


永久外國人[1](英語:Perpetual foreigner)是對土著人民之外種族的人,是一種仇恨歧視形式,表達了一種刻板印象,即移民、永久居民、公民,甚至那些生活了幾個世紀的人,包括那些在自己國家出生的人,都被當作外國人對待。該術語主要適用於邊緣化少數民族[2] 歸化的法律各不相同,一些國家遵循血統主義的法規。一些國家有許多難民或其他居留外國人。像海外華人這樣的僑民通常被視為屬於他們的祖國,而不是屬於他們所居住的國家


  1. ^ Fox新聞「辱華事件」:街頭採訪被指種族歧視頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)-紐約時報中文網
  2. ^ Dei, George J. Sefa; Hilowle, Shukri. Cartographies of Race and Social Difference. Springer. 2018-12-04: 40. ISBN 9783319970769 (英語). Concurrent with the 「model minority」 stereotype is the view of Asian Americans as 「perpetual foreigners」 who are permanent outsiders to the norms of North American culture and the dominant inner circle. As argued by Omi (2008), 「this image is reflective of the process of racializing people in terms of their presumed affiliation with foreign places」 (par. 7). This perpetual foreigner view is demonstrated in a survey by Kang (2001) which showed that 28% of Americans believed that Chinese Americans were more loyal to China than the United States.(...) This example serves to demonstrate that the 「perpetual foreigner」 stereotype is not just applied to recent Asian immigrant groups but also to fourth-generation Asian immigrants who have gained a certain level of economic success in Canada.