
模板:Weather box/doc



  • 可选择以公制单位英制单位两者输入数据。
  • 没有使用的参数项可删去。
  • 所有项目是选填,locationsource(或source 1)除外。
  • 如果12个月的数据已填入,“全年”的数值会自动产生。
  • 同一行的所有数据请使用同一精确度,例如 Jan 是0而 Feb 是0.3,则 Jan 填0.0。
  • 如果同一页面使用多个表格,或上面有图像或信息框,请检查模板不会在该页面遮盖其它“物件”或被其它“物件”遮盖。请使用“显示预览”及不同的“字体缩放”测试。如有需要,可在“气候”章节前加上 {{Clear}},或在表格前加 <div style="width:50%;">及在表格后加 </div>,或者添加参数|width=auto以自适应。



{{Weather box    <!-- Infobox 的開始 -->
| collapsed   =  <!-- 留空或移除該參數則不摺疊模板 -->
| open        =  <!-- 保持打開,移除後折叠 -->
| single line =  <!-- 填入任何非空白值,該行在同一格顯示公制及英制單位,留空或移除此參數則分為兩行顯示 -->
| location    =  <!-- 表格標題,建議填寫的字樣為“地名全稱+氣象數據+(其他信息)”,如“北京市氣象數據(平均數據自1986年統計至2015年,極端數據自1951年統計至2021年)” -->

| temperature colour =  <!-- Enter "pastel" for pastel temperature colors, "none" for no colours, remove this line for the standard coloring. -->
<!-- 最大湿热指数 -->
<!-- 仅当来源提供湿热指数时才填写,而截至2015年,仅加拿大等少数国家使用湿热指数。 -->
| Jan maximum humidex  =
| Feb maximum humidex  =
| Mar maximum humidex  =
| Apr maximum humidex  =
| May maximum humidex  =
| Jun maximum humidex  =
| Jul maximum humidex  =
| Aug maximum humidex  =
| Sep maximum humidex  =
| Oct maximum humidex  =
| Nov maximum humidex  =
| Dec maximum humidex  =
| year maximum humidex =
<!-- 历史最高温 -->
<!-- 极端气温参数在主要城市条目中应谨慎使用,且数据的周期要尽可能长。 -->
| Jan record high C =
| Feb record high C =
| Mar record high C =
| Apr record high C =
| May record high C =
| Jun record high C =
| Jul record high C =
| Aug record high C =
| Sep record high C =
| Oct record high C =
| Nov record high C =
| Dec record high C =
<!-- 平均高温 -->
| Jan high C  =
| Feb high C  =
| Mar high C  =
| Apr high C  =
| May high C  =
| Jun high C  =
| Jul high C  =
| Aug high C  =
| Sep high C  =
| Oct high C  =
| Nov high C  =
| Dec high C  =
| year high C =
<!-- 日均气温 -->
| Jan mean C  =
| Feb mean C  =
| Mar mean C  =
| Apr mean C  =
| May mean C  =
| Jun mean C  =
| Jul mean C  =
| Aug mean C  =
| Sep mean C  =
| Oct mean C  =
| Nov mean C  =
| Dec mean C  =
| year mean C =
<!-- 平均低温 -->
| Jan low C  =
| Feb low C  =
| Mar low C  =
| Apr low C  =
| May low C  =
| Jun low C  =
| Jul low C  =
| Aug low C  =
| Sep low C  =
| Oct low C  =
| Nov low C  =
| Dec low C  =
| year low C =
<!-- 历史最低温 -->
<!-- 极端气温参数在主要城市条目中应谨慎使用,且数据的周期要尽可能长。 -->
| Jan record low C =
| Feb record low C =
| Mar record low C =
| Apr record low C =
| May record low C =
| Jun record low C =
| Jul record low C =
| Aug record low C =
| Sep record low C =
| Oct record low C =
| Nov record low C =
| Dec record low C =
<!-- 风寒指数 -->
| Jan chill  =
| Feb chill  =
| Mar chill  =
| Apr chill  =
| May chill  =
| Jun chill  =
| Jul chill  =
| Aug chill  =
| Sep chill  =
| Oct chill  =
| Nov chill  =
| Dec chill  =
| year chill =
<!-- 平均降水量,包含降雨及降雪 -->
| precipitation colour  =  <!-- 表格底色,填写“green”为绿色底色,“none”为无底色,删除此行为蓝色底色 -->
<!-- 单位使用mm或cm,不能同时填写 -->
| Jan precipitation mm  =
| Feb precipitation mm  =
| Mar precipitation mm  =
| Apr precipitation mm  =
| May precipitation mm  =
| Jun precipitation mm  =
| Jul precipitation mm  =
| Aug precipitation mm  =
| Sep precipitation mm  =
| Oct precipitation mm  =
| Nov precipitation mm  =
| Dec precipitation mm  =
| year precipitation mm =

