


恒星之书(阿拉伯语:كتاب صور الكواكبkitab suwar al-kawakib)是天文学家阿卜杜勒-拉赫曼·苏菲于公元964年撰写的书[1]。虽然作者是波斯人,但这本书是用阿拉伯文书写。他试图将托勒密的《天文学大成》(第七册和第八册)和阿拉伯传统天文学原本的星座综合成星表。

这本书详细说明和叙述对恒星的观察,它们的位置(从托勒密的《天文学大成》复制过来,而因为岁差的缘故,经度增加了12° 42')、星等(亮度)和颜色。如同托勒密的天文学大成是以星座,他的研究结果也是以星座来呈现。对每一个星座,他提供了两个图形,一张是从内向外观看天球,另一张是从外向内观看天球。



他所描述的小云,实际上是对仙女座星系最早的描述和插画。他把它说成是躺在一条大鱼的嘴前,这是一个阿拉伯的星座。很可能在905年之前,伊斯法罕的天文学家就都已经熟知这朵"云"的存在[2]大小麦哲伦星云最早的纪录,也出自"恒星之书" [3][4]。这些都是在银河系之外最早从地球观察到的星系。他观察到的仙女座大星系也是第一个真正不同于星团星云[5]

他可能还将船帆座o星团归类为"朦胧之星",此外还有狐狸座的"模糊物件",现在被称为苏菲的星团、"衣架星群"、布洛契星团或Collinder 399[5]。此外,他提到了两个麦哲伦云,而它们从伊拉克内志看不到,但从帖哈麦可以看见;而且它们被称为"母牛"(al-Baqar)。

这本书没有发表过英文的译本,但在1874年被Hans Schjellerup英语Hans Schjellerup译成法文[6]。迄2012年3月,澳洲唐斯维詹姆士库克大学的Ihsan Hafez在筹备中[7]


  • Text and French translation of Ṣūfī's introduction by J. J. A. Caussin de Perceval in Notices et extraits des manuscrits XII, Paris, 1831, pp. 236f.
  • H.C.F.C. Schjellerup, Description des étoiles fixes par Abd-al-Rahman al-Sûfi页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), St. Petersburg, 1874. Complete French translation from two late mss., with selected portions in Arabic.
  • Ketāb ṣowar al-kawākeb al-ṯābeta, edited from five mss., and accompanied by the Orǰūza of Ebn al-Ṣūfī, Hyderabad, India, 1954 (introduction by H. J. J. Winter).
  • Facsimile edition of the Persian translation by Naṣīr-al-dīn Ṭūsī (Ayasofya 2595, autograph, from Uluḡ Beg’s library), Tehran, 1348 Š./1969.
  • Critical edition of Ṭūsī's translation by Sayyed Moʿezz-al-dīn Mahdavī, Tehran, 1351 Š./1972.
  • The star nomenclature of the Castilian version, and of an Italian translation made from Castilian, was critically edited by O. J. Tallgren, "Los nombres árabes de las estrelas y la transcripción alfonsina", in Homenaje a R. Menéndez Pidal II, Madrid, 1925, with 'Correcciones y adiciones' in Revista de filología española 12, 1925, pp. 52f.
  • The Italian translation was edited by P. Knecht, I libri astronomici di Alfonso X in una versione fiorentina del trecento, Saragossa, 1965.


  1. ^ صور الكواكب‎ or Book of the constellations, or fixed stars Library of Congress. World Digital Library.
  2. ^ Kepple, George Robert; Glen W. Sanner. The Night Sky Observer's Guide, Volume 1. Willmann-Bell, Inc. 1998: 18. ISBN 0-943396-58-1. 
  3. ^ Observatoire de Paris (Abd-al-Rahman Al Sufi). [2007-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2007-04-16). 
  4. ^ Observatoire de Paris (LMC). [2007-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2017-06-22). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Kenneth Glyn Jones, Messier's nebulae and star clusters, Cambridge University Press: 1, 1991, ISBN 0-521-37079-5 
  6. ^ Hafez, Ihsan; Stephenson, F. Richard; Orchiston, Wayne. Άbdul-Ramān al-Şūfī and his Book of the Fixed Stars: a journey of re-discovery. Orchiston, Wayne (编). Highlighting the history of astronomy in the Asia-Pacific region: proceedings of the ICOA-6 conference. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings. New York: Springer. 2011: 121–138. ISBN 978-1-4419-8161-5. 
  7. ^ O'Brien, Jim. JCU researcher seeks inspiration in the stars. News and Media. Townsville, Queensland: James Cook University. 15 March 2012 [8 July 2012]. (原始内容存档于26 November 2012). 
  • Paul Kunitzsch, The Arabs and the Stars: Texts and Traditions on the Fixed Stars, and Their Influence in Medieval Europe (Variorum Reprint, Cs307)
  • Paul Kunitzsch, Arabische Sternnamen in Europa, Wiesbaden, 1959, pp. 230f.
  • Paul Kunitzsch, "Ṣūfī Latinus", Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländische Gesellschaft, 115, 1965, pp. 65–74.
  • Paul Kunitzsch, "Al-Ṣūfī" in: Dictionary of Scientific Biography, XIII, New York, 1976, pp. 149–50.
  • J. Upton, "A Manuscript of “The Book of the Fixed Stars” by ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān aṣ-Ṣūfī", Metropolitan Museum Studies, 4, 1933, pp. 179–97.
  • E. Wellesz, An Islamic Book of Constellations, Oxford, 1965.
  • H. J. J. Winter, "Notes on al-Kitab Suwar Al-Kawakib", Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 8, 1955, pp. 126–33.
