
Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior

坐标36°50′33″S 174°46′18″E / 36.842405°S 174.771579°E / -36.842405; 174.771579

36°50′33″S 174°46′18″E / 36.842405°S 174.771579°E / -36.842405; 174.771579

彩虹勇士号击沉事件 (sinking of Rainbow Warrior ),代号撒旦行动 (Opération Satanique)[1],是法国对外情报机构“对外安全总局(DGSE)”的 “行动”部门在1985年7月10日执行的国家恐怖主义爆破行动。在这次行动中,两名特工在奥克兰港炸沉了绿色和平组织的船队的旗舰“彩虹勇士号”,该船正前往抗议法国计划在穆鲁罗亚环礁进行的核试验。随船摄影师费尔南多·佩雷拉 (Fernando Pereira) 在本事件中溺毙。

法国起初撇清关系,但两名法国特工随后遭到新西兰警方逮捕,并被指控纵火、预谋纵火、蓄意破坏和谋杀。这则丑闻导致法国国防部长夏尔·埃尔尼 (Charles Hernu) 引咎辞职,而两名特工则坦承犯下过失杀人罪,并被判处十年监禁,在法属波利尼西亚豪环礁服刑了两年多,随后才被法国政府释放[2]

包括当时的新西兰总理戴维·朗伊在内的一些人士将本次事件称作恐怖主义[3]或国家支持的恐怖主义 (state-sponsored terrorism)[4][5][6],后来的学者将这次袭击称作为国家恐怖主义[7][8][9]





在彩虹勇士号开放参观时,数名法国特工假扮为支持者和游客进入了船内。曾在中东执行过情报任务的法国特工克里斯汀·卡邦 (Christine Cabon) 化名为环保主义者“佛德里克·波吕 (Frederique Bonlieu)”,以便渗透绿色和平组织在奥克兰的办事处[12][13],在奥克兰办事处工作的期间,卡邦偷偷地记录了来自彩虹勇士号的通讯纪录、收集地图、并调查了潜水装备。


三名特工驾驶名为欧薇拉号 (Ouvéa) 的游艇载来蝛雷 (limpet mines) ,这种炸弹能吸附在物体表面,通常被海军所使用,另外两名特工,多米尼克·普里尔 (Dominique Prieur) 和亚兰·马法特 (Alain Mafart),假扮成新婚夫妇“苏菲和亚兰·图伦格 (Sophie and Alain Turenge)”,并且捡起蝛雷,再将其交给由潜水员让·卡马 (Jean Camas)(化名“雅克-卡穆里耶 (Jacques Camurier)”)和让·卢克·基斯特 (Jean-Luc Kister)(化名“亚兰-托内尔(Alain Tonel)”)所组成的爆破小队。

在搜集到足够的资讯后,特工卡马和基斯特前往停泊在马斯登码头 (Marsden Wharf) 的彩虹勇士号,安装了两枚蝛雷,两枚蝛雷的引爆间隔为7分钟[14]。23:38分,第一枚蝛雷爆炸,炸出一个和汽车差不多大小的洞。特工可能是想先用第一枚蝛雷瘫痪彩虹勇士号,如此一来,船上的人员便可以在第二枚蝛雷引爆前全数撤离[来源请求]。然而,船员对于第一次爆炸的反应和特工预期的有所出入。

起初,虽然船上的人员全数疏散,但后来有部分船员回到船上调查和纪录受损的情况。其中,葡萄牙裔荷兰摄影师费尔南多·佩雷拉(Fernando Pereira)回到甲板下去拿他的摄影器材。23:45时,第二枚蝛雷引爆,大量的水快速涌入船中,导致佩雷拉溺毙,当时在船上的还有其他10位船员,其中有些在船长彼得·威尔考克斯 (Peter Willcox) 的命令下安全地弃船离去,另一些人则因为第二次爆炸的冲击而坠入海中。四分钟后,彩虹勇士号部分沉没。






另外三名法国特工, Roland Verge 士官长(化名"Raymond Velche")、Jean-Michel Bartelo 士官长(化名"Jean-Michel Berthelo")和 Gérard Andries 士官长(化名"Eric Audrenc")负责驾驶欧薇拉号将炸弹运往新西兰。他们在爆炸之后乘坐欧薇拉号撤离现场,接着在诺福克岛被澳洲警方逮捕,然而,由于澳洲法律不允许在鉴识测试结果出来之前关押嫌疑人,因此他们随后被释放。之后,法国潜艇红宝石号(Rubis)前来接他们回国,而欧薇拉号游艇则被凿沉[18]

