


球形机器人(Spherical Robot、spherical mobile robot或ball-shaped robot)是外型为球型的行动机器人英语mobile robot[1]。一般是用球形的壳作为机器人的身体,透过内部驱动单元(IDU)让机器人移动[2]。球形机器人一般是用在平面上滚动的方式行动,滚动一般是透过调整机器人的重心(透过单摆驱动系统进行),不过也存在其他的驱动方式[3] [4]

球形机器人的外壳一般会是固体的透明材料,不过有些为了驱动需要,也会做成不透明的,或是用可挠材料来制作外壳[5]。球形机器人的外壳是密封的,外界环境不会影响其内容,也有可重新配置英语Self-reconfiguring modular robot的球形机器人,可以将球形外壳变成其他形状,因此除了滚动外,也可以进行其他的任务[6]

球形机器人可以是自动的机器人,也可以是遥控的机器人 [7]。因为球形机器人的活动特性,以及其封闭的外壳,几乎所有球形机器人的内部驱动单元和外部控制单元(资料采集或是导航)的通讯都是利用无线通讯。这类机器人的电源大部分会是机器人内部的电池,不过也有些机器人是用太阳能电池供电[7]。球形机器人可以依其应用或是驱动机制来进行分类。







目前已有可贩售的球形机器人,例如SpheroBB-8、GroundBot、Roball及QueBall。其中BB-8是2015年电影《STAR WARS:原力觉醒》中的机器人角色。



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Halme, Aarne; Schonberg, Torsten; Wang, Yan. Motion control of a spherical mobile robot. 4th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC '96-MIE). 1996, 1: 259–264. doi:10.1109/AMC.1996.509415. 
  2. ^ Mukherjee, Ranjan; Minor, Mark A.; Pukrushpan, Jay T. Motion Planning for a Spherical Mobile Robot: Revisiting the Classical Ball-Plate Problem. ASME journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and control. 2002, 124 (4): 502–511. doi:10.1115/1.1513177. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Joshi, Vrunda A.; Banavar, Ravi N.; Hippalgaonkar, Rohit. Design and analysis of a spherical mobile robot. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2010, 45 (2): 130–136. doi:10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2009.04.003. 
  4. ^ Vahid Alizadeh, Hossein; Mahjoob, Mohammad J. Effect of incremental driving motion on a vision-based path planning of a spherical robot. Second International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (IEEE). 2009, 1: 299–303. doi:10.1109/ICCEE.2009.133. 
  5. ^ Ylikorpi, Tomi J; Halme, Aarne J; Forsman, Pekka J. Dynamic modeling and obstacle-crossing capability of flexible pendulum-driven ball-shaped robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Elsevier). 2017, 87: 269–280. doi:10.1016/j.robot.2016.10.019. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Shi, Liwei; Guo, Shuxiang; Mao, Shilian; Yue, Chunfeng; Li, Maoxun; Asaka, Kinji. Development of an amphibious turtle-inspired spherical mother robot. Journal of Bionic Engineering (Elsevier). 2013, 10 (4): 446–455. doi:10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60248-6. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Spherical Mobile Robots: Research, Design, Application. 
  8. ^ The Stanford arm. [2018-03-18]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-12). 
  9. ^ Michaud, François; Laplante, J-F; Larouche, Hélène; Duquette, Audrey; Caron, Serge; Létourneau, Dominic; Masson, Patric. Autonomous spherical mobile robot for child-development studies. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans. 2005, 35 (4): 471–480. doi:10.1109/TSMCA.2005.850596. 
  10. ^ Vahid Alizadeh, Hossein; Mahjoob, Mohammad J. Quadratic damping model for a spherical mobile robot moving on the free surface of the water. IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE). 2011: 125–130. doi:10.1109/ROSE.2011.6058541. 
