
模板:2019年欧洲议会选举 (法国)

2019年欧洲议会选举结果 (法国)
政党 联盟 投票 议席(74、79)
得票数 得票率 增减 席次 增减 席次率
国民联盟 民族和自由欧洲 5,286,939 23.34% 1.52% 22、23 1 29.11%
共和国前进 欧洲自由民主联盟 5,079,015 22.42% 新政党 21、23 23 29.11%
欧洲生态—绿党 绿党/欧洲自由联盟 3,055,023 13.48% 3.08% 12、13 7 16.46%
共和党 欧洲人民党 1,920,407 8.48% 12.33% 8 12 10.13%
不屈法国 欧洲联合左翼/北欧绿色左翼 1,428,548 6.31% 新政党 6 6 7.59%
社会党 社会主义者和民主人士进步联盟 1,403,170 6.19% 10.69% 5、6 7 7.59%


Comparisons for 2019 results for Europe Ecology – The Greens (EELV) are made with the combined score it received in 2014 of 8.95%, the Independent Ecological Alliance (AEI) with 1.12%, and Régions et Peuples Solidaires (R&PS) with 0.34% (representing 10.41% in total); for the Socialist Party (PS) common list including Place Publique and New Deal, with its score in 13.98% as well as that of New Deal with 2.90% (representing 16.88% in total); the score of the Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI) is compared with the total score of the electoral alliance The Alternative in 2014; for the French Communist Party (PCF), with the Left Front electoral alliance (including the Union for the Overseas).