数名特工伪装成了游客,其中包含引爆炸弹的让·卢克·基斯特,他们搭上渡轮前往南岛,去了赫特山滑雪,并在大约10天后用假证件离开了新西兰[19]。另一名可能是指挥官的特工路易·皮尔·迪莱斯(Louis-Pierre Dillais)则未被逮捕[18]




法国自行成立了调查委员会,由贝尔纳·特里科(Bernard Tricot)领导,其随后宣布法国政府与本次恐怖行动无关,并声称被逮捕但当时尚未认罪的特工只是在监视绿色和平组织。《泰晤士报》和《世界报》反驳了以上说法,并宣称本次事件由法国总统密特朗批准,随后,国防部长夏尔·埃尔努(Charles Hernu)请辞、安全总局局长皮尔·拉科斯特(Pierre Lacoste)遭到解雇。最后,法国总理洛朗·法比尤斯承认了本次事件是由法国策划,1985年9月22日,法比尤斯于办公室召开记者会,并宣读了一份200字的声明,“真相是残酷的”,并承认有人试图湮灭证据,“法国特工奉命行事击沉了彩虹勇士号。”[22]


Nuclear testing 核试验

The next nuclear test Héro was conducted at Mururoa on 24 October 1985 with a yield of 2千公吨黄色炸药(8.4太焦耳). France would conduct 54 more nuclear tests until the end of nuclear testing in 1996.[23]

Greenpeace and Rainbow Warrior

A Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior benefit concert at Mt. Smart Stadium, Auckland, on 5 April 1986 included performances by Herbs, Neil Young, Jackson Browne, Graham Nash, Topp Twins, Dave Dobbyn and a Split Enz reunion.[24][25]

Rainbow Warrior was refloated for forensic examination. She was deemed irreparable and scuttled in Matauri Bay, near the Cavalli Islands on 12 December 1987, to serve as a dive wreck and fish sanctuary.[26] Her masts had been removed and put on display at the Dargaville Maritime Museum. Greenpeace acquired a new ship and gave it the name Rainbow Warrior earlier that same year. On 14 October 2011, Greenpeace launched a new sailing vessel, again called Rainbow Warrior, which is equipped with an auxiliary electric motor.[27] The ships are informally known as Rainbow Warrior II and Rainbow Warrior III respectively.


Rainbow Warrior Memorial

In 1987, after international pressure, France paid $8.16m to Greenpeace in damages, which helped finance another ship.[28][29] It also paid compensation to the Pereira family, reimbursing his life insurance company for 30,000 Dutch guilders and making reparation payments of 650,000 francs to Pereira's wife, 1.5 million francs to his two children, and 75,000 francs to each of his parents.[30]

Foreign relations

The failure of Western leaders to condemn a violation of a friendly nation's sovereignty caused a great deal of change in New Zealand's foreign and defence policy.[31] New Zealand distanced itself from the United States, a traditional ally, and built relationships with small South Pacific nations, while retaining excellent relations with Australia and, to a lesser extent, the United Kingdom.[32]

Hao atoll

In June 1986, in a political deal with Prime Minister of New Zealand David Lange, presided over by United Nations Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, France agreed to pay NZ$13 million (US$6.5 million) to New Zealand and apologise, in return for which Alain Mafart and Dominique Prieur would be detained at the French military base on Hao Atoll for three years. However, the two agents had both returned to France by May 1988, after less than two years on the atoll. Mafart returned to Paris on 14 December 1987 for medical treatment, and was apparently freed after the treatment. He continued in the French Army and was promoted to colonel in 1993. Prieur returned to France on 6 May 1988 because she was pregnant, her husband having been allowed to join her on the atoll. She, too, was freed and later promoted. The removal of the agents from Hao without subsequent return was ruled to be in violation of the 1986 agreement.[2]

Following the breach of the arrangement, in 1990 the secretary-general awarded New Zealand another NZ$3.5 million (US$2 million), to establish the New Zealand / France Friendship Fund.[29] Although France had formally apologised to the New Zealand Government in 1986,[33] during a visit in April 1991 French Prime Minister Michel Rocard delivered a personal apology.[34][35] He said it was "to turn the page in the relationship and to say, if we had known each other better, this thing never would have happened". The Friendship Fund has provided contributions to a number of charity and public purposes.[36] During a visit in 2016, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls reiterated that the incident had been "a serious error".[37]

