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朝鲜民主主义人民共和国专题 (获评极高重要度
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朝鲜半岛专题 (获评未评级极高重要度
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城市专题 (获评中重要度
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德语版有提到檀君时期的历史,但我看不懂。有谁可以帮我翻译? -- 石添小草 03:30 2003年12月5日 (UTC)

Here's good info: w:Dangun. --Menchi 04:16 2003年12月5日 (UTC)

Potonggang (P'yŏng-yang; 평양; 平壤) is the capital of North Korea with 2,7 million inhabitants, in the southwest of the country. The river Taedong flows by the city.

Korea Tourist Map http://uk.geocities.com/hkgalbert/kpmap.htm

In Potonggang there has universities, a modern metro system as well as an international airport, Pyongyang Sunan International Airport (FNJ) haven, approx.. 24 km west of Potonggang. From Potonggang there are railway connections to Beijing(Peking, China) and after Vladiwostok(VVO) in Russia (last stop of the Trans-Siberian railway).

Unofficial Web Page of Pyongyang Sunan International Airport (FNJ) http://hk.geocities.com/hkgalbert/fnj.htm

Unofficial Web Page of Pyongyang Metro System http://hk.geocities.com/hkgalbert/pyongyang_metro.htm

Among the more well-known buildings in otherwise city "forgotten in the west to a large extent the" the Ryugyong hotel with its unorthodox architecture (105 floors ranks, upward pointedly approaching). It belongs to a number of socialist buildings of splendour, Kim IL Sung,father current North Korea niches of the ruler Kim Jong IL let which plan and build.

History Pyongyang is considered as the oldest city in Korean peninsula. The capital of the Tangun dynasty (2333 v. Chr.) is to have been, where 1122 v. Chr. after a legend the today's Pjoengjang based is. Written history begins 108 v. Chr. with the establishment of a Chinese commercial colony in the proximity of the city. 427 Pjoengjang the capital of the Koengigreichs Koguryo became. 668 the city was conquered by the Chinese. The kings of the KoryoDaynastie (after those Korea in the west was designated) made Pjoengjang their second capital. The city was conquered 1592 by the Japanese and in early 17. Century of the Manchus destroys.

After Korea the foreign country had opened, Pyongyang became the basis for the Christian Missionierung. In the city over 100 churches were built, and 1880 was in the city more Protestant mission acres than in every other asiatic city.

During Sino-Japapischens the war (1894/95) and the following epidemics Pjoengjang in far parts was destroyed and depopulated nearly completely. During the Japanese crew time (1910-45) Pjoenjang became an industrial centre. In the Korea war (1950-53) the city was destroyed by air raids. 1950 were taken Pjoengjang by the UN troops, lost later however to the troops of the Chinese freiwilligen. After 1953 Pjoengjang with Soviet and Chinese assistance was developed again and became the capital of Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK).



条目右边的平壤直辖市介绍我觉得很有问题耶 ,成立日期在"前1122年"?应该是朝鲜成立后才有平壤直辖市的吧!--Wicors 05:46 2005年6月22日 (UTC)

成立日期是指城市的建立日期?--zy26 (Talk) 08:08 2005年6月24日 (UTC)


“由于北朝鲜奉行民主自由的制度,北朝鲜政府对民众的宗教信仰采取开放态度。”请问这句的出处在哪里?--Hello World! () 11:37 2006年1月20日 (UTC)

抱有怀疑。--Iflwlou 05:52 2006年6月27日 (UTC)

改新罗光复平壤为占领 因为此前新罗未曾拥有过平壤 故光复是不适宜的 另外我国辽宁省朝鲜族居住时间并不长 所以去掉


朝鲜民主主义人民共和国-------世界上没有这种国名 请改回朝鲜民主主义人民共和国



平壤” → “平壤市”:平壤的其他城市例如新义州市南浦市等都是带“市”以全称来命名,此外汉字文化圈内其他国家的城市也是这么处理的,因此命名常规里关于中国大陆地名的要求实际上对朝鲜也有效,故应当移动。--侧耳倾听 2021年8月29日 (日) 16:19 (UTC)[回复]