

座標40°51′26″N 79°58′16″W / 40.85722°N 79.97111°W / 40.85722; -79.97111
唐納·川普在美國特勤局保鏢掩護下起身並向群眾握拳高舉示意,可見其右耳已被提詞器碎片劃傷。由美聯社攝影記者埃文·武奇(Evan Vucci)所拍攝。
位置 美國賓夕法尼亞州巴特勒
日期2024年7月13日 (2024-07-13)
18:11 EDT(19小時前)[1]






川普的演講開始六分鐘後[23],他向其支持者展示一份有關邊境口岸的數字圖表,這時兩陣槍聲響起,人群開始尖叫。美國特勤局特工衝向並貼身包圍保護川普,川普趴在地上大約25秒[23]。在這一過程之中,一位觀眾頭部中彈當場斃命[24],被子彈擦傷右耳的川普[25][26][27],臉上和右耳上滿是鮮血。在槍擊結束後,川普起身於台上高舉右手拳頭向觀眾執意,連喊三聲「戰鬥!戰鬥!戰鬥!」(Fight! Fight! Fight![28],引來現場熱烈的歡呼和高喊「U-S-A!英語U-S-A!」。隨後他被特勤局特工匆忙護送下演講台並帶入專車。

聯邦調查局確認兇手是賓夕法尼亞州男子湯瑪斯·馬修·克魯克斯(Thomas Matthew Crooks)[29][30][31],他在2021年1月20日美國總統拜登就職典禮當天透過民主黨籌資平台ActBlue英語ActBlue向親近該黨立場的選民團體「進步投票率計畫」(Progressive Turnout Project)捐了15美元[32][33][34],但他在同年9月註冊成為共和黨黨員[29]。嫌疑槍手沒有接受安全檢查,因為他在集會的安全範圍之外;他爬上了川普以北200-400英尺(61-122米)的一個棚子的屋頂[35]

兇手在槍擊事件發生後不久被美國特勤局反突擊隊狙擊手擊斃。[35]他的屍體在屋頂上被發現,[36]照片顯示他穿著一件疑似來自YouTube槍支推廣頻道Demolition Ranch的襯衫。[37][38]川普隨後被送往巴特勒紀念醫院接受檢查。他隨後出院。[39]他的車隊於美東時間晚上9點30分左右離開醫院,前往匹茲堡國際機場[20][40][41]曾擔任川普總統醫生和首席醫療顧問的美國眾議員羅尼·傑克森後來告訴福克斯新聞,他的侄子脖子中彈[42]





美國總統拜登在聽聞此消息後發表簡短的演說,譴責暴力行為「令人髮指」,表示「美國容不得這種暴力行為」,並與川普通了電話[20][43][12][44]。白宮官員沒有透露兩人談論了什麼。白宮同時稱,拜登還與賓夕法尼亞州州長喬治·夏皮羅和巴特勒市市長鮑勃·丹多伊(Bob Dandoy)進行了交談。拜登的競選團隊在事發當天晚上的一份聲明中表示,將暫停「所有對外宣傳溝通」,並正在努力「儘快撤下我們的電視廣告」。[45]拜登的競選團隊認為此時攻擊川普並不合適,反而應當集中精力譴責所發生的事情。拜登總統將於當晚返回白宮。拜登原定在德拉瓦州度過周末,但這一事件改變了他的計劃。




紐約州民主黨參議員、現任參議院多數黨領袖查克·舒默在一份聲明中表示:「我對賓夕法尼亞州川普集會上發生的事件感到震驚,並欣慰地得知前總統川普現在是安全的。」[49][50]賓夕法尼亞州州長、民主黨人喬什·夏皮羅在一份聲明中表示,他已經聽取了情況報告,州警方正在現場與聯邦警方合作。賓夕法尼亞州警方於早些時候表示,川普不是被子彈擊中,而是被玻璃碎片擊中,並稱這些碎片來自被子彈擊中的讀稿機[12]。賓夕法尼亞州警察局的喬治·比文斯(George Bivens)表示,集會現場的警察表現「英勇」[20]




川普的競選發言人史蒂文·張(Steven Cheung)也證實川普無大礙[44][55]

J.D. Vance X的logo,一個風格化的X字母

英語:Today is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump's attempted assassination.