Further investigations

In 2005, French newspaper Le Monde released a report from 1986 which said that Admiral Pierre Lacoste, head of DGSE at the time, had "personally obtained approval to sink the ship from the late president François Mitterrand."[38] Soon after the publication, former Admiral Lacoste came forward and gave newspaper interviews about the situation, admitting that the death weighed on his conscience and saying that the aim of the operation had not been to kill.[39] He acknowledged the existence of three teams: the yacht crew, reconnaissance and logistics (those successfully prosecuted), plus a two-man team that carried out the bombing.[14][40]

A 20th anniversary memorial edition of the 1986 book Eyes of Fire: The Last Voyage of the Rainbow Warrior by New Zealand author David Robie – who was aboard the bombed ship – was published in July 2005.[41]

The French agents

Twenty years after the bombing, Television New Zealand (TVNZ) sought access to a video record made at the preliminary hearing in which the two French agents pleaded guilty. The footage had remained sealed since shortly after the conclusion of the criminal proceedings. The two agents opposed release of the footage—despite having both written books on the incident—and unsuccessfully took the case to the New Zealand Court of Appeal and, subsequently, the Supreme Court of New Zealand. On 7 August 2006, justices Hammond, O'Regan and Arnold dismissed the former French agents' appeal and TVNZ broadcast their guilty pleas the same day.[42]

In 2005, in an interview with TVNZ, Louis-Pierre Dillais acknowledged his involvement with the bombing.[43]

In 2007, the New Zealand Green Party criticized the government over its purchase of arms from Belgian arms manufacturer FN Herstal, whose U.S. subsidiary was led by Dillais.[43][44] At that time, Greenpeace was still pursuing the extradition of Dillais for his involvement in the act.[45]

In 2006, Antoine Royal revealed that his brother, Gérard Royal, had claimed to be involved in planting the bomb. Their sister is French Socialist Party politician Ségolène Royal who was contesting the French presidential election.[46][47] Other sources identified Royal as the pilot of the Zodiac inflatable boat that carried the bombers.[48] The New Zealand government announced there would be no extradition request since the case was closed.[49]

In September 2015, TVNZ's Sunday programme tracked down Jean-Luc Kister, one of the two bombers. Kister, who retired from the DGSE in about 2000, admitted his lead role and feelings of responsibility for the lethal attack. He also pointed to the French President, as commander of the armed forces and intelligence services assigned the operation. Reporter John Hudson, who spent two days with Kister in France, said that Kister "wanted an opportunity to talk about his role in the bombing... It has been on his conscience for 30 years. He said to us, 'secret agents don't talk', but he is talking. I think he wanted to be understood." Kister considered the mission "a big, big failure".[19][50][51]


位于玛陶里湾(Matauri Bay)的彩虹勇士号纪念碑。

该纪念碑建立于1988年至1990年之间,由新西兰雕刻家克里斯·布斯建造(Chris Booth),地点位于新西兰北岛的玛陶里湾(Matauri Bay),由恩加蒂库拉族人(Ngati Kura)与新西兰中国陶器公司(New Zealand China Clays)委托制作[52]


The sinking, and subsequent investigation, was the subject of several films, including The Rainbow Warrior Conspiracy (1988) and The Rainbow Warrior (1993).

Rainbow Warriors, a space marine chapter in the tabletop war-game Warhammer 40,000 (1987–1993) is named after the ship.

The 1989 song "Little Fighter", by the Danish/American band White Lion, is about the sinking. It is also referenced in the 2004 song "Walkampf" by German punk band Die Toten Hosen. In 2005, a supergroup of New Zealand musicians and artists recorded a cover of Anchor Me, by the New Zealand rock band The Mutton Birds, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the bombing. The song peaked at #3 in the New Zealand singles chart.



