extraction point's location. The Hunters also obtained audio footage from Nathanael Watt's social media accounts in an attempt to make Haruna believe Watt had just been captured. Ultimately, Haruna decided not to help the Hunters, although the Hunters were still able to gain information about the extraction point from his diary.
  • Both Nathanael Watt and Frank Savage made it close to the extraction point before being captured. Watt was captured just inside the entrance of the car park, while Savage made it all the way to the roof before finally being caught.

第5季 (2020)[注 4]


姓名 年龄 职业 家乡 最终状况
Dan Ryder[r] 33 Gym owner Wigan 逃亡成功
Hayley Morrison[r] 27 Human resources Wigan
Rob Ellington[s] 24 Social Media content creator Wokingham
Ben Arrowsmith[s] 24 Pensions Reading
Ella Tomkins[t] 22 Charity researcher Newbury 被捕
Jess Warr[t] 23 Independent financial advisor Swindon
Daniel Edwards[u] 32 Landscape gardener Birmingham 被捕
Frankie Greenidge[u] 35 Foster Carer Birmingham 被捕
Toni Pugh-Thomas 48 Haute-Couturier Fulham 被捕
Mervyn "Titch" Little 78 Retired British Army major Portsmouth 被捕

第六季 (2022)[注 5]


姓名 年龄 职业 家乡 最终状况
Nathan Falcon[v] 28 Graphic designer Castleford 逃亡成功
Sarah Kibble 35 Police officer Norfolk
James Sorohan[v] 32 Postman Castleford 第22天被捕
Grace Elliot[w] 24 Drama teacher Hampshire 第16天被捕
Abi Elliot[w] 21 Occupational therapist Southampton
Amarinder Sehda[x] 34 Dentist Essex 第12天被捕
Shoba Sehda[x] 59 Admin officer Essex
Liam Torpey[y] 36 Plumber Sheffield 第7天被捕
Katie Taylor[y] 34 Art tutor Sheffield
Meurig Boggust[z] 30 Mental health nurse Swansea 第5天被捕
Elinor Pope[z] 22 Waitress Swansea








西班牙版《La Huida》于2016年4月8日起,在西班牙Movistar+旗下Cero(#0)频道开播,共9集。
















  1. ^ 本季开始获胜者将可获得节目组提供的奖金。
  2. ^ 本季需躲避天数缩短为25天。
  3. ^ 本季为追捕组第一次获胜。
  4. ^ 逃亡者一开始没有任何补给
  5. ^ 本季逃亡者一开始只带了一套换洗的衣服和少量的钱。


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Lauren & Emily were a duo when the hunt began but opted to separate
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Stephen & Martin were a duo when the hunt began
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Adam & Emma were a duo when the hunt began
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Davinder & Harinder were a duo when the hunt began
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Freddie & Jacqui were a duo when the hunt began
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Elizabeth & Sandra were a duo when the hunt began
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Adesina and Alikor were a duo when the hunt began, but opted to separate
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 May and Garnett were a duo when the hunt began
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Thorburn and Skinner were a duo when the hunt began
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Bowett and Scarratt were a duo when the hunt began
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Murphy and Appleton were a duo when the hunt began
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Bob and Alex Ayling were a duo when the hunt began, but opted to separate
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Mwamba and Canrom were a duo when the hunt began
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Frank & Harry were a duo when the hunt began
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Watt and Haruna were a duo when the hunt began, but opted to separate
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Davidson and Kirkham were a duo when the hunt began
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 James and Batchelor were a duo when the hunt began
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Ryder and Morrison were a duo when the hunt began
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Ellington and Arrowsmith were a duo when the hunt began
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 Tomkins and Warr were a duo when the hunt began
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Greenidge and Pugh-Thomas were a duo when the hunt began but opted to separate
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Sorohan and Falcon were a duo when the hunt began, but split after James was caught due to foot injury.
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 Grace and Abi Elliot were a duo when the hunt began
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Amarinder and Shoba Sehda were a duo when the hunt began
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 Torpey and Taylor were a duo when the hunt began
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 Meurig & Elinor were a duo when the hunt began


  1. ^ Channel 4’s Hunted looking for contestants to go on the run. dailyecho. 2022-04-02 [2023-8-20]. (原始内容存档于2023-08-20) (美国英语). 
