


世界穆斯林聯盟(阿拉伯語:رابطة العالم الاسلامي‎,羅馬化Rabitat al-Alam al-Islami )是一個國際伊斯蘭[1]非政府組織,總部位於沙烏地阿拉伯麥加[2][3][4]該非政府組織成立於1962年,而且一直受到沙特政府的資助。 [5]該組織一直在宣傳伊斯蘭教,並且鼓勵非穆斯林皈依伊斯蘭教[3] ,並回應外界對伊斯蘭教的批評。該組織還會資助修建清真寺、為遭受自然災害的穆斯林提供救濟、散發《古蘭經》。 [6]


  1. ^ Juan Eduardo Campo. Encyclopedia of Islam. Infobase Publishing. 1 January 2009: 511–. ISBN 978-1-4381-2696-8. 
  2. ^ First Presidency Welcomes Leader of Muslim World League. newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org. 2019-11-06 [2019-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2023-05-20) (英語). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Muslim World League and World Assembly of Muslim Youth. Pew Research Center. 15 Sep 2010 [2 August 2013]. (原始內容存檔於9 September 2013). 
  4. ^ James Piscatori; Saad S. Khan. Organization of the Islamic Conference. The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World. [2015-11-03]. (原始內容存檔於2016-09-19). The movement for Pan-Islamic unity, however, was not without some results. Its tenacious adherence to the concept of a united world of Islam ultimately triumphed in the 1960s, when new and more vigorous attempts to develop bonds among Muslim countries emerged. The Saudi crown prince, later King Fayṣal, led this new effort, motivated by his desire to contain Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser's Arab nationalism. He toured Pakistan, Iran, Jordan, Sudan, Turkey, Morocco, Guinea, Mali, and Tunisia advocating an Islamic ummah. In 1962 Saudi Arabia also established a philanthropic organization, the Muslim World League (Rābiṭat al-ʿĀlam al-Islāmī) to combat socialism and secularism.  Authors list列表缺少|last1= (幫助)
  5. ^ Islam in the World Today: A Handbook of Politics, Religion, Culture, and Society. Cornell University Press. 15 December 2011: 745–. ISBN 978-0-8014-6489-8. 
  6. ^ Jacob M. Landau. Pan-Islam: History and Politics. Routledge. 24 July 2015: 258. ISBN 978-1-317-39753-3.