




「pyrokinesis」一詞最早出現於恐怖小說家斯蒂芬·金1980年的作品《燃燒的凝視》中,作者自創了這個詞用以描述通過精神創造和控制火的能力。[1]該詞被視作另一種超能力——念力的平行概念,S·T·喬西英語S.T. Joshi將其形容為「非常不成功的造詞」並指出類似於telekinesis(意念移物,即「念力」),表示這種概念的詞應當為「telepyrosis」而非「pyrokinesis」。[4]斯蒂芬·金是第一個為該現象起名的人,在以往的著作中,均未發現形容此類現象或能力的詞彙。[5][6]超心理學家將其描述為能夠激發物體內部原子能使之產生足夠的能量並最終爆發出火焰的能力[7]科幻作品將其定義為能夠加速分子運動來增加溫度的能力。[8]


19世紀,一個叫做A·W·安德伍德英語A. W. Underwood非裔美國人,因其傳聞中能夠使物體着火的能力而小有名氣。魔術師和科學家認為隱藏的塊可能是物體着火的成因。[3]通過呼氣或摩擦,磷很容易被引燃。懷疑論研究者喬·尼克爾英語Joe Nickell寫道,安德伍德可能使用了「化學燃燒技術和其他手段。無論何種方法——磷塊把戲是最有可能的——欺騙的可能性遠遠超過查爾斯·福特或其他人暗示的任何神秘力量。」[3]

靈媒丹尼爾·鄧格拉斯·霍姆英語Daniel Dunglas Home以其玩火表演、從火中取出一團受熱的煤塊而聞名。魔術師亨利·里奇利·埃文斯英語Henry R. Evans寫道,火中取碳只是霍姆通過一塊隱藏的鉑金來表演的戲法。[9]赫里沃德·卡林頓英語Hereward Carrington認為埃文斯的假說「相當巧妙」。但經驗豐富的化學家威廉·克魯克斯則指他在降神會上見過霍姆的表演,能夠分清煤炭和鉑金。[10]弗蘭克·托德莫爾英語Frank Podmore寫道,大部分的玩火表演都可以很容易地通過戲法和花招進行,但幻覺和感覺欺騙可能解釋了克魯克斯所聲稱關於觀察到霍姆手指冒火的說法。[11]

約瑟夫·麥凱布英語Joseph McCabe寫道,霍姆的控火技藝很弱且並不令人滿意,他提到,表演是在黑暗的環境中且在一群不可靠的觀眾目擊下進行的。麥凱布認為火中取出的碳可能是「霍姆口袋裡的一塊石棉」。[12]






  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Joyce, Judith. The Weiser Field Guide to the Paranormal. San Francisco, California: Weiser Books. 2011: 159 [2017-07-24]. ISBN 1609252985. (原始內容存檔於2018-08-18). 
  2. ^ Stein, Gordon; Gardner, Martin. Encyclopedia of Hoaxes. Detroit: Gale Research. 1993: 161–164. ISBN 0810384140. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Nickell, Joe. Mystery Chronicles: More Real-Life X-Files. Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky. 2004: 56–60. ISBN 9780813123189. 
  4. ^ Joshi, S.T. The Modern Weird Tale. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland. 2001: 75 [2014-09-06]. ISBN 9780786409860. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-02). 
  5. ^ Muir, John Kenneth. An Analytical Guide to Television's One Step Beyond, 1959-1961. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland. 2001: 77–78. ISBN 9780786409693. 
  6. ^ McCrossan, John A. Books and Reading in the Lives of Notable Americans: A Biographical Sourcebook. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 2000: 144. ISBN 0313303762. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Gresh, Lois H.; Weinberg, Robert. The Science of Stephen King: From Carrie to Cell, The Terrifying Truth Behind the Horror Masters Fiction. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley & Sons. 2007: 38–39 [5 September 2014]. ISBN 9780471782476. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-03). 
  8. ^ Westfahl, Gary; Gaiman, Neil. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy 1st. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 2005: 637 [6 June 2015]. ISBN 9780313329524. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-02). 
  9. ^ Evans, Henry R. Hours With the Ghosts Or Nineteenth Century Witchcraft. Laird & Lee. 1897: 106-107. The "coal" is a piece of spongy platinum which bears a close resemblance to a lump of half burnt coal, and is palmed in the hand, as a prestidigitateur conceals a coin, a pack of cards, an egg, or a small lemon. The medium or magician advances to the grate and pretends to take a genuine lump of coal from the fire but brings up instead at the tops of his fingers, the piece of platinum. 
  10. ^ Carrington, Hereward. The Physical Phenomena of Spiritualism. Herbet B. Turner & Co. 1907: 404. 
  11. ^ Podmore, Frank. Levitation and the Fire Ordeal. The Newer Spiritualism. Henry Holt and Company. 1910: 55–86. 
  12. ^ McCabe, Joseph. Is Spiritualism Based on Fraud? the Evidence Given by Sir A. C. Doyle and Others Drastically Examined. London Watts & Co. 1920: 78–80. 
  13. ^ Fire 'seer' draws hundreds to Antique village. Newsinfo.inquirer.net. 2011-03-09 [2013-11-07]. (原始內容存檔於2013-12-04). 
  14. ^ Sicilian fires recall nanny's 'witch' ordeal. The Scotsman. 2004-02-12 [2015-03-05]. (原始內容存檔於2019-10-23). 


  • Gordon Stein. (1993). Encyclopedia of Hoaxes. Gale Research. ISBN 0-8103-8414-0
  • John G. Taylor. (1980). Science and the Supernatural: An Investigation of Paranormal Phenomena Including Psychic Healing, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, and Precognition by a Distinguished Physicist and Mathematician. Temple Smith. ISBN 0-85117-191-5