| Jan precipitation cm  = 
| Feb precipitation cm  = 
| Mar precipitation cm  = 
| Apr precipitation cm  = 
| May precipitation cm  = 
| Jun precipitation cm  = 
| Jul precipitation cm  = 
| Aug precipitation cm  = 
| Sep precipitation cm  = 
| Oct precipitation cm  = 
| Nov precipitation cm  = 
| Dec precipitation cm  = 
| year precipitation cm = 

<!-- 平均降雨量 -->
| rain colour  =  <!-- 表格底色,填写“green”为绿色底色,“none”为无底色,删除此行为蓝色底色 -->
<!-- 单位使用mm或cm,不能同时填写 -->
| Jan rain mm  =
| Feb rain mm  =
| Mar rain mm  =
| Apr rain mm  =
| May rain mm  =
| Jun rain mm  =
| Jul rain mm  =
| Aug rain mm  =
| Sep rain mm  =
| Oct rain mm  =
| Nov rain mm  =
| Dec rain mm  =
| year rain mm =

| Jan rain cm  = 
| Feb rain cm  = 
| Mar rain cm  = 
| Apr rain cm  = 
| May rain cm  = 
| Jun rain cm  = 
| Jul rain cm  = 
| Aug rain cm  = 
| Sep rain cm  = 
| Oct rain cm  = 
| Nov rain cm  = 
| Dec rain cm  = 
| year rain cm = 

<!-- 平均降雪量 -->
<!-- 单位使用mm或cm,不能同时填写 -->
<!-- IMPORTANT: Do NOT use snow depth information in the snowfall area! These are 2 different kinds of data! -->
| snow colour  =  <!-- 表格底色,填写“green”为绿色底色,“none”为无底色,删除此行为蓝色底色 -->
| Jan snow mm  =
| Feb snow mm  =
| Mar snow mm  =
| Apr snow mm  =
| May snow mm  =
| Jun snow mm  =
| Jul snow mm  =
| Aug snow mm  =
| Sep snow mm  =
| Oct snow mm  =
| Nov snow mm  =
| Dec snow mm  =
| year snow mm =

| Jan snow cm  = 
| Feb snow cm  = 
| Mar snow cm  = 
| Apr snow cm  = 
| May snow cm  = 
| Jun snow cm  = 
| Jul snow cm  = 
| Aug snow cm  = 
| Sep snow cm  = 
| Oct snow cm  = 
| Nov snow cm  = 
| Dec snow cm  = 
| year snow cm = 

