


布卢瓦的彼得拉丁语Petrus Blesensis; 约1130 – 约1211)是一名中世纪法国僧侣、神学家、诗人、外交官。


他于1130年左右出生于来自布列塔尼的一个小贵族家庭,1140年代初,他在图尔大教堂接受教育[1],老师是哲学家Bernardus Silvestris[2]。他可能还师从过索尔兹伯里的约翰[3],但此说不太可靠[4]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Blois, Peter of (1125x30–1212), letter writer and ecclesiastic. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. [2020-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-29) (英语). 
  2. ^ Giles, letter 101, vol. 1, p.317
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1  Herbermann, Charles (编). Peter de Blois. 天主教百科全書. Robert Appleton Company. 1913. 
  4. ^ Kingsford, Charles Lethbridge. Peter of Blois. Lee, Sidney (编). Dictionary of National Biography 45. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1896. 
  5. ^ William Doremus Paden - Medieval lyric: genres in historical context - Page 112 2000 - "Peter of Blois, "Vacillantis trutine," ed. Peter Dronke, The Medieval Poet and His World (Rome: Storia e Letteratura, 1984), 298-300. la Vacillantis trutine libramine mens suspensa fluctuat et estuat, in tumultus anxios dum se vertit et bipertit ..."
  6. ^ M W Greenslade, R B Pugh (Editors); et al. Colleges: Wolverhampton, St Peter. [2020-10-25]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-29). 
  • Giles, I.A. (1847). Petri Blesensis Bathoniensis archidiaconi opera omnia : nunc primum in Anglia ope codicum manuscriptorum editionumque optimarum, Oxford. The standard collection of the works of Peter of Blois in Latin, in four volumes, available on-line at Internet Archive, accessed 23 September 2014.