  1. ^ Bremner, Charles. Mitterrand ordered bombing of Rainbow Warrior, spy chief says. The Times (London). 11 July 2005 [16 November 2006]. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Case concerning the difference between New Zealand and France concerning the interpretation or application of two agreements, concluded on 9 July 1986 between the two states and which related to the problems arising from the Rainbow Warrior Affair (PDF). Reports of International Arbitral Awards. 30 April 1990, XX: 215–284, especially p 275. 
  3. ^ Brown, Paul; Evans, Rob. How Rainbow Warrior was played down. The Guardian. 23 August 2005 [3 September 2017]. 
  4. ^ Page, Campbell; Templeton, Ian. French inquiry into Rainbow Warrior bombing. The Guardian. 24 September 1985 [3 September 2017]. 
  5. ^ Reality behind the Rainbow Warrior outrage. The New Zealand Herald. 2 July 2005 [2 September 2017] (New Zealand English). 
  6. ^ Conte, Alex. Human Rights in the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism: Commonwealth Approaches: The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Springer Science & Business Media. 2010: 86. ISBN 9783642116087 (英语). 
  7. ^ Robie, David. Frontline: The Rainbow Warrior, secrecy and state terrorism: A Pacific journalism case study. Pacific Journalism Review. 2016-07-31, 22 (1): 187. ISSN 2324-2035. doi:10.24135/pjr.v22i1.19可免费查阅. 
  8. ^ Clark, Roger S. State Terrorism: Some Lessons from the Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior需要付费订阅. Rutgers Law Journal (HeinOnline). 1988, 20 (2): 393–414 [28 December 2022]. 
  9. ^ Veitch, James. 'A Sordid Act': The 'Rainbow Warrior' Incident需要付费订阅. New Zealand International Review. 1 July 2010, 35 (4): 6–9 [28 December 2022] –通过InformIT. 
  10. ^ Truver, Scott C. Maritime Terrorism, 1985. Proceedings (United States Naval Institute). 1986, 112 (5): 160–173. 
  11. ^ The evacuation of Rongelap (from the Greenpeace website. Accessed 12 July 2010.)
  12. ^ Dennett, Cecile Meier and Kelly. Rainbow Warrior spy tracked down in France 32 years after bombing. The Sydney Morning Herald. 9 July 2017. 
  13. ^ The French Government and Greenpeace Agents back in court on Friday The Canberra Times, 20 November 1985, at Trove
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 At the end of the Rainbow. New Zealand Herald. 8 July 2015 [27 July 2016]. 
  15. ^ Diary compiled by Mike Andrews (Secretary of the Dargaville Maritime Museum)
  16. ^ King, Michael. Death of the Rainbow Warrior. Auckland, N.Z.: Penguin. 1986: 171. ISBN 0-14-009738-4. OCLC 14638318. 
  17. ^ Rainbow Warrior spy Christine Cabon breaks 32-year silence. 8 July 2017 –通过www.nzherald.co.nz. 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 The Bombing of the Warrior. Rainbow Warrior home page. Greenpeace. [4 November 2014]. 原始内容存档于10 March 2012. 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Taylor, Phil. Rainbow Warrior bomber finally unmasked. NZ Herald. 6 September 2015 [6 September 2015]. 
  20. ^ Shabecoff, Philip. France Must Pay Greenpeace $8 Million in Sinking of Ship. New York Times. 3 October 1987 [11 April 2010]. 
  21. ^ Szabo, Michael. Making waves. Greenpeace New Zealand. Auckland [N.Z.]: Reed. 1991. ISBN 0-7900-0230-2. OCLC 27687705. 
  22. ^ Evening Mail – Monday 23 September 1985
  23. ^ Capcom Espace. Les essais nucleaire Francaispublisher=Capcom Espace. 2005 [6 February 2022]. 
  24. ^ Rainbow Warrior music festival. NZHistory. History Group of the New Zealand Ministry for Culture and Heritage. [17 April 2014]. 
  25. ^ Rainbow Warrior concert 1986. Frenz Forum. 14 July 2006 [17 April 2014]. 
  26. ^ Wreck to reef-the transfiguration of the Rainbow Warrior. New Zealand Geographic. Jul–Sep 1994, (23) [30 October 2012]. 
  27. ^ Rainbow Warrior 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期19 November 2011. Greenpeace International, October 2011. Accessed 10 February 2015