美國特勤局和其他執法機構尚未公開證實川普耳朵中槍,只說有人開槍,且前總統目前「安全」。 特勤局發言人安瑟尼·古列爾米表示,嫌疑槍手「朝舞台開了數槍」,並處於集會場地外的「高處」。聯邦調查局宣布將在特勤局、州和地方執法機構的協助下領導調查。聯邦調查局正在與司法部、美國特勤局以及美國菸酒槍炮及爆炸物管理局多方進行調查。 [58]





美聯社的記者埃文·武奇(Evan Vucci)拍攝的一張川普在空中揮拳的照片在社交媒體上傳播開來。這張照片隨後被共和黨人廣泛使用,包括全國共和黨參議院委員會。《政客》雜誌表示,一些人將其用作「兜售陰謀論和煽動政治緊張局勢的機會」。[62]紐約客》的班傑明·華萊士-威爾斯說:「這已經是我們這個政治危機和衝突時代不可磨滅的形象。他分析說,「武奇所攝照片中的一些元素與川普的無數其他要素相似」,並得出結論,「這捕捉了一個他希望被看到的形象,這是如此完美,事實上,它可能比其他所有要素都要更加持久。" [63]商業內幕》回應了這些觀點,並評價稱,這「已成為共和黨人連任選舉中最具標誌性的形象」[64]