<!-- 平均相对湿度(%) -->
<!-- If entering the average daily % humidity, then the humidex table should be used. 截至2009年12月,除加拿大外,很少有國家使用 Humidex。 -->
| humidity colour =  <!-- Enter "green" for green humidity colors, "pastel" for pastel humidity colours, "none" for no colours, remove this line for blue coloring. -->
| time day        =  <!-- The time of day the humidity was measured at.-->
| daily           =  <!-- Enter "Y" if the humidity is for the entire day-->
| Jan humidity    =
| Feb humidity    =
| Mar humidity    =
| Apr humidity    =
| May humidity    =
| Jun humidity    =
| Jul humidity    =
| Aug humidity    =
| Sep humidity    =
| Oct humidity    =
| Nov humidity    =
| Dec humidity    =
| year humidity   =
<!-- 平均降水天数 -->
| unit precipitation days =  <!-- If entering the average number of days, then the unit requirement should be used, because this varies between countries. E.g. 0.2 cm, 0.2 mm. -->
| precip days colour      =  <!-- Enter "green" for green colors, "pastel" for pastel colours, "none" for no colours, remove this line for blue coloring. Affects rain and snow days as well -->
| Jan precipitation days  =
| Feb precipitation days  =
| Mar precipitation days  =
| Apr precipitation days  =
| May precipitation days  =
| Jun precipitation days  =
| Jul precipitation days  =
| Aug precipitation days  =
| Sep precipitation days  =
| Oct precipitation days  =
| Nov precipitation days  =
| Dec precipitation days  =
| year precipitation days =
<!-- 平均降雨天数 -->
| unit rain days =  <!-- If entering the average number of days, then the unit requirement should be used, because this varies between countries. E.g. 0.2 cm, 0.2 mm. -->
| Jan rain days  =
| Feb rain days  =
| Mar rain days  =
| Apr rain days  =
| May rain days  =
| Jun rain days  =
| Jul rain days  =
| Aug rain days  =
| Sep rain days  =
| Oct rain days  =
| Nov rain days  =
| Dec rain days  =
| year rain days =
<!-- 平均降雪天数 -->
| unit snow days =  <!-- If entering the average number of days, then the unit requirement should be used, because this varies between countries. E.g. 0.2 cm, 0.2 mm. -->
| Jan snow days  =
| Feb snow days  =
| Mar snow days  =
| Apr snow days  =
| May snow days  =
| Jun snow days  =
| Jul snow days  =
| Aug snow days  =
| Sep snow days  =
| Oct snow days  =
| Nov snow days  =
| Dec snow days  =
| year snow days =
<!-- 每月平均日照時數。每月總數為佳,會產生顏色,百分比也接受。 -->
| Jan sun  =
| Feb sun  =  <!-- For February only if the source gives daily hours, please multiply by 28.25, not 28 -->
| Mar sun  =
| Apr sun  =
| May sun  =
| Jun sun  =
| Jul sun  =
| Aug sun  =
| Sep sun  =
| Oct sun  =
| Nov sun  =
| Dec sun  =
| year sun =
<!-- Average daily sunshine hours. Use either the monthly or daily sunshine (depending on the source) but not both. -->
| Jand sun  =
| Febd sun  =
| Mard sun  =
| Aprd sun  =
| Mayd sun  =
| Jund sun  =
| Juld sun  =
| Augd sun  =
| Sepd sun  =
| Octd sun  =
| Novd sun  =
| Decd sun  =
| yeard sun =
<!-- 可照百分比 Number of daylight hours already factored into this number. Note that since this is possible sunshine, nighttime hours should not be included in this calculation. Will produce colors. -->
| Jan percentsun  =
| Feb percentsun  = 
| Mar percentsun  =
| Apr percentsun  =
| May percentsun  =
| Jun percentsun  =
| Jul percentsun  =
| Aug percentsun  =
| Sep percentsun  =
| Oct percentsun  =
| Nov percentsun  =
| Dec percentsun  =
| year percentsun =
<!-- 来源,必填字段 -->
| source = <ref name="">{{cite web |url= |title= |publisher= |access-date=10月 17, 2024 }}</ref>
<!-- 来源2 -->
| source 2 = <ref name="">{{cite web |url= |title= |publisher= |access-date=10月 17, 2024 }}</ref>
}}<!-- Infobox ends -->



{{Weather box    <!-- Infobox 的開始 -->
| collapsed   =  <!-- 留空或移除該參數則不摺疊模板 -->
| open        =  <!-- 保持打開,移除後折叠 -->
| single line =  <!-- 填入任何非空白值,該行在同一格顯示公制及英制單位,留空或移除此參數則分為兩行顯示 -->
| location    =  <!-- 表格標題,建議填寫的字樣為“地名全稱+氣象數據+(其他信息)”,如“北京市氣象數據(平均數據自1986年統計至2015年,極端數據自1951年統計至2021年)” -->

