
User:Junjie Yuan/沙盒



一臺苹果的MacBook Pro 笔记本

筆記型電腦(英語:Notebook Computer,簡稱為:Notebook PCNotebookNB),中文又稱笔记型手提膝上電腦(英語:Laptop Computer,可簡為Laptop)其中Notebook,筆記型一稱只在中文區比較通行,其他地區如英美日較常用Laptop,是一種小型、可以方便攜帶的個人电脑,通常重達1至3公斤,亦有不足1公斤者。最早商業化銷售的现代筆記型電腦是PowerBook 100[來源請求]此前的世界第一台便携式电脑Macintosh Portable体形巨大,并不受消费者欢迎。现在的发展趋势是体积越来越小,重量越来越轻,而功能却越发强大。為了縮小體積,筆記型电脑通常擁有液晶显示器(液晶屏),现在新型的部分機種甚至有觸控螢幕。除了鍵盤以外,還裝有觸控板touchpad)或觸控點作为定位裝置(Pointing device)。



Alan Kay拿着他的Dynabook概念的模型(照片:2008年在加利福尼亚州山景城)
世界上第一台笔记本电脑:Epson HX-20,于1980年发明并于1981年推出

随着个人电脑(PC)在1971年变得可行,便携式个人电脑的想法亦随之而来。1968年,Alan KayXerox PARC设想了一种“个人便携式信息操纵器”,[1] 并在其1972年的论文中称其为“Dynabook”。.[2] IBM于1973年进行了演示特殊计算机便携式APL机器(SCAMP),该原型基于IBM PALM处理器[3] 于1975年9月出现发布的IBM 5100是第一台商用便携式计算机,其基于SCAMP原型。[4]

随着8位CPU机器的普及,便携机的数量迅速增加。The first laptop-sized notebook computer was the Epson HX-20,[5][6] invented (patented) by Suwa Seikosha's Yukio Yokozawa in July 1980,[7] introduced at the COMDEX computer show in Las Vegas by Japanese company Seiko Epson in 1981,[8][6] and widely released in 1982.[6][9] It had an LCD screen, a rechargeable battery, and a calculator-size printer, in a 1.6公斤(3.5磅) chassis, the size of an A4 notebook.[6] It was described as a "laptop" and "notebook" computer in its patent.[7]

The portable micro computer Portal of the French company R2E Micral CCMC officially appeared in September 1980 at the Sicob show in Paris. It was a portable microcomputer designed and marketed by the studies and developments department of R2E Micral at the request of company CCMC specializing in payroll and accounting. It was based on an Intel 8085 processor, 8-bit, clocked at 2 MHZ. It was equipped with a central 64K bite Ram, a keyboard with 58 alpha numeric keys and 11 numeric keys ( separate blocks ), a 32-character screen, a floppy disk : capacity = 140 000 characters, of a thermal printer : speed = 28 characters / second, an asynchronous channel, a synchronous channel, a 220V power supply. It weighed 12 kg and its dimensions were 45cm x 45cm x 15cm. It provided total mobility. Its operating system was the aptly named Prologue.

R2E CCMC Portal laptop in September 1980 at the SICOB show in PARIS

The Osborne 1, released in 1981, was a luggable computer that used the Zilog Z80 and weighed 24.5英磅(11.1公斤).[10] It had no battery, a 5英寸(13 cm) cathode ray tube (CRT) screen, and dual 5.25英寸(13.3 cm) single-density floppy drives. Both Tandy/RadioShack and Hewlett Packard (HP) also produced portable computers of varying designs during this period.[11][12] The first laptops using the flip form factor appeared in the early 1980s. The Dulmont Magnum was released in Australia in 1981–82, but was not marketed internationally until 1984–85. The US$8,150 (US$25,730 today) GRiD Compass 1101, released in 1982, was used at NASA and by the military, among others. The Sharp PC-5000,[13] Ampere[14] and Gavilan SC released in 1983. The Gavilan SC was described as a "laptop" by its manufacturer,[15] while the Ampere had a modern clamshell design.[14][16] The Toshiba T1100 won acceptance not only among PC experts but the mass market as a way to have PC portability.[17]

From 1983 onward, several new input techniques were developed and included in laptops, including the touchpad (Gavilan SC, 1983), the pointing stick (IBM ThinkPad 700, 1992), and handwriting recognition (Linus Write-Top,[18] 1987). Some CPUs, such as the 1990 Intel i386SL, were designed to use minimum power to increase battery life of portable computers and were supported by dynamic power management features such as Intel SpeedStep and AMD PowerNow! in some designs.