  1. ^ Nolfi, Joey (July 13, 2024). "Donald Trump grazed by gunfire at rally in Pennsylvania". Entertainment Weekly.
  2. ^ Trump shot in ear in rally assassination attempt. BBC. 2024-07-13 [2024-07-13] (英語). 
  3. ^ Trump wounded in assassination attempt. Biden calls it 'sick': Here's what we know. USA Today. 2024-07-13 [2024-07-13] (英語). 
  4. ^ Australian PM says 'no place for violence in democratic process' after Trump assassination attempt. The Guardian. 2024-07-13 [2024-07-13] (英語). 
  5. ^ Trump shot in ear in rally assassination attempt. BBC. 2024-07-13 [2024-07-13] (英語). 
  6. ^ Trump wounded in assassination attempt. Biden calls it 'sick': Here's what we know. USA Today. 2024-07-13 [2024-07-13] (英語). 
  7. ^ Australian PM says 'no place for violence in democratic process' after Trump assassination attempt. The Guardian. 2024-07-13 [2024-07-13] (英語). 
  8. ^ JILL COLVIN, JULIE CARR SMYTH, COLLEEN LONG, ERIC TUCKER, MICHAEL BALSAMO AND MICHELLE L. PRICE. Trump rally shooting is being investigated as an assassination attempt, officials say. apnews. [2024-07-14] (英語). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Live updates: Shooter dead, rally attendee killed and Trump whisked off stage after gunshots ring out at rally. [2024-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-13) (英語). 
  10. ^ Levien, Simon J. Report From the Scene: ‘Get Down! Shots Fired!’. The New York Times. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美國英語). 
  11. ^ Gold, Michael; Levien, Simon; Robertson, Campbell. Trump 'Safe' After What Sounded Like Gunshots at Rally. 紐約時報. 2024-07-13 [2024-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-13) (英語). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 趙熹 (編). 枪击事件发生后 白宫称拜登与特朗普通话. 新京報. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] (中文). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Katersky, Aaron. Trump rally shooter used AR-15-style rifle, Secret Service says. ABC News. [2024-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-14) (英語). 
  14. ^ Watson, Kathryn. Trump says bullet 'pierced the upper part of my right ear' when shots were fired at Pennsylvania rally - CBS News. CBS News. 2024-07-13 [2024-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-14) (美國英語). 
  15. ^ Gunshots reportedly fired at Donald Trump rally – as former president rushed off stage. Sky News. [2024-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-13). 
  16. ^ Hayes, Christal. Trump, with blood on face, raises fist in air. BBC. [July 13, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於July 14, 2024). 
  17. ^ Live updates: Trump says he was shot in the ear during rally; one attendee and shooter are dead. Associated Press News. [July 13, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於July 13, 2024). 
  18. ^ Aaron Josefczyk , Jasper Ward and Kanishka Singh. Trump shooting: What we know so far about suspected gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks. 路透社. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14]. 
  19. ^ Tanyos, Faris. Trump rally shooter killed by Secret Service sniper, officials say. CBS News. July 13, 2024 [July 13, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於July 14, 2024). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 美国大选:特朗普集会上遭枪手袭击受伤 FBI证实“暗杀” 枪手身份“初步确认”. BBC News 中文. [2024-07-14] (中文(簡體)). 
  21. ^ Colvin, Jill. Shooting at Trump rally is being investigated as assassination attempt. 美聯社. 2024-07-13 [2024-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-13) (英語). 
  22. ^ Brasted, Chelsea. Trump rally violence recalls historic presidential attacks. Axios. July 14, 2024 [July 14, 2024]. 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 Layne, Nathan; Larson, Soren. Pop, pop, pop, then a bloodied Trump rushed from election rally. 路透社. 2024-07-13. 
  24. ^ Trump Rally Witness Recounts Victim Shot Dead. AFP –透過barrons.com. 
  25. ^ Katersky, Aaron. Trump rally shooter used AR-15-style rifle, Secret Service says. ABC News. [2024-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-14) (英語). 
  26. ^ Watson, Kathryn. Trump says bullet 'pierced the upper part of my right ear' when shots were fired at Pennsylvania rally - CBS News. CBS News. 2024-07-13 [2024-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-14) (美國英語). 
  27. ^ Gunshots reportedly fired at Donald Trump rally – as former president rushed off stage. Sky News. [2024-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-13). 
  28. ^ 前总统特朗普在遭遇枪击后,拜登总统发表声明强烈谴责政治暴力. 美國之音. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] (中文). 
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 Marino, Joe; Donlevy, Katherine. Thomas Matthew Crooks ID’d as gunman who shot Trump during Pa. rally. New York Post. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14]. 
  30. ^ Live updates: Trump rally shooting was attempted assassination, FBI says. Washington Post. 2024-07-13 [2024-07-14] (英語). 
  31. ^ Live updates: Shooter in Trump assassination attempt is PA man in his 20s, investigators say. NBC News. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] (英語). 
  32. ^ Cann, Christopher; Bagchi, Aysha. Thomas Matthew Crooks identified as Trump shooter at Pennsylvania political rally. USA Today. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-14). 
  33. ^ Law Enforcement Identifies Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, as the Suspected Shooter. CNBC. 14 July 2024 [2024-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-14). 
  34. ^ Browse Individual contributions. FEC.gov. [2024-07-14] (英語). 
  35. ^ 35.0 35.1 Watson, Kathryn. Trump says bullet "pierced the upper part of my right ear" when shots were fired at Pennsylvania rally - CBS News. www.cbsnews.com. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] (美國英語). 
  36. ^ Abraham, Leanne; Kim, June; Shao, Elena; Shaver, Julie Walton; Singhvi, Anjali; Triebert, Christiaan; Yourish, Karen. Shooting at a Trump Rally in Pennsylvania: Maps and Photos. The New York Times. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美國英語). 
  37. ^ Goggin, Ben. Possible shooter appeared to wear T-shirt that promoted gun YouTube channel. NBC News. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-14) (美國英語). 
  38. ^ Lynch, Niamh. Trump assassination attempt: What we know so far about gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks. Sky News. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-14) (美國英語). 