| temperature colour =  <!-- Enter "pastel" for pastel temperature colors, "none" for no colours, remove this line for the standard coloring. -->
<!-- Record high temperatures -->
<!-- Note that record temperatures should be used sparingly in main city articles, and should only be used when the data period is of the greatest length possible. -->
| Jan record high F =
| Feb record high F =
| Mar record high F =
| Apr record high F =
| May record high F =
| Jun record high F =
| Jul record high F =
| Aug record high F =
| Sep record high F =
| Oct record high F =
| Nov record high F =
| Dec record high F =
<!-- Average high temperatures -->
| Jan high F  =
| Feb high F  =
| Mar high F  =
| Apr high F  =
| May high F  =
| Jun high F  =
| Jul high F  =
| Aug high F  =
| Sep high F  =
| Oct high F  =
| Nov high F  =
| Dec high F  =
| year high F =
<!-- Mean daily temperature -->
| Jan mean F  =
| Feb mean F  =
| Mar mean F  =
| Apr mean F  =
| May mean F  =
| Jun mean F  =
| Jul mean F  =
| Aug mean F  =
| Sep mean F  =
| Oct mean F  =
| Nov mean F  =
| Dec mean F  =
| year mean F =
<!-- Average low temperatures -->
| Jan low F  =
| Feb low F  =
| Mar low F  =
| Apr low F  =
| May low F  =
| Jun low F  =
| Jul low F  =
| Aug low F  =
| Sep low F  =
| Oct low F  =
| Nov low F  =
| Dec low F  =
| year low F =
<!-- Record low temperatures -->
<!-- Note that record temperatures should be used sparingly in main city articles, and should only be used when the data period is of the greatest length possible. -->
| Jan record low F =
| Feb record low F =
| Mar record low F =
| Apr record low F =
| May record low F =
| Jun record low F =
| Jul record low F =
| Aug record low F =
| Sep record low F =
| Oct record low F =
| Nov record low F =
| Dec record low F =
<!-- Total precipitation, this should include rain and snow. -->
| precipitation colour    =  <!-- Enter "green" for green precipitation colors, "none" for no colours, remove this line for blue coloring. -->
| Jan precipitation inch  =
| Feb precipitation inch  =
| Mar precipitation inch  =
| Apr precipitation inch  =
| May precipitation inch  =
| Jun precipitation inch  =
| Jul precipitation inch  =
| Aug precipitation inch  =
| Sep precipitation inch  =
| Oct precipitation inch  =
| Nov precipitation inch  =
| Dec precipitation inch  =
| year precipitation inch =
<!-- Rainfall -->
| rain colour    =  <!-- Enter "green" for green rainfall colors, "none" for no colours, remove this line for blue coloring. -->
| Jan rain inch  =
| Feb rain inch  =
| Mar rain inch  =
| Apr rain inch  =
| May rain inch  =
| Jun rain inch  =
| Jul rain inch  =
| Aug rain inch  =
| Sep rain inch  =
| Oct rain inch  =
| Nov rain inch  =
| Dec rain inch  =
| year rain inch =
<!-- Snowfall -->
<!-- IMPORTANT: Do NOT use snow depth information in the snowfall area. These are 2 different kinds of data! -->
| snow colour    =  <!-- Enter "green" for green snowfall colors, "none" for no colours, remove this line for blue coloring. -->
| Jan snow inch  =
| Feb snow inch  =
| Mar snow inch  =
| Apr snow inch  =
| May snow inch  =
| Jun snow inch  =
| Jul snow inch  =
| Aug snow inch  =
| Sep snow inch  =
| Oct snow inch  =
| Nov snow inch  =
| Dec snow inch  =
| year snow inch =
<!-- Average daily % humidity -->
| time day        =  <!-- The time of day the humidity was measured at.-->
| daily           =  <!-- Enter "Y" if the humidity is for the entire day-->
| humidity colour =  <!-- Enter "green" for green humidity colors, "pastel" for pastel humidity colours, "none" for no colours, remove this line for blue coloring. -->
| Jan humidity    =
| Feb humidity    =
| Mar humidity    =
| Apr humidity    =
| May humidity    =
| Jun humidity    =
| Jul humidity    =
| Aug humidity    =
| Sep humidity    =
| Oct humidity    =
| Nov humidity    =
