



U.S. Decennial Census[2]
2015 Estimate[3]
种族 2010[4] 1990[5] 1970[5] 1950[5]
白人 63.8% 78.4% 93.6% 98.4%
—非拉丁裔 60.3% 77.5% 92.8%[6] n/a
黑人(非裔) 18.6% 13% 4.4% 1.3%
拉丁裔(包括所有种族) 10.5% 2.1% 0.9%[6] n/a
亚裔 5.6% 4.3% 0.4% 0.2%
其他 5.6% n/a n/a n/a
多种族混血 4.4% n/a n/a n/a


  • 白人:63.8%
  • 黑人(非裔):18.6%
  • 印第安人(美洲原住民):2.0%
  • 亚裔:5.6%(1.9%苗裔,0.9%华裔,0.7%印度裔,0.6%韩裔,0.4%越南裔,0.3%泰裔,0.3%老挝裔,0.2%菲律宾裔,0.1%日裔,0.2%其他亚裔)
  • 夏威夷族和大洋洲岛原住民:0.1%
  • 其他:5.6%
  • 多种族混血:4.4%
  • 拉丁裔(包括所有种族):10.5%[9](7.0%墨西哥裔,1.3%厄瓜多尔裔,0.4%波多黎各裔,0.3%瓜地马拉裔,0.2%萨尔瓦多裔,1.3%其他拉丁裔)
德国表现主义创始人弗兰茨·马尔克的1911年作品《蓝色大马》(Die grossen blauen Pferde)(1911)藏于沃克藝術中心。明尼阿波利斯的人口中有五分之一为德裔。


Person entering the front of the American Swedish Institute




到2006年为止,明尼阿波利斯有12.5%的成年LGBT群体,在美国城市中排名第四,位于旧金山西雅图亚特兰大之后[15][16]。2012年,《拥护者》杂志(The Advocate)把明尼阿波利斯列为美国“最同性恋的“城市第七位[17]。2013年,人权战线把该城市列为25个获得最高分的城市之一,体现了它对LGBT居民的支持[18]





明尼阿波利斯地区的原住民达科他人信仰大神灵(Great Spirit),对有些欧洲殖民者无宗教信仰感到很惊讶[24]。已有超过五十种宗教、教派自此来到这个城市。来自新英格兰的移民大多为基督教新教徒、貴格會教徒和普世主义信徒[24]。城里最古老的连续被使用的教堂是露德圣母堂,由普世主义信仰者建于1856年,不久后转让给一个法国天主教团体[25]。该城第一个犹太教团体在1978年创立,称为Shaarai Tov。它自1920年代起被人称作以色列圣殿,在1928年建造了犹太教会堂[12]。圣玛丽正东教大教堂(St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral)建于1887年,会众在1897年开办了一家教会学校,并在1905年创办了全美第一家俄罗斯正教会神学院[26]。埃德温·霍利·休伊特(Edwin Hawley Hewitt)设计了市中心南边的圣马可圣公会座堂亨内平大道卫理公会教堂[27]圣玛利亚圣殿是全美第一座宗座圣殿,是天主教聖保祿及明尼波利斯總教區的共同主教座堂,在1926年由罗马教皇庇護十一世命名[24]

Christ Church with its tower and cross

从1940年代末到2000年代,葛培理福音派协会(The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association)、《决定》杂志(Decision)和World Wide Pictures发行商的总部坐落于明尼阿波利斯[28]。吉姆·巴克(Jim Bakker)和塔米·法耶(Tammy Faye)在明尼阿波利斯的北部中心大学(North Central University)相遇,他们的电视布道节目至1980年代已传播到1350万户家庭[29]。现今,位于西南城区的福音路德教會欧利佛山教堂(Mount Olivet)拥有6000名教众,是全美第二大的路德宗会众[30]路德会基督堂是建筑师埃列爾·薩里寧的杰出作品,后来增设的一栋教育楼由他的儿子埃罗·沙里宁设计[31]

