



  1. ^ 中国社会科学院文献情报中心; 重庆出版社. 社会科学新辞典. 重庆: 重庆出版社. 1988-12. 
  2. ^ Lee, Kwang-Kyu; Kim Harvey, Youngsook. Teknonymy and Geononymy in Korean Kinship Terminology. Ethnology. 1973, 12 (1): 31–46. JSTOR 3773095. 
  3. ^ Reflections on Japanese Language and Culture. Studies in the humanities and social relations. Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies, Keio University. 1987: 65 [16 June 2019]. On the Notion of Teknonymy In the field of anthropology, the custom of calling the parent after the child is known as teknonymy, a term coined from the Greek word teknon "child" and the anglicized form of onoma as onymy "name".  |issue=被忽略 (帮助)