| Dec humidity    =
| year humidity   =
<!-- The humidex table can be used only if the source provides humidex values. 截至2015年7月,除加拿大外,很少有國家使用 Humidex。 -->
<!-- Maximum Humidex -->
| Jan maximum humidex  =
| Feb maximum humidex  =
| Mar maximum humidex  =
| Apr maximum humidex  =
| May maximum humidex  =
| Jun maximum humidex  =
| Jul maximum humidex  =
| Aug maximum humidex  =
| Sep maximum humidex  =
| Oct maximum humidex  =
| Nov maximum humidex  =
| Dec maximum humidex  =
| year maximum humidex =
<!-- Minimum wind chill -->
| Jan chill  =
| Feb chill  =
| Mar chill  =
| Apr chill  =
| May chill  =
| Jun chill  =
| Jul chill  =
| Aug chill  =
| Sep chill  =
| Oct chill  =
| Nov chill  =
| Dec chill  =
| year chill =
<!-- Average number of precipitation days -->
| unit precipitation days =  <!-- If entering the average number of days, then the unit requirement should be used, because this varies between countries. E.g. 0.1 in, 0.01 in. -->
| precip days colour      =  <!-- Enter "green" for green colors, "pastel" for pastel colours, "none" for no colours, remove this line for blue coloring. Affects rain and snow days as well -->
| Jan precipitation days  =
| Feb precipitation days  =
| Mar precipitation days  =
| Apr precipitation days  =
| May precipitation days  =
| Jun precipitation days  =
| Jul precipitation days  =
| Aug precipitation days  =
| Sep precipitation days  =
| Oct precipitation days  =
| Nov precipitation days  =
| Dec precipitation days  =
| year precipitation days =
<!-- Average number of rainy days -->
| unit rain days =  <!-- If entering the average number of days, then the unit requirement should be used, because this varies between countries. E.g. 0.1 in, 0.01 in. -->
| Jan rain days  =
| Feb rain days  =
| Mar rain days  =
| Apr rain days  =
| May rain days  =
| Jun rain days  =
| Jul rain days  =
| Aug rain days  =
| Sep rain days  =
| Oct rain days  =
| Nov rain days  =
| Dec rain days  =
| year rain days =
<!-- Average number of snowy days -->
| unit snow days =  <!-- If entering the average number of days, then the unit requirement should be used, because this varies between countries. E.g. 0.1 in, 0.01 in. -->
| Jan snow days  =
| Feb snow days  =
| Mar snow days  =
| Apr snow days  =
| May snow days  =
| Jun snow days  =
| Jul snow days  =
| Aug snow days  =
| Sep snow days  =
| Oct snow days  =
| Nov snow days  =
| Dec snow days  =
| year snow days =
<!-- 每月平均日照時數。每月總數為佳,會產生顏色,百分比也接受。 -->
| Jan sun  =
| Feb sun  =  <!-- For February only if the source gives daily hours, please multiply by 28.25, not 28 -->
| Mar sun  =
| Apr sun  =
| May sun  =
| Jun sun  =
| Jul sun  =
| Aug sun  =
| Sep sun  =
| Oct sun  =
| Nov sun  =
| Dec sun  =
| year sun =
<!-- Average daily sunshine hours. Use either the monthly or daily sunshine (depending on the source) but not both. -->
| Jand sun  =
| Febd sun  = 
| Mard sun  =
| Aprd sun  =
| Mayd sun  =
| Jund sun  =
| Juld sun  =
| Augd sun  =
| Sepd sun  =
| Octd sun  =
| Novd sun  =
| Decd sun  =
| yeard sun =
<!-- Average percent of possible sunshine. Number of daylight hours already factored into this number. Note that since this is possible sunshine, nighttime hours should not be included in this calculation. Will produce colors. -->
| Jan percentsun  =
| Feb percentsun  = 
| Mar percentsun  =
| Apr percentsun  =
| May percentsun  =
| Jun percentsun  =
| Jul percentsun  =
| Aug percentsun  =
| Sep percentsun  =
| Oct percentsun  =
| Nov percentsun  =
| Dec percentsun  =
| year percentsun =
<!-- Mandatory fields, source -->
| source = <ref name="">{{cite web |url= |title= |publisher= |access-date=10月 17, 2024 }}</ref>
<!-- For a second source -->
| source 2 = <ref name="">{{cite web |url= |title= |publisher= |access-date=10月 17, 2024 }}</ref>
}}<!-- Infobox ends -->