在犹太—基督主流信仰外的其他宗教也在这个城市有一席之地。在1950年代中期,黑人宗教组织伊斯兰民族在北明尼阿波利斯建造了一座会堂[32]第一座清真寺在1967年建成[33]。1972年,在救济组织的安排下,第一个什叶派穆斯林家庭落户该城,来自乌干达。至2004年,两万至三万的索马里穆斯林在这里安家[34]。1972年,曹洞宗禅大师片桐大忍受邀从加州来到明尼阿波利斯弘法(据说他认为这个地方没人会想去),如今全城有三个曹洞宗中心,总共有近20个佛教和冥想场所[35][36]。“无神论者为人权”组织(Atheists For Human Rights)的总部坐落于城市西北角的一座网格球顶建筑中[37]东方神殿教Ordo Templi Orientis)自1994年起在该城建立了一个本地分部[38]


Large Capella tower and U.S. Bancorp towers reflection
White U.S. Bancorp towers reflected in the Capella Tower


五家财富美国500强企业的总部位于明尼阿波利斯的城区内,它们是目標百貨Target)、美国银行集团(U.S. Bancorp)、埃克赛能量(Xcel Energy)、美财金融(Ameriprise Financial)和斯莱文特金融(Thrivent Financial[41]。 As of 2015 the city's largest employers downtown are Target, Wells Fargo, HCMC, Hennepin County, Ameriprise, U.S. Bancorp, Xcel Energy, City of Minneapolis, RBC Wealth Management, the Star Tribune, Capella Education Company, Thrivent, CenturyLink, ABM Industries, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.[42]

Target's tower seen behind its flagship store on the Nicollet Mall
Target Corporation's 361,000 employees operate 1,801 stores in all U.S. states except Vermont.[43]

Foreign companies with U.S. offices in Minneapolis include Accenture, Bellisio Foods (now part of Charoen Pokphand Foods),[44] Canadian Pacific, Coloplast,[45] RBC,[46] and Voya Financial.[47]

Availability of Wi-Fi, transportation solutions, medical trials, university research and development expenditures, advanced degrees held by the work force, and energy conservation are so far above the national average that in 2005, Popular Science named Minneapolis the "Top Tech City" in the U.S.[48] The Twin Cities was ranked as the country's second best city in a 2006 Kiplinger's poll of Smart Places to Live and Minneapolis was one of the Seven Cool Cities for young professionals.[49]

The Twin Cities contribute 63.8% of the gross state product of Minnesota. Measured by gross metropolitan product per resident ($62,054), Minneapolis is the fifteenth richest city in the U.S.[50] The area's $199.6 billion gross metropolitan product and its per capita personal income rank thirteenth in the U.S.[51] Recovering from the nation's recession in 2000, personal income grew 3.8% in 2005, though it was behind the national average of 5%. The city returned to peak employment during the fourth quarter of that year.[52]

The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, serves Minnesota, Montana, North and South Dakota, and parts of Wisconsin and Michigan. The smallest of the 12 regional banks in the Federal Reserve System, it operates a nationwide payments system, oversees member banks and bank holding companies, and serves as a banker for the U.S. Treasury.[53] The Minneapolis Grain Exchange founded in 1881 is still located near the riverfront and is the only exchange for hard red spring wheat futures and options.[54]



坐落在洛利山(Lowry Hill)上的沃克藝術中心是美国最大的五家现代艺术博物馆之一。2005年,该中心由赫爾佐格和德梅隆事务所扩建,面积增大了一倍。明尼阿波利斯雕塑公园对面的一个15英亩大的公园也被纳入其中,由迈克尔·德维涅(Michel Desvigne)设计改建。

南城中部的明尼阿波利斯美術館是城中最大的艺术博物馆,由麦克金、米德和怀特事务所(McKim, Mead & White)在1915年设计。永久藏品有十万件。为了有更大的展示空间,新侧翼在1974年和2006年建造,分别由丹下健三迈克尔·格雷夫斯设计。它们展示当代和现代作品。

明尼苏达大学魏斯曼美術館在1993年开馆,由弗兰克·盖里设计。2011年新增的扩建部分使它的面积翻番,也由盖里设计。俄罗斯艺术博物馆(The Museum of Russian Art)于2005年在一家修复的教堂开馆,展示20世纪俄罗斯艺术,还举办讲座系列、研讨会、社交活动等等。

2015年,《今日美国》投票将“东北明尼阿玻艺术区”(Northeast Minneapolis Arts District)选为全国最佳艺术区。citing 400 independent artists, a center at the Northrup King Building, and recurring annual events like Art-A-Whirl every spring, and the Fine Arts Show Art Attack and Casket Arts Quad's Cache open studio events in November.







