

同義詞蓄意自我傷害 、自傷、非自殺性自我傷害

自我傷害(英語:Self-harm),又稱自傷自殘(self-injury),是指有意且直接地傷害身體組織的行為,當事人一般沒有自殺的意圖[1][2][3]。無論是否有自殺意圖, 「自傷」經常被濫用於任何有自我傷害的情況。[2][4] 較近期的文獻多會使用「自我傷害」和「自傷」去取代較不中立的「自殘」,特別是《精神疾病診斷與統計手冊第五版》出版以後。




有很多種疾病會導致「對自我傷害的渴求」。自我傷害是一些人格障礙的普遍症狀。除此之外,有研究表明很多心理疾患的患者也會有該症狀,包括抑鬱症焦慮症自閉症譜系障礙創傷後壓力症候群思覺失調症物質濫用、情緒障礙、進食障礙創傷後壓力症候群思覺失調症解離障礙的人,以及經歷性別焦慮症的人[2]。同時該研究證明自我傷害是自我懲罰功能的一種表現形式,根據研究自我傷害的動機可能是階段性的反分離、反自殺、尋求感覺和人際關係影響, 根據個例不同, 自我傷害的動機各不相同[2]。在沒有潛在心理健康診斷的高功能個體中也會發生自我傷害[14]。有些人將自我傷害用作因應,暫時緩解焦慮、抑鬱、壓力、情緒麻木或失敗感等強烈情緒。自我傷害通常與創傷史有關,包括情感和性虐待[15] 有許多不同的手段可用於治療自我傷害,這些手段有些是專注於治療根本原因, 有些是治療自我傷害行為本身。其他方法包括迴避治療,重點是讓個人忙於其他活動,或用不會導致永久損害的更安全的方法取代自我傷害的行為。[16] 自我傷害往往始於青春期。在童年的自我傷害相對罕見,但自20世紀80年代以來,比例有所上升。[17]老年人也有可能有自我傷害的行為。[18]自傷的老年人嚴重受傷和自殺的風險更高。[19]被人類的圈養動物中, 鳥類和猴子也被觀察到有自我傷害行為。[20]關於自我傷害的一個常見觀念是,這是一種尋求注意力的行為;在許多情況下,這個觀念是錯誤的。許多自我傷害者對暴露自己傷口和疤痕非常在意,對自己的行為感到內疚,導致他們不遺餘力地向他人隱瞞自己的行為。[21]他們可能會為自己的傷害找一些藉口,或用衣服隱藏他們的傷疤。[22][23]


  1. ^ Laye-Gindhu, A.; Schonert-Reichl, Kimberly A., Nonsuicidal Self-Harm Among Community Adolescents: Understanding the "Whats" and "Whys" of Self-Harm, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 2005, 34 (5): 447–457, doi:10.1007/s10964-005-7262-z 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Klonsky, D., The functions of deliberate self-injury: A review of the evidence, Clinical Psychological Review, 2007, 27 (2): 226–239, PMID 17014942, doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2006.08.002 
  3. ^ Muehlenkamp, J. J., Self-Injurious Behavior as a Separate Clinical Syndrome, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 2005, 75 (2): 324–333, PMID 15839768, doi:10.1037/0002-9432.75.2.324 
  4. ^ Groschwitz RC, Plener P. The Neurobiology of Non-suicidal Self-injury (NSSI) : A review (PDF). Suicidology Online: 24–32. [2018-03-07]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2021-01-20). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Skegg, K., Self-harm, Lancet, 2005, 366: 1471–1483, doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(05)67600-3 
  6. ^ Truth Hurts Report, Mental Health Foundation, 2006 [2008-06-11], ISBN 978-1-903645-81-9, (原始內容存檔於2019-11-02) 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Klonsky, E. D., Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: An Introduction, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2007, 63 (11): 1039–43, PMID 17932979, doi:10.1002/jclp.20411 
  8. ^ Klonsky 2007b,第1040頁: "[B]ehaviors associated with substance and eating disorders—such as alcohol abuse, binging, and purging—are usually not considered self-injury because the resulting tissue damage is ordinarily an unintentional sideeffect. In addition, body piercings and tattoos are typically not considered self-injury because they are socially sanctioned forms of cultural or artistic expression. However, the boundaries are not always clear-cut. In some cases behaviors that usually fall outside the boundaries of self-injury may indeed represent self-injury if performed with explicit intent to cause tissue damage."
  9. ^ Farber, S.; et al, Death and annihilation anxieties in anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and self-mutilation, Psychoanalytic Psychology, 2007, 24 (2): 289–305, doi:10.1037/0736-9735.24.2.289 
  10. ^ Haw, C.; et al, Psychiatric and personality disorders in deliberate self-harm patients, British Journal of Psychiatry, 2001, 178 (1): 48–54, PMID 11136210, doi:10.1192/bjp.178.1.48 
  11. ^ Hawton K., Zahl D. and Weatherall, R., Suicide following deliberate self-harm: long-term follow-up of patients who presented to a general hospital, British Journal of Psychiatry, 2003, 182: 537–542, PMID 12777346, doi:10.1192/bjp.182.6.537 
  12. ^ Fox, C; Hawton, K, Deliberate Self-Harm in Adolescence, London: Jessica Kingsley, 2004, ISBN 978-1-84310-237-3 
  13. ^ Suyemoto, K. L., The functions of self-mutilation, Clinical Psychology Review, 1998, 18 (5): 531–554, PMID 9740977, doi:10.1016/S0272-7358(97)00105-0 
  14. ^ Meltzer H, Lader D, Corbin T, Singleton N, Jenkins R, Brugha T. Non Fatal Suicidal Behaviour Among Adults aged 16 to 74 (PDF). Great Britain: The Stationery office. 2000 [2023-11-16]. ISBN 978-0-11-621548-2. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2024-03-15). 
  15. ^ Rea K, Aiken F, Borastero C. Building therapeutic staff: client relationships with women who self-harm. Women's Health Issues. 1997, 7 (2): 121–125. PMID 9071885. doi:10.1016/S1049-3867(96)00112-0. 
  16. ^ Klonsky ED, Glenn CR. Resisting Urges to Self-Injure. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. March 2008, 36 (2): 211–220. PMC 5841247可免費查閱. PMID 29527120. doi:10.1017/S1352465808004128. 
  17. ^ Thomas B, Hardy S, Cutting P. Stuart and Sundeen's mental health nursing: principles and practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. 1997: 343. ISBN 978-0-7234-2590-8. 
  18. ^ Pierce D. Deliberate self-harm in the elderly. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 1987, 2 (2): 105–110. S2CID 145408278. doi:10.1002/gps.930020208. 
  19. ^ National Institute for Clinical Excellence. National Clinical Practice Guideline Number 16: Self-harm (PDF). The British Psychological Society. 2004 [2009-12-13]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2012-09-05). 
  20. ^ Jones IH, Barraclough BM. Auto-mutilation in animals and its relevance to self-injury in man. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. July 1978, 58 (1): 40–47. PMID 99981. S2CID 24737213. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0447.1978.tb06918.x. 
  21. ^ Truth Hurts Report. Mental Health Foundation. 2006 [2008-06-11]. ISBN 978-1-903645-81-9. (原始內容存檔於2019-11-02). 
  22. ^ Spandler H. Who's Hurting Who? Young people, self-harm and suicide. Manchester: 42nd Street. 1996. ISBN 978-1-900782-00-5. 
  23. ^ Pembroke LR (編). Self-harm – Perspectives from personal experience需要免費註冊. Chipmunka/Survivors Speak Out. 1994. ISBN 978-1-904697-04-6. 