When one parameter of one system is filled in, then the corresponding value will be converted and displayed automatically.

{{Weather box    <!-- Infobox 的開始 -->
| collapsed   =  <!-- 留空或移除該參數則不摺疊模板 -->
| open        =  <!-- 保持打開,移除後折叠 -->
| single line =  <!-- 填入任何非空白值,該行在同一格顯示公制及英制單位,留空或移除此參數則分為兩行顯示 -->
| location    =  <!-- 表格標題,建議填寫的字樣為“地名全稱+氣象數據+(其他信息)”,如“北京市氣象數據(平均數據自1986年統計至2015年,極端數據自1951年統計至2021年)” -->

| temperature colour =  <!-- Enter "pastel" for pastel temperature colors, "none" for no colours, remove this line for the standard coloring. -->
<!-- Maximum Humidex -->
<!-- The humidex table can be used only if the source provides humidex values. As of July 2015, few if any countries other than Canada use the Humidex. -->
| Jan maximum humidex  =
| Feb maximum humidex  =
| Mar maximum humidex  =
| Apr maximum humidex  =
| May maximum humidex  =
| Jun maximum humidex  =
| Jul maximum humidex  =
| Aug maximum humidex  =
| Sep maximum humidex  =
| Oct maximum humidex  =
| Nov maximum humidex  =
| Dec maximum humidex  =
| year maximum humidex =
<!-- Record high temperatures -->
<!-- Note that record temperatures should be used sparingly in main city articles, and should only be used when the data period is of the greatest length possible. -->
| Jan record high F  =   | Jan record high C  =
| Feb record high F  =   | Feb record high C  =
| Mar record high F  =   | Mar record high C  =
| Apr record high F  =   | Apr record high C  =
| May record high F  =   | May record high C  =
| Jun record high F  =   | Jun record high C  =
| Jul record high F  =   | Jul record high C  =
| Aug record high F  =   | Aug record high C  =
| Sep record high F  =   | Sep record high C  =
| Oct record high F  =   | Oct record high C  =
| Nov record high F  =   | Nov record high C  =
| Dec record high F  =   | Dec record high C  =
| year record high F =   | year record high C =
<!-- Average high temperatures -->
| Jan high F  =   | Jan high C  =
| Feb high F  =   | Feb high C  =
| Mar high F  =   | Mar high C  =
| Apr high F  =   | Apr high C  =
| May high F  =   | May high C  =
| Jun high F  =   | Jun high C  =
| Jul high F  =   | Jul high C  =
| Aug high F  =   | Aug high C  =
| Sep high F  =   | Sep high C  =
| Oct high F  =   | Oct high C  =
| Nov high F  =   | Nov high C  =
| Dec high F  =   | Dec high C  =
| year high F =   | year high C =
<!-- Mean daily temperature -->
| Jan mean F  =   | Jan mean C  =
| Feb mean F  =   | Feb mean C  =
| Mar mean F  =   | Mar mean C  =
| Apr mean F  =   | Apr mean C  =
| May mean F  =   | May mean C  =
| Jun mean F  =   | Jun mean C  =
| Jul mean F  =   | Jul mean C  =
| Aug mean F  =   | Aug mean C  =
| Sep mean F  =   | Sep mean C  =
| Oct mean F  =   | Oct mean C  =
| Nov mean F  =   | Nov mean C  =
| Dec mean F  =   | Dec mean C  =
| year mean F =   | year mean C =
<!-- Average low temperatures -->
| Jan low F  =   | Jan low C  =
| Feb low F  =   | Feb low C  =
| Mar low F  =   | Mar low C  =
| Apr low F  =   | Apr low C  =
| May low F  =   | May low C  =
| Jun low F  =   | Jun low C  =
| Jul low F  =   | Jul low C  =
| Aug low F  =   | Aug low C  =
| Sep low F  =   | Sep low C  =
| Oct low F  =   | Oct low C  =
| Nov low F  =   | Nov low C  =
| Dec low F  =   | Dec low C  =
| year low F =   | year low C =
<!-- Record low temperatures -->
<!-- Note that record temperatures should be used sparingly in main city articles, and should only be used when the data period is of the greatest length possible. -->
| Jan record low F  =   | Jan record low C  =
| Feb record low F  =   | Feb record low C  =
| Mar record low F  =   | Mar record low C  =
| Apr record low F  =   | Apr record low C  =
| May record low F  =   | May record low C  =
| Jun record low F  =   | Jun record low C  =
| Jul record low F  =   | Jul record low C  =
| Aug record low F  =   | Aug record low C  =
| Sep record low F  =   | Sep record low C  =
| Oct record low F  =   | Oct record low C  =
| Nov record low F  =   | Nov record low C  =