  1. ^ Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2015. [July 2, 2016]. 
  2. ^ United States Census Bureau. Census of Population and Housing. [May 21, 2014]. (原始内容存档于May 11, 2015). 
  3. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为2015 Pop Estimate的参考文献提供内容
  4. ^ Minneapolis (city), Minnesota. State & County QuickFacts. U.S. Census Bureau. [April 21, 2012]. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Race and Hispanic Origin for Selected Cities and Other Places: Earliest Census to 1990. U.S. Census Bureau. [April 21, 2012]. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 From 15% sample
  7. ^ Race for the Population 18 Years and Over. U.S. Census Bureau: American FactFinder. 2010 [March 20, 2011]. 
  8. ^ American FactFinder. Factfinder2.census.gov. October 5, 2010 [September 4, 2011]. 
  9. ^ Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino By Race for the Population 18 Years and Over. U.S. Census Bureau: American FactFinder. 2010 [March 20, 2011]. 
  10. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为MplsLib-Dakota的参考文献提供内容
  11. ^ GR Anderson Jr. Living in America. City Pages. October 1, 2003 [April 29, 2008]. 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Nathanson, Iric. Jews in Minnesota (PDF). Jewish Community Relations Council. [April 14, 2007]. [失效連結]
  13. ^ A History of Minneapolis: 20th Century Growth and Diversity. Hennepin County Library. 2001 [October 17, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-21). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Minneapolis/Saint Paul in Focus: A Profile from Census 2000. Metropolitan Policy Program, The Brookings Institution. November 2003 [April 29, 2008]. 
  15. ^ 12.9% in Seattle are gay or bisexual, second only to S.F., study says. The Seattle Times. 2006 [March 20, 2009]. 
  16. ^ Gates, Gary J. Same-sex Couples and the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Population: New Estimates from the American Community Survey (PDF). Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law, University of California, Los Angeles. October 2006 [February 26, 2008]. 
  17. ^ Breen, Matthew. Gayest Cities in America. The Advocate (Here Media). January 9, 2012 [January 10, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-11). 
  18. ^ Kimball, Joe. LGBT support: Minneapolis and St. Paul rank high in national assessment. MinnPost. November 19, 2013 [November 21, 2013]. 
  19. ^ Minneapolis—Saint Paul, MN—WI: Summary Profile. Harvard University. 2007 [April 29, 2008]. (原始内容存档于September 24, 2007). 
  20. ^ Key Facts — Trouble at the Core Update. Metropolitan Council. November 7, 2007 [April 29, 2008]. (原始内容存档于February 20, 2008). 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Millett, Larry. AIA Guide to the Twin Cities: The Essential Source on the Architecture of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Minnesota Historical Society Press via Amazon Look Inside: 9, 154. 2007 [December 3, 2011]. 
  22. ^ Major U.S. metropolitan areas differ in their religious profiles, Pew Research Center
  23. ^ America's Changing Religious Landscape. Pew Research Center: Religion & Public Life. May 12, 2015. 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 24.2 A History of Minneapolis: Religion. Hennepin County Library via Internet Archive. [January 24, 2016]. (原始内容存档于April 23, 2012). 
  25. ^ Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. Yahoo! Travel. [April 30, 2007]. 
  26. ^ FitzGerald, Thomas E. The Orthodox Church. Praeger/Greenwood. 1998. ISBN 978-0-275-96438-2.  and About St. Mary's. St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral. 2006 [March 19, 2007]. 
  27. ^ Millet, Larry. AIA Guide to the Twin Cities: The Essential Source on the Architecture of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Minnesota Historical Society. : 84. ISBN 978-0-87351-540-5. 