  28. ^ Willsher, Kim. French Spy who sank Greenpeace ship apologises for lethal bombing. The Guardian. 6 September 2015 [7 May 2016]. 
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 Boczek, Boleslaw Adam. International Law: A Dictionary. Maryland: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. 2005: 97 [7 May 2016]. ISBN 0-8108-5078-8. 
  30. ^ REPORTS OF INTERNATIONAL ARBITRAL AWARDS : Case concerning the differences between New Zealand and France arising from the Rainbow Warrior affair (PDF). United Nations. 6 July 1986: 199–221 [7 May 2016]. 
  31. ^ Keith Sinclair, A History of New Zealand Penguin Books, New Zealand, 1991
  32. ^ Nuclear Free: The New Zealand Way, The Right Honourable David Lange, Penguin Books, New Zealand, 1990
  33. ^ French send PM letters of apology. Auckland Star (Auckland). 23 July 1986. 
  34. ^ Armstrong, John. Reality behind the Rainbow Warrior outrage. New Zealand Herald. 2 July 2005 [7 May 2016]. 
  35. ^ Bar-Siman-Tov, Yaacov. From Conflict Resolution to Reconciliation. Oxford University Press. 2004: 190 [7 May 2016]. ISBN 0-19-516643-4. 
  36. ^ Kokako Chick thrives thanks to Rainbow Warrior bombers. New Zealand Herald (NZME Publishing Limited). 8 July 2008 [8 May 2016]. 
  37. ^ Young, Audrey. France reaches out for Kiwi friendship. New Zealand Herald. 2 May 2016 [7 May 2016]. 
  38. ^ Mitterrand ordered bombing of Rainbow Warrior, spy chief says. The Times. 11 July 2005 [11 March 2013]. (原始内容存档于6 July 2008).  无效|url-status=bot: unknown (帮助)
  39. ^ Simons, Marlise. Report Says Mitterrand Approved Sinking of Greenpeace Ship. The Guardian. 10 July 2005 [1 November 2013]. 
  40. ^ Field, Catherine. 'Third team' in Rainbow Warrior plot. New Zealand Herald. 30 June 2005 [6 June 2010]. 
  41. ^ Eyes of Fire: The Last Voyage of the Rainbow Warrior. Auckland University Press. 15 July 2005 [6 June 2010]. ISBN 9781877314469. 
  42. ^ Transcript Mafart Prieur v TVNZ (PDF). Courts of New Zealand. 22 November 2005 [27 June 2018]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于27 June 2018). 
  43. ^ 43.0 43.1 Goldenberg, Suzanne (25 May 2007) "Rainbow Warrior ringleader heads firm selling arms to US government". guardian.co.uk, Retrieved 26 May 2007
  44. ^ NZ trades with Arms Company whose US chief executive was a lead agent in the Rainbow Warrior bombing 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期29 September 2007. NZ Green Party Just Peace newsletter No 110, 18 May 2007. Retrieved 21 February 2015
  45. ^ Greenpeace gunning for the leader of Warrior bombers Stuff.co.nz, Retrieved 26 May 2007 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期27 September 2007.
  46. ^ NZH Staff. Presidential hopeful's brother linked to Rainbow Warrior bomb. nzherald.co.nz. 30 September 2006 [1 October 2006]. 
  47. ^ NZ rules out new Rainbow Warrior probe. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 1 October 2006 [1 October 2006]. 
  48. ^ Guerres secrètes à l'Élysée, by Paul Barril, ed Albin Michel, Paris (1996)
  49. ^ Kay, Martin. French frogman slips the net; Paper identifies bomber, but PM says the case will remain closed. The Dominion Post. 2 October 2006: A1. 
  50. ^ New Zealand Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior bomber apologises – BBC News. BBC News. 6 September 2015 [7 September 2015]. 
  51. ^ Neuman, Susan. French Agent Apologizes For Blowing Up Greenpeace Ship In 1985. NPR. 6 September 2015 [8 September 2015]. 
  52. ^ Rainbow Warrior memorial. nzhistory.govt.nz. [2022-10-27] (英语). 


  • Michael King, Death of the Rainbow Warrior (Penguin Books, 1986). ISBN 0-14-009738-4
  • David Robie, Eyes of Fire: The Last Voyage of the Rainbow Warrior (Philadelphia: New Society Press, 1987). ISBN 0-86571-114-3
  • The Sunday Times Insight Team, Rainbow Warrior: The French Attempt to Sink Greenpeace (London: Century Hutchinson Ltd, 1986). ISBN 0-09-164360-0
  • Wright, Gerry. Rainbow Warrior Salvage 1st. Auckland: Gerry Wright. 2012. ISBN 9780473227500. 


Films (all are productions for television):