| Dec record low F  =   | Dec record low C  =
| year record low F =   | year record low C =
<!-- Minimum wind chill -->
| Jan chill  =
| Feb chill  =
| Mar chill  =
| Apr chill  =
| May chill  =
| Jun chill  =
| Jul chill  =
| Aug chill  =
| Sep chill  =
| Oct chill  =
| Nov chill  =
| Dec chill  =
| year chill =
<!-- Total precipitation, this should include rain and snow. -->
| precipitation colour =  <!-- Enter "green" for green precipitation colors, "none" for no colours, remove this line for blue coloring. -->
<!-- IMPORTANT: use only one unit type! -->
| Jan precipitation inch  =   | Jan precipitation cm  =   | Jan precipitation mm  =
| Feb precipitation inch  =   | Feb precipitation cm  =   | Feb precipitation mm  =
| Mar precipitation inch  =   | Mar precipitation cm  =   | Mar precipitation mm  =
| Apr precipitation inch  =   | Apr precipitation cm  =   | Apr precipitation mm  =
| May precipitation inch  =   | May precipitation cm  =   | May precipitation mm  =
| Jun precipitation inch  =   | Jun precipitation cm  =   | Jun precipitation mm  =
| Jul precipitation inch  =   | Jul precipitation cm  =   | Jul precipitation mm  =
| Aug precipitation inch  =   | Aug precipitation cm  =   | Aug precipitation mm  =
| Sep precipitation inch  =   | Sep precipitation cm  =   | Sep precipitation mm  =
| Oct precipitation inch  =   | Oct precipitation cm  =   | Oct precipitation mm  =
| Nov precipitation inch  =   | Nov precipitation cm  =   | Nov precipitation mm  =
| Dec precipitation inch  =   | Dec precipitation cm  =   | Dec precipitation mm  =
| year precipitation inch =   | year precipitation cm =   | year precipitation mm =
<!-- Rainfall -->
| rain colour  =  <!-- Enter "green" for green rainfall colors, "none" for no colours, remove this line for blue coloring. -->
<!-- IMPORTANT: use only one unit type! -->
| Jan rain inch  =   | Jan rain cm  =   | Jan rain mm  =
| Feb rain inch  =   | Feb rain cm  =   | Feb rain mm  =
| Mar rain inch  =   | Mar rain cm  =   | Mar rain mm  =
| Apr rain inch  =   | Apr rain cm  =   | Apr rain mm  =
| May rain inch  =   | May rain cm  =   | May rain mm  =
| Jun rain inch  =   | Jun rain cm  =   | Jun rain mm  =
| Jul rain inch  =   | Jul rain cm  =   | Jul rain mm  =
| Aug rain inch  =   | Aug rain cm  =   | Aug rain mm  =
| Sep rain inch  =   | Sep rain cm  =   | Sep rain mm  =
| Oct rain inch  =   | Oct rain cm  =   | Oct rain mm  =
| Nov rain inch  =   | Nov rain cm  =   | Nov rain mm  =
| Dec rain inch  =   | Dec rain cm  =   | Dec rain mm  =
| year rain inch =   | year rain cm =   | year rain mm =
<!-- Snowfall -->
| snow colour  =  <!-- Enter "green" for green snowfall colors, "none" for no colours, remove this line for blue coloring. -->
<!-- IMPORTANT: Do NOT use snow depth information in the snowfall area! These are 2 different kinds of data! -->
<!-- IMPORTANT: use only one unit type! -->
| Jan snow inch  =   | Jan snow cm  =   | Jan snow mm  =
| Feb snow inch  =   | Feb snow cm  =   | Feb snow mm  =
| Mar snow inch  =   | Mar snow cm  =   | Mar snow mm  =
| Apr snow inch  =   | Apr snow cm  =   | Apr snow mm  =
| May snow inch  =   | May snow cm  =   | May snow mm  =
| Jun snow inch  =   | Jun snow cm  =   | Jun snow mm  =
| Jul snow inch  =   | Jul snow cm  =   | Jul snow mm  =
| Aug snow inch  =   | Aug snow cm  =   | Aug snow mm  =
| Sep snow inch  =   | Sep snow cm  =   | Sep snow mm  =
| Oct snow inch  =   | Oct snow cm  =   | Oct snow mm  =
| Nov snow inch  =   | Nov snow cm  =   | Nov snow mm  =
| Dec snow inch  =   | Dec snow cm  =   | Dec snow mm  =
| year snow inch =   | year snow cm =   | year snow mm =
<!-- Average daily % humidity -->
<!-- If entering the average daily % humidity, then the humidex table should be used. As of December 2009, few if any countries other than Canada use the Humidex. -->
| humidity colour =  <!-- Enter "green" for green humidity colors, "pastel" for pastel humidity colours, "none" for no colours, remove this line for blue coloring. -->
| time day        =  <!-- The time of day the humidity was measured at.-->