  28. ^ Billy Graham and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association — Historical Background. Billy Graham Center. November 11, 2004 [March 19, 2007]. 
  29. ^ Camhi, Leslie. FILM; The Fabulousness Of Tammy Faye. The New York Times. July 23, 2000 [April 6, 2008]. 
  30. ^ Austin, Charles M. 20 Largest ELCA congregations in 2012. The Lutheran. August 2013 [November 22, 2015]. 
  31. ^ Eliel Saarinen. Encyclopædia Britannica.  and Koulun sijainti / School location. Finnish Language School of Minnesota. [August 7, 2007]. 
  32. ^ About Us. Masjid An-Nur. [February 8, 2014]. 
  33. ^ Wiese, Gloria J. History of North Minneapolis. Youth Resources. [January 16, 2014]. 
  34. ^ Barlow, Philip & Silk, Mark. Religion and public life in the midwest: America's common denominator?. Rowman Altamira. 2004: 139. ISBN 978-0-7591-0631-4. 
  35. ^ Chadwick, David. Crooked Cucumber: Interview With Tomoe Katagiri. Crooked Cucumber Archives. 1997. And also many teachers are not interested in Minnesota because of the climate. So he said if I can go, I want to go to the place where nobody wants to go.  and Dainin Katagiri Lineage. Sweeping Zen. [June 2, 2012]. 
  36. ^ United States Dharma Centers: Minnesota: Minneapolis. DharmaNet.  and Directory of Religious Centers. President and Fellows of Harvard College and Diana Eck. [June 2, 2012]. 
  37. ^ Welcome to the Hub of Atheism!. AFHR (Atheists for Human Rights). [December 4, 2011]. 
  38. ^ Leaping Laughter Lodge. Leaping Laughter Oasis. [June 2, 2011]. 
  39. ^ Minneapolis: The contemporary city. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007 [March 24, 2007]. 
  40. ^ Shutter, D.D., Rev. Marion Daniel (编). History of Minneapolis, Gateway to the Northwest I. The S J Clarke Publishing Co via The USGenWeb Project. 1923. 
  41. ^ Fortune 500: Minnesota. Fortune. 2012 [September 2, 2012]. 
  42. ^ Sarah McKenzie. Downtown's population nears 40,000. The Journal (Minnesota Premier Publications). February 2, 2016 [February 3, 2016]. 
  43. ^ All Locations.  and Corporate Fact Sheet.  and Corporate Overview. Target. [September 18, 2013]. 
  44. ^ St. Anthony, Neal. Minneapolis-based Bellisio Foods sells for $1.08 billion to Thailand company. Star Tribune. November 17, 2016 [November 19, 2016]. 
  45. ^ Saint Paul — Governor Tim Pawlenty announced today that Coloplast will move its North American corporate headquarters to Minnesota beginning this fall. (新闻稿). Coloplast Group. July 5, 2006 [January 20, 2010]. 
  46. ^ Our Company. RBC Wealth Management. [January 24, 2016]. 
  47. ^ Black, Sam. ING rebrands Minneapolis unit as Voya Financial. Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal (American City Business Journals). April 7, 2014 [July 5, 2014]. 
  48. ^ Pacella, Rena Marie. Top Tech City: Minneapolis, MN. Popular Science. 2005 [January 18, 2007]. 
  49. ^ Jane Bennett Clark. Seven Cool Cities. Kiplinger's Personal Finance (The Kiplinger Washington Editors, Inc via Internet Archive). October 2005 [January 24, 2016]. (原始内容存档于February 8, 2007). 
  50. ^ Donaldson, Ali & Lu, Wei. These Are the 20 Richest Cities in America. Bloomberg L.P. November 5, 2015 [November 6, 2015]. 
  51. ^ Gross Metropolitan Product. Greyhill Advisors. [October 7, 2011]. 
  52. ^ The Role of Metro Areas in the U.S. Economy (PDF). Global Insight. 2006 [February 12, 2007].  and Personal Income and Per Capita Personal Income by Metropolitan Area, 2003–2005. Bureau of Economic Analysis. September 6, 2006 [February 12, 2007]. 
  53. ^ Levy, David. Interview with Paul Volcker. The Region via Internet Archive. December 1992. (原始内容存档于October 20, 2012). 
  54. ^ Buyers & Processors. North Dakota Wheat Commission. [April 2, 2007].