Displays reached 640x480 (VGA) resolution by 1988 (Compaq SLT/286), and color screens started becoming a common upgrade in 1991, with increases in resolution and screen size occurring frequently until the introduction of 17" screen laptops in 2003. Hard drives started to be used in portables, encouraged by the introduction of 3.5" drives in the late 1980s, and became common in laptops starting with the introduction of 2.5" and smaller drives around 1990; capacities have typically lagged behind physically larger desktop drives. Optical storage, read-only CD-ROM followed by writeable CD and later read-only or writeable DVD and Blu-ray players, became common in laptops early in the 2000s.


發佈會上展示的MacBook Air超薄電腦
HP 2133小筆電
玻璃外壳制作的Acer S7-391超极本
  • 中央处理器(CPU):CPU是个人电脑的核心设备,笔记本电脑也不例外。和台式计算机不同,笔记本电脑的CPU除了速度等性能指标外还要兼顾功耗。不但CPU本身便是能耗大户,由于温度升高而升高的笔记本电脑的整体散热系统的能耗也不能忽视。
  • 散热系统:笔记本电脑的散热系统由导热设备和散热设备组成,其基本原理是由导热设备(现在一般使用热管)将热量集中到散热设备(现在一般使用散热片及风扇,也有使用水冷系统的型号)散出。少为人知的散热设备还有键盘,在敲打之间键盘也将散去大量的热量。不過,由於筆記型電腦散熱系統非常細小,用久了容易積滿灰塵,導致散熱系統效能減退,風扇噪音增加,嚴重更會令風扇停頓,導致CPU過熱。所以筆記型電腦散熱系統是要不時打理。
  • 定位设备(Pointing device):笔记本电脑一般会在机身上搭载一套定位设备(相当于桌上型電腦的滑鼠,也有搭载两套定位设备的型号),早期一般使用轨迹球作为定位设备,现在较为流行的是触控板Touchpad)与指点杆。由于Windows 8特别强化适用于触摸屏的平板电脑设计,所以一部分笔记本电脑开始增加触摸屏作为新的定位设备。



  1. ^ John W. Maxwell. Tracing the Dynabook: A Study of Technocultural Transformations (PDF). 2006 [17 October 2008]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于24 January 2007). 
  2. ^ Alan C. Kay. A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages (PDF). 1972 [17 October 2008]. 
  3. ^ IBM Personal Computer. IBM Inc. 
  4. ^ IBM 5100 computer. oldcomputers.net. [6 July 2009]. 
  5. ^ Epson SX-20 Promotional Brochure (PDF). Epson America, Inc. 1987 [2 November 2008]. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 【Shinshu Seiki / Suwa Seikosha】 HC-20, Information Processing Society of Japan
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 FR2487094A1 patent: Notebook computer system small
  8. ^ Epson HX-20, Old Computers
  9. ^ Michael R. Peres, The Focal Encyclopedia of Photography, page 306, Taylor & Francis
  10. ^ Osborne 1, Old Computers
  11. ^ Tandy/Radio Shack model 100 portable computer. oldcomputers.net. [6 July 2009]. 
  12. ^ Hewlett-Packard model 85. oldcomputers.net. [6 July 2009]. 
  13. ^ Sharp PC-5000, Old Computers
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Bob Armstrong, http://cosy.com/language/cosyhard/cosyhard.htm
  15. ^ Gavilian SC computer. oldcomputers.net. [7 July 2009]. 
  16. ^ Japanese PCs (1984) (13:13), Computer Chronicles
  17. ^ Milestones:Toshiba T1100, a Pioneering Contribution to the Development of Laptop PC, 1985
  18. ^ Linus Write-Top. [18 October 2008]. 