| daily           =  <!-- Enter "Y" if the humidity is for the entire day-->
| Jan humidity    =
| Feb humidity    =
| Mar humidity    =
| Apr humidity    =
| May humidity    =
| Jun humidity    =
| Jul humidity    =
| Aug humidity    =
| Sep humidity    =
| Oct humidity    =
| Nov humidity    =
| Dec humidity    =
| year humidity   =
<!-- Average number of precipitation days -->
| unit precipitation days =  <!-- If entering the average number of days, then the unit requirement should be used, because this varies between countries. E.g. 0.01 in, 0.2 mm. -->
| precip days colour      =  <!-- Enter "green" for green colors, "pastel" for pastel colours, "none" for no colours, remove this line for blue coloring. Affects rain and snow days as well -->
| Jan precipitation days  =
| Feb precipitation days  =
| Mar precipitation days  =
| Apr precipitation days  =
| May precipitation days  =
| Jun precipitation days  =
| Jul precipitation days  =
| Aug precipitation days  =
| Sep precipitation days  =
| Oct precipitation days  =
| Nov precipitation days  =
| Dec precipitation days  =
| year precipitation days =
<!-- Average number of rainy days -->
| unit rain days =  <!-- If entering the average number of days, then the unit requirement should be used, because this varies between countries. E.g. 0.01 in, 0.2 mm. -->
| Jan rain days  =
| Feb rain days  =
| Mar rain days  =
| Apr rain days  =
| May rain days  =
| Jun rain days  =
| Jul rain days  =
| Aug rain days  =
| Sep rain days  =
| Oct rain days  =
| Nov rain days  =
| Dec rain days  =
| year rain days =
<!-- Average number of snowy days -->
| unit snow days =  <!-- If entering the average number of days, then the unit requirement should be used, because this varies between countries. E.g. 0.1 in, 0.2 cm. -->
| Jan snow days  =
| Feb snow days  =
| Mar snow days  =
| Apr snow days  =
| May snow days  =
| Jun snow days  =
| Jul snow days  =
| Aug snow days  =
| Sep snow days  =
| Oct snow days  =
| Nov snow days  =
| Dec snow days  =
| year snow days =
<!-- Average monthly sunshine hours, monthly totals are preferred, and will produce colours, but percentages are accepted. Use either the monthly or daily sunshine (depending on the source) but not both. -->
| Jan sun  =
| Feb sun  =  <!-- For February only if the source gives daily hours, please multiply by 28.25, not 28 -->
| Mar sun  =
| Apr sun  =
| May sun  =
| Jun sun  =
| Jul sun  =
| Aug sun  =
| Sep sun  =
| Oct sun  =
| Nov sun  =
| Dec sun  =
| year sun =
<!-- Average daily sunshine hours. Use either the monthly or daily sunshine (depending on the source) but not both. -->
| Jand sun  =
| Febd sun  = 
| Mard sun  =
| Aprd sun  =
| Mayd sun  =
| Jund sun  =
| Juld sun  =
| Augd sun  =
| Sepd sun  =
| Octd sun  =
| Novd sun  =
| Decd sun  =
| yeard sun =
<!-- Average percent of possible sunshine. Number of daylight hours already factored into this number. Note that since this is possible sunshine, nighttime hours should not be included in this calculation. Will produce colors. -->
| Jan percentsun  =
| Feb percentsun  = 
| Mar percentsun  =
| Apr percentsun  =
| May percentsun  =
| Jun percentsun  =
| Jul percentsun  =
| Aug percentsun  =
| Sep percentsun  =
| Oct percentsun  =
| Nov percentsun  =
| Dec percentsun  =
| year percentsun =
<!-- Mandatory fields, source -->
| source = <ref name="">{{cite web |url= |title= |publisher= |access-date=10月 17, 2024 }}</ref>
<!-- For a second source -->
| source 2 = <ref name="">{{cite web |url= |title= |publisher= |access-date=10月 17, 2024 }}</ref>
}}<!-- Infobox ends -->


When this template is used in template space, it may be desirable to provide view and edit links to the template (similar to a navbox). This can be be accomplished by setting the name parameter to be the name of the template.

| name = {{subst:PAGENAME}}



  • {{Weather box/concise C}} - 如果只想填入12个月的平均高温、平均低温和降水量并显示为摄氏度和毫米,可以用此精简版模板。
  • {{Weather box/concise F}} - 如果只想填入12个月的平均高温、平均低温和降水量并显示为华氏度和吋,可以用此精简版模板。