  39. ^ 特朗普集会上遭枪手袭击受伤 FBI证实“暗杀” 枪手身份“初步确认”. BBC News 中文. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] (中文(簡體)). 
  40. ^ 【特朗普遇刺·有片】据悉已离开案发地巴特勒市. 無線新聞TVB. [2024-07-14] (中文(中國大陸)). 
  41. ^ Rinaldi, Olivia; MacFarlane, Scott; Rosen, Jacob; Sganga, Nicole; Tabachnick, Cara. Trump safe after rally shooting, says bullet struck his ear; gunman and audience member dead. CBS News. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] (美國英語). 
  42. ^ Trump ‘felt the bullet ripping through the skin’ during campaign rally shooting. 政客. 
  43. ^ 43.0 43.1 43.2 即时报道;竞选集会发生行刺未遂事件,特朗普受伤但状况良好. 美國之音. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] (中文). 
  44. ^ 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 前总统特朗普在遭遇枪击后,拜登总统发表声明强烈谴责政治暴力. 美國之音. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] (中文). 
  45. ^ 一文梳理特朗普遇刺:枪从何处响起?如何影响美国大选?. 鳳凰網. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過瀟湘晨報 (中文). 
  46. ^ Vice President Kamala Harris [@VP]. I have been briefed on the shooting at former President Trump's event in Pennsylvania. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  47. ^ 俄羅斯衛星通訊社. 美国土安全部长:美政府在尽全力保护特朗普和拜登的安全. 俄羅斯衛星通訊社. 20240714T0957+0800 [2024-07-14] (中文). 
  48. ^ Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III [@SecDef]. The entire Department of Defense condemns this violence, which has absolutely no place in our democracy. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  49. ^ 前总统特朗普竞选造势遇袭 美国会两党议员同声谴责政治暴力. 美國之音. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] (中文). 
  50. ^ Chuck Schume [@SenSchumer]. I am horrified by what happened at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania and relieved that former President Trump is safe. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  51. ^ Barack Obama [@BarackObama]. There is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  52. ^ Obama condemns shooting at Trump rally, wishes former president ‘quick recovery’. 2024-07-14. 
  53. ^ ‘Cowardly attack’: Former presidents condemn shooting at Trump rally. 2024-07-14 (英語). 
  54. ^ Nancy Pelosi [@SpeakerPelosi]. As one whose family has been the victim of political violence, I know firsthand that political violence of any kind has no place in our society. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  55. ^ null. Update from Michael Gold. The New York Times. 2024-07-13 [2024-07-14]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美國英語). 
  56. ^ J.D. Vance [@JDVance1]. Today is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump's attempted assassination. (推文). 2024-07-14 –透過Twitter. 
  57. ^ J.D. Vance [@JDVance1]. Today is not just some isolated incident. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  58. ^ null. Update from Glenn Thrush. The New York Times. 2024-07-13 [2024-07-14]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美國英語). 
  59. ^ Ivanka Trump [@IvankaTrump]. Thank you for your love and prayers for my father and for the other victims of today's senseless violence in Butler, Pennsylvania. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  60. ^ 埃隆 馬斯克. I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery. X. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] (英語). 
  61. ^ 埃隆 馬斯克. The head of the Secret Service and the leader of this security detail should resign. X (英語). 
  62. ^ KIERRA, FRAZIER; MILES, J. HERSZENHORN. Photo of bloodied Trump fist pumping immediately spotlighted by his allies. 政客. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] (英語). 
  63. ^ Wallace-Wells, Benjamin. The Attempt on Donald Trump's Life and an Image That Will Last. The New Yorker. 2024-07-13. ISSN 0028-792X (美國英語). 
  64. ^ Abraham, Hannah. A photo of a bloodied Trump raising his fist after being shot has already become the defining image of his reelection bid. Business Insider. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] (美國英語). 
  65. ^ Trump shooting at rally: Witness tells BBC he saw gunman on roof. BBC. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] (英國英語). 
  66. ^ Keir Starmer [@Keir_Starmer]. I am appalled by the shocking scenes at President Trump's rally and we send him and his family our best wishes. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  67. ^ Justin Trudeau [@JustinTrudeau]. I'm sickened by the shooting at former President Trump. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  68. ^ 'Horrific act': Shooting at Trump rally condemned by Trudeau, Poilievre. CTVNews. 2024-07-13 [2024-07-14] (英語). 
  69. ^ 岸田文雄 [@kishida230]. We must stand firm against any form of violence that challenges democracy. I pray for former President Trump's speedy recovery. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  70. ^ Anthony Albanese [@AlboMP]. The incident at former President Trump's campaign event in Pennsylvania today is concerning and confronting. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  71. ^ 賴清德Lai Ching-te [@ChingteLai]. My thoughts and prayers are with former US President Trump and I wish him a swift recovery. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  72. ^ 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affa [@MOFA_Taiwan]. Our thoughts are with former US President Trump & all those affected by today's events. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  73. ^ Narendra Modi [@narendramodi]. Deeply concerned by the attack on my friend, former President Donald Trump. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  74. ^ Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו [@netanyahu]. Sara and I were shocked by the apparent attack on President Trump. We pray for his safety and speedy recovery. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  75. ^ Orbán Viktor [@PM_ViktorOrban]. My thoughts and prayers are with President @realDonaldTrump in these dark hours. 🙏 (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  76. ^ La reacción de Javier Milei tras el ataque a Donald Trump: “Todo mi apoyo y solidaridad” | Mundo. La Voz del Interior. 2024-07-13 [2024-07-14] (西班牙語). 
  77. ^ Javier Milei [@JMilei]. Todo mi apoyo y solidaridad al Presidente y candidato Donald Trump, víctima de un COBARDE intento de asesinato que puso en riesgo su vida y la de cientos de personas. (推文). 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] –透過Twitter (英語). 
  78. ^ 外交部发言人就美国前总统特朗普遭遇枪击答记者问. 中華人民共和國外交部. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14]. 
  79. ^ 习近平向特朗普表达慰问. 聯合早報. 2024-07-14 [2024-07-14] (中文(簡體)). 
